Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @ALHAJRI_MBN


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

0 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


These tweets express the belief that girls should be protected from harm and that schools in Qatar should be allowed to have female representatives to encourage other girls to participate in public life. Additionally, they support the idea of promoting integration and uncovering faces in Qatar, which were previously discouraged.

Topic Modeling

  1. Prayer for Protection of Women
  2. Limiting Damage from Educational Expectations
  3. Increased Acceptance of Mixed Education
  4. Removal of Facial Coverings for Women
  5. Increased Acceptance of Education for Women

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets are primarily focused on prayer and hope. The authors are asking God to protect and guard their daughters from harm. They are also expressing a desire for more equality in Qatar, such as the idea of allowing girls to go to school and be seen in public. Finally, there is a sense of optimism that these changes will be accepted and embraced by the people of Qatar.

Trend Analysis

  1. Protection of women from harm
  2. Limiting the damage caused by a decision
  3. Advocating for girls in Qatar
  4. Promoting integration and uncovering faces in Qatar
  5. Encouraging people to accept and support decisions

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 4

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
QaGaboos علي بن نوره - 877
Rakadllb دوحـۿ المري🇶🇦 صلِّوا على الحبيب ﷺ 515

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
QaGaboos علي بن نوره - 806
Rakadllb دوحـۿ المري🇶🇦 صلِّوا على الحبيب ﷺ 195

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
QaGaboos - 2
Rakadllb صلِّوا على الحبيب ﷺ 2

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625673183851339776 @abdulalsada @hamadlahdan @QB20300 @salem_aladbi @QaGaboos @absqtr86 @hamdanqtr55500 @SaadAlmuhanadi @MohammedSelaan @fbkalotaibi1 @ALHAJRI_MBN @smohandi @FahadBuzwair @Hilal_Saad @saydat_qatar 1
1625705093763895296 @QaGaboos @abdulalsada @hamadlahdan @QB20300 @salem_aladbi @absqtr86 @hamdanqtr55500 @SaadAlmuhanadi @MohammedSelaan @fbkalotaibi1 @ALHAJRI_MBN @smohandi @FahadBuzwair @Hilal_Saad @saydat_qatar الوزارة ماهي بمدرسة لو صدر من مسؤلينها فكرة يكون ضررها محدود ،هذة وزارة ماسكه مدارس بنات اهل قطر كلهم لو انتشرت هذة الفكره وتم تداولها و وافق عائلة واحد انه بنتهم تطلع اعلاميا تشجع البقية وصار الأمر عادي ومقبول،نفس انتشار الأختلاط وكشف الوجه في قطر اللي كان منعدم في السابق 0
1625691032569495552 @Rakadllb @abdulalsada @hamadlahdan @QB20300 @salem_aladbi @absqtr86 @hamdanqtr55500 @SaadAlmuhanadi @MohammedSelaan @fbkalotaibi1 @ALHAJRI_MBN @smohandi @FahadBuzwair @Hilal_Saad @saydat_qatar الله يستر بناتنا ويحفظهم من السوء 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625691032569495552 @Rakadllb @abdulalsada @hamadlahdan @QB20300 @salem_aladbi @absqtr86 @hamdanqtr55500 @SaadAlmuhanadi @MohammedSelaan @fbkalotaibi1 @ALHAJRI_MBN @smohandi @FahadBuzwair @Hilal_Saad @saydat_qatar الله يستر بناتنا ويحفظهم من السوء 2
1625705093763895296 @QaGaboos @abdulalsada @hamadlahdan @QB20300 @salem_aladbi @absqtr86 @hamdanqtr55500 @SaadAlmuhanadi @MohammedSelaan @fbkalotaibi1 @ALHAJRI_MBN @smohandi @FahadBuzwair @Hilal_Saad @saydat_qatar الوزارة ماهي بمدرسة لو صدر من مسؤلينها فكرة يكون ضررها محدود ،هذة وزارة ماسكه مدارس بنات اهل قطر كلهم لو انتشرت هذة الفكره وتم تداولها و وافق عائلة واحد انه بنتهم تطلع اعلاميا تشجع البقية وصار الأمر عادي ومقبول،نفس انتشار الأختلاط وكشف الوجه في قطر اللي كان منعدم في السابق 0
1625673183851339776 @abdulalsada @hamadlahdan @QB20300 @salem_aladbi @QaGaboos @absqtr86 @hamdanqtr55500 @SaadAlmuhanadi @MohammedSelaan @fbkalotaibi1 @ALHAJRI_MBN @smohandi @FahadBuzwair @Hilal_Saad @saydat_qatar 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@abdulalsada 4
@hamadlahdan 4
@qb20300 4
@salem_aladbi 4
@absqtr86 4
@hamdanqtr55500 4
@saadalmuhanadi 4
@mohammedselaan 4
@fbkalotaibi1 4
@alhajri_mbn 4

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets