Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Los Angeles, CA



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
player 4013
cod 3485
twitch 3407
gamer 2825
gaming 2673
streamer 2495
games 2209
call 1982
love 1931
youtube 1866

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#greenwall 580
#brickbybrick 364
#100t 250
#lathieves 216
#mfam 181
#f3f3 154
#1 152
#optic 142
#optictexas 136
#fazeup 129

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14102069 571947 7450
IGN 9694612 1488 185886
pokimanelol 4272196 1566 23024
scooterbraun 3600677 6458 31988
Valkyrae 3077077 859 24878
DrDisrespect 2513018 640 10529
E3 2303767 773 8581
NICKMERCS 2092331 933 90516
DaithiDeNogla 1960229 505 71849
I_AM_WILDCAT 1900034 1240 73545

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
KameronBennett 1488349 1812923 96315
SleepSkee 782585 710821 42058
JohnCena 571947 14102069 7450
ammr 409753 603128 97662
robtswthrayguns 285251 259290 86357
RauliMrd 204573 167980 9942
cinematnicmusic 200471 245934 1369
charlesyeo 147910 354063 84517
R99pc 145547 33970 19613
BiancaLovely 117762 107156 213899

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
AmericanAir 2515771 1649260 102200
TheGaychel 625072 3868 2708
FameRTR 554250 32691 15963
Cool_Ass_SNOOP 413027 2081 4938
iHoodscholar 406591 9845 4985
RichardRoque95 340329 642 4383
DeepThrillz 339098 33665 309
PaulTweetz2Much 328576 5478 1513
ghoseali7686 321065 1095 3690
NotSethTata 303402 5871 1661

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31685 571947 14102069
IGN 25969 1488 9694612
scooterbraun 13500 6458 3600677
unusual_whales 11615 2367 1293787
AmericanAir 11284 102200 1649260
E3 7591 773 2303767
Digiday 6707 4498 190226
teedubya 4911 60128 189974
geoffkeighley 4814 8999 1489812
sandy_carter 3996 80941 90171

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

695 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1421988624497840133 If ROKKR wins 5 straight I’ll give the bag to someone who RTs this 12841
1428550191531978755 Thanks to @EAMaddenNFL I can give away 10 codes for #Madden22 (5 xbox/5 playstation) All you have to do is retweet&follow and i'll pick the winners tomorrow🤞❤️ 650
1476444499928760321 I am cheating 414
1431329467364896769 CoD might have to bring jet packs back 219
1492663970917879810 Sam gotta sue whoever runs the CDL socials this is unacceptable 🤣 218
1513419758552567809 Man said he downloaded wall hacks to get diamond camo and didn't know how to turn them off🤣🤣🤣 218
1427740163304693764 To celebrate #CDL2021 Champs, I’m giving away 2 LA Thieves jerseys! 1. Follow @Enable & @LAThieves 2. Reply w/ your jersey size & #LAThieves Winners selected & DM’d on 8/19, 3pm PT. If you’re in LA for Champs, drop by the LA Thieves Tailgate for games, giveaways & apparel! 168
1432108932256841728 no shot a hoodie org just won the NA LCS Championship 153
1635796620880257025 this gotta be a deep fake right LMAOOO 152
1556397837570560000 They really did the damn thing. Congrats fellas @DylanEnvoy @Kuavo @OctaneSam @Drazah_ @JKap415 @SHANEE @Muddawg 💍🥳 150

