Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Comscore
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
9 days
Average age of authors' accounts
11 years
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter Web App | 41 |
Twitter for Android | 33 |
Twitter for iPhone | 15 |
Hootsuite Inc. | 6 |
MediaPost | 3 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
mkdirecto | | El medio especializado en marketing y publicidad más elegido por los anunciantes en España según @SCOPEN_es Todos nuestros eventos en @mkdirectoevents | 410,601 |
MediaPost | MediaPost | Daily news and commentaries for media, marketing and advertising professionals looking for the most comprehensive industry coverage. | 114,743 |
iab | IAB | #IAB empowers the media and marketing industries to thrive in the digital economy. | 105,615 |
PromoteHorror | PromoteHorror 🎃 | Welcome to, where we bring creators of horror & horror fans together! Our goal is to help #SpreadtheHorror through our promotions! | 95,814 |
FilmCompanion | Film Companion | Film Companion is a celebration of the movies & more. | 84,638 |
prnoticias | prnoticias | 💻 Medio online especializado en #Comunicación #Marketing #Periodismo y #Medios 📲 Síguenos también en y en | 76,414 |
Forumkeralam2 | ForumKeralam | Box Office Reports | Exclusive Reviews | Fans Arena | Movie Discussion | Multiplex Trackers | Official Twitter Handle | Visit & SignUp : | 35,939 |
cSMoviesSpain | ComscoreMoviesSpain | Rentrak is now Comscore. The gold standard in worldwide box office measurement for film distributors and exhibitors, Comscore is the global source.#yovoyalcine | 26,881 |
PubMatic | PubMatic | PubMatic (Nasdaq: PUBM) is an independent technology company maximizing customer value by delivering digital advertising’s supply chain of the future. | 25,275 |
markjburns88 | Mark J. Burns | I write about sports + sports business for @MorningConsult • @Umich/@BelmontLaw • • Opinions are mine | 22,792 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
PromoteHorror | PromoteHorror 🎃 | Welcome to, where we bring creators of horror & horror fans together! Our goal is to help #SpreadtheHorror through our promotions! | 47,455 |
amaBoston | American Marketing Association (AMA) | Boston | @AMA_Marketing #Boston Chapter offers #marketers #marketing + industry news, events and Boston-area networking. Tweets by @thebobcargill @BrianHurst01 @osartor | 11,018 |
Activithink | Alberto Formiga🧉🔥 #CMEventos #HashtagPositioning | #CommunityManager & #SocialMedia #Eventos 💥 #MarketingDigital #SEO #AI #OpenAI #ChatGPT #Web3 #BigData #IoT #5G #MWC23 #TRAFFFIC ✍️ #Blogger #DesMarketingES 👇 | 6,586 |
icomglobal | icomglobal | Community of the world’s Smart Data Marketing elite / sector association exploring the creation of business value from #SmartData & #Measurement. | 5,926 |
thebobcargill | Bob Cargill | Copywriter, social media consultant, content creator, adjunct professor, speaker, author, past president of @NEDMA '99-'00 and current president of @amaBoston. | 5,222 |
YukiNara12 | Nara | 雑多垢。エヴァ好き。興収分析。 AppleとSONY好き。■趣味:アニメ/映画/ラノベ/テック/乗り物/歴史/政治経済/地理/宇宙/気象/自然/旅行など■好きな映画:SW■好きなアニメ:EVA /DB/コナン/とある フォローは大歓迎😆/発信は個人見解です。※リツイート,いいねは、賛意とは限らない。 | 5,002 |
lorenzodamelio | Lorenzo D'Amelio | Digital Strategist 📱& Startup Advisor 🚀 I CEO I Co-Founder @StartAfricaRoad 🌍 I Member of Angels 4 Impact 🌱 Stories change the world 📖 | 4,956 |
SciFi4Me | SciFi4Me TV 🇺🇸 Genre News & Commentary | 📹🎤📚 🖖👽👑🐉👻👹🚀🔭 There Are Four Lights #geeknews YouTube/social: scifi4me -- Follows & RTs are not endorsements | 4,831 |
RobHartWBBM | Rob Hart | White Sox fan. Model Citizen. 10:00-3:00 anchor @wbbmnewsradio and host of the WBBM Noon Business Hour. Ex: WTMJ, WGN, FM News 101.1, WLUP. | 4,004 |
iab | IAB | #IAB empowers the media and marketing industries to thrive in the digital economy. | 3,527 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
PDergarabedian | Sr. Media Analyst for @Comscore/@csMoviesUS. Film, Music & Architecture addict. @USCAnnenberg @CSULB graduate. Co-Host of the "Ticket To Ride" #Podcast. | 18 |
