Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Los Angeles, CA



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 169
life 165
sneaker 141
collector 121
sneakers 121
funko 96
music 85
time 85
ig 84
sneakerhead 84

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#bitcoin 14
#1 12
#nike 12
#sneakerhead 12
#nft 12
#eth 10
#lakeshow 9
#funko 9
#web3 8
#スニーカー 7

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14075118 598323 7491
MoneyLynch 848568 525 3120
madeintyo 401427 158957 43632
JacquelineRLine 365906 301908 89090
kassemg 245361 1317 10630
MissGinaDarling 170915 832 52823
monstatrezz 164953 944 11219
Deadfellaz 136698 2452 6075
boomstudios 126043 1588 34189
cooltrainermal 119091 3927 389

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 598323 14075118 7491
JacquelineRLine 301908 365906 89090
madeintyo 158957 401427 43632
shrewsmorris 116983 116731 662114
kg_digital 90625 81984 16964
_SgtSlaughter 83239 102866 88005
SupremeBeingNes 82750 75675 1067877
JeanChatzky 68456 81563 22077
MaZekMoon 57992 64441 18084
shakerzstocks 24293 25900 12383

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
SupremeBeingNes 1067877 75675 82750
shrewsmorris 662114 116731 116983
drkwingduck 509947 1112 459
RanaDurham 416868 3990 4992
notjeanine 302813 2779 4916
bnchile4444 283178 1768 4985
rock_on0208 282011 887 4979
RICHFlair_ 277999 1888 1857
MidCityAce 260914 1519 751
carlosgil83 244697 62191 17158

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31444 598323 14075118
carlosgil83 3378 17158 62191
MoneyLynch 2497 525 848568
shrewsmorris 2106 116983 116731
kassemg 2106 1317 245361
boomstudios 1922 1588 126043
JacquelineRLine 1719 301908 365906
JeanChatzky 1619 68456 81563
hirobeautiful 1359 7400 7063
Deadfellaz 863 2452 136698

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

773 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
LaterMedia 2631
Twitter Web App 399
Twitter for iPhone 217

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1535817088803016705 To celebrate us remembering the password to login on twitter, we're going to giveaway a BAIT x Astro Boy FUNKO Pop! Just like this tweet and retweet it for a chance to win by Tuesday. Yes, this is serious. Yes, we forgot the password. Yes, don't tell our bosses. GOOD LUCK 1643
1579960001078374400 🚨 Giveaway alert!🚨 To enter, like this tweet and retweet for a chance to win the BAIT x FiGPiN x Attack on Titan artist proof pin! You must be following us to win. International entries are welcomed! Winner will be chosen this Thursday 10/13. Good luck! 593
1464332028615270401 BAIT, Adidas and Microsoft come together to celebrate the now classic X Box 360 with a limited edition Forum Mid. The shoes will be available this Sat. via FCFS in store at BAIT San Diego. For those not in the area we will be holding an online raffle at 155
1549543531726905350 The BAIT x Funko POP Animation Astro Boy - Glow in the Dark will be available starting tomorrow night (SDCC preview night) at BAIT Booth B (#2747 our exclusive Funko booth!) & in store at BAIT San Diego. 106
1513268242839740423 Online raffle for the Nike Dunk High - Light Chocolate is going on now at 84
1409536708002074630 BAIT teams up with One Punch Man and Adidas to bring the superhero Saitama to life on the Montreal model. The shoes will release on Wed. 6/30 via raffle for our online release and FCFS for our US in store release. Visit to sign up. 81
1475182266955538435 Online raffle for the Air Jordan 1 - Patent Bred is going on now. Visit us at to sign up. 78
1444477466228166659 BAIT x One Punch Man FUNKO POP Exclusive Saitama. The toy drop will be FCFS in the stores Thursday and NYCC During NYCC, there will be a daily allotment through Sunday, October 10th 2021. 74
1666908842762854400 Join us this tomorrow, 6/9 from 6-9PM to celebrate the release of the BAIT x Puma x The Flash RS-X! Visit us at to RSVP. Michael Keaton’s Batmobile from the original movie will be on display along with some other special movie props! 69
1506726407262593037 Online raffle for the Nike Air Max 1 - Blueprint is going on now! Visit us at w to sign up. 65

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1535817088803016705 To celebrate us remembering the password to login on twitter, we're going to giveaway a BAIT x Astro Boy FUNKO Pop! Just like this tweet and retweet it for a chance to win by Tuesday. Yes, this is serious. Yes, we forgot the password. Yes, don't tell our bosses. GOOD LUCK 1883
1464332028615270401 BAIT, Adidas and Microsoft come together to celebrate the now classic X Box 360 with a limited edition Forum Mid. The shoes will be available this Sat. via FCFS in store at BAIT San Diego. For those not in the area we will be holding an online raffle at 1294
1513268242839740423 Online raffle for the Nike Dunk High - Light Chocolate is going on now at 1156
1506726407262593037 Online raffle for the Nike Air Max 1 - Blueprint is going on now! Visit us at w to sign up. 1141
1475182266955538435 Online raffle for the Air Jordan 1 - Patent Bred is going on now. Visit us at to sign up. 894
1508944747263582208 Online raffle for the Nike Dunk Low - Halloween is going on now. Visit us at to sign up. 800
1549543531726905350 The BAIT x Funko POP Animation Astro Boy - Glow in the Dark will be available starting tomorrow night (SDCC preview night) at BAIT Booth B (#2747 our exclusive Funko booth!) & in store at BAIT San Diego. 800
1484936570398547968 Online raffle for the Nike Dunk Low Siempre Familia is going on now. Visit us at to sign up. 668
1579960001078374400 🚨 Giveaway alert!🚨 To enter, like this tweet and retweet for a chance to win the BAIT x FiGPiN x Attack on Titan artist proof pin! You must be following us to win. International entries are welcomed! Winner will be chosen this Thursday 10/13. Good luck! 661
1471648987484721155 Online raffle for the women’s Air Jordan 1 - Atmosphere is going on now at 619

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#baitme 25
#bait 18
#nft 11
#kokies 7
#web3 7
#1015 6
#1 5
#2 4
#nftnyc 4
#vinyls 4

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@bait 14
@markman23 13
@baitme 11
@kokiesinc 11
@viciousfgc 9
@baitmejp 9
@benweiss 8
@firstnamejeff 8
@jeffroussos 7
@nikestore 6

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
11 trade_mark
🪐 11 ringed_planet
© 11 copyright
®️ 11 registered
❤️ 7 red_heart
😢 4 crying_face
👉 4 backhand_index_pointing_right
😭 3 loudly_crying_face
✔️ 3 check_mark
😎 3 smiling_face_with_sunglasses

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 36
Smileys & Emotion 25
People & Body 15
Travel & Places 15
Objects 3
Activities 1