Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @AramideMusic
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
8 days
Average age of authors' accounts
9 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 8 |
Twitter for Android | 8 | - {RadioAfricana} | 3 |
Empire Radio | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
RadioAfricana | Radio Africana 🇬🇧 | Listen to us on your Digital Radio in Manchester, Online and APP (iOS, google & amazon). songs@radioafricana for all songs and album arts. | 8,097 |
abuchiipeter | CEO OF CHOCOLATE CITY 🎶 | Everything earned, nothing is deserved.. God is love. CEO @choccitymusic ||@beancreativeng ||Avalaunch ltd. | 3,291 |
oseygh | NANA | hacker, % negotiator, music producer, audio engineer, et cetera! accepting BTC via lightning 👇🏾 ⚡️ | 2,389 |
OluwaDimmy | God's Apprentice𓃵 #ENDSARS | Mi llamo Oladimeji. #Blaqforce ♐ ⛏. I'm Black so what! #BLM , Laycon 💯| Freak| Mixtrovert| . @Chelseafc , #FujiLover | 1,455 |
razakslazy1 | SLA-ZY LIVERPOOL🇬🇭 | You can’t CLAP with only one HAND | 1,323 |
Rapconvict | Mrvisionary ™☺♥ | a lover of God.Good meals..@Remostarsfc ..big and bold goal minded | 807 |
iamLaryoh | Laryoh | Edo Yoruba babe withda vibe😉|| I don't look for drama but when you bring the drama to me,I feed on it|A lover of Nigerian Music 100%😌 | 685 |
MorayoMoets | morayo Moets Sola | A flower Cannot Blossom without Sunshine an I moets can not live without the God that strengthens Me ........ | 588 |
adegonzalez101 | Amos-Ola Adeniyi | Imagine,innovate, then create a classic.🎥 Premiere Exchange Executive .🎬 FILM MAKES UR MUSIC BELIEVABLE . | 542 |
EfremArchibong_ | Efrem Archibong | 以法莲 | SON of God | Grace benefactor | Media Buff | Talent Manager | Content Distributor Mail: | 413 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
razakslazy1 | SLA-ZY LIVERPOOL🇬🇭 | You can’t CLAP with only one HAND | 3,637 |
OluwaDimmy | God's Apprentice𓃵 #ENDSARS | Mi llamo Oladimeji. #Blaqforce ♐ ⛏. I'm Black so what! #BLM , Laycon 💯| Freak| Mixtrovert| . @Chelseafc , #FujiLover | 2,825 |
adegonzalez101 | Amos-Ola Adeniyi | Imagine,innovate, then create a classic.🎥 Premiere Exchange Executive .🎬 FILM MAKES UR MUSIC BELIEVABLE . | 1,615 |
RadioAfricana | Radio Africana 🇬🇧 | Listen to us on your Digital Radio in Manchester, Online and APP (iOS, google & amazon). songs@radioafricana for all songs and album arts. | 1,456 |
abuchiipeter | CEO OF CHOCOLATE CITY 🎶 | Everything earned, nothing is deserved.. God is love. CEO @choccitymusic ||@beancreativeng ||Avalaunch ltd. | 1,267 |
empireradiouk | Empire Radio UK | UK's Number 1 Urban Online Radio Station. Be Innovative, Be Creative, Be YOU! Send promos/tracks to: | 1,200 |
Rapconvict | Mrvisionary ™☺♥ | a lover of God.Good meals..@Remostarsfc ..big and bold goal minded | 1,020 |
oseygh | NANA | hacker, % negotiator, music producer, audio engineer, et cetera! accepting BTC via lightning 👇🏾 ⚡️ | 832 |
iamLaryoh | Laryoh | Edo Yoruba babe withda vibe😉|| I don't look for drama but when you bring the drama to me,I feed on it|A lover of Nigerian Music 100%😌 | 734 |
Paulskils | The Timeless Highstar🌟 | Paul Chukwuone || Economist || Song Writer ✍️🎶 || Man United || Future Governor Of Enugu State || (Don't Take Liberty To Libertize) | 427 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
RadioAfricana | Listen to us on your Digital Radio in Manchester, Online and APP (iOS, google & amazon). songs@radioafricana for all songs and album arts. | 3 |
