Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



WBRZ | Baton Rouge, LA



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

10 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
lsu 303
love 246
meteorologist 226
louisiana 208
weather 204
life 168
mom 155
sports 144
husband 139
wife 130

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#whodat 21
#lsu 16
#geauxtigers 14
#hailstate 10
#maga 10
#foreverlsu 9
#1 8
#saints 7
#weather 6
#lionup 5

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
soledadobrien 1320034 422699 124703
capitalweather 1102570 2433 112458
SenJohnKennedy 737094 1296 4074
PublicHealth 511613 13652 26760
spann 497231 52123 304664
commun_it 410780 414806 37146
RepBarbaraLee 329812 16333 14965
TxStormChasers 304842 87662 98836
adamonzon 232374 11349 93661
LarrySabato 204406 35420 50829

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
soledadobrien 422699 1320034 124703
commun_it 414806 410780 37146
0xfoxi 235769 99683 155601
DrEricGrabowsky 217029 161123 14977
TxStormChasers 87662 304842 98836
LaTangelaFay 79685 80871 219882
spann 52123 497231 304664
HerMoneyMedia 49194 45356 24494
cute4less2012 45088 39685 72036
WPXIScott 35919 52686 160938

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
BrendaPerrott 814297 12605 13907
Eykis 800359 17740 19246
AustinLouis5 636009 905 3291
KimTwister 622891 1158 5001
nwlaguy 325499 4133 4945
BrandonPowe2 318584 1009 5010
spann 304664 497231 52123
TimInHonolulu 273865 76916 7313
NancyRog11 272753 2801 5000
JustinAaronUH91 269661 3503 5000

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
soledadobrien 10592 422699 1320034
capitalweather 5818 2433 1102570
PublicHealth 5644 13652 511613
LarrySabato 4850 35420 204406
ClimateCentral 4079 7173 139108
RepBarbaraLee 3730 16333 329812
spann 3244 52123 497231
TxStormChasers 2827 87662 304842
SenJohnKennedy 2293 1296 737094
EricBlake12 1868 4288 43703

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

249 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1622801300969881602 Sometimes, a little bit of news happens DURING the news! Just as @ShingletonWBRZ and @SWeatherspoon were signing off tonight, the @WBRZ Towercam caught a shooting star! Here is a little more info on what may have been happening --> 12
1582125721199472640 At this time, @WBRZweather is carrying a low temperature forecast of 35Β° in #BatonRouge on Wednesday morning. A *FREEZE WATCH* has been issued, so the number could be adjusted lower. If the Capital City is to hit freezing, it would be the earliest first on record (1930). 10
1602926475732258816 While the threat for severe weather continues and is playing out northwest of #BatonRouge, the heavy rain aspect of this event is coming into focus. A line is organizing and slowing with flash flood warnings across western Louisiana where 2-4"+ totals are becoming common. 8
1623475164645142529 Auto Zone sign blown down in Walker, La. Photo via: Wayne Gauthier | #LaWX @WBRZ @NWSNewOrleans 7
1573075198722674695 Frustrated that we keep saying the models are not reliable yet? Analogy: making a call on #Invest98L now instead of after it develops more = trying to predict the Super Bowl before the season instead of once the playoffs are set. πŸ“Ή - What we know now. 7
1605752804219527169 Pet parents! Let's help spread the word about one of those "four p's" as we get ready for the cold! 🐢 🐱 πŸ’— 7
1604537649691328512 A rare and significant cold blast is expected by the end of the week and will last through #Christmas. I encourage people, pets, plants and pipe precautions TODAY as rain is expected just before it arrives. Here is EVERYTHING you need to know --> 7
1604611255959969795 Exposed water main? My wife @jaimee_eachus demonstrates how to get yours prepared for a HARD FREEZE in less than 5 minutes with $5 foam wrapping, newspaper and old rags. 7
1604986983490719744 Expect multiple weather alerts later this week for: 🧊 HARD FREEZE πŸ₯Ά WIND CHILL 🌬️ WIND Temperatures may stay below 32Β° for more than 48 hours, even with afternoon sun. Wind chills will make time outside dangerous. Gusty crosswinds could cause tough holiday travel. #LaWX #MsWX 7
1602550324010663936 NEW: β€œEnhanced Risk” (3/5) extended to include Metro #BatonRouge as ingredients look more supportive of severe storms. OLD: storms don’t care what colors are on a map, so we should stay in touch with the forecast and have a way to receive alerts, no matter what. 7

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1560025300934737920 πŸ• πŸ… Week Seven! New nominees for @WBRZ's #DogDaysofSummer "Dog of the Week" Competition! Keep the goal in mind, helping doggies! We want to raise money for @FOTAbatonrouge. Just reply to this post with your vote! 🐾 Louie 🐾 Petey 🐾 Peanut (in loving memory) 7
1573109893443121152 I think all this tropical hoopla and hot temperatures have buried the lead. Y'all, we're getting a nice puff of pleasant air next week. 🌬 5
1564734013755064321 Getting reports in East #BatonRouge Parish of items being blown around ahead of the storms... would suggest a pretty significant gust front/outflow boundary associated with this cluster. Head inside, use caution if you must drive. #LaWX 4
1571524695555440642 Meteorology is not just looking at models, there are so many other environmental and planetary forces that go into each forecast. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ @ulmwxr 4
1623475164645142529 Auto Zone sign blown down in Walker, La. Photo via: Wayne Gauthier | #LaWX @WBRZ @NWSNewOrleans 4
1638533489308966914 Wow! 40-Year anniversary of the compact disc! The first CD I owned was "Americana" by The Offspring, what was yours❓ 3
1573075198722674695 Frustrated that we keep saying the models are not reliable yet? Analogy: making a call on #Invest98L now instead of after it develops more = trying to predict the Super Bowl before the season instead of once the playoffs are set. πŸ“Ή - What we know now. 3
1560034918125674496 Aug. 17, 2022 -- for the first time in 2+ #hurricane seasons, we are at a point in the calendar where observed tropical activity has been below average to date. 3
1557497978776162304 πŸ• πŸ… Week Five! New nominees for @WBRZ 's #DogDaysofSummer "Dog of the Week" Competition! Keep the goal in mind, helping doggies! We want to raise money for @FOTAbatonrouge . Just reply to this post with your vote! 🐾 Boudin 🐾 Sadie Mae 🐾 Cooper 3
1604611255959969795 Exposed water main? My wife @jaimee_eachus demonstrates how to get yours prepared for a HARD FREEZE in less than 5 minutes with $5 foam wrapping, newspaper and old rags. 2

