Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @bibitid
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
9 days
Average age of authors' accounts
7 years
People are discussing app @bibitid, which can be used to get gift cards and also save money in Reksadana accounts. There are questions about application functionality, and some jokes about getting free Reksadana accounts. People asked how to withdraw money from Reksadana accounts and whether there is a maintenance happening.
Topic Modeling
- Giftcard dan reksadana dari bibitid
- Mengenai aplikasi bibitid
- Menabung di bibitid
- Maintenance di bibitid
- Update di aplikasi bibitid
Emotional Analysis
The emotions expressed in these tweets are mostly positive, with users expressing excitement, enthusiasm, and joy. Some of the tweets contain humor, while others express gratitude and admiration. There is also some confusion expressed, as some users are having trouble accessing the application or understanding how to use it. Finally, there is some frustration expressed by users who are unable to access the application.
Trend Analysis
- Using reksadana to save money
- Gaining giftcards with bibit
- Trouble logging into bibit app
- Inquiries about how to withdraw funds
- Using reksadana to save money for lebaran
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 146 |
Twitter for iPhone | 28 |
Twitter Web App | 16 |
Zendesk | 2 |
sbyfess | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
sbyfess | 🦈 SUROBOYOFESS 🐊 | Auto menfess service gawe arek arek suroboyo | Trigger menfess: -cak / -ning / -rek | del: /unsend | pengaduan: @sbycare | 313,476 |
ezash | Eza Hazami | Tweets are on my own • Talk about Games, Career, Tech & Geek Auto • Sering livestream di Youtube, sawer langsung ke | 266,159 |
bibitid | Bibit - Aplikasi Reksadana | Aplikasi Investasi Reksa Dana Untuk Pemula. Berizin dan Diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Whatsapp: . Telegram: | 45,495 |
jadijago | Bank Jago | Aplikasi buat atur keuanganmu! | PT Bank Jago Tbk berizin dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), serta merupakan peserta penjaminan LPS. | 22,443 |
lapor18fesss | Terima kasih. | akun pengaduan @18fesss dan @18fessss, jika ada menfess meresahkan silakan takedown menggunakan /delvote || paid promote/media partner? | 6,520 |
maybabebliss | Meiliyani | O hi stalker. 98 | 3,280 |
aksirf_ | fris🌻 | Hallo ⏹ OPEN COMMISIONS ILLUSTRATION ⏹Payment: All E-Wallet(QRIS), BRI ⏹ Commissions/pricelist: ⏹ SOFTFILE ONLY📢 | 2,178 |
shaniaati | Sha Nia Ati | Content Creator, Publisher, Mensyukuri Proses Menuju Sukses | 1,822 |
Ashgard_ian | | orangnya pikunan // | 1,803 |
330jutaberry | Vinsmoke Sanji | I watch One Piece, Naruto/Boruto, Dragon Ball | 1,735 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
taglezat | always happy | change username frm purepawpawww to taglezat🍕 | 5,001 |
sbyfess | 🦈 SUROBOYOFESS 🐊 | Auto menfess service gawe arek arek suroboyo | Trigger menfess: -cak / -ning / -rek | del: /unsend | pengaduan: @sbycare | 3,432 |
investasibibit | INVESTASIBIBITSAJA📌 | Download apk bibit ➡️ lakukan registrasi ➡️masukkan kode referral : investasibibitsaja⛔ Boleh tanya lewat DM | 2,024 |
asrykaloko | not your typical girl | - | 1,599 |
aksirf_ | fris🌻 | Hallo ⏹ OPEN COMMISIONS ILLUSTRATION ⏹Payment: All E-Wallet(QRIS), BRI ⏹ Commissions/pricelist: ⏹ SOFTFILE ONLY📢 | 1,560 |
aanragilj | aanragilj | He/Him @soraisoree - Microstock Contributtor - Design Explore → x (Madridista 🤍) | 1,522 |
marssupilamii | deanobitaa | babiii | 1,490 |
330jutaberry | Vinsmoke Sanji | I watch One Piece, Naruto/Boruto, Dragon Ball | 1,458 |
