Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @DeepakAdk
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
8 days
Average age of authors' accounts
12 years
The tweets cover various topics, including politics, land acquisition, airport expansion, and a love story. There are also discussions of misinformation and a call for fact-checking. One tweet promotes an upcoming event focused on innovation, while another raises questions about data privacy on a Nepali app.
Topic Modeling
- Political corruption and land acquisition
- Infrastructure development and funding
- Questioning government policies and actions
- Social and cultural events
- Technology and privacy concerns
Emotional Analysis
The tweets cover a range of topics, but there is not necessarily a consistent emotional tone throughout. Some tweets express frustration or confusion over a particular issue (such as misinformation being spread), while others are more positive or light-hearted (such as a tweet about a cricket competition). There are also tweets that express concern or sadness over a particular situation, such as the loss of land or the cost of a particular project. Overall, the emotions expressed in the tweets vary depending on the topic being discussed.
Trend Analysis
- Discussion and controversy surrounding land acquisition
- Politics and politicians
- Infrastructure development and expansion
- Social events and happenings
- Tech and app-related news and discussions
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 14 |
Twitter Web App | 12 |
Twitter for iPhone | 4 |
Twitter for Mac | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
gbudhathoki | Gajendra S. Budhathoki ♿ | ♿Mission accessible Nepal♿ Chief Editor: winner: Developing Asia Journalism Award, National Journalism Award, INJA Investigative Award | 106,427 |
agovinda | Govinda Adhikari | Executive Editor, | 36,059 |
DeepakAdk | Deepak Adhikari | Editor @Nepal_Check Investigating online mis-& disinformation in Nepal. Formerly: Editor @Southasiacheck, Reporter @dpa_intl @AFP @NepalMagazine | 30,726 |
Bipendraa | Bipendra | A journalist never sleeps ! #journalistneversleeps | 15,539 |
DhakalSaurav | Saurav Dhakal | #Curator #NepalArtVillage #DreamDesigner @OurDreamCity #Storyteller @StoryCycle #Traveler #GreatHimalayanTrail #FoodCurator @GreenGrowth01 | 13,716 |
laxmanKarki1 | राम्रो म | Editor @cinkhabar Past-@kantipurradio @ujyaalo @makalukhabar #Tehrathum (tweets are personal) | 8,655 |
BravoAdhi | PR@MOD | - | 2,730 |
Oum108 | अखण्ड | Listen, Read, Travel! | 2,351 |
nischaldhl | Nischal Dhungel | Economist @A2FConsulting, Contributing Writer: @TheEIU, @kathmandupost, Fellow @NIPOREGlobal, Prev: @FDM_Nepal @NEFNepal, Alumni @LevyEconGrad | 1,228 |
youbesh_dhdl | Youbesh Dhaubhadel | | Visual Artist | Minimal capturer through the eyes of a professional sightseer | @mitbootcamps ‘20 Alumnus | @watson_inst ‘21 Fellow | Aspiring Economist | | 1,098 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
gbudhathoki | Gajendra S. Budhathoki ♿ | ♿Mission accessible Nepal♿ Chief Editor: winner: Developing Asia Journalism Award, National Journalism Award, INJA Investigative Award | 9,820 |
agovinda | Govinda Adhikari | Executive Editor, | 6,590 |
laxmanKarki1 | राम्रो म | Editor @cinkhabar Past-@kantipurradio @ujyaalo @makalukhabar #Tehrathum (tweets are personal) | 2,449 |
Oum108 | अखण्ड | Listen, Read, Travel! | 2,201 |
DeepakAdk | Deepak Adhikari | Editor @Nepal_Check Investigating online mis-& disinformation in Nepal. Formerly: Editor @Southasiacheck, Reporter @dpa_intl @AFP @NepalMagazine | 2,147 |
DhakalSaurav | Saurav Dhakal | #Curator #NepalArtVillage #DreamDesigner @OurDreamCity #Storyteller @StoryCycle #Traveler #GreatHimalayanTrail #FoodCurator @GreenGrowth01 | 2,087 |
BravoAdhi | PR@MOD | - | 1,579 |
aroonkarki | arun karki | journalism + code + data + design at @CDJNorg | South Asia Coordinator, Open Climate Reporting Initiative | M.S. Data Journalism at @columbiajourn | 1,506 |
journalibrahim | Ibrahim Khalilullah | Investigative Journalist. @Nuffic-Scholar @RNTC; Nom. YJ Award @thomfound; Member: OCJN @risj_oxford; @IRE_NICAR; Fellow: @gijn; @earthjournalism @WaterAidBD | 1,322 |
