Account Summary
The free museum and library that aims to challenge how we all think and feel about health by connecting science, medicine, life and art.
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
London, UK
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
7 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14098093 | 592677 | 7482 |
LeBronJames | 942274 | 975265 | 4119 |
TheLancet | 746108 | 466 | 23697 |
Wikipedia | 640523 | 754 | 21890 |
openculture | 429023 | 1071 | 93043 |
AquilesChavez | 378587 | 968 | 23876 |
fakehistoryhunt | 240495 | 4784 | 170319 |
SaimaMohsin | 238512 | 16034 | 17559 |
DanaSchwartzzz | 198364 | 1967 | 21034 |
Car01am | 179133 | 136803 | 1573274 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
LeBronJames | 975265 | 942274 | 4119 |
JohnCena | 592677 | 14098093 | 7482 |
Car01am | 136803 | 179133 | 1573274 |
MarshallJulius | 99540 | 108380 | 22197 |
jameslhbartlett | 70934 | 76708 | 7953 |
JeanChatzky | 68470 | 81625 | 22061 |
agalleryartists | 68108 | 173758 | 30284 |
KulikovUNIATF | 52235 | 62451 | 9873 |
MarkMwandosya | 48530 | 86578 | 855 |
uguisujyo_KCCo | 48524 | 61108 | 420211 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
Car01am | 1573274 | 179133 | 136803 |
MelissaJPeltier | 708531 | 65425 | 13694 |
Pen_Bird | 521503 | 4667 | 4914 |
uguisujyo_KCCo | 420211 | 61108 | 48524 |
ceticismo | 403686 | 8676 | 239 |
paulaannev | 379031 | 16581 | 15789 |
joshuaboakley | 369914 | 5794 | 5619 |
summerasana | 300607 | 1504 | 2292 |
Nadia2887 | 291526 | 1175 | 1916 |
moevazquez | 290806 | 4191 | 5001 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
JohnCena | 31594 | 592677 | 14098093 |
openculture | 11893 | 1071 | 429023 |
TheLancet | 9177 | 466 | 746108 |
Wikipedia | 4657 | 754 | 640523 |
agalleryartists | 2978 | 68108 | 173758 |
newhumanitarian | 2649 | 7226 | 126799 |
cececebe | 2524 | 2910 | 163912 |
Car01am | 2476 | 136803 | 179133 |
robinince | 2302 | 5913 | 171230 |
CCCBLab | 1632 | 5656 | 36733 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
1,582 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter Web App | 1928 |
Hootsuite Inc. | 613 |
Twitter Web Client | 487 |
Sprout Social | 129 |
Twitter for iPhone | 85 |
What devices were used to tweet
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1173596861275475968 | VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA. There. We said it. And no one died! Because vaginas are nothing to be ashamed of. So if you have one, treat it to a smear test today. #EndSmearFear | 1018 |
1173544449982586880 | Sex education and sexual enlightenment is good for everyone. But what happens when that discussion is censored on social media, where the word vagina is an ‘offensive’ term? @WhoresofYore looks at the battleground of sexual censorship on the internet. [THREAD] #SexualHealthWeek | 670 |
1097073324621029378 | The Romans were fascinated with the phallus. Literally. Considered a charm that could ward off evil, it was related to the deity Fascinus whose name comes from the Latin 'fascinare' which means 'enchantment, spell, witchcraft' and from where we get the word 'fascinate'. | 661 |
1189895817534038016 | MRI of a Pumpkin. Happy Halloween! 🎃 | 575 |
1122883124319457282 | Death, in the form of a skeleton, dances in succession with people representing different social ranks - from Pope to peasant - and takes away each in turn, demonstrating that no one, however exalted in life, can escape death. #InternationalDanceDay | 547 |
1596091202381975552 | What’s the point of museums? Truthfully, we’re asking ourselves the same question. 🧵 | 509 |
1267545712256004097 | ‘Silence = Death’. If you don’t speak out, you are complicit. George Floyd’s murder was vicious, tragic and avoidable. He joins others who died needlessly. We need to act up in the face of structural racism and the turbulence caused by colonial violence now. #BlackLivesMatter | 463 |
1220715772265275392 | Get you a museum that can do it all. #dollypartonchallenge | 447 |
1337372846507646976 | For anyone who needs to hear it: You're doing great! | 403 |
1491038905923215361 | When a woman discloses that she’s autistic the reaction is often dismissal or denial, but in this insightful and moving series of portraits and interviews by photographer @RosieBarnesFoto, voices and experiences are heard. | 370 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1173596861275475968 | VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA. There. We said it. And no one died! Because vaginas are nothing to be ashamed of. So if you have one, treat it to a smear test today. #EndSmearFear | 4178 |
1220715772265275392 | Get you a museum that can do it all. #dollypartonchallenge | 2259 |
1097073324621029378 | The Romans were fascinated with the phallus. Literally. Considered a charm that could ward off evil, it was related to the deity Fascinus whose name comes from the Latin 'fascinare' which means 'enchantment, spell, witchcraft' and from where we get the word 'fascinate'. | 2066 |
1189895817534038016 | MRI of a Pumpkin. Happy Halloween! 🎃 | 1738 |
1596091202381975552 | What’s the point of museums? Truthfully, we’re asking ourselves the same question. 🧵 | 1666 |
1616038134247981056 | This work is called 'Two women embracing and using carrots as dildoes' and frankly that's all you need to know. | 1439 |
1122883124319457282 | Death, in the form of a skeleton, dances in succession with people representing different social ranks - from Pope to peasant - and takes away each in turn, demonstrating that no one, however exalted in life, can escape death. #InternationalDanceDay | 1431 |
1337372846507646976 | For anyone who needs to hear it: You're doing great! | 1419 |
1545326546986082304 | It's Friday. Here's an elephant shrew ❤️ | 1388 |
1173544449982586880 | Sex education and sexual enlightenment is good for everyone. But what happens when that discussion is censored on social media, where the word vagina is an ‘offensive’ term? @WhoresofYore looks at the battleground of sexual censorship on the internet. [THREAD] #SexualHealthWeek | 1373 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#rootedbeings | 29 |
#beinghuman | 25 |
#intheair | 17 |
#humanrightsday | 17 |
#misbehavingbodies | 16 |
#museumpassion | 15 |
#blackhistorymonth | 13 |
#explainingmen | 13 |
#wellcomemagic | 13 |
#beinghumannow | 11 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@robertbidder | 66 |
@whoresofyore | 20 |
@profilebooks | 19 |
@bbcarts | 15 |
@gavinfranc | 11 |
@jamierhale | 11 |
@armstrongtactic | 11 |
@joannacannon | 11 |
@hollycasio | 10 |
@wellcometrust | 9 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
👏 | 46 | clapping_hands |
👇 | 25 | backhand_index_pointing_down |
🧵 | 25 | thread |
⬇️ | 19 | down_arrow |
⭐ | 18 | star |
❤️ | 17 | red_heart |
🌱 | 17 | seedling |
🥳 | 14 | partying_face |
😎 | 12 | smiling_face_with_sunglasses |
👀 | 11 | eyes |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 190 |
People & Body | 142 |
Animals & Nature | 128 |
Objects | 79 |
Activities | 73 |
Travel & Places | 72 |
Food & Drink | 61 |
Symbols | 39 |
Flags | 2 |