Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @chronicleherald
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
9 days
Average age of authors' accounts
8 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 182 |
Twitter Web App | 107 |
Twitter for Android | 93 |
Twitter for iPad | 37 |
TweetDeck | 5 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
halifaxnoise | halifaxnoise | #halifax events + news + photos + food + fashion & fun. support local. | 33,474 |
deAdderCanada | de Adder Canada | Cartoonist. @deadder | 29,940 |
mini_bubbly | Cheryl in Nova Scotia 🍁🇨🇦🦞 | #IndigenousLivesMatter #NovaScotiaAdventures #ArmyBrat #ClimateChange #TheResistance🏳️🌈 #WildlifeSupport #LGBTQSupporter #NoLists #BLM 2nd acct @Scotia_Caper | 28,825 |
NightTimePod | Jordan Bonaparte | Host of @Nighttimepod a podcast covering Canadian crime, mysteries, and weird. | 10,268 |
NSCCNews | Nova Scotia Community College - NSCC | Nova Scotia Community College is building the province’s economy and quality of life hand-in-hand with the almost 20,000 choosing to learn and grow with us. | 10,238 |
katynotie | Katy Jean | Dartmouthian. Mother of Vincent. Multimedia/columnist with @saltwirenetwork. Personal Tweeter. Goose memorializer. Saver of bees & chairs. Totus Tuus. | 8,552 |
InfoMorningCB | Information Morning | CBC's Information Morning with host Steve Sutherland is the #1 morning radio show in Cape Breton. 6-8:37 every weekday. Several people tweet on this account. | 7,822 |
WillyPalov | Willy Palov | Sportswriter, scout/contributing editor Red Line Report, union president CWA 30130 | 7,387 |
KurtRobson007 | .Kurt Robson.☮ | We need to have more empathy for others. *formally @KurtRobson101 #UniteBlue #Stongertogether #TeamJustice 🇨🇦 | 6,786 |
pearceauto | Calvin Pearce | In 2023 I will resume my financial literacy Tweets. #CarGuy, Retired Health IT Guy, #itdoesnthavetohurt Kids Pain Mgmt Volunteer, |Husband|Dad|Grandad| | 6,561 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
mini_bubbly | Cheryl in Nova Scotia 🍁🇨🇦🦞 | #IndigenousLivesMatter #NovaScotiaAdventures #ArmyBrat #ClimateChange #TheResistance🏳️🌈 #WildlifeSupport #LGBTQSupporter #NoLists #BLM 2nd acct @Scotia_Caper | 18,021 |
pearceauto | Calvin Pearce | In 2023 I will resume my financial literacy Tweets. #CarGuy, Retired Health IT Guy, #itdoesnthavetohurt Kids Pain Mgmt Volunteer, |Husband|Dad|Grandad| | 6,949 |
BigJMcC | John George McCracken | Retired Labour Communicator, CUPE Comms Rep. for 26 years. Worked in radio news for 10 years prior to that. NDP - it's my party and I'll cry if I want to! | 6,745 |
ProtestMusica | @ProtestMusica 🇺🇦 | mantendremos la memoria e ideologia 🦋 ✝️ Jacqueline Sanchez Hdez ✝️🦋 nos dedicamos Noticias,CulturaMúsica,Internacional (Spa 🇲🇽/Eng 🇺🇸) | 6,621 |
KurtRobson007 | .Kurt Robson.☮ | We need to have more empathy for others. *formally @KurtRobson101 #UniteBlue #Stongertogether #TeamJustice 🇨🇦 | 6,594 |
BCReality | BC Reality | Putting me on a list - INSTANT block West Coast - Best Coast Voting CONservative has CONsequences Mastodon… | 5,483 |
John68Richmond | John Richmond 🌹 | Dad, partner, @BCSocialWorkers, horticultural therapist #syíyaya Reconciliation, Owner - Roberts Creek Care Consulting BC (BC) Stroke survivor @alumubc he/him | 4,993 |
KnewsNut | Houston We Have a Problem | Sorry Christian Conservatives, but spending eternal life with you people is not the selling feature you think it is. Gen Z is our only hope | 4,785 |
FridayInHalifax | Mikaela. | She/Hulk - Crash Ann Burn - Pop Historian - Social Media @SaltWireNetwork, Podcasts @reelgeekshfx @m_o_marketing, Jokes @TheBeaverton, EiC @HereEgoPodcasts | 4,533 |
ARTSalamode | ARTS à la Mode | Rebellious, opinionated, art lover, cynical idealist - make me laugh and I'm your friend for life. | 4,478 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
FridayInHalifax | She/Hulk - Crash Ann Burn - Pop Historian - Social Media @SaltWireNetwork, Podcasts @reelgeekshfx @m_o_marketing, Jokes @TheBeaverton, EiC @HereEgoPodcasts | 27 |
WalterNRegan1 | - | 10 |
SamSpad38744700 | - | 8 |
democracy4evry1 | - | 6 |
dajjad79 | Contrarian by nature, devils advocate, beep boop Blocking or muting me is proof I am right Celebrity and political worship is a mental illness | 5 |
seriousmother | I’M JUDY 2! “& so he was Clayton Jr!” Antifaux defector & 1 serious mother! AntiCAHN2023 & AntiCONvoy2023 Childhood sexual assault survivor (not familial) | 5 |
MP35753111 | - | 5 |
Ken_Simmons_NL | SaltWire Network digital audience manager, motor-life enthusiast, struggling musician, late-blooming biker. Likes most likely lols. | 5 |
katynotie | Dartmouthian. Mother of Vincent. Multimedia/columnist with @saltwirenetwork. Personal Tweeter. Goose memorializer. Saver of bees & chairs. Totus Tuus. | 5 |
stanbrookr | - | 5 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1640737294356299778 | Cartoon for @chronicleherald | 58 |
1638869291477921794 | The ongoing antics of #Trump and his minions continue to provide @CH_Cartoon with endless artistic ammunition. #TrumpIndictments #ArrestTrumpNow In today's @chronicleherald | 5 |
