Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
food 3127
love 2580
music 2383
lifestyle 1833
life 1625
fitness 1151
fashion 1135
beauty 1134
fun 1047
travel 1000

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#election2016 48
#food 35
#1 32
#travel 22
#foodie 17
#music 16
#health 16
#blm 14
#vegan 14
#cooking 12

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
rclbeauty101 3250724 3026 9724
KameronBennett 1812744 1489112 96285
SinghLions 1334718 1431778 33928
rogerhamilton 928789 652306 22742
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN 720146 876010 36589
SleepSkee 710993 782693 42057
CBSMornings 509274 1829 189491
PalmerReport 508750 109460 208782
UNICEFUSA 505074 7115 38334
djkingassassin 474322 1374989 137837

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
KameronBennett 1489112 1812744 96285
SinghLions 1431778 1334718 33928
djkingassassin 1374989 474322 137837
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN 876010 720146 36589
SleepSkee 782693 710993 42057
rogerhamilton 652306 928789 22742
wefollowbackd 451778 457136 7395
BeefEnt 430848 145195 518106
_CULLI_ 391731 378535 149636
Awesometweets05 240695 232436 2051

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
bdnews24 1323350 223307 98902
Real_Infinity95 1078658 6153 2301
birdwriter7 844357 73814 76193
simplisticpro 694597 36103 32316
RonThornton 559557 27173 33040
urcityradio 528726 1663 4543
BeefEnt 518106 145195 430848
BlueCornerCreas 447197 17629 18616
LadyLakeMusic 416092 57699 60496
sbram94 387445 1134 4999

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
ARTEM_KLYUSHIN 27205 876010 720146
CBSMornings 4742 1829 509274
rogerhamilton 4019 652306 928789
PalmerReport 3775 109460 508750
foodtank 3341 54900 211513
UNICEFUSA 3208 7115 505074
RonThornton 2769 33040 27173
SinghLions 2541 1431778 1334718
birdwriter7 2387 76193 73814
KameronBennett 2322 1489112 1812744

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

2,332 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
794579328214454272 My tip: use oven space wisely. Make dishes like mashed potatoes ahead & heat them on stove. Save oven 4 things that need 2 crisp #Cansgiving 41
794577679529820160 Rn, I’m v excited ab green beans. Why? Take a bite of my NEW recipe & u’ll see how delish they can b #Cansgiving 36
794580635113295872 My tip: Create a playlist for the feast, make it personal by including songs that r meaningful to every1 including kids! #Cansgiving 36
794576658044887040 My secret:Southern Candied Carrots w Gingersnap Crunch. An easy delish twist on the classic veggie dish #Cansgiving 35
794574895267147776 My advice? Don't be too cool for a meat thermometer – this will save you, I promise! #Cansgiving 35
794574005080653824 Be like a chef & remember ur in charge! If relatives want 2 help, assign specific jobs (ex. setting table, filling drinks etc) #Cansgiving 33
794571334839861248 I am visiting my butcher to order a fresh turkey instead of buying a frozen one. The difference in taste is incredible! #Cansgiving 30
794572321180839936 I make most side dishes (ex SautΓ©ed Peas w Feta & Honey b4. Lets me focus on turkey & family the day of #Cansgiving 28
810546532164521989 Help @TillamookCheese & @nokidhungry fill empty plates for the holidays! Tweet 🍽 + #RealFoodSunday to provide 50 meals to kids in need. 25
794583235044835328 I’m especially thankful that although this year my parents both suffered serious health scares, they keep beating the odds! #Cansgiving 25

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1131004287969050630 My family and I are deeply saddened to tell you that my mother passed away last night... I have no words, but only tears. I love you mommy forever, and always! My mom was surrounded by loved ones and at peace. Thank you to everyone who has said prayers for my mom and our family. 130
1059964474428403717 My husband and I welcomed our son Noah Christian, weighing 5 lb. 12 oz., and daughter Emma Mariella, weighing 5 lb. 8 oz., on October 20th in Miami. πŸ’•πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ‘ΆπŸ» You can read more in a @PEOPLE exclusive. 41
1028794174777131008 My family and I are excited to reveal the gender of our twins. Drum roll please... πŸ₯πŸ’™πŸ’–πŸŽˆ #genderreveal Who guessed it right? 37
1042951468997763072 After a long debate with myself, and twins on the way, I decided to turn over the keys of my SUV and purchase a new minivan. πŸš— Did I make the right decision? Let me know in the comment section... 35
1053780663202168834 What a handsome boy! Share the best photo of your pet in the comment section. 🐢 34
1062881617901830144 I am very excited to share a video slideshow of my two miracles! πŸ‘ΌπŸ‘Ό Meet Noah Christian and Emma Mariella! ❀️ My family and I thank everyone for all the well wishes we have been receiving since we shared the exciting news. πŸ’• 31
794576658044887040 My secret:Southern Candied Carrots w Gingersnap Crunch. An easy delish twist on the classic veggie dish #Cansgiving 30
864288480859496449 My son has questions about the concept of death. We're catholic & explained the concept of heaven, but it doesn't console w/ him. Thoughts? 28
794579328214454272 My tip: use oven space wisely. Make dishes like mashed potatoes ahead & heat them on stove. Save oven 4 things that need 2 crisp #Cansgiving 28
794571334839861248 I am visiting my butcher to order a fresh turkey instead of buying a frozen one. The difference in taste is incredible! #Cansgiving 27