walvenardo | 🌥🐝🌻🌹🌼💐😍😇 | Mungkin diriku harus pergi. Selamanya darimu, atau ku harus mengakhiri cinta ini kepadamu. ☺ | 1,361 |
geroanweh | rapli pake f | halo-halo bandung ibukota periangan | 1,220 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
usamahbalfaqih | NCA // Bajubuneng Sablon Dadakan 👕 | 7 |
callmehazels | pencinta drakor dan kpop | 6 |
And__S123__ | Andre Sinaga. Penyuka Investasi dan Anime. Suka riding jalan-jalan naik motor kalo lagi suntuk. | 4 |
danoer | I am what I am Suro Diro Joyoningrat Lebur Dening Pangastuti | 4 |
aapadogwenchana | 01L || Mulfand but lagi bucin Hyunjin skz hehe (and Changbin tooooo) | 4 |
frrlck | - | 4 |
st_rwati | L-Teume 🤍💙 | 4 |
walvenardo | Mungkin diriku harus pergi. Selamanya darimu, atau ku harus mengakhiri cinta ini kepadamu. ☺ | 3 |
zhiiiyy | Hidup qo dipusingin, mending diketawain aja yang kenceng. | 3 |
piippiipskrrrt | Liz 🐱 Chaehyun 🐯 Haewon 🐻 Eunchae 🐈 Haerin 🐹 Hanni 📱 | 3 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1626843421007822849 | @bibitid Semangat sampe #lebaran nih min @bibitid 🔥🔥💪😊 | 1 |
1624643248265523202 | Senang banget sama konsepnya @bibitid 🥲🥰 | 1 |
1627846858432446465 | @bibitid Nanti kebakar ya min hahaha wajib uang dingin biar adem | 0 |
1625408407422537728 | @bibitid @sbyfess angpaonya mana min? | 0 |
1625454511224664065 | @bibitid @tanyakanrl Makasi banyak kak❤️❤️❤️ | 0 |
1625447547035869186 | @bibitid sudah dipraktekan, sudah jadi juga link giftcardnya, eh baru inget gapunya ayang,, | 0 |
1625439290162552837 | @bibitid @tanyakanrl Kak, misal kita udah nabung sesuai target, cara ngambil uangnya gimana ya? Maaf katro bgt😭 | 0 |
1625436552435503105 | @qpzmhs @bibitid Itu nabung brp lama kak? | 0 |
1625434321292242944 | @bibitid @tanyakanrl Kak, kenapa bisa kesini😭😭😭 btw aku udah 3 bulan nabung di bibit hehe☺️ | 0 |
1625433053907800066 | @bibitid Mayaan 😭😭 | 0 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1625409044545679360 | @bibitid @tanyarlfes bibit coklat | 36 |
1625462876654948353 | @tanyakanrl Dapat giftcard reksadana @bibitid dari ayang 🤣🤣 | 12 |
1625855510783348739 | Halo -rek ada yang pake aplikasi @bibitid?Kalo ada aplikasinya bisa dibuka gak? Punyaku ga bisa soalnya? | 3 |
1626240083262345219 | @bibitid @AgiilBaikKok WOY DEMIAPAAH DINOTISS, BAIKLAH MIN BSK AKU BAKAL PAKAIII BIBITTT 😭🫶🏻 | 2 |
1625805773350785024 | @bibitid Kok aplikasinya gk bisa dibuka ya skarang ini? Apa sedang ada maintain? | 2 |
1626843421007822849 | @bibitid Semangat sampe #lebaran nih min @bibitid 🔥🔥💪😊 | 2 |
1626240200283422722 | @bibitid @aapadogwenchana Waduhh dilirik dong , bisa dapet gratis Reksadana nihh min hehehe | 2 |
1625539531415117824 | @tiktiktikya Reksadana di @bibitid aja 👍 | 2 |
1625315467106869249 | @bibitid @geroanweh @sbyfess Mau saldo bibit min | 1 |
1626236686970810370 | Yok sedikit lagi, cuma kurang 99% @bibitid | 1 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#lebaran | 2 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@bibitid | 196 |
@tanyakanrl | 23 |
@sbyfess | 14 |
@tanyarlfes | 10 |
@saham_fess | 7 |
@askrlfess | 6 |
@agiilbaikkok | 5 |
@jadijago | 4 |
@ezash | 4 |
@diqassidiq | 3 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🤣 | 12 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
😭 | 12 | loudly_crying_face |
😁 | 5 | beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes |
🥲 | 5 | smiling_face_with_tear |
❤️ | 5 | red_heart |
🔥 | 4 | fire |
👍 | 4 | thumbs_up |
😂 | 3 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
💨 | 3 | dashing_away |
🥰 | 3 | smiling_face_with_hearts |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 62 |
People & Body | 12 |
Travel & Places | 5 |
Activities | 1 |
Symbols | 1 |