Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Carles5puyol
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
9 days
Average age of authors' accounts
6 years
The tweets cover various topics related to former football player Carles Puyol, including memories of playing with him in the Italian under-21 team, admiration for his skills and leadership, criticism of those who disrespect him, support for his involvement in promoting women's football, and some unrelated conversations.
Topic Modeling
- Football memories and nostalgia
- Admiration and appreciation for Carles Puyol as a footballer and leader
- Criticism towards disrespectful behavior towards Puyol
- Support and recognition for women's football
- Casual conversations and interactions among fans
Emotional Analysis
The tweets express a range of emotions towards Carles Puyol, including admiration for his talent as a footballer, appreciation for his support of women's football, and affection for him as a person. Some tweets express frustration or criticism towards Puyol, particularly in regards to his comments on certain issues. Overall, the tweets show a mix of positive and negative emotions towards Puyol.
Trend Analysis
- Mentions of @Carles5puyol and his role as a captain in football teams
- Support and admiration for female football (@FCBfemeni)
- Memories and nostalgia associated with past football events involving @Carles5puyol
- Criticism of disrespectful behavior towards @Carles5puyol
- Discussion of @Carles5puyol's current activities and interests outside of football
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 192 |
Twitter for iPhone | 102 |
Twitter Web App | 38 |
Twitter Media Studio - LiveCut | 1 |
RC Engage Digital EU | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
ClaMarchisio8 | Claudio Marchisio | Da sempre e per sempre con la mano sul petto ⚪⚫ Abbiamo solo un pianeta🌍 ❤ Non amo le barriere, se non sui calci di punizione 🌈 📍@cittaditorino #MC8 | 2,144,016 |
MTN180 | MTN Nigeria Support | We're the MTN Nigeria online customer service team. We're here to help, listen and learn from MyCustomer, so send us a tweet! | 543,377 |
BlazquezFont | Miquel Blázquez | Periodista deportivo. Cubriendo la actualidad del @fcbarcelona. Me lees en @TheSportsman y me ves en @TyCSports y @90minEspanol. Contacto MD. | 194,495 |
ElChirincirco | El Chirincirco TV | FAKE Publicidad | 176,097 |
Polyccio8 | Pol Alonso 🎙⚽ | Actualidad del Barça, LaMasia y LaLiga | Periodismo deportivo | Analista @_PDeportivo | Subdirector @CopaColegialBcn | Entrenador y jugador futsal @clubgraciafs | 101,225 |
Somhiseremfcb | Som I Serem FCB𓅪 | 💻📰⚽️ Sigo toda la actualidad del Barça y la Masía. Me encanta el fútbol internacional 🌏. Cuenta personal 👉🏻 @aaronvalden77 📱 | 68,902 |
Tocapilotes | TOCAPILOTES | Creador del HT #CristianoTongoDeOro 1 semana TT Mundial y #EnMalallet | 41,740 |
Borja_Pardo | Borja Pardo | Papá de Miranda. Hijo de gallego y asturiana. Dejé 13 años de abogado por fundar y dirigir @SpheraSports. Asumo las consecuencias. Hice ‘mili’ en Pisa y Bristol | 38,097 |
dario_head | Darione | He/Him - Ho fame. Il mio portinaio mi chiama Riccardo. Instagram: dariohead | 36,409 |