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1582125721199472640 At this time, @WBRZweather is carrying a low temperature forecast of 35Β° in #BatonRouge on Wednesday morning. A *FREEZE WATCH* has been issued, so the number could be adjusted lower. If the Capital City is to hit freezing, it would be the earliest first on record (1930). 12
1623475164645142529 Auto Zone sign blown down in Walker, La. Photo via: Wayne Gauthier | #LaWX @WBRZ @NWSNewOrleans 3
1622801300969881602 Sometimes, a little bit of news happens DURING the news! Just as @ShingletonWBRZ and @SWeatherspoon were signing off tonight, the @WBRZ Towercam caught a shooting star! Here is a little more info on what may have been happening --> 3
1564734013755064321 Getting reports in East #BatonRouge Parish of items being blown around ahead of the storms... would suggest a pretty significant gust front/outflow boundary associated with this cluster. Head inside, use caution if you must drive. #LaWX 3
1619792897049767937 High water in the Tigerland area of #BatonRouge | πŸ“· - Derek Johnson 2
1582195964093157377 Fire to the eye but nothing else... last sunset over #BatonRouge before the first big chill of autumn! πŸ“· - Laura Smith @WBRZweather 2
1560034918125674496 Aug. 17, 2022 -- for the first time in 2+ #hurricane seasons, we are at a point in the calendar where observed tropical activity has been below average to date. 2
1619798957466714112 Ward Creek through #BatonRouge is running very high, topping out around 24’ near Inniswold. This is a rapid response creek; it comes up quickly and often recedes faster than larger rivers. πŸ“· - Geraldine Pocorello | #LaWX 1
1621261425019609089 Y'all. It is #Louisiana cold out there today. #IYKYK 1
1638533489308966914 Wow! 40-Year anniversary of the compact disc! The first CD I owned was "Americana" by The Offspring, what was yours❓ 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1622801300969881602 Sometimes, a little bit of news happens DURING the news! Just as @ShingletonWBRZ and @SWeatherspoon were signing off tonight, the @WBRZ Towercam caught a shooting star! Here is a little more info on what may have been happening --> 46
1606855280771440642 Merry #Christmas from the Eachus Wolfpack! β™₯️ Josh, Jaimee, Doug and Cash 36
1582195964093157377 Fire to the eye but nothing else... last sunset over #BatonRouge before the first big chill of autumn! πŸ“· - Laura Smith @WBRZweather 31
1573075198722674695 Frustrated that we keep saying the models are not reliable yet? Analogy: making a call on #Invest98L now instead of after it develops more = trying to predict the Super Bowl before the season instead of once the playoffs are set. πŸ“Ή - What we know now. 27
1566626994380591104 You could not make up, write, imagine a more ridiculous way for a game to end. 23
1582125721199472640 At this time, @WBRZweather is carrying a low temperature forecast of 35Β° in #BatonRouge on Wednesday morning. A *FREEZE WATCH* has been issued, so the number could be adjusted lower. If the Capital City is to hit freezing, it would be the earliest first on record (1930). 21
1610485970738057217 1/3/23 -- Lots of lightning out there tonight... almost like some summer action! This was one of nearly 1,000 strikes produced by a cluster of thunderstorms that moved through East Baton Rouge and Livingston Parishes around 8pm. πŸ“· - Kelly Martin | #LaWX 19
1560034918125674496 Aug. 17, 2022 -- for the first time in 2+ #hurricane seasons, we are at a point in the calendar where observed tropical activity has been below average to date. 18
1563279232138039297 My boys. Literally cannot imagine life without them. 2️⃣ @WBRZ #DogDaysofSummer adoptions 1️⃣ #FosterFail #HappyNationalDogDay 🐢❀️ 17
1619798957466714112 Ward Creek through #BatonRouge is running very high, topping out around 24’ near Inniswold. This is a rapid response creek; it comes up quickly and often recedes faster than larger rivers. πŸ“· - Geraldine Pocorello | #LaWX 15

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#lawx 31
#batonrouge 26
#dogdaysofsummer 26
#mswx 11
#christmas 6
#geauxtigers 2
#halloween 2
#earl 2
#tropics 1
#temu 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@wbrz 41
@fotabatonrouge 24
@wbrzweather 8
@nwsneworleans 4
@btrairport 3
@jacelynwheatwx 2
@essentialfcu 2
@thefarmersdog 1
@shingletonwbrz 1
@sweatherspoon 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« 11 face_with_spiral_eyes
🐾 10 paw_prints
πŸ“· 6 camera
πŸ“Ή 5 video_camera
πŸ• 5 dog
🌑️ 4 thermometer
πŸŽ‰ 4 party_popper
❓ 3 red_question_mark
🐢 3 dog_face
❄️ 3 snowflake

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Animals & Nature 22
Smileys & Emotion 18
Symbols 16
Objects 16
Travel & Places 15
People & Body 14
Activities 11
Food & Drink 5