Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @BPKPgoid
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
8 days
Average age of authors' accounts
6 years
Twitter users are addressing various issues, with several calling for audits by the @BPKPgoid and @kemenkomarves to be completed quickly in order to address issues such as the need for replacement KRL trains. Others are urging government officials and organizations such as @KPK_RI, @BPKPgoid, and @OmbudsmanRI137 to investigate potential scandals and improve governance, particularly in finance and education. There are also discussions about the perceived imbalance in pay and status between government employees and other professions.
Topic Modeling
- Urgency of replacing old KRL trains
- Suggestions for government officials to invite for meetings
- Discontentment towards perceived unfairness in social hierarchy
- Criticism towards medical professionals and their associations
- Calls for audit and reform in government organizations and their finances
Emotional Analysis
The tweets express frustration and impatience towards government agencies such as BPKP and Kemenkomarves for delaying audits and failing to provide sufficient public transportation options. Some tweets also express anger towards certain politicians or professions, including doctors and tax officers, while others call for accountability and auditing of various agencies and organizations. Overall, there is a strong sense of disappointment with the government's actions and a desire for improvement and transparency.
Trend Analysis
- Concerns over delays in KRL audits and the need for replacement
- Calls for public participation in government meetings and exclusion of hoaxers
- Discussions on income disparities among different professions, particularly with regard to those in high positions
- Requests for audits and investigations into various government bodies
- Efforts to improve government accountability and reform bureaucracy in the education sector
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 66 |
Twitter for iPhone | 4 |
Twitter Web App | 3 |
Buffer | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
PNS_Ababil | Kementrian Beban Negara (KemBeN) | akun yang ngomongin PNS wakanda | PNS NKRI sangat profesional #ASNKiniBeda | kumpulan orang bego yang disuruh pintar sama yang lebih bego. untung digaji. | 146,191 |
HMJUSUFRIZAL | PRESIDEN LSM LIRA BERMURI | PRESIDEN LSM LIRA (Lumbung Informasi Rakyat),KETUM FSPTSI (Federasi Serikat Pekerja Transport Seluruh Indonesia),Ketum PWMOI (Perkumpulan Wartawan Media Online) | 11,994 |
AyoGerakBareng | Ayo Gerak Bareng | Wadah bagi para pegiat kemanusiaan, untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan sosial masyarakat | | 0852-1628-8236 (Phone / WA) | 11,960 |
Adra_silent | Damai | DEISLAMISASI semakin nyata #modernisasiAgamaIslam = Proyek pendangkalan aqidah Islam yg dikomandoi para munafik! tolak JIL, ANUS, IS_NUS, SYIAH ROFIDHI | 5,035 |
si_Alfs_ | Phi | Don't expect so much to me || Hello there :)) | 3,187 |
BoedakB99178454 | Penikmat Coffeeโฅ๏ธ๐ฎ๐ฉ | #GerakanMERAHPUTIH ๐ฎ๐ฉโฅ๏ธ๐ฎ๐ฉ | 2,320 |
StalistS | Stalist Sj | - | 2,184 |
MPSCLFJRN | Pascalโข | ไปใใใซใงใๅใซใๅใซไผใใใ ๐ | 1,849 |
tokpitut | Sendirian | . Life is short . I want to spend it with people who make me laugh & feel loved ๐๐๐ menanti bidadari .. ๐ฎ๐ฉ๐๐ฎ๐ฉ . | 1,743 |
N4T0_ | REZIM_PREMAN | Baik buruknya suatu bangsa/negara bergantung pemimpinnya, bukan pejabat aparaturnya, itulah pentingnya memilih pemimpin yg beriman & cerdas! | 1,412 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
HMJUSUFRIZAL | PRESIDEN LSM LIRA BERMURI | PRESIDEN LSM LIRA (Lumbung Informasi Rakyat),KETUM FSPTSI (Federasi Serikat Pekerja Transport Seluruh Indonesia),Ketum PWMOI (Perkumpulan Wartawan Media Online) | 7,290 |
