Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Charlie Hebdo


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

4 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years


There is a response in the form of a cartoon to Charlie Hebdo in Turkey that says "We are all Turks". Moreover, both Greece and Turkey gave lectures to the world of brotherhood by providing rescue aid, playing Turkish songs on their TVs, and creating a cartoon in response to Charlie Hebdo's insulting drawing. There is also criticism of Charlie Hebdo's racist and Islamophobic French magazine which they used to make a joke of the Turkish tragedy. Lastly, there is a response in the form of a cartoon created by a Palestinian artist in response to the Charlie Hebdo cartoon.

Topic Modeling

  1. Charlie Hebdo – Karikatür, criticizm, kritik
  2. Türkiye – İnsan hakları, kalkınma, toplumsal kalkınma
  3. Yunanistan – Kültür, dayanışma, kardeşlik
  4. Deprem – Çaresizlik, mücadele, kurtarma
  5. Suriyeli – Mülteciliğe karşı, hayat hakkı, medeni haklar

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a wide range of emotions, from anger and outrage to admiration and pride. Many of the tweets are directed at Charlie Hebdo, expressing anger and disappointment in the magazine's publication of a caricature mocking the Turkish earthquake victims. Other tweets express admiration and pride in the response of the Greek people, who have responded to Charlie Hebdo's caricature with their own drawing, showing solidarity with the Turkish people. There is also a sense of indignation and frustration at the unequal treatment of different groups in the media, with some tweets noting that Charlie Hebdo is allowed to make jokes about Muslim victims of tragedy, while other groups would not be given the same leeway.

Trend Analysis

  1. Charlie Hebdo's Islamophobic and racist content
  2. Kahramanmaraş, Gaziantep, Hatay and Malatya earthquake
  3. Censorship and banning of Daniele Ganser
  4. Solidarity and support from Yunanistan in response to Charlie Hebdo's cartoon
  5. Response to Charlie Hebdo's cartoon by artists such as Abrar Sabbah

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 19955
Twitter for iPhone 15002
Twitter Web App 7577
Twitter for iPad 393
TweetDeck 78

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
TimesNow TIMES NOW TIMES NOW is India’s most watched English news channel. Follow for lightning fast #BreakingNews and #Alerts. 10,325,813
kompascom Jernih Melihat Dunia | Berita Indonesia Terkini, Akurat, dan Terpercaya 8,462,037
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English Hear the human story and join the discussion. We go beyond cold facts and bring to light what matters. For breaking news alerts, follow @AJENews. 8,283,511
Estadao Estadão 🗞️ A versão online do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo. Acompanhe também as atualizações pelo Instagram: 7,567,599
RevistaSemana Revista Semana Periodismo con carácter. 5,268,167
VIVAcoid VivaCoid - 4,666,548
TPMP TPMP #TPMP présenté par @Cyrilhanouna (@h2oprodoff) en direct du lundi au vendredi à 19h10 sur @C8TV 📺 Pour assister à l'émission ➡️ 3,854,631
voiceofworldco VoW Dijital Haber Platformu | Türkiye’den ve dünyadan son dakika gelişmelerine en hızlı şekilde ulaşmak için bildirimleri açabilirsiniz. 3,571,941
CNNIndonesia CNN Indonesia News We Can Trust. | Download app: & 3,499,241
milliyet 🎥 YouTube: 2,594,568