CanalBarcaBR | Canal Barça | Há mais de uma década no Twitter trazendo o barcelonismo para mais perto de você. Falamos no @Blaugrana_Cast. | 24,486 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
MTN180 | MTN Nigeria Support | We're the MTN Nigeria online customer service team. We're here to help, listen and learn from MyCustomer, so send us a tweet! | 134,509 |
Tocapilotes | TOCAPILOTES | Creador del HT #CristianoTongoDeOro 1 semana TT Mundial y #EnMalallet | 22,085 |
BlazquezFont | Miquel Blázquez | Periodista deportivo. Cubriendo la actualidad del @fcbarcelona. Me lees en @TheSportsman y me ves en @TyCSports y @90minEspanol. Contacto MD. | 7,855 |
eliza__barca | Eliza FCB💙❤️🇷🇺 | Ser del Barça és el millor que hi ha 💙❤️ Antiaficionado culé y madridista. Fútbol Club Barcelona | 6,622 |
falcone_carmela | juventina tremenda | Non toccatemi la juve che divento più che tremenda....⚪⚫fino alla fine ⚪⚫ sempre forza juve! | 5,064 |
Exex_Rodriguez | ៩✗3✗ ƦőᖱƦɨ́❡⩏3Ȥ™◢◤ | 🔥✦✧✧༺#𝑳𝑰𝑴𝑰𝑻𝑬𝑫 #𝑬𝑫𝑰𝑻𝑰́𝑶𝑵༻✧✧✦🔥 | 5,013 |
sabrinagut | Sabrina Gutiérrez | Producer. Cinema | Human Rights | Social Development | Women's Rights | Culture | Fashion | Fútbol • Cinéfila, no crítica 🎥😉 | 5,001 |
f_roberto1 | Felix Roberto E. | Official Account. Actor. When I set out to become an #actor, I had set myself a standard. #SidneyPoitier… #actorslife | 4,911 |
HonAmarfio | Emmanuel Amarfio Mensah | Future MP| Barcelona Fan| Law 🦅⚖ | Incoming Sports Intermediary |Social Activist| Business Consultant| Buzzchat Inc. Legal Officer|| | 4,876 |
Borja_Pardo | Borja Pardo | Papá de Miranda. Hijo de gallego y asturiana. Dejé 13 años de abogado por fundar y dirigir @SpheraSports. Asumo las consecuencias. Hice ‘mili’ en Pisa y Bristol | 4,725 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
__Sacci | Sin Música, Sin Películas, Sin Arte y Sin Barça no podría vivir sencillamente ..y el ser Culé es Más que un Sentimiento!!!..♥ VISCA EL BARÇA!!!♥ Y DIOS 1º ♥ | 13 |
ElartedeLuleta | Hola! Estoy haciendo artesanía muy especial que quiero enseñaros! Espero os guste y le deis amor! | 5 |
devilgreen88 | - | 4 |
Borja_Pardo | Papá de Miranda. Hijo de gallego y asturiana. Dejé 13 años de abogado por fundar y dirigir @SpheraSports. Asumo las consecuencias. Hice ‘mili’ en Pisa y Bristol | 2 |
ComicsFut | - | 2 |
kyulimd | totes unides fem força 💙❤️ | 2 |
alejosilveira19 | :v | 2 |
BlazquezFont | Periodista deportivo. Cubriendo la actualidad del @fcbarcelona. Me lees en @TheSportsman y me ves en @TyCSports y @90minEspanol. Contacto MD. | 2 |
_allfaright | Ser del Barça es muy duro, pero es la Hostia | 2 |
Elisabetta_E_ | Son seduta sulla riva.... irrimediabilmente ottimista ! (su Ig:elisabetta_e) Juventus nel cuore! | 2 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1639784586904215552 | Simplesmente ÚNICO! Saudades, capitão @Carles5puyol ❤️💙 | 109 |
1639253080762982409 | Vi sblocco un ricordo 🤪 #MC8 o @Carles5puyol ? #memories #italiaunder21 #2006 #football @Azzurri | 62 |
1640609903373955073 | Alèxia lista para la batalla!os gusta? Esta disponible! Twitter haz tu magia y que @alexiaputellas opine de su miniyo!RT🙏 @Carles5puyol @FCBarcelona_es @Somhiseremfcb @FCBfemeni @gerardromero @UNIVERSO_1899 @LaLiga @ladykarenfcb @FCBarcelona_cat @RadioFCB @Mancuer91 🙏❤️+follow | 11 |
1639716430475153409 | @Carles5puyol @FCBfemeni Gran, capità! 👏🏻❤️ | 4 |