Adra_silent | Damai | DEISLAMISASI semakin nyata #modernisasiAgamaIslam = Proyek pendangkalan aqidah Islam yg dikomandoi para munafik! tolak JIL, ANUS, IS_NUS, SYIAH ROFIDHI | 4,515 |
N4T0_ | REZIM_PREMAN | Baik buruknya suatu bangsa/negara bergantung pemimpinnya, bukan pejabat aparaturnya, itulah pentingnya memilih pemimpin yg beriman & cerdas! | 3,897 |
si_Alfs_ | Phi | Don't expect so much to me || Hello there :)) | 3,259 |
okeaja39 | ekolumajang โค๐ฎ๐ฉ | hobi: tenis lapangan ๐พ channel Youtube: | 2,463 |
BoedakB99178454 | Penikmat Coffeeโฅ๏ธ๐ฎ๐ฉ | #GerakanMERAHPUTIH ๐ฎ๐ฉโฅ๏ธ๐ฎ๐ฉ | 2,385 |
tokpitut | Sendirian | . Life is short . I want to spend it with people who make me laugh & feel loved ๐๐๐ menanti bidadari .. ๐ฎ๐ฉ๐๐ฎ๐ฉ . | 2,379 |
saqila8292 | Saqila_89 | mindset is everything... | 2,062 |
StalistS | Stalist Sj | - | 1,860 |
AikHoki | aik #HOKI | use ur helmet | 1,278 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
AikHoki | use ur helmet | 8 |
elutanwar | Think BOLD & BIG ~ for the BEST Intentions & Purposes - May the ONLY ONE Omnipotent GOD, bless All of us here for the THEREAFTER | 7 |
gandrew76 | - | 4 |
briztamm | Nothing To Lose | 3 |
RizieqqD1BKS | - | 3 |
OfYusri | - | 3 |
MPSCLFJRN | ไปใใใซใงใๅใซใๅใซไผใใใ ๐ | 3 |
AbrahamUDR4 | Hp. 082223777641 Provesi Ketua Ikatan Pengusaha Asli Raja Ampat (IPAR Raja Ampat) | 2 |
Maulaaja1 | man jadda wajada | 2 |
lobagaya_pisan | #GerakanMERAHPUTIH ๐ฎ๐ฉโฅ๏ธ๐ฎ๐ฉ | 2 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1639491296133009408 | Halo @BPKPgoid @kemenkomarves auditnya jangan terlalu lama, kita penumpang KRL sudah butuh KRL penggantinya sekarang juga, kita gak bisa nunggu lebih lama lagi | 33 |
1639786237975494657 | @mohmahfudmd . Yth @DPR_RI cc @mohmahfudmd @KASN_RI @KPI_Pusat @KIPusat @KASN_RI @OmbudsmanRI137 @bpkri @BPKPgoid @BPIPRI @KPK_RI @bareskrim2018 Agar -Rapat tsb, dibuka ut umum -K/L yg terkait hadir sbg pengunjung -Saya boleh ngajak @KPK_RI hadir -Hoaxers jangan hadir TKS๐ฎ๐ฉ | 5 |
1639458118462738433 | @AikHoki @jedmosely @PBIDI @prastow @KemenkesRI @BudiGSadikin @BPJSKesehatanRI @mbahndi @erickthohir @kempanrb @BKNgoid @BPKPgoid @bpkri @jokowi @PNS_Ababil lah.. dikira golongan dy aj kali ya yg ditaruh di kaki langit. mending golongan dy dikaki langit tp duid banyak, yg lain di kaki langit makan 2x sehari pake nasi telor buat nabung beli tiket pesawat lebaran | 4 |
1639452351844192256 | @AikHoki @PBIDI @prastow @KemenkesRI @BudiGSadikin @BPJSKesehatanRI @mbahndi @erickthohir @kempanrb @BKNgoid @BPKPgoid @bpkri @jokowi @PNS_Ababil Tukeran aja kak ๐ | 2 |
1639477657166548993 | @accul_jespol @AikHoki @jedmosely @PBIDI @prastow @KemenkesRI @BudiGSadikin @BPJSKesehatanRI @mbahndi @erickthohir @kempanrb @BKNgoid @BPKPgoid @bpkri @jokowi @PNS_Ababil betul bgt.. mentok masih di ibu kota kabupaten kantor nya | 2 |
1639317934534279188 | @Azrmtn1 @BPKPgoid @kemenkomarves auditnya jangan terlalu lama, kita para penumpang KRL sudah butuh KRLnya sekarang juga, kita gak bisa nunggu lebih lama lagi | 1 |
1640768633323532290 | spertinya phk @resta_sukabumi + @kejarikotasmi hrs lkkn LID atas anggaran di Protokol @Pemkot_Sukabumi ,jgn2 anggarannya klr, tp di tilep sm Oknum ๐ค Cc: @kejati_jabar @humaspoldajbr @bpkri @BPKPgoid @BPKN_RI @OmbudsmanRI137 @OmbudsmanJabar @Pemkot_Sukabumi | 1 |
1638126359267647490 | Sangat percuma dan menjadi cuap2 tai ayam dari pak @mohmahfudmd kl tidak ada pengusutan lebih lanjut dari @KPK_RI @bpkri @BPKPgoid @KejaksaanRI @DivHumas_Polri @ListyoSigitP @jokowi Akan menjadi skandal terbesar bila terbukti !! 349T itu bukan pasir pak @mohmahfudmd ๐คฃ๐คฃ | 1 |
1639474948602478592 | @yudaaditya22 @AikHoki @jedmosely @PBIDI @prastow @KemenkesRI @BudiGSadikin @BPJSKesehatanRI @mbahndi @erickthohir @kempanrb @BKNgoid @BPKPgoid @bpkri @jokowi @PNS_Ababil Golongan itu kaki langit nya masih mending di banding guru dan nakes. Emang ada golongan mereka yang di daerah 3T. | 1 |