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
54cfb66729644bd at alay 👨‍🎨✍️💜🏛Architect,M.Arch.L.A / USA racism✋war✋pollution ✋ 🌱 🌸 Texts mine, visuals compiled 243,525
OzlemAgirmanTR Özlem Ağırman GDP 🇹🇷 👇✊📌 100 Bin İmza İçin Ön kayıt: Özlem Ağırman GDP Genel Başkanı Kadın Cumhurbaşkanı Adayı @OzlemAgirmangnl 132,637
radionica Radiónica Radio Pública 🇨🇴 Btá 99.1|Med 99.9|Cali 94.5|B/quilla 95.1|S. Marta 95.1|R/hacha 95.1|Málaga 92.3|Pei 95.6. Somos @RTVCco 📱Telegram 125,976
kanekos69 υπερήφανα ντροπή του έθνους.. #IStandWithJKRowling καφριλες επικαιρότητας, απαισιόλοξος διαστροφολόγος κυνικός, atheist,antisocial pervert, copypasta enthusiast, permanently immature retard, PROUD TO BE MALAKAS 64,118
politicalHEDGE THE POLITICAL HEDGE ELON IS MY NEW BOSS Sharing Hot Takes on: Business + Political News. 60,786
kalemdar Levent Ozcan “Geçici olmayan kalıcı bir izzet ve şerefe ulaşmak istersen, fânî bir izzette şeref ve bahtiyarlık arama.” 58,671
hakkiocal Hakkı Öcal 🇹🇷 "Kendi cevvim, kendi eflâkimde, kendim tâirim."--T. Fikret Gazeteci, fotoğrafçı vs.. Görüşlerim sadece beni bağlar. 57,899
Distribucionyma Distribucionmarketin #Marketing en Gemproject -Creador de #negociosOnline DesarrolloProyectos #autónomos Pymes #Ecommerce #Gemprojecmarket #emprende #leoescuchate #hearyourselfbook 55,854
AdeleacheH 🕊️ لا Adèle Ho لا 🌕 سلام عليكم 🕊🕸 }{ Aussi loin que je me souvienne ☆ Marginalia, à la marge du livre ⚓ 54,185
20m Cuenta oficial de 20minutos, el medio social y ciudadano. Información, análisis y contacto personal con los lectores las 24 horas 51,615

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
francky_hull Je suis Francky... Je suis de Hull... I am Francky de Hull :) Mes tweets sont rarement sérieux... All the bullshit I tweet is seriously endorsed by myself! 171
CaMarsey She/Her | Autistic | ♿️ 🏳️‍⚧️ 🇰🇿 79
ggkkhhnn3434 - 70
CrypRoy_ Not here for the tech 💰 Early Investor in $VRA $UOS $OCEAN and $VET ; Industrial engineer during the day 📋🛠, shitcoin investor at night 57
Bilgi96217405 - 46
restrictedacc23 said it's belief 45
fermandar_kurd Zzzzzžz 39
Sara08120832 - 39
ZaraMucci This Twitter account has been put at the service of justice and police since its opening #cyberterrorism @elonmusk 38

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1623243006953259009 Yunanistan'da Charlie Hebdo'ya cevap niteliğinde karikatür: Hepimiz Türküz. 6523
1623258459058626560 Hey 4hlaksız @Charlie_Hebdo_ ! ✏ Öyle çizmeyecektiniz, Böyle çizecektiniz! ..Yineden ayağa kalkacağız 🇹🇷.. Bu güçlü millet kalkacak! #deprem #karikatür #kahramanmaraş #Gaziantep #hatay #malatya #türkiye @MevlutCavusoglu @suleymansoylu #suriye #enkaz #caricature 5044
1623297597883441258 Şerefsiz @Charlie_Hebdo_ karikatür öyle değil böyle çizilir 2449
1623260753426890753 Yunanistan'dan, Charlie Hebdo çizimine cevap niteliğinde karikatür: "Hepimiz Türküz" 1610
1623258577476411392 Erbärmlich: Der Schweizer Natokritiker und Friedenskämpfer Daniele Ganser wird aus deutschen Vortragssälen verbannt. Aber die frz. Zeitschrift Charlie Hebdo, die türkische Erdbebenopfer verhöhnt, ist in internationalen Zeitschriftengeschäften Dtld's frei erhältlich. Zum Kotzen! 1303
1623119068898156544 @Charlie_Hebdo_ 1072
1622991299715424256 Racist and Islamophobic French mag Charlie Hebdo uses the trajedy in Turkey to make a joke. If it were thousands of French people dead, or Jews or LGBT or any other group, then Charlie Hebdo wouldn't touch it. But it's just Muslims so no issue. 931
1623282321448226817 Yunanistan hem kurtarma yardımı, hem tv’lerinden Karadeniz türküleri, hem de Charlie hebdo’nun çirkin karikatürüne karşı bu yaptığıyla dünyaya kardeşlik dersi veriyor! 👍 836
1622985388422840320 The French newspaper Charlie Hebdo mocks the pain of the victims of the #TurkeyEarthquake . “ Now we don’t even need to send tanks” ! It’s really disgusting to make fun of the suffering of others & far from the ethics of journalism, assuming it sticks to it & i doubt it. 621
1623383951795429395 Une belle réponse à la publication, crapuleuse, de charlie-hebdo sur le séisme en Turquie 🇹🇷. 620