AzenaborEzekiel | married, male, graduate, determine, focus | 1 |
abuchiipeter | Everything earned, nothing is deserved.. God is love. CEO @choccitymusic ||@beancreativeng ||Avalaunch ltd. | 1 |
razakslazy1 | You can’t CLAP with only one HAND | 1 |
oseygh | hacker, % negotiator, music producer, audio engineer, et cetera! accepting BTC via lightning 👇🏾 ⚡️ | 1 |
iamLaryoh | Edo Yoruba babe withda vibe😉|| I don't look for drama but when you bring the drama to me,I feed on it|A lover of Nigerian Music 100%😌 | 1 |
giwa179 | Many things on my mind and one of such is... 'too many things to say...' | 1 |
empireradiouk | UK's Number 1 Urban Online Radio Station. Be Innovative, Be Creative, Be YOU! Send promos/tracks to: | 1 |
adegonzalez101 | Imagine,innovate, then create a classic.🎥 Premiere Exchange Executive .🎬 FILM MAKES UR MUSIC BELIEVABLE . | 1 |
Rapconvict | a lover of God.Good meals..@Remostarsfc ..big and bold goal minded | 1 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1640866012647108615 | #NP Its Over by @AramideMusic on | 0 |
1640741898384965632 | @AramideMusic Ehn🤕 | 0 |
1640714534993416192 | Ladies & Gentlemen, We’re back!! ACOUSTIC AND COVERS with @aramidemusic will be going down here @livelounge_ng Date: 2nd April , 2022 #livelounge #experiencelive #aramide #acousticandcoverswitharamide #aramidemusic #bachelor #JUNGKOOKxCALVINKLEIN | 0 |
1639678170033995777 | #NP Me and You Time by @AramideMusic on | 0 |
1639653173919973378 | @AramideMusic Amen!! | 0 |
1639615800851005440 | @AramideMusic AMEN, definitely | 0 |
1639612011213467648 | @AramideMusic Amen | 0 |
1639605004557492227 | @AramideMusic I'm tapping into this Divine breakthrough 💯🤲🏽 | 0 |
1639371650805407744 | #NowPlaying 160 - Brandy - Baby @AramideMusic - On EMPIRE RADIO - UK's No.1 Online Radio Station #Empireradiouk | @Empireradiouk | | 0 |
1638593903275253788 | @Jbrandy_YBNL @AramideMusic | 0 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1640714534993416192 | Ladies & Gentlemen, We’re back!! ACOUSTIC AND COVERS with @aramidemusic will be going down here @livelounge_ng Date: 2nd April , 2022 #livelounge #experiencelive #aramide #acousticandcoverswitharamide #aramidemusic #bachelor #JUNGKOOKxCALVINKLEIN | 1 |
1640866012647108615 | #NP Its Over by @AramideMusic on | 0 |
1640741898384965632 | @AramideMusic Ehn🤕 | 0 |
1639678170033995777 | #NP Me and You Time by @AramideMusic on | 0 |
1639653173919973378 | @AramideMusic Amen!! | 0 |
1639615800851005440 | @AramideMusic AMEN, definitely | 0 |
1639612011213467648 | @AramideMusic Amen | 0 |
1639605004557492227 | @AramideMusic I'm tapping into this Divine breakthrough 💯🤲🏽 | 0 |
1639371650805407744 | #NowPlaying 160 - Brandy - Baby @AramideMusic - On EMPIRE RADIO - UK's No.1 Online Radio Station #Empireradiouk | @Empireradiouk | | 0 |
1638593903275253788 | @Jbrandy_YBNL @AramideMusic | 0 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#np | 3 |
#livelounge | 1 |
#experiencelive | 1 |
#aramide | 1 |
#acousticandcoverswitharamide | 1 |
#aramidemusic | 1 |
#bachelor | 1 |
#jungkookxcalvinklein | 1 |
#nowplaying | 1 |
#empireradiouk | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@aramidemusic | 20 |
@livelounge_ng | 1 |
@empireradiouk | 1 |
@jbrandy_ybnl | 1 |
@thlazychef | 1 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🤕 | 1 | face_with_head-bandage |
💯 | 1 | hundred_points |
🤲🏽 | 1 | palms_up_together_medium_skin_tone |
❤️ | 1 | red_heart |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 3 |
People & Body | 1 |