Tweets Analysis - Keyword: Disney


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1 days

Average age of authors' accounts

5 years

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 18377
Twitter for Android 15583
Twitter Web App 5889 1803
Twitter for iPad 917

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Followers count
TheEconomist The Economist 27,183,383
ABC ABC News 17,800,605
la_patilla La Patilla 7,519,935
foodandwine Food & Wine 6,961,520
StarSportsIndia Star Sports 5,888,789
barstoolsports Barstool Sports 4,860,433
ProfDemirtas Özgür Demirtaş 4,662,250
GMMTV GMMTV 4,531,876
FraseSimple Pensamientos 4,444,676
GMA Good Morning America 3,791,393

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Followers count
marshawright Real Marsha Wright® 386,719
eldolardiario El Dólar Diario 🇻🇪 350,888
jramiroMX CHILANGO 208,516
jojokejohn john lovethemtoyz 181,122
BillionMagazine Billionaire Magazine ® 157,678
DEADLINE Deadline Hollywood 120,587
jeffkagan Jeff KAGAN Technology Industry Analyst, Columnist 98,806
x7010x 🇯🇵京都・長島直人(えりあマックス) 97,680
eldiario El Diario 82,266
GrandesMedios Grandes Medios 77,011

Most active users

Username Number of tweets
_taliyaaaaah 636
Keo28511459 523
chua_chua7 490
syruplover1 462
DisneyHotelBot 388
Disney_Kabbb 369
hirayaqtt 368
bondeee18 364
heekiceipt 320
otpsweet 227

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1619498012862222338 disney's 'sleeping beauty' premiered 64 years ago today 2447
1619378011035533313 Sevgili Arkadaşlar, Netflix, Amazon Prime veya Disney’de hoşunuza giden BİLİM KURGU film veya dizi var mı önerebileceğiniz? 1030
1619529445978824704 ִ ׂ 💭 ◟ we're open ! ݁ ִ  ۫ [🧺] numerade studocu quizlet onhand quillbot wattpad skillshare mto coursehero unlock viki youtube grammarly premium canva pro disney plus ph viu iwant tv renew tfc scribd duolingo yt betting crunchyroll najunice 𖥻 accepting orders! 870
1619422875626389504 I’ll never get over how twitter was more upset about a videogame being associated with Jk Rowling than Disney supporting a genocidal regime by filming authoritarian propaganda right next to internment camps 846
1619535915483025408 ✧. Premium Account Available Ph 🍡 Grammarly Solo • Shared Quillbot Canva Pro • Edu • Lifetime Scribd Quizlet Plus Mathway Turnitin Zoom Disney+ DisneyPlus Youtube Viu Ph Hbo Go Amazon Prime Netflix Spotify mop: Gcash proofs: #chvlegit 659
1619541358703951872 PREMIUM ACCOUNT 📀 - netflix ph, spotify, disney plus, yt, coursehero - quillbot vsco, grammarly, canva pro 630
1619598499628339200 Premium Account for Sale Ph 🧚🏻‍♂️ Grammarly Solo • Shared Quillbot Canva Pro • Edu • Lifetime Scribd Quizlet Plus Mathway Turnitin Zoom Netflix Disney+ DisneyPlus Youtube Viu Ph Hbo Go Amazon Prime mop: Gcash 586
1619512431566548993 Premium Account for Sale Ph 👒 Grammarly Solo • Shared Quillbot Canva Pro • Edu • Lifetime Scribd Quizlet Plus Mathway Turnitin Zoom Netflix Disney+ DisneyPlus Youtube Viu Ph Hbo Go Amazon Prime mop: Gcash 586
1619636581173952514 Premium Account Spotify, Viu ph, Canva Pro, Grammarly, Quillbot, YouTube, Quizlet plus, Microsoft 365 fam, hbo go, disney+ ph, disney plus 421
1619333828144943104 disney toys 𖨆♡𖨆 387

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1619378011035533313 Sevgili Arkadaşlar, Netflix, Amazon Prime veya Disney’de hoşunuza giden BİLİM KURGU film veya dizi var mı önerebileceğiniz? 14198
1619498012862222338 disney's 'sleeping beauty' premiered 64 years ago today 10772
1619368970695614464 @lylyflower2007 Haz hilo de canciones de Disney para follar 🙏 7997
1619422875626389504 I’ll never get over how twitter was more upset about a videogame being associated with Jk Rowling than Disney supporting a genocidal regime by filming authoritarian propaganda right next to internment camps 7372
1619333828144943104 disney toys 𖨆♡𖨆 6374
1619407708737904640 Ewan McGregor broke down in tears watching the Obi-Wan Kenobi finale “When I tell [Vivien Lyra Blair’s Leia], ‘May the Force Be With You,’ at the end, I burst into tears. I was sitting there… There’s something so moving about it.” (Source: Disney Studios Awards) 3735
1619306142190141440 Cês tem noção do tamanho dessa oportunidade? Dezenas de alunos da Rede Municipal do Rio estão conhecendo a Disney e a Nasa! São os gênios vencedores da Olimpíada Carioca de Matemática. 😍👇 3222
1619413360944058368 One of those evenings when we’re glad we’ve got Disney+ 2185
1619389466237435905 🔥TVアニメ『東京リベンジャーズ』聖夜決戦編🔥 #28「Family bonds」MBS放送が終了しました📺 ご視聴ありがとうございました‼️ 来週の放送もお楽しみに✨ このあと27:00よりDisney+にて配信開始です👊 #toman_anime #東リベ 1590
1619338517817208832 #449 Funko Pop! Box & Pop Concept: Luz & Amity (The Owl House) #theowlhouse #owlhouse #luz #amity #lumity #sarahnicolerobles #maewhitman #danaterrace #disney #funko #funkopopart #funkopop #funkopopconcept #funkopopconceptart #funkofanatic #ksfunkoconcepts 1537

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#หารด 3162
#disney 2595
#หารdisney 1181
#หารdisneyplus 1095
#ด 1046
#zonauang 1006
#หารdisneyราคาถ 852
#หารdisneyplusราคาถ 623
#disneyplus 597
#หารdisneyplusth 423

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@disney 950
@poshmarkapp 290
@profdemirtas 232
@youtube 181
@waltdisneyworld 168
@disneyplus 159
@robertiger 153
@disneyland 153
@disney_shiho22 129
@disneyparks 127

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
11773 black_small_square
☁️ 2306 cloud
2003 sparkles
😭 1287 loudly_crying_face
1062 double_exclamation_mark
😂 842 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤣 660 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
📍 611 round_pushpin
9️⃣ 562 keycap_9
❤️ 465 red_heart

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 16566
Smileys & Emotion 12401
Objects 5177
Travel & Places 4681
Activities 3655
People & Body 3217
Food & Drink 2556
Animals & Nature 2168
Flags 348