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1623243006953259009 Yunanistan'da Charlie Hebdo'ya cevap niteliğinde karikatür: Hepimiz Türküz. 67864
1623258459058626560 Hey 4hlaksız @Charlie_Hebdo_ ! ✏ Öyle çizmeyecektiniz, Böyle çizecektiniz! ..Yineden ayağa kalkacağız 🇹🇷.. Bu güçlü millet kalkacak! #deprem #karikatür #kahramanmaraş #Gaziantep #hatay #malatya #türkiye @MevlutCavusoglu @suleymansoylu #suriye #enkaz #caricature 15403
1623260753426890753 Yunanistan'dan, Charlie Hebdo çizimine cevap niteliğinde karikatür: "Hepimiz Türküz" 14959
1623297597883441258 Şerefsiz @Charlie_Hebdo_ karikatür öyle değil böyle çizilir 9055
1623119068898156544 @Charlie_Hebdo_ 8197
1623282321448226817 Yunanistan hem kurtarma yardımı, hem tv’lerinden Karadeniz türküleri, hem de Charlie hebdo’nun çirkin karikatürüne karşı bu yaptığıyla dünyaya kardeşlik dersi veriyor! 👍 7416
1623258577476411392 Erbärmlich: Der Schweizer Natokritiker und Friedenskämpfer Daniele Ganser wird aus deutschen Vortragssälen verbannt. Aber die frz. Zeitschrift Charlie Hebdo, die türkische Erdbebenopfer verhöhnt, ist in internationalen Zeitschriftengeschäften Dtld's frei erhältlich. Zum Kotzen! 6029
1623261730452213761 Yunanistan'dan, Charlie Hebdo çizimine cevap niteliğinde karikatür: "Hepimiz Türküz" 5364
1623050029132025856 @Charlie_Hebdo_ Bu şaka mı ? Kalpsizsiniz !!!! İnsan olmak ne önemli meziyet !!!! 3940
1623369132153397248 Charlie Hebdo'ya tepki olarak yapılan bir karikatür 3791

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#charliehebdo 527
#deprem 381
#turkey 311
#turkeyearthquake 191
#charlie_hebdo 175
#tpmp 172
#turquie 152
#turkeyquake 128
#türkiye 122
#earthquake 121

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@charlie_hebdo_ 34514
@j_todenhoefer 1788
@inoxtag 1699
@elonmusk 866
@sireneoznur 840
@abrar_sabbah 638
@rahmariad 603
@tpmp 445
@jnobireed 407
@mevlutcavusoglu 373

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇹🇷 8152 Turkey
🤮 2110 face_vomiting
😡 768 enraged_face
😂 730 face_with_tears_of_joy
🖕 610 middle_finger
🤣 563 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
👏 551 clapping_hands
💩 547 pile_of_poo
🤬 492 face_with_symbols_on_mouth
👎 417 thumbs_down

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Flags 10359
Smileys & Emotion 8545
People & Body 4266
Symbols 1070
Animals & Nature 489
Objects 335
Travel & Places 210
Activities 169
Food & Drink 32