Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Beverly Hills, California



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 667
life 371
music 298
lover 271
retired 209
mom 203
proud 183
married 174
family 158
god 158

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#blm 51
#resist 43
#voteblue 28
#bluecrew 25
#maga 19
#resister 15
#fbr 15
#lgbtq 14
#1 10
#bluewave 9

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14096708 592732 7485
Scaramucci 998877 2983 43313
NOH8Campaign 800440 370451 13990
garyhgoodridge 363143 331249 106964
DrJimmyStar 306623 41852 626445
jorcervan 237194 189808 66937
peterframpton 216682 1422 18070
essenviews 166805 86780 103167
AresJessy 155643 389 9091
TG22110 133609 26523 167189

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 592732 14096708 7485
NOH8Campaign 370451 800440 13990
garyhgoodridge 331249 363143 106964
jorcervan 189808 237194 66937
Chicago_History 97094 123268 47215
MFairchild_Fans 91927 83747 56022
BestEverYou 87883 87047 78383
essenviews 86780 166805 103167
FilmFreakLive 73553 73846 3388
JeanChatzky 68463 81612 22062

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
StacyMichelleB 762391 5743 4325
rockethulsey 632214 31055 29131
DrJimmyStar 626445 306623 41852
cindycrum 619985 14575 14185
LoriSums 586520 6351 6921
heldeni3rios 577083 6282 6902
crlulukat 539590 4076 4335
fett1111 500426 5768 6302
LaneZane1 481370 12018 12602
MendiolaGrandma 478456 5762 6068

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31596 592732 14096708
NOH8Campaign 7537 370451 800440
Scaramucci 4271 2983 998877
MikeElgan 2414 25651 43832
Tiffani_Bova 1935 3462 44208
JeanChatzky 1618 68463 81612
peterframpton 1546 1422 216682
garyhgoodridge 1381 331249 363143
DrJimmyStar 1200 41852 306623
Boondockfinds 1137 38479 41821

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

4,581 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web Client 1328
Twitter Web App 128
Twitpic 35
Twitter for Android 8
Twitter for iPhone 3

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1472051443578331139 Was just told that I am trending here on Twitter! I'm not entirely sure why, but all my love to so many of you who checked in to see that I am okay! I am fine! I hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS! xoxo -B 2797
1479665819034558464 I saw everyone sharing photos with Clint Eastwood and thought perhaps I'd share one of Clint and I during filming of Rawhide! Such fun! xo -B 2604
1038282870882795520 Our favorite zany astronaut, Bill Daily has passed. Billy was wonderful to work with. He was a funny, sweet man that kept us all on our toes. I'm so thankful to have known and worked with that rascal. Until we meet again Billy, xo -B #RIPBillDaily 1284
338759448791240704 Barbara back in her I Dream of Jeannie costume with @adamlambert backstage at the Life Ball! 566
272219432540057600 Larry Hagman not just a great actor, not just a television icon, but an element of pure Americana. I'll miss him. -Barbara 507
272222688414666752 Amidst a whirlwind of big laughs, big smiles and unrestrained personality Larry was always, simply Larry. -Barbara 448
1344389001378201602 Oh Dawn, it is never easy to hear that a happy, charming friend has passed. You were always great fun and loved to laugh. Decades of laughter and good times together will remain with me always. Off the island, but forever in our hearts. -Barbara Eden #RIPDawnWells #RipMaryAnn 399
850056099441115138 Don Rickles, such sharp hilarious wit in an era when an insult comic didn't need to be vulgar to be funny. You will be missed -B #donrickles 398
810629646710620165 Rest in peace Zsa Zsa Gabor. She and her sisters were lovely ladies who were always fun and delightful to be around. -B 386
1662545420503900162 I'm excited to be back out and looking forward to meeting everyone at my upcoming public appearances! From Kansas City and onward, all my confirmed appearances are on my website!! So blink- I mean, CLICK over now to find out if I'll be near you this year! All confirmed… 386

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1472051443578331139 Was just told that I am trending here on Twitter! I'm not entirely sure why, but all my love to so many of you who checked in to see that I am okay! I am fine! I hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS! xoxo -B 51261
1479665819034558464 I saw everyone sharing photos with Clint Eastwood and thought perhaps I'd share one of Clint and I during filming of Rawhide! Such fun! xo -B 28686
1472327610629767170 Time to sign off! My love and thanks to you for all the love and kindness! I tried my best to keep up! If I could wrap up a wish for everyone I would! I can send everyone a >BLINK< however! Be well, be kind and remember when things get rough, rise above it! -B 5735
1038282870882795520 Our favorite zany astronaut, Bill Daily has passed. Billy was wonderful to work with. He was a funny, sweet man that kept us all on our toes. I'm so thankful to have known and worked with that rascal. Until we meet again Billy, xo -B #RIPBillDaily 5009
1429937136837480450 Thank you all so much for the lovely Birthday messages and wishes! It feels so nice to get so much love! But, these cupcakes I got today, these are MINE! Tee-Hee! My love and thanks to everyone for thinking of me today and for keeping the magic alive! -Barbara 4870
1662545420503900162 I'm excited to be back out and looking forward to meeting everyone at my upcoming public appearances! From Kansas City and onward, all my confirmed appearances are on my website!! So blink- I mean, CLICK over now to find out if I'll be near you this year! All confirmed… 4673
1650329564831182849 Lots of hugs and thanks to my dear friend @WilliamShatner for facilitating the return of my Blue Check & many many thanks to @elonmusk for restoring it! Lots of kisses from this Jeannie to the OG Captain of the Enterprise and the head of SpaceX himself XOXOX! -Barbara Eden 4576
1562152698618716162 A very Happy Birthday to our favorite blonde! Send your birthday wishes in for Barbara here on Twitter as she celebrates her 91st Birthday! -Team Eden #happybirthdaybarbaraeden #happybirthday #barbaraeden 3727
1609381274036371457 Look out 2023 here we come! My love and New Year wishes to everyone! May 2023 be full of happiness, joy, excitement and may your New Year resolutions be achieved! For those of you staying up late to ring in the New Year, be safe and responsible! Lots of love! -Barbara Eden 3516
1344389001378201602 Oh Dawn, it is never easy to hear that a happy, charming friend has passed. You were always great fun and loved to laugh. Decades of laughter and good times together will remain with me always. Off the island, but forever in our hearts. -Barbara Eden #RIPDawnWells #RipMaryAnn 3275

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#idreamofjeannie 91
#barbaraeden 40
#jeannie 27
#throwbackthursday 21
#shopbarbaraedennet 13
#larryhagman 12
#harpervalleypta 11
#tbt 11
#happybirthdaybarbaraeden 10
#worstcooks 10

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@tangibledreamer 36
@williamshatner 27
@jackivenezia 21
@bobmackie 10
@slcomiccon 9
@alhambrajax 9
@thetalk_cbs 9
@ricomiccon 8
@accesshollywood 8
@alltoostew 6

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
5 red_heart
😉 4 winking_face
❤️ 3 red_heart
😇 1 smiling_face_with_halo
😁 1 beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes
😘 1 face_blowing_a_kiss
😂 1 face_with_tears_of_joy
😀 1 grinning_face
😬 1 grimacing_face
🤣 1 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 19