youbesh_dhdl | Youbesh Dhaubhadel | | Visual Artist | Minimal capturer through the eyes of a professional sightseer | @mitbootcamps ‘20 Alumnus | @watson_inst ‘21 Fellow | Aspiring Economist | | 1,168 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
DhakalSaurav | #Curator #NepalArtVillage #DreamDesigner @OurDreamCity #Storyteller @StoryCycle #Traveler #GreatHimalayanTrail #FoodCurator @GreenGrowth01 | 7 |
rajenparajuli48 | Learning Literature & Journalism! simpler & deeper into Economics! Books; poetry & fiction; latest: KOTESHWORKO KETO (2020)! | 3 |
DeepakAdk | Editor @Nepal_Check Investigating online mis-& disinformation in Nepal. Formerly: Editor @Southasiacheck, Reporter @dpa_intl @AFP @NepalMagazine | 2 |
udaya | 自 / 𑐖𑐷 | 2 |
Oum108 | Listen, Read, Travel! | 2 |
laxmanKarki1 | Editor @cinkhabar Past-@kantipurradio @ujyaalo @makalukhabar #Tehrathum (tweets are personal) | 2 |
gbudhathoki | ♿Mission accessible Nepal♿ Chief Editor: winner: Developing Asia Journalism Award, National Journalism Award, INJA Investigative Award | 2 |
Bipendraa | A journalist never sleeps ! #journalistneversleeps | 1 |
jhalaksubedi62 | Writer/Columnist. Books: The Flip Side of British Empire, Inside Out of the Gurkha recruitment. land peasant and State. आधा जून (a Novel) | 1 |
nischaldhl | Economist @A2FConsulting, Contributing Writer: @TheEIU, @kathmandupost, Fellow @NIPOREGlobal, Prev: @FDM_Nepal @NEFNepal, Alumni @LevyEconGrad | 1 |
Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1639916139206807554 | @rupajoshi @Oum108 @rajenparajuli48 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @gbudhathoki @laxmanKarki1 @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha प्रश्न उठ्यो । तर जग्गासम्म जान जेब्राक्रस मा कहिले बत्ति बल्छ ? CC @rajenparajuli48 | 4 |
1640218654511071234 | @DhakalSaurav @rupajoshi @Oum108 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @gbudhathoki @laxmanKarki1 @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha तीनकुने देखाएर धेरैले राजनीतिगरे,अब सोबिता आइछन्।हाम्रोत्यहाँ १०आनाजग्गा थियो,साढेतीनलाख रुपैयाँ आनाको दरले दुईदशकअघिनै मुआब्जा लिइसक्यौं,केहीले लिनबाँकी हो। हरिबिजोग छ तीनकुनेको जहिल्यै।अचेलचाहिँ त्यहाँ उज्यालोमा भलिबल, क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिता चल्छ अनि साँझढलेपछि प्रेमप्रतियोगिता... | 3 |
1640311350290436096 | @laxmanKarki1 @gbudhathoki @agovinda @DhakalSaurav @rupajoshi @Oum108 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha विगतमा लेखियो नि गज्जु आर्टिकल नै । त्यसबखत केशव स्थापित थिए नगरपिता... जग्गाको सट्टा जग्गै दिने (मिनभवनमा रहेको सडक विभागको जग्गा) भन्ने कुरा पनि तिनले गरे, तर सबै हावादारी...आनाको साढे तीनलाख दिए, मेरा हातमा तीनचार लाखजति पर्यो, अलिअलि रामरमिता गरियो सकियो भाइ | 2 |
1640241010176569350 | @rajenparajuli48 @DhakalSaurav @rupajoshi @Oum108 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @gbudhathoki @laxmanKarki1 @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha मुद्दा हाले अधिग्रहण गरेको प्रयोजनअनुसार प्रयोग नभएको जग्गा फिर्ता हुन्छ नि । | 1 |
1639927245547491331 | @DhakalSaurav @rupajoshi @rajenparajuli48 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @gbudhathoki @laxmanKarki1 @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha लहै बत्ती बालौ। | 1 |
1640262153696600064 | @gbudhathoki @agovinda @DhakalSaurav @rupajoshi @Oum108 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @laxmanKarki1 @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha विमानस्थल विस्तारगर्दा रोपनीको २हजार,तल सुविधानगरतिर त्यसबखत कम्तीमा १०हजार पथ्र्यो रोपनीको।त्यही तीनकुने हुँदै विमानस्थलजानेबाटोमा पनि केहीजग्गा परेकोहाम्रो,राजामहेन्द्रको शासनले निःशुल्क लियो त्यो।अहिले तीजग्गा हेर्दा चिन्ता,दुःखलाग्छ।यीसबैलाई एकैडालोमा राखेर मुद्दाठोकूम्लाग्यो | 1 |
1640243649127813120 | @agovinda @rajenparajuli48 @DhakalSaurav @rupajoshi @Oum108 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @laxmanKarki1 @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha हो, जग्गा प्राप्ति ऐन-२०३४ को दफा ३४ अनुसार मुद्दा हाले फर्ता पाउन सकिएला कि? | 1 |
1639132707836817408 | @ekantipur_com @DeepakAdk नागगरिक एप जस्तो नितान्त व्यक्तिगत र सम्बेन्दशील वैयक्तिक डाटासँग सम्बन्धित एपमा त "Advertising ID Permission" embed गरिएको छ भने अरु एपको त के कुरा गराई भो र ! @nagarikapp @hello_sarkar | 0 |
