Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Chicago & The OC



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
conservative 3614
love 3610
father 2933
husband 2890
god 2889
life 2662
family 2129
patriot 2091
proud 2042
christian 1990

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#maga 1107
#2a 590
#bitcoin 514
#amc 439
#1a 272
#fjb 247
#americafirst 226
#kag 175
#patriot 174
#trump2024 164

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14100541 573798 7453
dbongino 4132196 1502 36277
channelone_rus 2953170 419 98931
kalnaga 2771223 6117 46015
TulsiGabbard 2204746 2594 11513
GFiuza_Oficial 1906361 1143 12778
catturd2 1691936 9492 93083
glennbeck 1682487 615 22987
zittokabwe 1657543 4598 144292
RubinReport 1390416 803 96648

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 573798 14100541 7453
solalexasch 466508 679320 3505
Uldouz 347558 461193 1210
TheChrisWoodard 311254 410012 650
zammit_marc 300077 387530 64623
WTFTheRealJoJo 291725 530329 44939
robtswthrayguns 285036 259075 86486
RyanAFournier 279582 1003103 22986
LifeNewsHQ 272190 291121 254183
unkonfined 264940 660426 630701

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
AndyVermaut 2261531 31245 34442
bdnews24 1323845 223409 98940
politicalHEDGE 1220110 72416 61104
madanabhat 1118200 3107 5000
CopyOfOne 1014247 3370 4243
maegan_laporte 828516 3658 4345
SallyRMelb 824794 7515 8019
schwingcat 778882 3422 3070
MsContrarianSci 753502 7238 7962
SaveAslave 729894 5327 5511

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31659 573798 14100541
Scobleizer 22820 59545 446643
Jason 15526 18858 715596
glennbeck 14875 615 1682487
unusual_whales 11720 2368 1305926
dbongino 8540 1502 4132196
DavidSacks 7357 3031 630014
rosemcgowan 7267 5761 984852
theblaze 6834 722 884360
TulsiGabbard 6746 2594 2204746

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

208 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1596918243557789696 Remember when @ElonMusk wanted to bring free speech to Twitter and then S&P removed Tesla from their ESG 500 index, but kept in Exxon? ESG is business social credit. It's a means to control capital, keep business people in line with the narrative, and, ultimately, control you. 7116
1633255272377626624 On what occasion would you wear this? #onwhatoccasion 3041
1581769452189716480 Most of you have no idea what’s coming. And it’s not pretty. 2304
1598516648428056576 They told you they wanted to go after *billionaires*. Then, they allocated $80 billion to expand the IRS and lowered the reporting threshold for Etsy, eBay, Venmo, etc. from $20k/200 transactions to $600. Get it yet? 1667
1599174083379625984 Yes, today is the 10 year anniversary of the muskets tweet! It was before Twitter was what it is today, but at one point about 20% of my following was from this tweet. It perfectly illustrates Twitter's power to spread a message-- so many of you still remember and share it! 1536
1585089356536037378 To the women who need to hear this: Stop putting your incapacitated husbands in important, difficult situations that they are not fit to handle so you can quench your own thirst for power and access. 1164
1577825643823259653 1074
1594822087046225921 There is nothing crazier to me than seeing the artists and the hippies turning in favor or censorship and authoritarianism. 697
1581827305201991680 Play stupid games… 666
1594885905013252096 Live coverage from the anti-Thanksgiving rally, now in progress... 666

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1633255272377626624 On what occasion would you wear this? #onwhatoccasion 23124
1581769452189716480 Most of you have no idea what’s coming. And it’s not pretty. 2632
1597028021189632000 Settle a debate. You are eating ice cream without a cone. Do you put it in a cup/mug or do you put it in a bowl? 2338
1644824095522168832 What TV character was perfectly cast? 1931
1633628601190060032 On what occasion would you wear these? #onwhatoccasion 1807
1585814877888602113 Respond with a gif on how you are feeling about all the Elon/Twitter news… 1660
1603913343949242371 Who is the best movie couple of all-time? 1619
1602502950324011010 Who was the best movie “bad guy” of all time? 1552
1589831740058927104 You can vote one Seinfeld character into office tomorrow. Who are you voting for? 1474
1631088397623218178 On what occasion would you wear this? #onwhatoccasion 1430

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1633255272377626624 On what occasion would you wear this? #onwhatoccasion 9455
1631088397623218178 On what occasion would you wear this? #onwhatoccasion 495
1581769452189716480 Most of you have no idea what’s coming. And it’s not pretty. 344
1633628601190060032 On what occasion would you wear these? #onwhatoccasion 237
1596918243557789696 Remember when @ElonMusk wanted to bring free speech to Twitter and then S&P removed Tesla from their ESG 500 index, but kept in Exxon? ESG is business social credit. It's a means to control capital, keep business people in line with the narrative, and, ultimately, control you. 225
1603913343949242371 Who is the best movie couple of all-time? 197
1579932511492194304 Short people screwing up the labor force again… 178
1644824095522168832 What TV character was perfectly cast? 149
1576335000311857152 What's the all-time best opening scene to a movie? 142
1577825643823259653 142

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1596918243557789696 Remember when @ElonMusk wanted to bring free speech to Twitter and then S&P removed Tesla from their ESG 500 index, but kept in Exxon? ESG is business social credit. It's a means to control capital, keep business people in line with the narrative, and, ultimately, control you. 41399
1581769452189716480 Most of you have no idea what’s coming. And it’s not pretty. 21259
1633255272377626624 On what occasion would you wear this? #onwhatoccasion 20585
1599174083379625984 Yes, today is the 10 year anniversary of the muskets tweet! It was before Twitter was what it is today, but at one point about 20% of my following was from this tweet. It perfectly illustrates Twitter's power to spread a message-- so many of you still remember and share it! 10448
1577825643823259653 10258
1585089356536037378 To the women who need to hear this: Stop putting your incapacitated husbands in important, difficult situations that they are not fit to handle so you can quench your own thirst for power and access. 7855
1598516648428056576 They told you they wanted to go after *billionaires*. Then, they allocated $80 billion to expand the IRS and lowered the reporting threshold for Etsy, eBay, Venmo, etc. from $20k/200 transactions to $600. Get it yet? 5895
1581827305201991680 Play stupid games… 5542
1594822087046225921 There is nothing crazier to me than seeing the artists and the hippies turning in favor or censorship and authoritarianism. 4281
1579932511492194304 Short people screwing up the labor force again… 3735

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#onwhatoccasion 51
#nflplayoffs 12
#youwillownnothing 9
#smallbiz 7
#bears 7
#ftx 6
#nfl 5
#mnf 5
#raidernation 5
#moneyhuddle 4

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@foxbusiness 30
@lizmacdonaldfox 19
@glennbeck 18
@goldline 16
@eveningedit 14
@jessekellydc 14
@theblaze 13
@wsj 9
@thefirstontv 9
@elonmusk 9

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤣 3 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
❤️ 3 red_heart
🙏🏻 2 folded_hands_light_skin_tone
🎄 2 Christmas_tree
🚨 2 police_car_light
2 trade_mark
🐰 1 rabbit_face
🐇 1 rabbit
🐣 1 hatching_chick
🎉 1 party_popper

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 6
Activities 4
Animals & Nature 3
People & Body 3
Travel & Places 2
Symbols 2