1639486397169156096 | @senotribroto @yudaaditya22 @PNS_Ababil @jedmosely @PBIDI @prastow @KemenkesRI @BudiGSadikin @BPJSKesehatanRI @mbahndi @erickthohir @kempanrb @BKNgoid @BPKPgoid @bpkri @jokowi makanya berlindung dibalik influencer medsos..paling aman | 0 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1639491296133009408 | Halo @BPKPgoid @kemenkomarves auditnya jangan terlalu lama, kita penumpang KRL sudah butuh KRL penggantinya sekarang juga, kita gak bisa nunggu lebih lama lagi | 73 |
1639786237975494657 | @mohmahfudmd . Yth @DPR_RI cc @mohmahfudmd @KASN_RI @KPI_Pusat @KIPusat @KASN_RI @OmbudsmanRI137 @bpkri @BPKPgoid @BPIPRI @KPK_RI @bareskrim2018 Agar -Rapat tsb, dibuka ut umum -K/L yg terkait hadir sbg pengunjung -Saya boleh ngajak @KPK_RI hadir -Hoaxers jangan hadir TKS๐ฎ๐ฉ | 23 |
1639458118462738433 | @AikHoki @jedmosely @PBIDI @prastow @KemenkesRI @BudiGSadikin @BPJSKesehatanRI @mbahndi @erickthohir @kempanrb @BKNgoid @BPKPgoid @bpkri @jokowi @PNS_Ababil lah.. dikira golongan dy aj kali ya yg ditaruh di kaki langit. mending golongan dy dikaki langit tp duid banyak, yg lain di kaki langit makan 2x sehari pake nasi telor buat nabung beli tiket pesawat lebaran | 16 |
1639452351844192256 | @AikHoki @PBIDI @prastow @KemenkesRI @BudiGSadikin @BPJSKesehatanRI @mbahndi @erickthohir @kempanrb @BKNgoid @BPKPgoid @bpkri @jokowi @PNS_Ababil Tukeran aja kak ๐ | 9 |
1639451923219611651 | @jedmosely anjrit dokter kalah jauh dibanding umbi kemensultan!!!! piye ki @PBIDI kok meneng2 bae??!!!! dimana marwah dokter kau letakkan wahai @PBIDI ???!!!! @prastow @KemenkesRI @BudiGSadikin @BPJSKesehatanRI @mbahndi @erickthohir @kempanrb @BKNgoid @BPKPgoid @bpkri @jokowi @PNS_Ababil | 5 |
1639474948602478592 | @yudaaditya22 @AikHoki @jedmosely @PBIDI @prastow @KemenkesRI @BudiGSadikin @BPJSKesehatanRI @mbahndi @erickthohir @kempanrb @BKNgoid @BPKPgoid @bpkri @jokowi @PNS_Ababil Golongan itu kaki langit nya masih mending di banding guru dan nakes. Emang ada golongan mereka yang di daerah 3T. | 5 |
1639580036201353217 | @akuduyunglaut @CommuterLine Nah ini.. KRL nya udah tua tetep dipaksa jalan karna kekurangan armada.. Kita nunggu hasil audit dari @BPKPgoid dan @kemenkomarves | 4 |
1638126359267647490 | Sangat percuma dan menjadi cuap2 tai ayam dari pak @mohmahfudmd kl tidak ada pengusutan lebih lanjut dari @KPK_RI @bpkri @BPKPgoid @KejaksaanRI @DivHumas_Polri @ListyoSigitP @jokowi Akan menjadi skandal terbesar bila terbukti !! 349T itu bukan pasir pak @mohmahfudmd ๐คฃ๐คฃ | 4 |
1638921233604689921 | Saya mencium banyak tikus got. Sebab yang direnovasi hanya plataran dan parkir. Yang lainnya tidak signifikan. Ayo @KPK_RI @BPKPgoid telusuri | 2 |
1639454137678012416 | @jedmosely @PBIDI @prastow @KemenkesRI @BudiGSadikin @BPJSKesehatanRI @mbahndi @erickthohir @kempanrb @BKNgoid @BPKPgoid @bpkri @jokowi @PNS_Ababil banyak kok guru n dokter di kaki langit..pasti mrk mau tukeran..kan kerjanya cuma nakut2in WP doang..honorer disana pun bisa menggantikan mrk!! | 2 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#pendidikanindonesia | 1 |
#bantuansekolah | 1 |
#nyepi | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@bpkpgoid | 75 |
@bpkri | 50 |
@kpk_ri | 27 |
@jokowi | 27 |
@prastow | 24 |
@bkngoid | 21 |
@kempanrb | 21 |
@pbidi | 20 |
@kemenkesri | 19 |
@budigsadikin | 19 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
๐คฃ | 4 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
๐ค | 2 | thinking_face |
๐ฎ๐ฉ | 2 | Indonesia |
๐ | 2 | relieved_face |
๐ | 2 | smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes |
๐ | 1 | folded_hands |
๐ญ | 1 | loudly_crying_face |
๐ | 1 | grinning_face_with_sweat |
๐ | 1 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
๐ | 1 | smiling_face_with_halo |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 15 |
Flags | 3 |
People & Body | 2 |