1639134342877261825 | @ekantipur_com @DeepakAdk @nagarikapp @hello_sarkar नागरिक एप मार्फत ट्रयाक हुन सकिने मेटाडाटा | 0 |
1639974114336313345 | @Oum108 @rupajoshi @rajenparajuli48 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @gbudhathoki @laxmanKarki1 @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha अब तिनकुने जेब्राक्रसमा नि छिटै बत्ति बल्छ । सरकार बन्छ । | 0 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1640218654511071234 | @DhakalSaurav @rupajoshi @Oum108 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @gbudhathoki @laxmanKarki1 @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha तीनकुने देखाएर धेरैले राजनीतिगरे,अब सोबिता आइछन्।हाम्रोत्यहाँ १०आनाजग्गा थियो,साढेतीनलाख रुपैयाँ आनाको दरले दुईदशकअघिनै मुआब्जा लिइसक्यौं,केहीले लिनबाँकी हो। हरिबिजोग छ तीनकुनेको जहिल्यै।अचेलचाहिँ त्यहाँ उज्यालोमा भलिबल, क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिता चल्छ अनि साँझढलेपछि प्रेमप्रतियोगिता... | 13 |
1640311350290436096 | @laxmanKarki1 @gbudhathoki @agovinda @DhakalSaurav @rupajoshi @Oum108 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha विगतमा लेखियो नि गज्जु आर्टिकल नै । त्यसबखत केशव स्थापित थिए नगरपिता... जग्गाको सट्टा जग्गै दिने (मिनभवनमा रहेको सडक विभागको जग्गा) भन्ने कुरा पनि तिनले गरे, तर सबै हावादारी...आनाको साढे तीनलाख दिए, मेरा हातमा तीनचार लाखजति पर्यो, अलिअलि रामरमिता गरियो सकियो भाइ | 8 |
1640262153696600064 | @gbudhathoki @agovinda @DhakalSaurav @rupajoshi @Oum108 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @laxmanKarki1 @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha विमानस्थल विस्तारगर्दा रोपनीको २हजार,तल सुविधानगरतिर त्यसबखत कम्तीमा १०हजार पथ्र्यो रोपनीको।त्यही तीनकुने हुँदै विमानस्थलजानेबाटोमा पनि केहीजग्गा परेकोहाम्रो,राजामहेन्द्रको शासनले निःशुल्क लियो त्यो।अहिले तीजग्गा हेर्दा चिन्ता,दुःखलाग्छ।यीसबैलाई एकैडालोमा राखेर मुद्दाठोकूम्लाग्यो | 7 |
1640243649127813120 | @agovinda @rajenparajuli48 @DhakalSaurav @rupajoshi @Oum108 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @laxmanKarki1 @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha हो, जग्गा प्राप्ति ऐन-२०३४ को दफा ३४ अनुसार मुद्दा हाले फर्ता पाउन सकिएला कि? | 7 |
1640241010176569350 | @rajenparajuli48 @DhakalSaurav @rupajoshi @Oum108 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @gbudhathoki @laxmanKarki1 @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha मुद्दा हाले अधिग्रहण गरेको प्रयोजनअनुसार प्रयोग नभएको जग्गा फिर्ता हुन्छ नि । | 6 |
1639916139206807554 | @rupajoshi @Oum108 @rajenparajuli48 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @gbudhathoki @laxmanKarki1 @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha प्रश्न उठ्यो । तर जग्गासम्म जान जेब्राक्रस मा कहिले बत्ति बल्छ ? CC @rajenparajuli48 | 6 |
1640317946215157761 | @rajenparajuli48 @laxmanKarki1 @gbudhathoki @agovinda @rupajoshi @Oum108 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha तिनकुने एक प्रेमकथा । करखपतकर्ता का रमिता ।। #Nepal | 6 |
1639927245547491331 | @DhakalSaurav @rupajoshi @rajenparajuli48 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @gbudhathoki @laxmanKarki1 @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha लहै बत्ती बालौ। | 6 |
1639974114336313345 | @Oum108 @rupajoshi @rajenparajuli48 @sanjeevuprety @Bipendraa @Himalayabiraj @sobita465 @AnupOjha7 @DeepakAdk @sudeepshree @UKaid @bishodip @Beepuluv @gbudhathoki @laxmanKarki1 @narayanwagle @bindeshkhanal @HimaliKanchha अब तिनकुने जेब्राक्रसमा नि छिटै बत्ति बल्छ । सरकार बन्छ । | 4 |
1640989606446243840 | @stellasglobe @earthjournalism @mukeshjeee @diwapyak @SonamLamaHy0lm0 @BidhyaWrites @DeepakAdk @aroonkarki @iabano Love to see you all...💗 | 4 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#nepal | 2 |
#nepalcheck | 1 |
#innovationforeveryone | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@deepakadk | 31 |
@rupajoshi | 18 |
@sanjeevuprety | 18 |
@bipendraa | 18 |
@himalayabiraj | 18 |
@sobita465 | 18 |
@anupojha7 | 18 |
@sudeepshree | 18 |
@ukaid | 18 |
@bishodip | 18 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
👏 | 3 | clapping_hands |
📢 | 1 | loudspeaker |
💗 | 1 | growing_heart |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
People & Body | 3 |
Objects | 1 |
Smileys & Emotion | 1 |