1639186481561612288 | #NSCC @MarconiCampus is closed today due to inclement weather. Visit for more information. @cbcns @ctvatlantic @ctvmorningatl @globalhalifax @chronicleherald @infomorningcb @NewCountry1035 @949thewave | 2 |
1641725024875732992 | #NSCC @MarconiCampus is closed today due to inclement weather. Visit for more information. @cbcns @ctvatlantic @ctvmorningatl @globalhalifax @chronicleherald @infomorningcb @NewCountry1035 @949thewave | 2 |
1640790746168021006 | @chronicleherald His vacation should be on his wealth not the taxpayers. | 1 |
1641735052089257984 | NSCCNews: #NSCC @MarconiCampus is closed today due to inclement weather. Visit for more information. @cbcns @ctvatlantic @ctvmorningatl @globalhalifax @chronicleherald @infomorningcb @NewCountry1035 @949thewave | 1 |
1639304563688882176 | @CarymaRules I’m sure I heard 1 of the many #carymastan accounts that block me asked 4 a 🩲 pic of 🌊🤠! #yow #yyz @TownOfYarmouth @HeidiPCTV @PamMood @zachchurchill @SaltWireToday @CTVAtlantic @TwitCoast @CBCNS @22_Minutes @CBCOttawa @ctvottawa @OttawaCitizen @chronicleherald | 1 |
1638877358726823937 | @chronicleherald Sure are making life very very difficult for ALL NOVA SCOTIA.We struggle to pay now and try to keep a roof over our head and BANG the province hits HARD AGAIN.Stop bringing more people in NS for awhile and help get our own people looked after first.High Rise alright. | 1 |
1641624308102430720 | @chronicleherald The Commission seemed to have mistaken a pellet or airsoft gun for a genuine firearm. | 1 |
1641717387291394050 | .@nsccstrait Area Campus and the Wagmatcook Learning Centre are closed today due to inclement weather. Visit for more information. @cbcns @ctvatlantic @ctvmorningatl @globalhalifax @chronicleherald @infomorningcb @1015_The_Hawk @989XFM | 1 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1640737294356299778 | Cartoon for @chronicleherald | 240 |
1638608918447542272 | @chronicleherald (1)I’ve said it many times and I’ll keep on saying it. EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL NEEDS to have a Guidance Counsellor and a Psychologist on staff. They NEED to be there everyday. None of this one Counsellor and one Psychologist doing 3-4 Schools. | 33 |
1638609305267212288 | @chronicleherald (2) Each School needs to have their own Counsellor and their own Psychologist just for their School. Could prevent things like this from happening. I do sincerely hope this young man gets the support he so desperately needs as well as the staff. | 29 |
1638548138670829568 | @chronicleherald Hope the young fella gets the help he needs. | 24 |
1638869291477921794 | The ongoing antics of #Trump and his minions continue to provide @CH_Cartoon with endless artistic ammunition. #TrumpIndictments #ArrestTrumpNow In today's @chronicleherald | 16 |
1641461294564880387 | Shame on you @chronicleherald. As if these days aren’t hard enough on us, you felt the need to send a reporter to my Dad and Alanna’s property on a day like today? As if the gate and no trespassing signs weren’t enough to keep you away? | 10 |
1638876349346598914 | @chronicleherald | 9 |
1640774175664242688 | @deAdderCanada @chronicleherald I have to say I’m disappointed. Isn’t this just feeding the RW propaganda storm? The history of deficits/surpluses correlated with gov shows correlation: Con govs have put in way more deficit budgets after giving tax cuts. Libs restore balance most of the time. | 8 |
1640738657861771272 | @deAdderCanada @chronicleherald While I admit I appreciate the GoC helping families struggling with food costs wouldn’t it be better to tax the extraordinary profits being generated by the grocery chains instead of my low income tax dollars? | 7 |
1638598216248696832 | @real_MrSafemoon @chronicleherald I know I wonder how destitute that poor kid felt that he had to do that first thing on Monday morning. Clearly there are big problems in this child’s life. | 6 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#nscc | 7 |
#trump | 3 |
#trumpindictments | 2 |
#arresttrumpnow | 2 |
#sydney | 2 |
#novascotia | 2 |
#notmycanada | 2 |
#intheweed | 2 |
#masscasualtycommission | 1 |
#factsmatter | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@chronicleherald | 429 |
@deaddercanada | 39 |
@cbcns | 18 |
@ctvatlantic | 18 |
@katynotie | 16 |
@rougefatale | 13 |
@globalhalifax | 13 |
@ctvmorningatl | 11 |
@infomorningcb | 11 |
@ch_cartoon | 10 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
👏 | 7 | clapping_hands |
🤣 | 4 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
🇨🇦 | 2 | Canada |
⚡ | 2 | high_voltage |
🔥 | 2 | fire |
🤪 | 1 | zany_face |
😵💫 | 1 | face_with_spiral_eyes |
🤦🏽♀️ | 1 | woman_facepalming_medium_skin_tone |
😩 | 1 | weary_face |
🙄 | 1 | face_with_rolling_eyes |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
People & Body | 13 |
Smileys & Emotion | 12 |
Travel & Places | 5 |
Objects | 3 |
Flags | 2 |
Animals & Nature | 1 |
Symbols | 1 |