mameri9 | Periodista, periodista... periodista. | 6 |
ebizlatin | Soluciones Digitales para que liberes el potencial de tu cadena de suministro e información de #TransformaciónDigital de mano de los especialistas | 5 |
IPMARK | Revista para Anunciantes y Directores de Marketing con actualidad de marketing, publicidad y medios, en el DIARIO IPMARK, la Web y la revista en papel y online | 3 |
PAMEtrics | Apasionada de la Investigación de Mercados y los datos. Insights Director en ComScore. Siempre aprendiendo. Mis opiniones son a título personal. | 3 |
MediaPost | Daily news and commentaries for media, marketing and advertising professionals looking for the most comprehensive industry coverage. | 3 |
PubMatic | PubMatic (Nasdaq: PUBM) is an independent technology company maximizing customer value by delivering digital advertising’s supply chain of the future. | 3 |
pecanpiepro | Pecan Pie Productions is one of the nation's premiere full-service cinema advertising and production companies for independent theatres. | 2 |
mediashotz | FOLLOW US for all the latest on the ads, brands, campaigns and creative content from around the UK & beyond. | 2 |
hrytweeps | not a people pleaser. | 2 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1640378470277746690 | According to @DEADLINE and @Comscore 'Louis Tomlinson: All Of Those Voices' released in 569 US locations to a debut of $534,913 for a cume to date of $1.208M #AOTV also made $174,304 for debut and a total of $353,543 at Australian Box Office. | 16 |
1640022975255822338 | #JohnWickChapter4 took an estimated Gross of $73,525,000 from the North American BO for the Opening weekend via @Comscore FRI : $29,348,000 SAT : $25,800,000 SUN : $18,287,000 #AvatarTheWayOfWater continues to be in the Top10 chart with cume of $680,440,963 | 12 |
1640030589679198208 | A fantastic weekend for movie theaters as #JohnWick4 tops the weekend with a killer opening & like #Scream6 & #Creed3 puts up a franchise best debut! #KeanuReeves @JohnWickMovie #JohnWick - Check out our @Comscore chart! @csMoviesUS @ShazamMovie @ScreamMovies @creedmovie | 11 |
1640009318362935297 | Breaking news! @Comscore reports Lionsgate's #JohnWick4 took in a franchise best $73.525M for the weekend domestically & $137.525M worldwide, debuting #1 in each of the 71 markets where the film opened this weekend. #JohnWick @JohnWickMovie #KeanuReeves @csMoviesUS | 8 |
1638967571235082240 | With the @AppleTV announcement @Comscore data shows that the movie theater business is here to stay & on an upward trajectory! Look for the percentage gap between YTD '23 & '19 to narrow in the coming weeks with an amazing slate of films on the horizon. @csMoviesUS @JohnWickMovie | 5 |
1639312853021913089 | Many thanks to @laurenbarry91 for the mention in this great piece for @Audacy on the @Apple $1b movie plan "This is a huge deal and I think it totally validates the idea that the movie theatre is here to stay." @Comscore @csMoviesUS @AppleTV @AppleTVPlus | 4 |
1639310929702834178 | #johnwick4 is off to an amazing start taking in $8.9M on Thursday night, #JohnWickMovie enters the domestic market in 3,855 locations & is poised for a franchise best domestic debut in the $65 - $70M range! See @Comscore's chart here @JohnWickMovie #KeanuReeves @csMoviesUS | 4 |
1639657320258097152 | With a franchise high debut in the works, Lionsgate's #JohnWick4 took in an estimated $29.4M on Friday (including the $8.9M collected from pre-shows on Thursday night). @JohnWickMovie still on track for a $65 - $70M domestic weekend! @Comscore @csMoviesUS #JohnWick #KeanuReeves | 4 |
1641183781582249984 | Los consumidores esperan que la publicidad esté relacionada con sus gustos o con el contenido que están mirando. El 35% de los espectadores no tiene problema en ver anuncios sólo si el contenido audiovisual es gratis, según @Comscore. | 4 |