1640850075592146944 | Ara en @BoKrkic ha de parlar de @3gerardpique i @Carles5puyol. Resposta sorprenent? #ZonaFrancaTV3 ▶️ 🔴 | 3 |
1639941272663097344 | @Carles5puyol @FCBfemeni Hi guys 🤩🤩🤩 I am sharing an amazing project called #CCGDS Trust the community 💥 Trust the process 💫 Trust the team 💪 Join us @CCGDS_Official | 2 |
1639707817719341056 | @Carles5puyol @FCBfemeni simplesmente o CAPITÃO PUYOL o maior | 2 |
1639708189565362177 | @Carles5puyol @greciafcb @FCBfemeni Crack! | 2 |
1641152369927782408 | @Carles5puyol @FCBfemeni Balón de oro para @AitanaBonmati. Mañana es tarde. | 2 |
1639725405300043779 | @Carles5puyol @__Sacci @FCBfemeni Vamos 💙❤️👑💥❤️💙👑💥👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪👏👏👏👏👏 | 2 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1639253080762982409 | Vi sblocco un ricordo 🤪 #MC8 o @Carles5puyol ? #memories #italiaunder21 #2006 #football @Azzurri | 2103 |
1639784586904215552 | Simplesmente ÚNICO! Saudades, capitão @Carles5puyol ❤️💙 | 1023 |
1640977126554738689 | @PuyiFCB Que tengas razón en el aspecto deportivo no justifica tu falta de respeto, con el último comentario especialmente. Y que uses la imagen y nombre de un emblema del Barça por sus valores y respeto es deleznable. El verdadero @Carles5puyol te callaría la boca | 266 |
1639716430475153409 | @Carles5puyol @FCBfemeni Gran, capità! 👏🏻❤️ | 126 |
1641149826686492672 | @Carles5puyol @FCBfemeni Capità! 👏🏻❤️ | 112 |
1639360003055181828 | @infalete @lilcakeoficial Impresionante como ha podido reconvertirse de esa manera, de ser un central histórico a un nuevo artista, enhorabuena @Carles5puyol | 56 |
1639709189403557888 | @Carles5puyol @FCBfemeni Puyi eres mi puto padre, vuelve al Barça de lo que sea. Gracias por dar visibilidad también al fútbol femenino, gracias capi ❤️💙 | 54 |
1640609903373955073 | Alèxia lista para la batalla!os gusta? Esta disponible! Twitter haz tu magia y que @alexiaputellas opine de su miniyo!RT🙏 @Carles5puyol @FCBarcelona_es @Somhiseremfcb @FCBfemeni @gerardromero @UNIVERSO_1899 @LaLiga @ladykarenfcb @FCBarcelona_cat @RadioFCB @Mancuer91 🙏❤️+follow | 45 |
1641152369927782408 | @Carles5puyol @FCBfemeni Balón de oro para @AitanaBonmati. Mañana es tarde. | 31 |
1641152126498885632 | @Carles5puyol @FCBfemeni Capitán 💙❤️ | 24 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#football | 4 |
#mc8 | 3 |
#barca | 2 |
#xavi | 2 |
#barcelona | 2 |
#fifa | 2 |
#uefa | 2 |
#spain | 2 |
#argentina | 2 |
#messi𓃵 | 2 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@carles5puyol | 338 |
@fcbfemeni | 131 |
@azzurri | 67 |
@clamarchisio8 | 65 |
@laliga | 16 |
@radiofcb | 16 |
@fcbarcelona_es | 15 |
@somhiseremfcb | 14 |
@puyifcb | 13 |
@mancuer91 | 12 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
❤️ | 46 | red_heart |
💙 | 33 | blue_heart |
💪 | 33 | flexed_biceps |
👏 | 21 | clapping_hands |
😍 | 20 | smiling_face_with_heart-eyes |
👌 | 20 | OK_hand |
🤣 | 14 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
🤩 | 11 | star-struck |
🙌 | 7 | raising_hands |
🔴 | 6 | red_circle |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 208 |
People & Body | 100 |
Symbols | 21 |
Flags | 19 |
Activities | 10 |
Travel & Places | 6 |
Objects | 6 |
Animals & Nature | 2 |
Food & Drink | 1 |