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
804039715116548098 Dreaming of expanding @ProvaPizzabarπŸ•. @ChaseforBiz allows my employees to travel and scout locations: #ad #ChaseInk 10
952626016303960069 Try this delicious #recipe for my #Italian Baked Mac & Cheese using #whitecheddar, Parmigiano Reggiano, and #Pecorino Romano. Perfect for the kids and adults. 5
949773034226880512 While most grew up waking up to the smell of bacon and eggs – I grew up waking up to the smell of #garlic. Try my deliciously healthy Garlic #Soup with Swirled #Beets this weekend. 4
794571334839861248 I am visiting my butcher to order a fresh turkey instead of buying a frozen one. The difference in taste is incredible! #Cansgiving 4
810546532164521989 Help @TillamookCheese & @nokidhungry fill empty plates for the holidays! Tweet 🍽 + #RealFoodSunday to provide 50 meals to kids in need. 4
1131004287969050630 My family and I are deeply saddened to tell you that my mother passed away last night... I have no words, but only tears. I love you mommy forever, and always! My mom was surrounded by loved ones and at peace. Thank you to everyone who has said prayers for my mom and our family. 3
1080527137168388098 My grandmother's #recipes are all amazing, and this low-fat and delicious #Swordfish dish is no exception. 3
838526716406439936 A delicious alternative to potatoes! A side of carrot πŸ₯• and parsnip mash. 3
960687381987946496 I’m working on creating new delicious #recipes for #Spring. What styles of food would you like to see more of in the coming months? 🍽 3
794572321180839936 I make most side dishes (ex SautΓ©ed Peas w Feta & Honey b4. Lets me focus on turkey & family the day of #Cansgiving 3

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1131004287969050630 My family and I are deeply saddened to tell you that my mother passed away last night... I have no words, but only tears. I love you mommy forever, and always! My mom was surrounded by loved ones and at peace. Thank you to everyone who has said prayers for my mom and our family. 406
804039715116548098 Dreaming of expanding @ProvaPizzabarπŸ•. @ChaseforBiz allows my employees to travel and scout locations: #ad #ChaseInk 181
1062881617901830144 I am very excited to share a video slideshow of my two miracles! πŸ‘ΌπŸ‘Ό Meet Noah Christian and Emma Mariella! ❀️ My family and I thank everyone for all the well wishes we have been receiving since we shared the exciting news. πŸ’• 163
1059964474428403717 My husband and I welcomed our son Noah Christian, weighing 5 lb. 12 oz., and daughter Emma Mariella, weighing 5 lb. 8 oz., on October 20th in Miami. πŸ’•πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ‘ΆπŸ» You can read more in a @PEOPLE exclusive. 156
1075798312807227392 Today my beautiful mother turns 77 & my twins turn 2 months. My Christmas wish was for my mom to hold the twins. Today's a good day for my mom who has bravely been battling lung cancer for over 5 yrs. Please pray for her & everyone fighting this horrible disease. Thank You! ❀️ 136
1028794174777131008 My family and I are excited to reveal the gender of our twins. Drum roll please... πŸ₯πŸ’™πŸ’–πŸŽˆ #genderreveal Who guessed it right? 117
1104224915203518465 My little boys laugh warms my heart! πŸ’™ 113
853784738653327361 I was so excited when I heard lobster! One of my favorites! πŸ¦€#IronChefGauntlet 111
1173466370593513472 Just got home and needed to make sure I had a bite of the coconut cake before my bday was over. πŸŽ‚ This is my 1st bday without my mom, which is very hard:( Since I was a child she always made sure I had coconut cake, my favorite for my birthday... I know you’re watching mom. ❀️ 111
895374852596674560 What does my mom do with leftover white rice? She makes a Frittata! It's so yummy for breakfast, lunch or even dinner. Recipe coming soon... 108

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#summer 94
#thanksgiving 56
#holiday 48
#italian 47
#valentinesday 46
#dinner 46
#fall 39
#tgif 38
#pizza 36
#risotto 34

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@lynxgrills 69
@provapizzabar 49
@todayshow 39
@frontgate 31
@cityharvest 19
@todayfood 15
@libbystable 15
@philipsna 12
@harryconnickjr 12
@galbanicheese 10

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
❀️ 202 red_heart
β˜€οΈ 147 sun
πŸ• 135 pizza
πŸŽ„ 105 Christmas_tree
🍽 98 fork_and_knife_with_plate
🍝 65 spaghetti
πŸ’• 59 two_hearts
❄️ 53 snowflake
πŸŽƒ 51 jack-o-lantern
πŸ§€ 49 cheese_wedge

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Food & Drink 889
Smileys & Emotion 468
Travel & Places 292
Activities 252
Animals & Nature 168
Symbols 69
Flags 55
People & Body 55
Objects 37