1640414852702433280 | Outstanding reporting by @NicholasYanes for @SciFiPulse going into detail on the success of micro-budget #HorrorMovies - @Comscore @csMoviesUS Honored to be quoted alongside @JoshMillerLite @SethMSherwood @joel_eisenberg #skinamarink @PromoteHorror | 3 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1640022975255822338 | #JohnWickChapter4 took an estimated Gross of $73,525,000 from the North American BO for the Opening weekend via @Comscore FRI : $29,348,000 SAT : $25,800,000 SUN : $18,287,000 #AvatarTheWayOfWater continues to be in the Top10 chart with cume of $680,440,963 | 92 |
1640378470277746690 | According to @DEADLINE and @Comscore 'Louis Tomlinson: All Of Those Voices' released in 569 US locations to a debut of $534,913 for a cume to date of $1.208M #AOTV also made $174,304 for debut and a total of $353,543 at Australian Box Office. | 88 |
1639820680178065411 | #JohnWick4 What an epic big screen experience! An homage to “Lawrence of Arabia” had me hooked & the ride began. Sound design shook every corner of the theater & cinematography is world class. @JohnWickMovie #KeanuReeves is incredible! @Comscore @csMoviesUS #JohnWick @csMoviesUS | 21 |
1640009318362935297 | Breaking news! @Comscore reports Lionsgate's #JohnWick4 took in a franchise best $73.525M for the weekend domestically & $137.525M worldwide, debuting #1 in each of the 71 markets where the film opened this weekend. #JohnWick @JohnWickMovie #KeanuReeves @csMoviesUS | 19 |
1640030589679198208 | A fantastic weekend for movie theaters as #JohnWick4 tops the weekend with a killer opening & like #Scream6 & #Creed3 puts up a franchise best debut! #KeanuReeves @JohnWickMovie #JohnWick - Check out our @Comscore chart! @csMoviesUS @ShazamMovie @ScreamMovies @creedmovie | 14 |
1638694352791965697 | Check out my latest @Comscore video featuring my beloved dog DOMINO & #JohnWick With #johnwick4 opening this weekend and expected to put up franchise best opening numbers I break down the B.O. track record of the @JohnWickMovie franchise - #KeanuReeves #LanceReddick @csMoviesUS | 12 |
1638967571235082240 | With the @AppleTV announcement @Comscore data shows that the movie theater business is here to stay & on an upward trajectory! Look for the percentage gap between YTD '23 & '19 to narrow in the coming weeks with an amazing slate of films on the horizon. @csMoviesUS @JohnWickMovie | 12 |
1639310929702834178 | #johnwick4 is off to an amazing start taking in $8.9M on Thursday night, #JohnWickMovie enters the domestic market in 3,855 locations & is poised for a franchise best domestic debut in the $65 - $70M range! See @Comscore's chart here @JohnWickMovie #KeanuReeves @csMoviesUS | 9 |
1639657320258097152 | With a franchise high debut in the works, Lionsgate's #JohnWick4 took in an estimated $29.4M on Friday (including the $8.9M collected from pre-shows on Thursday night). @JohnWickMovie still on track for a $65 - $70M domestic weekend! @Comscore @csMoviesUS #JohnWick #KeanuReeves | 7 |
1639312853021913089 | Many thanks to @laurenbarry91 for the mention in this great piece for @Audacy on the @Apple $1b movie plan "This is a huge deal and I think it totally validates the idea that the movie theatre is here to stay." @Comscore @csMoviesUS @AppleTV @AppleTVPlus | 7 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#johnwick4 | 21 |
#keanureeves | 20 |
#johnwick | 18 |
#aedemotv2023 | 7 |
#adtech | 5 |
#cookieless | 4 |
#dataprivacy | 4 |
#dungeonsanddragonsmovie | 3 |
#privacy | 3 |
#publicpolicylegalsummit | 3 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@comscore | 105 |
@csmoviesus | 37 |
@johnwickmovie | 27 |
@pdergarabedian | 22 |
@pubmatic | 9 |
@ebizlatin | 5 |
@deadline | 5 |
@ia_asociacion | 5 |
@forumreelz | 4 |
@apple | 4 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
👉 | 6 | backhand_index_pointing_right |
📺 | 3 | television |
📶 | 3 | antenna_bars |
📍 | 2 | round_pushpin |
📈 | 2 | chart_increasing |
🆙 | 1 | UP!_button |
🇪🇸 | 1 | Spain |
👇 | 1 | backhand_index_pointing_down |
📸 | 1 | camera_with_flash |
👇🏼 | 1 | backhand_index_pointing_down_medium-light_skin_tone |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Objects | 8 |
People & Body | 8 |
Symbols | 4 |
Flags | 1 |
Smileys & Emotion | 1 |