Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



50 states, DC, & Puerto Rico



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

5 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
sheher 3276
love 2698
mom 2025
life 2008
lover 1849
hehim 1571
rights 1526
student 1417
writer 1356
world 1352

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#blm 655
#resist 325
#blacklivesmatter 308
#voteblue 221
#bitcoin 135
#bluecrew 129
#lgbtq 128
#prochoice 119
#standwithukraine 76
#resister 76

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
ProjectLincoln 2737659 1078 28226
ReallySwara 1990541 725 29476
etnow 1937318 288956 185484
TwitterBusiness 1352638 1976 13199
SinghLions 1335277 1432215 33927
edwyplenel 1069967 5914 105811
MeidasTouch 1069946 1899 85296
nervomusic 957148 202 11284
WhatsTrending 890183 4381 72306
DevinCow 711565 155839 162389

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1432215 1335277 33927
Matt_VanDyke 354673 505919 5360
etnow 288956 1937318 185484
PrinceOfPopNT 217034 262490 27834
CrankyPappy 177143 194903 61969
1drcole 166618 179746 237689
DennisCardiff 160294 152387 431939
DevinCow 155839 711565 162389
KyleDHester 136229 133487 62844
Brimshack 132493 123123 116413

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
bmurphypointman 2458043 84394 28902
VonRosenchild 1162086 13758 10719
graceslick77 812231 3499 4992
MrTAchilles 809667 23445 24224
Masky_Jay_Hoody 714305 1893 523
ACLAYsuper 667427 2422 2005
Purplegarter1 656829 3662 4129
rustymk2 650952 11704 1975
Monster 616101 233523 5660
Skyebright8 569362 1972 408

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
Scobleizer 22707 55579 442148
Jason 15469 21642 709714
ProjectLincoln 9385 1078 2737659
ipfconline1 7651 110640 131590
Digiday 6713 4496 190292
etnow 6071 288956 1937318
TwitterBusiness 5949 1976 1352638
edwyplenel 5526 5914 1069967
MeidasTouch 5306 1899 1069946
BernardMarr 4812 56675 137713

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

394 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1540018525191954440 NEW: The Supreme Court ruled today that you can’t sue the police for failing to read your Miranda rights to you. This dangerous decision widens the gap between what the Constitution guarantees and what we can hold our government accountable for. 12513
1540376172663652353 Know your rights and make sure those around you do as well. ✊ 11715
1615691983615365121 BREAKING: We just released hundreds of documents showing how Arizona created a nationwide surveillance program to track Americans’ personal money transfers. It's one of the largest government surveillance programs in recent history. 9790
1587198479608303622 The First Amendment bars the government from deciding for us what is true or false, online or anywhere. Our government can’t use private pressure to get around our constitutional rights. 8866
1540340546857828353 BREAKING: The Supreme Court just reversed nearly 50 years of precedent and overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the federal constitutional right to abortion. We won't deny what a horrible moment this is. Half of the states are expected to ban abortion. 8752
1562149899231166464 BREAKING: We’re suing Arizona over a law that makes it a crime to record police officers if you’re within 8 feet of them. We have a First Amendment right to record police in public. Full stop. 5949
1590205667788218368 VICTORY: Kentucky voters just defeated Constitutional Amendment 2, rejecting an attempt to ban all abortion in the state. Voters in Kentucky made it clear: Abortion is our RIGHT — and politicians don’t belong in our private medical decisions. 4822
1590211287858180096 BREAKING: Voters in Michigan just voted to make abortion a right protected by their state constitution. Abortion is our right — and safe, legal abortion care is here to stay in Michigan. 3533
1628043432185790467 BREAKING: The Supreme Court just refused to hear Wikimedia v. NSA, our longstanding challenge to the NSA’s mass surveillance of Americans’ online communications with friends, family, and others abroad. This decision comes at an immense cost to our privacy. 3286
1619129885368389632 To everyone taking to the streets to protest: We’re with you. Know your rights. 3248

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1554151348949729280 BREAKING: We filed an amicus brief today urging the Supreme Court to protect universities’ ability to consider race in college admissions. Ending these considerations would ignore our country’s present-day racial inequality and threaten diversity on campuses everywhere. 5901
1587198479608303622 The First Amendment bars the government from deciding for us what is true or false, online or anywhere. Our government can’t use private pressure to get around our constitutional rights. 5869
1524431029473316866 Abortion bans disproportionately harm: ▪️ Black, Indigenous & other people of color ▪️ the LGBTQ community ▪️ immigrants ▪️ young people ▪️ those working to make ends meet ▪️ people with disabilities Protecting abortion access is an urgent matter of racial and economic justice. 3783
1603798370975465484 VICTORY: Today the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a student athletic policy in Connecticut allowing transgender students to play on the teams consistent with their gender identity. Trans youth have a right to equal and fair play. 2920
1633854150315499520 Trans girls and women play sports for the same reason as everyone else — to be part of a team, to learn sportsmanship, and to challenge themselves. Tell Congress: Protect trans kids’ right to play. 2358
1633501141685133313 Trans youth deserve to grow up as their authentic selves. 2165
1630341121426505729 A ban on TikTok would violate the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans who use the app to express themselves daily. 2005
1631401325446529024 BREAKING: Tennessee Governor Bill Lee just signed into law a ban on all forms of gender-affirming care for trans people under 18. We're suing. Tennessee — we'll see you in court. 1776
1643687333491888128 BREAKING: We just filed a lawsuit against the state of Indiana over their ban on providing or even referring trans youth for gender-affirming care. Indiana — we'll see you in court. 1598
1625135469926273024 Politicians should not pushing legislation to ban health care that trans youth, their families, and their doctors know is safe and essential. 929

