Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Johannesburg, South Africa



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 2724
life 2664
music 2248
news 1968
god 1859
entertainment 1768
south 1238
sport 1158
africa 1045
world 1045

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#bitcoin 28
#africa 25
#tech 25
#ai 23
#technology 22
#1 20
#ynwa 18
#business 18
#southafrica 17
#marketing 17

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14100349 571873 7451
eNCA 3994963 729 418664
KaizerChiefs 2779962 187233 68122
6BillionPeople 2034328 4023662 183298
zlj517 1985295 171041 72046
bonifacemwangi 1838550 8600 78064
KwestaDaKAR 1516269 8676 134047
soledadobrien 1317798 422302 124927
LILBTHEBASEDGOD 1247844 1241445 266442
CityPowerJhb 1072957 2538 474280

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
6BillionPeople 4023662 2034328 183298
djkingassassin 1374566 473975 137838
LILBTHEBASEDGOD 1241445 1247844 266442
rogerhamilton 652113 928395 22753
JohnCena 571873 14100349 7451
RareCat 477260 427274 37394
soledadobrien 422302 1317798 124927
WarrenWhitlock 368375 478684 261100
EvanKirstel 310861 344650 1131893
Sadenss 293072 269467 13488

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
EvanKirstel 1131893 344650 310861
ayshamoolla 759545 2264 2138
waweru 706134 6591 7087
weskusgogga 607864 1383 4988
jamesvgingerich 546083 122916 111005
kuliroberts 477432 577983 14147
CityPowerJhb 474280 1072957 2538
NigeriaDaiily 470759 131742 86343
eNCA 418664 3994963 729
sdu_mpembe 352045 11452 11068

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31673 571873 14100349
EvanKirstel 12971 310861 344650
WarrenWhitlock 10883 368375 478684
soledadobrien 10594 422302 1317798
KirkDBorne 9750 7369 389324
Flipboard 6379 9464 461078
cryptomanran 5772 3397 702637
LILBTHEBASEDGOD 4922 1241445 1247844
BernardMarr 4818 56640 137799
raehanbobby 4722 174801 510830

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

2,265 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1020989031583297537 This made my day today. Seeing @gwalax - getting strong and on his way to recovery! #MTN702Walk 576
1242373156171583489 Dear South Africa. Please can you calm down! @PresidencyZA was very clear last night announcing the #21DaysLockdown #CoronaVirusSA Supermarkets Pharmacies Laboratories Banks Petrol stations Health care providers These WILL STAY OPEN during the shutdown period. 554
912714896315420672 To the BOGUS FRAUDSTER impersonating Redi Tlhabi on @RediTlhabi - here's the REAL Redi Tlhabi. @Twitter @TwitterSupport Please RETWEET 510
985585403179819009 Hackers stole a casino's high-roller database through a thermometer in the lobby fish tank #IoT 510
1069507735337750528 Today is a beautiful day. My colleague Peter Motsai is back from leave. He is a die hard @KaizerChiefs fan. He made a bet. He lost. He is doing the honourable thing by wearing an @OrlandoPirates jersey all day! Walk of shame! #UpTheBucs 479
1078739414329802753 Dear @KaizerChiefs family. My colleague & brother Peter Motsai who passed away tragically this week was one of your greatest fans! Please could we honour him with a minute silence at your next game on 5 Jan FNB stadium. #BraPeter #Amakhosi 478
1298177437495369728 Today marks my very last day on Radio 702. What a morning it's been. What a ride it's been. Thank you for the love. 382
1218048075291381761 I really don’t understand why shopping centres charge the ridiculous rates they do for parking in this country. For me it’s not about the money, but rather the principle. If you want me to shop in your mall, why charge me to park there? It makes no sense. 337
911464602617225216 #URGENT @verified @Twitter @TwitterSupport My colleague’s account @RediTlhabi has been hacked by @starboy__team & all tweets deleted. #HELP 299
1098294027311636481 Samsung unveils @casspernyovest as their new ambassador @SamsungMobileSA #Unpacked 280

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1298177437495369728 Today marks my very last day on Radio 702. What a morning it's been. What a ride it's been. Thank you for the love. 320
1242373156171583489 Dear South Africa. Please can you calm down! @PresidencyZA was very clear last night announcing the #21DaysLockdown #CoronaVirusSA Supermarkets Pharmacies Laboratories Banks Petrol stations Health care providers These WILL STAY OPEN during the shutdown period. 250
1218048075291381761 I really don’t understand why shopping centres charge the ridiculous rates they do for parking in this country. For me it’s not about the money, but rather the principle. If you want me to shop in your mall, why charge me to park there? It makes no sense. 245
1069507735337750528 Today is a beautiful day. My colleague Peter Motsai is back from leave. He is a die hard @KaizerChiefs fan. He made a bet. He lost. He is doing the honourable thing by wearing an @OrlandoPirates jersey all day! Walk of shame! #UpTheBucs 214
1020989031583297537 This made my day today. Seeing @gwalax - getting strong and on his way to recovery! #MTN702Walk 175
1321153600282906625 Thrilled to announce that I'll be presenting a brand new technology show on @eNCA . TecHub will be broadcast every Sunday at 17h30 on eNCA channel 403 starting 1 Nov 2020. Gadgets, tech trends, interviews, gaming, innovations and more... 158
939458073210576896 I've spoken at events in front of business leaders and politicians. I've interviewed superstars and can even get crowds of thousands to boogie. But nothing quite prepares one for the day when your daughter gets married... 140
1196778057413136387 What the hell! There I was minding my own business, when a bird decides to dump on me from above. 126
1533125202481127425 A radio giant has fallen! A pioneer of talk radio in SA. He created the most authentic theatre of the mind experiences for his listeners. A sense of humour like no other. He had such a massive influence on my radio career. John Berks you were one of a kind! #RIPBerksie 120
1184357353103212544 Gosh am I the only one who knows how to dance to amapiano @bonglez @ArabileG #EarlyBreakfast 120