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1427740163304693764 To celebrate #CDL2021 Champs, I’m giving away 2 LA Thieves jerseys! 1. Follow @Enable & @LAThieves 2. Reply w/ your jersey size & #LAThieves Winners selected & DM’d on 8/19, 3pm PT. If you’re in LA for Champs, drop by the LA Thieves Tailgate for games, giveaways & apparel! 1223
1421988624497840133 If ROKKR wins 5 straight I’ll give the bag to someone who RTs this 365
1466089825027592196 To get ready for the 100 Thieves Call of Duty LEGENDS Showmatch today at 12 PM PT, I’m giving away a @DollarShaveClub Care Package that has a limited edition #100T jersey & DSC products. 1. Follow @Enable & @100Thieves 2. Reply w/ jersey size + #CoDLegends Winner DM’d 12/2. 281
1476444499928760321 I am cheating 176
1510444819989991428 This is not a shot at OpTic, but this is why you gotta respect FaZe's greatness. Even when they are playing below standards they still somehow make it to the Finals. 171
1419887861910761473 emoji me your current emotion 151
1634651157670019072 fwm 150
1433533069261107200 hello @ApeGangNFT 🤞😎 148
1428550191531978755 Thanks to @EAMaddenNFL I can give away 10 codes for #Madden22 (5 xbox/5 playstation) All you have to do is retweet&follow and i'll pick the winners tomorrow🤞❤️ 135
1431329467364896769 CoD might have to bring jet packs back 132

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1421988624497840133 If ROKKR wins 5 straight I’ll give the bag to someone who RTs this 176
1476444499928760321 I am cheating 55
1431329467364896769 CoD might have to bring jet packs back 42
1500597525492813825 I know it's been like this for awhile but still crazy to me that OpTic's advantage for making Finals through Winners is: absolutely nothing (they get 1 hp veto) and will most likely play a hot FaZe team 22
1475329823790624769 I made a Halo tier list a few days ago and people deadass think Halo Reach was an S-tier Halo title. I'm mindblown *nameless voice* 21
1492663970917879810 Sam gotta sue whoever runs the CDL socials this is unacceptable 🤣 19
1460363517748387845 Get a girlfriend who will scratch your nose mid game🤣 the kid was locked in 17
1635796620880257025 this gotta be a deep fake right LMAOOO 16
1513419758552567809 Man said he downloaded wall hacks to get diamond camo and didn't know how to turn them off🤣🤣🤣 14
1502165323906097155 Excited to announce that I have joined a new team. The @play_pxl Team! #partner 14

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1421988624497840133 If ROKKR wins 5 straight I’ll give the bag to someone who RTs this 11019
1513419758552567809 Man said he downloaded wall hacks to get diamond camo and didn't know how to turn them off🤣🤣🤣 10163
1476444499928760321 I am cheating 7028
1445528961321095175 Valkyrae gets to chill with Lil Nas X at the @100Thieves compound. I get to chill with JhbTeam. We are not the same 6876
1492663970917879810 Sam gotta sue whoever runs the CDL socials this is unacceptable 🤣 6695
1436422594161373190 Bane, Harley Quinn, Riddler, The Joker, Penguin 5815
1505109256776814595 Gunna came up to me and said “I used to watch you beat nadeshot ass” Goodnight 5688
1422008601477107714 Congrats to this random guy for winning I hope you enjoy it 😢 5235
1432108932256841728 no shot a hoodie org just won the NA LCS Championship 4752
1510444819989991428 This is not a shot at OpTic, but this is why you gotta respect FaZe's greatness. Even when they are playing below standards they still somehow make it to the Finals. 4599

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#lathieves 16
#ad 14
#jblpartner 7
#100t 5
#thisisquitting 4
#jblquantumcup 3
#sponsored 3
#vanguard 3
#heinekenpartner 2
#mwii 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@nadeshot 19
@octanesam 17
@100thieves 16
@kuavo 12
@jkap415 10
@couragejd 10
@zoomaa 9
@play_pxl 9
@gstaasim 9
@thewillneff 7

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
❤️ 59 red_heart
🤣 22 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
18 check_mark_button
🟩 14 green_square
🤞🏻 12 crossed_fingers_light_skin_tone
😂 9 face_with_tears_of_joy
👀 9 eyes
🥵 9 hot_face
💞 9 revolving_hearts
😭 8 loudly_crying_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 217
People & Body 54
Symbols 52
Travel & Places 15
Objects 14
Activities 8
Animals & Nature 7
Flags 3
Food & Drink 3