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1540340546857828353 BREAKING: The Supreme Court just reversed nearly 50 years of precedent and overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the federal constitutional right to abortion. We won't deny what a horrible moment this is. Half of the states are expected to ban abortion. 3883
1540018525191954440 NEW: The Supreme Court ruled today that you can’t sue the police for failing to read your Miranda rights to you. This dangerous decision widens the gap between what the Constitution guarantees and what we can hold our government accountable for. 3264
1587198479608303622 The First Amendment bars the government from deciding for us what is true or false, online or anywhere. Our government can’t use private pressure to get around our constitutional rights. 2668
1554151348949729280 BREAKING: We filed an amicus brief today urging the Supreme Court to protect universities’ ability to consider race in college admissions. Ending these considerations would ignore our country’s present-day racial inequality and threaten diversity on campuses everywhere. 2222
1524431029473316866 Abortion bans disproportionately harm: ▪️ Black, Indigenous & other people of color ▪️ the LGBTQ community ▪️ immigrants ▪️ young people ▪️ those working to make ends meet ▪️ people with disabilities Protecting abortion access is an urgent matter of racial and economic justice. 1977
1529627221878620163 BREAKING: Oklahoma's governor just signed into law a bill that bans abortion entirely, effective immediately. This ban deputizes private citizens to act as bounty hunters and sue friends, family, and anyone else assisting someone in getting an abortion. 942
1630341121426505729 A ban on TikTok would violate the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans who use the app to express themselves daily. 909
1539264404109287426 BREAKING: The Supreme Court issued a ruling requiring Maine to fund religious education at private high schools as part of its tuition assistance program. This is the first time the Court has explicitly required taxpayers to support religious instruction at private schools. 886
1615691983615365121 BREAKING: We just released hundreds of documents showing how Arizona created a nationwide surveillance program to track Americans’ personal money transfers. It's one of the largest government surveillance programs in recent history. 733
1619129885368389632 To everyone taking to the streets to protest: We’re with you. Know your rights. 729

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1587198479608303622 The First Amendment bars the government from deciding for us what is true or false, online or anywhere. Our government can’t use private pressure to get around our constitutional rights. 33260
1590205667788218368 VICTORY: Kentucky voters just defeated Constitutional Amendment 2, rejecting an attempt to ban all abortion in the state. Voters in Kentucky made it clear: Abortion is our RIGHT — and politicians don’t belong in our private medical decisions. 31306
1615691983615365121 BREAKING: We just released hundreds of documents showing how Arizona created a nationwide surveillance program to track Americans’ personal money transfers. It's one of the largest government surveillance programs in recent history. 30970
1562149899231166464 BREAKING: We’re suing Arizona over a law that makes it a crime to record police officers if you’re within 8 feet of them. We have a First Amendment right to record police in public. Full stop. 28682
1540018525191954440 NEW: The Supreme Court ruled today that you can’t sue the police for failing to read your Miranda rights to you. This dangerous decision widens the gap between what the Constitution guarantees and what we can hold our government accountable for. 27706
1590211287858180096 BREAKING: Voters in Michigan just voted to make abortion a right protected by their state constitution. Abortion is our right — and safe, legal abortion care is here to stay in Michigan. 24696
1540340546857828353 BREAKING: The Supreme Court just reversed nearly 50 years of precedent and overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the federal constitutional right to abortion. We won't deny what a horrible moment this is. Half of the states are expected to ban abortion. 22433
1590175079144468481 VICTORY: Vermont just voted to codify abortion rights in their state constitution. Voters in Vermont sent the clear message: We all deserve the power to access the abortion care we need. 20460
1631401325446529024 BREAKING: Tennessee Governor Bill Lee just signed into law a ban on all forms of gender-affirming care for trans people under 18. We're suing. Tennessee — we'll see you in court. 19250
1540376172663652353 Know your rights and make sure those around you do as well. ✊ 15660

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#disabilitypridemonth 9
#aapiheritagemonth 8
#apahm 6
#nativeamericanheritagemonth 5
#blackhistorymonth 3
#lgbtqhistorymonth 3
#lgbthistorymonth 3
#latinxheritagemonth 3
#ireadbannedbooks 2
#bansoffourbodies 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@unitethepoor 2
@alokvmenon 2
@brigitte_amiri 2
@potus 1
@repbowman 1
@acluofga 1
@oliviajulianna 1
@aclu_socal 1
@whnsc 1
@wnba 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
▪️ 27 black_small_square
🗳️ 27 ballot_box_with_ballot
📣 26 megaphone
26 check_mark_button
📍 16 round_pushpin
✔️ 13 check_mark
⬇️ 11 down_arrow
8 black_medium-small_square
🗣️ 7 speaking_head
📚 7 books

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Objects 95
Symbols 85
Travel & Places 14
Animals & Nature 11
People & Body 11
Activities 7
Food & Drink 5
Flags 4
Smileys & Emotion 4