Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



New York



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
music 4833
artist 3227
love 2909
life 2850
ig 2385
follow 1976
god 1653
producer 1515
instagram 1249
live 1240

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#1 190
#music 132
#blacklivesmatter 121
#blm 109
#artist 107
#hiphop 102
#bitcoin 79
#lakeshow 76
#producer 69
#rapper 63

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14100422 572821 7452
steveaoki 8118031 5665 48478
PostMalone 7011512 2781 7766
sarkodie 5843326 973 50108
LamarOdom 3560403 276 114
DezBryant 3496349 8289 24071
Dame_Lillard 3229882 2531 25158
MCHammer 3180790 68352 107013
Tyrese 2818341 2645 50023
Saweetie 2329073 128 10672

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
6BillionPeople 4023068 2033615 183298
KameronBennett 1489099 1819455 96232
SiriouslySusan 1452590 1774453 4933
SinghLions 1431234 1333986 33937
djkingassassin 1374375 472389 137838
SleepSkee 782310 710212 42043
rogerhamilton 652018 928195 22758
DaveVescio 577426 539390 15133
JohnCena 572821 14100422 7452
DennisKoutoudis 526528 541699 3263

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
bmurphypointman 2478230 84587 29061
The_News_DIVA 2016251 67315 90806
HHRFD 1190195 5053 1251
RaymondBrown__ 1000799 8604 7363
007Dufour007 889879 3353 5000
FamousPixs 841055 1958 4015
whoissizzle 748328 56433 3071
DNAradionet 738099 1159 4936
IamRobertAlex 728051 89452 4651
IceburghSlimm 689549 1754 1144

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31661 572821 14100422
APompliano 16547 7179 1642113
LamarOdom 12868 276 3560403
MCHammer 12864 68352 3180790
Tyrese 12171 2645 2818341
JalenRose 10898 1058 1802920
soledadobrien 10591 422257 1317725
steveaoki 8416 5665 8118031
AriMelber 7571 10099 960586
BaronDavis 5918 10763 1029506

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

94 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1618735060886380544 Nobody will hate you more than the person who started out about the same time as you and watched you succeed while they kept fumbling bags over and over again. 695
1620402811589754881 For everyone saying Mr Beast profited from giving 1,000 people eye operations, here's the math. The cost of these operations was around $5M. The video currently has 50M views, which is about $250K in Youtube revenue. Beast is currently $4.75M in the hole. It wasn't about money. 115
1625125647847723008 Stop thinking that your friends and family are supposed to support your dream. It's YOUR dream, not theirs. 99% of the work will be done by you, alone. Once your dream becomes viable, you'll hire the people you need to support it further. 99
1649448752225067008 To all the young men who are looking to get engaged: buy a ring that you can afford in cash. Don’t fall for that 2 months salary bullshit and go into debt. Once things improve, you can always upgrade the ring later. If your fiancé doesn’t respect that, she’s not the one. 98
1629081520148209665 I spoke to Scott Adams. He confirmed that the video of him isn't a deep fake. I tried to explain how hurtful his statements were to black people, and he responded that I was being "racist as fuck because he's white." You won't see any more interviews with Scott on VladTV. 80
1644127693557071872 The 3 men who killed XXXTentacion got life in prison for $15k each. Let that sink in. 80
1616758420430008321 Jobs I had before launching VladTV at age 34: computer programmer, job recruiter, busboy, car stereo salesman, shoe salesman at Footlocker, movie theater attendant, mixtape DJ, club DJ, pizza maker, sandwich maker, paperboy, documentary filmmaker. It doesn't happen overnight. 75
1636977183049785346 I understand what Slim Thug is saying about designer clothes being a waste of money. But in the sentence, he also said he wears $1M worth of custom jewelry. You're lucky to get 30% when you try to sell that back. My point is, everyone has something they waste money on. 69
1639683899751276545 Speak with actions, not words. 68
1625498331664482308 If you feel happy when other people fail, it means that you're not happy with where you are in life. Work on yourself and watch how that attitude changes as your life improves. 66

