Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 4808
conservative 4324
god 4149
trump 3539
patriot 3243
wife 3064
mom 2990
family 2852
life 2810
proud 2733

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#maga 1889
#2a 590
#kag 366
#americafirst 284
#1a 277
#patriot 275
#fjb 266
#trump2024 264
#trump2020 243
#trump 206

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14100170 571867 7451
DonaldJTrumpJr 9838361 1852 46136
EricTrump 4170568 1078 7345
HEELZiggler 2706623 3195 35050
drdrew 2647304 1403 18661
RickWarren 2256866 5857 4495
JackPosobiec 2103570 983 167135
SinghLions 1334244 1431430 33934
RexChapman 1254391 30784 330610
disclosetv 1226446 1206 2623

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1431430 1334244 33934
_yavuzatalay 742829 695241 1407
JohnCena 571867 14100170 7451
IamMzilikazi 376663 546976 130648
StephenCaggiano 329988 342678 101258
ACTforAmerica 324880 429734 17227
garyhgoodridge 310172 356336 104363
RyanAFournier 279614 1002510 22952
LifeNewsHQ 271808 290726 253977
CFCBlues_com 239705 290491 15115

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
AndyVermaut 2257815 31257 34447
littlebytesnews 1285939 20368 13554
TheNavroopSingh 885380 40841 4963
MsAvaArmstrong 816215 177985 95036
schwingcat 778639 3420 3070
tates5a 761527 9231 5054
MsContrarianSci 753170 7228 7958
Tamzilla_52 736656 9098 7839
LimaDoc 727173 15900 17027
PMgeezer 715277 25321 25104

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31674 571867 14100170
DonaldJTrumpJr 19913 1852 9838361
RickWarren 14925 5857 2256866
drdrew 12988 1403 2647304
JackPosobiec 10108 983 2103570
arrington 9437 5274 296223
EricTrump 8647 1078 4170568
disclosetv 6871 1206 1226446
alexisohanian 6487 7479 543263
HEELZiggler 6093 3195 2706623

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

554 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1454654911249928194 Meantime…this is modern day train robbery. Modern day LA not far from Union Station…a few days ago. Unfortunately it is happening every day. As soon as the train stops, thieves start opening containers. It is quite well organized. This is the main line. 6035
1555741277123055616 Ukraine is asking China to help them rebuild and is meeting with them and now we are sending another billion while in a recession. I don’t even know what to say anymore. 5446
1482053876018675716 1/2 Bombshell from my sources “The Biden Admin used 2 executive orders to task the Selective Service System to collect records related to vaccination status and who requests medical/religious exemption. Data was also collected on individuals from personnel at medical facilities.” 4294
1493110098394181635 I can assure you…the Durham info has a few folks sweatin tonight. The national press, which has ignored this, will continue to look bad. 3937
1493257298541645827 High level non political sources telling me that the Durham investigation has a lot of names being looked at…”two names to keep an eye on…Jake Sullivan and…… Colin Kahl….. both being looked at very closely…both of em nose deep.” 3200
1484749981999255552 People it’s simple. I broke the rail theft story and eventually enough people were talking about it online the local media couldn’t ignore. Then the national media followed the locals and the governor had to address. 3176
1457582630719819780 More agents beginning to talk: “The Afghanistan refugee problem is a shit show. Nobody was briefied.” I’m told one Midwest military base was supposed to take 1200..but forced to take 7200. “It’s a disaster and our vetting process is beyond poor.” 2435
1505215427588214787 The NYT has now confirmed rain is wet. Remember…It ain’t true until they say it is 1557
1495057358816374790 There’s a whole different game board that none of us are on. 1010
1567371368823681025 What's crazy...I covered brown outs 22 years ago in California when I first started in news...and in 22 years our state didn't to crap to fix it. They just paid off the unions and spent cash and didn't do enough to address mental health, infrastructure, high taxes ect.. 890

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1555741277123055616 Ukraine is asking China to help them rebuild and is meeting with them and now we are sending another billion while in a recession. I don’t even know what to say anymore. 1184
1454654911249928194 Meantime…this is modern day train robbery. Modern day LA not far from Union Station…a few days ago. Unfortunately it is happening every day. As soon as the train stops, thieves start opening containers. It is quite well organized. This is the main line. 931
1456677369494663168 I have been told that the AG Garland memo directing the FBI to monitor and investigate parents protesting….completely blindsided the FBI. The Bureau is completely against it and “will always protect the right to free speech and won’t ever inhibit that.” 748
1484749981999255552 People it’s simple. I broke the rail theft story and eventually enough people were talking about it online the local media couldn’t ignore. Then the national media followed the locals and the governor had to address. 594
1493110098394181635 I can assure you…the Durham info has a few folks sweatin tonight. The national press, which has ignored this, will continue to look bad. 551
1608690644385689600 Me…54. How many have you visited? 549
1493257298541645827 High level non political sources telling me that the Durham investigation has a lot of names being looked at…”two names to keep an eye on…Jake Sullivan and…… Colin Kahl….. both being looked at very closely…both of em nose deep.” 457
1482053876018675716 1/2 Bombshell from my sources “The Biden Admin used 2 executive orders to task the Selective Service System to collect records related to vaccination status and who requests medical/religious exemption. Data was also collected on individuals from personnel at medical facilities.” 335
1642927210666377232 The US better do some damn good maneuvering on the international stage. This attack to move away from the dollar is the biggest threat we face. China is setting it up so the US gets hammered at every turn and then they take Taiwan. They have a clear plan. We don’t seem like we… 269
1495057358816374790 There’s a whole different game board that none of us are on. 262

