Account Summary
AWSC is a nonprofit supporting scientific research, improving public safety, and educating the community to inspire shark conservation. Download @Sharktivity.
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
235 Orleans Road, Chatham, MA
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
2 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14091839 | 605947 | 7503 |
megynkelly | 2844596 | 3253 | 18638 |
Britnatureguide | 77084 | 50351 | 180421 |
__Earthpictures | 57139 | 5210 | 3248 |
kum_kitabi | 46520 | 1800 | 79055 |
GatelyMark | 44758 | 40521 | 3917 |
NightShiftBeer | 38104 | 844 | 18899 |
SethWickersham | 37867 | 1561 | 28713 |
LauraVanVleet | 35373 | 32637 | 168014 |
JoanneFreyja | 32371 | 32440 | 131406 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 605947 | 14091839 | 7503 |
Britnatureguide | 50351 | 77084 | 180421 |
GatelyMark | 40521 | 44758 | 3917 |
LauraVanVleet | 32637 | 35373 | 168014 |
JoanneFreyja | 32440 | 32371 | 131406 |
peacereigns2 | 13334 | 12206 | 4460 |
bozinger | 12118 | 11343 | 6450 |
moonbabi9 | 9191 | 8739 | 100422 |
RNewengland | 7403 | 16810 | 57074 |
RoboticsFun | 7033 | 7569 | 24483 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
Britnatureguide | 180421 | 77084 | 50351 |
LauraVanVleet | 168014 | 35373 | 32637 |
Scunnert2 | 165976 | 3381 | 3458 |
cns46z | 151856 | 3567 | 4579 |
JoanneFreyja | 131406 | 32371 | 32440 |
JimJamitis | 129361 | 6673 | 4321 |
theogany | 127681 | 545 | 706 |
SuttersFC | 105345 | 683 | 3344 |
tanyashea74 | 100572 | 1426 | 2966 |
moonbabi9 | 100422 | 8739 | 9191 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
JohnCena | 31422 | 605947 | 14091839 |
megynkelly | 11245 | 3253 | 2844596 |
SethWickersham | 749 | 1561 | 37867 |
LauraVanVleet | 674 | 32637 | 35373 |
NightShiftBeer | 616 | 844 | 38104 |
Britnatureguide | 547 | 50351 | 77084 |
GatelyMark | 480 | 40521 | 44758 |
Sopisontoroyo | 385 | 1799 | 578 |
JimJamitis | 320 | 4321 | 6673 |
MollyLineFNC | 311 | 1828 | 30650 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
1,730 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 1850 |
Twitter Web App | 1372 |
What devices were used to tweet
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1152686786608603138 | Incredible footage today from Doug Nelson of Franklin, MA fishing aboard the Columbia out of Rock Harbor in Orleans. @MA_Sharks | 700 |
1303356980145401857 | Images of a white shark off Race Point Beach in Provincetown over the weekend. This is a good example and reminder of how close to shore white sharks can get. Photo credit: Kulis Cup friends and family | 404 |
1175082422213496838 | Incredible image of a white shark swimming by a surfer off Nauset Beach this morning. This is a good reminder that white shark activity is still at it's peak off the coast of Cape Cod through October. Photo credit: Joe Mault / Orleans Camera | 322 |
1292605334297743360 | Beautiful views of a white shark taken yesterday off Nantucket. Videos and photo taken by @normfrazee out with @billfishertackle. | 265 |
1470399357761564675 | Have a GREAT week everyone! | 210 |
1166510113445883905 | Video by Matty Riley, who was out lobstering with Ken Roth, of a large white shark that came up to their vessel in Cape Cod Bay around 11 am today. The shark and vessel were near a dead humpback whale. **Note: Adult language.** | 196 |
1148558148346753024 | FIRST FOOTAGE EVER! Drone footage of an interaction between two white sharks off the coast of Chatham yesterday, taken by Nate Jensen. Our local shark science team is hoping to see the high res version to learn more about the interaction. | 165 |
1165443050648289280 | Video of a predation off Pochet (south of Nauset Beach parking lot) around 5:30 pm last night. Submitted to us from an anonymous beachgoer. | 157 |
1317099027742248960 | This is another good reminder that white sharks hunt in shallow waters off the Cape and, based on tagging data, we know that October is a peak season month for white shark activity off the Cape. | 146 |
1360982130378088452 | Happy Valentine's Day from all of us at AWSC! | 131 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1152686786608603138 | Incredible footage today from Doug Nelson of Franklin, MA fishing aboard the Columbia out of Rock Harbor in Orleans. @MA_Sharks | 1946 |
1303356980145401857 | Images of a white shark off Race Point Beach in Provincetown over the weekend. This is a good example and reminder of how close to shore white sharks can get. Photo credit: Kulis Cup friends and family | 1516 |
1149040581357817856 | @Yellowbusdecals This has been going around for a while now. It’s a basking shark. | 1221 |
1470399357761564675 | Have a GREAT week everyone! | 1141 |
1292605334297743360 | Beautiful views of a white shark taken yesterday off Nantucket. Videos and photo taken by @normfrazee out with @billfishertackle. | 1081 |
1175082422213496838 | Incredible image of a white shark swimming by a surfer off Nauset Beach this morning. This is a good reminder that white shark activity is still at it's peak off the coast of Cape Cod through October. Photo credit: Joe Mault / Orleans Camera | 917 |
1166510113445883905 | Video by Matty Riley, who was out lobstering with Ken Roth, of a large white shark that came up to their vessel in Cape Cod Bay around 11 am today. The shark and vessel were near a dead humpback whale. **Note: Adult language.** | 840 |
1378711190138982402 | Happy Easter from all of us at AWSC! | 831 |
1360982130378088452 | Happy Valentine's Day from all of us at AWSC! | 781 |
1152219126003326976 | Meet Jules! Originally tagged in 2011 and unamed until now, he’s one of our most reliable sharks—returning every year since. Like @Edelman11, he dropped his coverage and his squirrelly behavior made it hard to get a new tag in him. Hard work pays off, and he was retagged Tuesday. | 664 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#whitesharkwednesday | 39 |
#sharkswag | 34 |
#sharkweek | 16 |
#awscrew | 12 |
#givingtuesday | 10 |
#makewaves | 6 |
#didyouknow | 5 |
#supportresearch | 5 |
#awscgear | 5 |
#sharkfest | 4 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@massdmf | 112 |
@gregskomal | 91 |
@ma_sharks | 65 |
@sharktivity | 41 |
@megalodonwinton | 41 |
@gillsclub | 27 |
@chiphhi | 24 |
@nbc10boston | 23 |
@cccnewsroom | 20 |
@capeclasp | 19 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🦈 | 110 | shark |
❤️ | 18 | red_heart |
👍 | 18 | thumbs_up |
➡️ | 17 | right_arrow |
⬇️ | 10 | down_arrow |
😉 | 9 | winking_face |
😎 | 7 | smiling_face_with_sunglasses |
🌊 | 7 | water_wave |
🎃 | 6 | jack-o-lantern |
👏 | 5 | clapping_hands |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Animals & Nature | 137 |
Smileys & Emotion | 57 |
People & Body | 53 |
Symbols | 34 |
Travel & Places | 27 |
Objects | 16 |
Food & Drink | 15 |
Activities | 15 |
Flags | 7 |