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1631818204720025600 Dear @elonmusk, I think every Twitter account should have the person's verified photo visible. To get an account, everyone must provide an ID with a verified address. So everyone becomes responsible for anything they say on social media. This would make Twitter a better place. 329
1618588150909276166 That Family Guy Nipsey joke was over the line. 193
1630956092086951939 So if they cancel student debt, do I get a refund on all the student loans I already paid off? 166
1629081520148209665 I spoke to Scott Adams. He confirmed that the video of him isn't a deep fake. I tried to explain how hurtful his statements were to black people, and he responded that I was being "racist as fuck because he's white." You won't see any more interviews with Scott on VladTV. 155
1627730577582395393 Dinner with DJ Vlad or a Get Out of Jail Free card? 105
1632793252855431168 I was today years old when I found out that Tupac Shakur's original name was Lesane Parish Crooks. His mom changed it when he was 1. 98
1626966465793654785 My dream is to interview someone where they don't even get a chance to talk. I do the intro, start telling them about their story, stop them if they try to interject, then do the outro, thank them for coming in, and walk out of the room. 93
1634778617145352193 Best album out of this list: 89
1634651666204049408 Spice 1 Says Jay-Z Doesn't Have Album Better Than 2Pac's 'All Eyez on Me' 85
1641294152842502144 Lil Wayne Verzuz Eminem. Who wins? 75

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1618588150909276166 That Family Guy Nipsey joke was over the line. 212
1641674190771060736 BTB Savage Reportedly Shot and Killed in Houston 89
1631818204720025600 Dear @elonmusk, I think every Twitter account should have the person's verified photo visible. To get an account, everyone must provide an ID with a verified address. So everyone becomes responsible for anything they say on social media. This would make Twitter a better place. 67
1630956092086951939 So if they cancel student debt, do I get a refund on all the student loans I already paid off? 58
1622908032832221187 Rapper Boom P (Melo from Web Series 'Respect Life') Has Reportedly Passed Away 57
1618735060886380544 Nobody will hate you more than the person who started out about the same time as you and watched you succeed while they kept fumbling bags over and over again. 55
1626595297605611522 New @BOOSIEOFFICIAL interview coming soon. Everything gets discussed. Everything. 31
1641836507697643520 Jadakiss Accepts Jim Jones' Offer to Do The Lox and Dipset 'Verzuz' Rematch 30
1629081520148209665 I spoke to Scott Adams. He confirmed that the video of him isn't a deep fake. I tried to explain how hurtful his statements were to black people, and he responded that I was being "racist as fuck because he's white." You won't see any more interviews with Scott on VladTV. 30
1632793252855431168 I was today years old when I found out that Tupac Shakur's original name was Lesane Parish Crooks. His mom changed it when he was 1. 27

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1618735060886380544 Nobody will hate you more than the person who started out about the same time as you and watched you succeed while they kept fumbling bags over and over again. 2226
1620402811589754881 For everyone saying Mr Beast profited from giving 1,000 people eye operations, here's the math. The cost of these operations was around $5M. The video currently has 50M views, which is about $250K in Youtube revenue. Beast is currently $4.75M in the hole. It wasn't about money. 724
1629081520148209665 I spoke to Scott Adams. He confirmed that the video of him isn't a deep fake. I tried to explain how hurtful his statements were to black people, and he responded that I was being "racist as fuck because he's white." You won't see any more interviews with Scott on VladTV. 570
1616758420430008321 Jobs I had before launching VladTV at age 34: computer programmer, job recruiter, busboy, car stereo salesman, shoe salesman at Footlocker, movie theater attendant, mixtape DJ, club DJ, pizza maker, sandwich maker, paperboy, documentary filmmaker. It doesn't happen overnight. 470
1631818204720025600 Dear @elonmusk, I think every Twitter account should have the person's verified photo visible. To get an account, everyone must provide an ID with a verified address. So everyone becomes responsible for anything they say on social media. This would make Twitter a better place. 427
1649448752225067008 To all the young men who are looking to get engaged: buy a ring that you can afford in cash. Don’t fall for that 2 months salary bullshit and go into debt. Once things improve, you can always upgrade the ring later. If your fiancé doesn’t respect that, she’s not the one. 405
1636977183049785346 I understand what Slim Thug is saying about designer clothes being a waste of money. But in the sentence, he also said he wears $1M worth of custom jewelry. You're lucky to get 30% when you try to sell that back. My point is, everyone has something they waste money on. 368
1626595297605611522 New @BOOSIEOFFICIAL interview coming soon. Everything gets discussed. Everything. 362
1625125647847723008 Stop thinking that your friends and family are supposed to support your dream. It's YOUR dream, not theirs. 99% of the work will be done by you, alone. Once your dream becomes viable, you'll hire the people you need to support it further. 348
1632793252855431168 I was today years old when I found out that Tupac Shakur's original name was Lesane Parish Crooks. His mom changed it when he was 1. 346

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#1 7
#9 1
#2 1
#15 1
#86 1
#7 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@boosieofficial 58
@tonyyayo 52
@600breezy 28
@fredobang 27
@smokeyrobinson 27
@irving_nicholas 26
@sheeklouch 26
@joetorry1 25
@itsthecons 22
@deoncole 22

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😂 2 face_with_tears_of_joy
🥓 1 bacon

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 2
Food & Drink 1