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1454654911249928194 Meantime…this is modern day train robbery. Modern day LA not far from Union Station…a few days ago. Unfortunately it is happening every day. As soon as the train stops, thieves start opening containers. It is quite well organized. This is the main line. 1196
1482053876018675716 1/2 Bombshell from my sources “The Biden Admin used 2 executive orders to task the Selective Service System to collect records related to vaccination status and who requests medical/religious exemption. Data was also collected on individuals from personnel at medical facilities.” 566
1555741277123055616 Ukraine is asking China to help them rebuild and is meeting with them and now we are sending another billion while in a recession. I don’t even know what to say anymore. 427
1456677369494663168 I have been told that the AG Garland memo directing the FBI to monitor and investigate parents protesting….completely blindsided the FBI. The Bureau is completely against it and “will always protect the right to free speech and won’t ever inhibit that.” 188
1493257298541645827 High level non political sources telling me that the Durham investigation has a lot of names being looked at…”two names to keep an eye on…Jake Sullivan and…… Colin Kahl….. both being looked at very closely…both of em nose deep.” 188
1484749981999255552 People it’s simple. I broke the rail theft story and eventually enough people were talking about it online the local media couldn’t ignore. Then the national media followed the locals and the governor had to address. 180
1493110098394181635 I can assure you…the Durham info has a few folks sweatin tonight. The national press, which has ignored this, will continue to look bad. 176
1457582630719819780 More agents beginning to talk: “The Afghanistan refugee problem is a shit show. Nobody was briefied.” I’m told one Midwest military base was supposed to take 1200..but forced to take 7200. “It’s a disaster and our vetting process is beyond poor.” 103
1608690644385689600 Me…54. How many have you visited? 80
1642927210666377232 The US better do some damn good maneuvering on the international stage. This attack to move away from the dollar is the biggest threat we face. China is setting it up so the US gets hammered at every turn and then they take Taiwan. They have a clear plan. We don’t seem like we… 72

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1484749981999255552 People it’s simple. I broke the rail theft story and eventually enough people were talking about it online the local media couldn’t ignore. Then the national media followed the locals and the governor had to address. 24009
1555741277123055616 Ukraine is asking China to help them rebuild and is meeting with them and now we are sending another billion while in a recession. I don’t even know what to say anymore. 19518
1493110098394181635 I can assure you…the Durham info has a few folks sweatin tonight. The national press, which has ignored this, will continue to look bad. 18272
1493257298541645827 High level non political sources telling me that the Durham investigation has a lot of names being looked at…”two names to keep an eye on…Jake Sullivan and…… Colin Kahl….. both being looked at very closely…both of em nose deep.” 11447
1505215427588214787 The NYT has now confirmed rain is wet. Remember…It ain’t true until they say it is 10976
1454654911249928194 Meantime…this is modern day train robbery. Modern day LA not far from Union Station…a few days ago. Unfortunately it is happening every day. As soon as the train stops, thieves start opening containers. It is quite well organized. This is the main line. 10634
1495057358816374790 There’s a whole different game board that none of us are on. 7360
1482053876018675716 1/2 Bombshell from my sources “The Biden Admin used 2 executive orders to task the Selective Service System to collect records related to vaccination status and who requests medical/religious exemption. Data was also collected on individuals from personnel at medical facilities.” 7076
1482166951661035521 I don’t care if you’re right…or left…or worship a tree…you must be concerned with government overreach. The patriot act has been abused, journalists like me spies on…now this. 6630
1455746103450607616 Turned on news for first time in at least 2 years. Fox afraid to make a call and it shows, CNN shocked that voters don’t like government telling them what to do. MSNBC blaming a bad national environment and Williams is the talking to me like I’m in 7th grade. Back to jazz for me 5764

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#fttb 4
#49ers 4
#49ersgameday 2
#eastpalestine 1
#faithfultothebay 1
#redentorevenezia2022 1
#ncaa 1
#gettr 1
#warriorsground 1
#powerful 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@nfl 13
@49ers 10
@sacrepublicfc 7
@usmnt 5
@mls 5
@espn 4
@mlb 3
@bottlerocknapa 3
@elonmusk 2
@squaresupport 2

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😭 1 loudly_crying_face
😢 1 crying_face
🙏🏻 1 folded_hands_light_skin_tone
💔 1 broken_heart
🤣 1 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 4
People & Body 1