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1242373156171583489 Dear South Africa. Please can you calm down! @PresidencyZA was very clear last night announcing the #21DaysLockdown #CoronaVirusSA Supermarkets Pharmacies Laboratories Banks Petrol stations Health care providers These WILL STAY OPEN during the shutdown period. 388
1069507735337750528 Today is a beautiful day. My colleague Peter Motsai is back from leave. He is a die hard @KaizerChiefs fan. He made a bet. He lost. He is doing the honourable thing by wearing an @OrlandoPirates jersey all day! Walk of shame! #UpTheBucs 193
985585403179819009 Hackers stole a casino's high-roller database through a thermometer in the lobby fish tank #IoT 192
1020989031583297537 This made my day today. Seeing @gwalax - getting strong and on his way to recovery! #MTN702Walk 99
1298177437495369728 Today marks my very last day on Radio 702. What a morning it's been. What a ride it's been. Thank you for the love. 89
1184357353103212544 Gosh am I the only one who knows how to dance to amapiano @bonglez @ArabileG #EarlyBreakfast 66
1218048075291381761 I really don’t understand why shopping centres charge the ridiculous rates they do for parking in this country. For me it’s not about the money, but rather the principle. If you want me to shop in your mall, why charge me to park there? It makes no sense. 62
1098294027311636481 Samsung unveils @casspernyovest as their new ambassador @SamsungMobileSA #Unpacked 59
1126056265615122432 #SAElections2019 - quite a contrast looking back 25 years to 1994 during our first democratic elections. First photo on top, the iconic photograph taken on 27 April 1994 at DSJ Primary School in Dobsonville, Soweto and below exactly the same place in 2019.@ewnupdates @Radio702 56
1033648487882285056 Seriously @EdgarsFashion Sandton City I'm flabbergasted. Walk into your store's Chanel section to purchase a fragrance. Took a tester sprayed it on me...I smell vinegar. Assistant tells me your testers are filled with vinegar - Edgars is that what a premium experience is about? 52

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1020989031583297537 This made my day today. Seeing @gwalax - getting strong and on his way to recovery! #MTN702Walk 3562
1298177437495369728 Today marks my very last day on Radio 702. What a morning it's been. What a ride it's been. Thank you for the love. 3352
939458073210576896 I've spoken at events in front of business leaders and politicians. I've interviewed superstars and can even get crowds of thousands to boogie. But nothing quite prepares one for the day when your daughter gets married... 2201
1321153600282906625 Thrilled to announce that I'll be presenting a brand new technology show on @eNCA . TecHub will be broadcast every Sunday at 17h30 on eNCA channel 403 starting 1 Nov 2020. Gadgets, tech trends, interviews, gaming, innovations and more... 1669
1218048075291381761 I really don’t understand why shopping centres charge the ridiculous rates they do for parking in this country. For me it’s not about the money, but rather the principle. If you want me to shop in your mall, why charge me to park there? It makes no sense. 1616
1098294027311636481 Samsung unveils @casspernyovest as their new ambassador @SamsungMobileSA #Unpacked 1413
1190148095478321152 South Africa has lost an exceptional son. I’m going to miss your humility, your infectious laugh, generosity & your passion. You taught me to celebrate life. It was privilege to have known you XG. I’m broken, my heart is shattered. Condolences to the Gwala family. #RipXolaniGwala 1411
1533125202481127425 A radio giant has fallen! A pioneer of talk radio in SA. He created the most authentic theatre of the mind experiences for his listeners. A sense of humour like no other. He had such a massive influence on my radio career. John Berks you were one of a kind! #RIPBerksie 1387
1078739414329802753 Dear @KaizerChiefs family. My colleague & brother Peter Motsai who passed away tragically this week was one of your greatest fans! Please could we honour him with a minute silence at your next game on 5 Jan FNB stadium. #BraPeter #Amakhosi 1304
1069507735337750528 Today is a beautiful day. My colleague Peter Motsai is back from leave. He is a die hard @KaizerChiefs fan. He made a bet. He lost. He is doing the honourable thing by wearing an @OrlandoPirates jersey all day! Walk of shame! #UpTheBucs 1215

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#coronavirus 20
#ces2019 19
#covid19 17
#unpacked 17
#appleevent 15
#ces2020 15
#southafrica 13
#unpacked2018 12
#whatsnext 11
#getthehelpyouneed 9

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@musteklimited 30
@samsungmobilesa 25
@fnbsa 24
@nxtuponline 22
@mybroadband 21
@reditlhabi 17
@myistoresa 15
@samsungsa 15
@apple 12
@jaguarsa 11

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
➡️ 4 right_arrow
😳 3 flushed_face
😬 3 grimacing_face
😂 3 face_with_tears_of_joy
▶️ 3 play_button
💈 2 barber_pole
📷 1 camera
👌 1 OK_hand
💉 1 syringe
📱 1 mobile_phone

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 17
Symbols 7
Objects 3
Travel & Places 3
People & Body 2
Food & Drink 1
Activities 1