Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

3 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 3183
life 2159
god 1392
mom 1130
atlanta 1104
family 936
wife 912
georgia 814
lover 779
mother 772

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#godawgs 82
#blm 73
#forthea 69
#1 64
#maga 57
#blacklivesmatter 46
#truetoatlanta 40
#dirtybirds 38
#atl 33
#atlanta 31

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14105100 571087 7447
ReverendWarnock 1237934 956 4751
funder 1106409 88362 311857
LilJon 880746 4054 23543
NOH8Campaign 801890 345175 13960
RonFilipkowski 727287 1555 54405
glennkirschner2 717791 51282 30947
cl_atlanta 697952 991 36678
Cirque 638090 33010 42294
IamMzilikazi 545896 375951 130399

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 571087 14105100 7447
wefollowbackd 451853 457154 7396
IamMzilikazi 375951 545896 130399
NOH8Campaign 345175 801890 13960
StephenCaggiano 331027 342649 101099
ACTforAmerica 322447 428276 17117
gilliankemmerer 145971 134386 15932
MaggieHeroDog 124872 412404 7280
KiltronXEnviro 117459 104744 95755
ChrisMattCook 114772 115122 1651

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
bmurphypointman 2462120 84470 28950
AndyVermaut 2246831 31249 34466
Fernand55916148 1241814 975 5001
yeshua458 593043 16791 13612
leejondiver 459807 6022 3892
SARA2001NOOR 453169 58406 60635
wsbradio 442878 53323 211
OVOJulio 427563 2281 2770
stupidDOPE 414109 78210 36363
nofixedabode 393180 528 508

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31682 571087 14105100
NOH8Campaign 7563 345175 801890
JenniferJJacobs 5570 52105 369163
funder 5124 88362 1106409
Cirque 4536 33010 638090
LilJon 4494 4054 880746
glennkirschner2 4491 51282 717791
RonFilipkowski 4444 1555 727287
KTVU 3619 1615 518581
ReverendWarnock 3589 956 1237934

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

24 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1645985175388446721 The FBI has issued a warning to the public about the potential risks of charging electronic devices, particularly phones, in public places like airports and hotels. 87
1640549134909206528 JUST IN: Nashville Police release this security camera video showing Monday's assailant entering a private school before killing three students and three adults. MORE: 53
1642997936626839558 UPDATE: Clayton County Police confirm to FOX 5 that Prinston and Jayden Samples have been found safe. They both were located 3.1 miles away in a vacant home. 43
1643716388148879365 #ChristinaAguilera talking about escapades on commercial flights! More TONIGHT at 7:30 on @TMZ. #TMZ 26
1638878271583449088 Three people have died from the outbreak, eight patients have suffered vision loss, and four others have had to have their eyeballs removed, according to the CDC. 19
1645897221798342656 REST IN PEACE: Baba Agbaje was playing a pick-up soccer game at the Mercer intramural fields Monday when he collapsed. He was just 21 years old. 15
1639630741947523078 Parents of transgender youth tell FOX 5 some pharmacies are already refusing to fill hormone therapy prescriptions after Gov. Brian Kemp signed Senate Bill 140 into law. 13
1643569236730626049 It's been a long time coming, but it will now be required that Georgia students take financial literacy classes in order to graduate. 13
1642041784799834114 At just 19-years-old, Larry Potts' life was cut short when he was gunned down outside a gas station. Police say his girlfriend was in the car with him and watched the whole thing in horror. 13
1642670809364791296 Large crowds gathered Downtown overnight into Sunday to watch what seemed like a scene from the โ€˜Fast and Furiousโ€™ movies. 11

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1639630741947523078 Parents of transgender youth tell FOX 5 some pharmacies are already refusing to fill hormone therapy prescriptions after Gov. Brian Kemp signed Senate Bill 140 into law. 301
1639756597760065538 Parents of transgender youth tell FOX 5 some pharmacies are already refusing to fill hormone therapy prescriptions after Gov. Brian Kemp signed Senate Bill 140 into law. 147
1640549134909206528 JUST IN: Nashville Police release this security camera video showing Monday's assailant entering a private school before killing three students and three adults. MORE: 72
1638986585269043200 Under the measure, most gender-affirming surgeries and hormone replacement therapies for transgender people under 18 would be banned in the state. 71
1645985175388446721 The FBI has issued a warning to the public about the potential risks of charging electronic devices, particularly phones, in public places like airports and hotels. 61
1639650908173750278 A sit-in is planned for noon today at Georgia's capitol in support of 26-year-old Manuel Paez Teran, the activist who died during a confrontation with Georgia State Patrol troopers at the future site of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center. 44
1639902523526987777 A sit-in is planned for noon today at Georgia's capitol in support of 26-year-old Manuel Paez Teran, the activist who died during a confrontation with Georgia State Patrol troopers at the future site of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center. 35
1642041784799834114 At just 19-years-old, Larry Potts' life was cut short when he was gunned down outside a gas station. Police say his girlfriend was in the car with him and watched the whole thing in horror. 23
1646385380868993024 A Canton man has been arrested for breaking into multiple vehicles, according to Canton Police Department. 18
1639688631072825347 A well-known figure in the Atlanta music scene has died, according to a social media post on Thursday. 15

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1640549134909206528 JUST IN: Nashville Police release this security camera video showing Monday's assailant entering a private school before killing three students and three adults. MORE: 22
1647563029033148416 A mass shooting at a teenager's birthday party in Dadeville, Alabama, Saturday evening left multiple children dead, according to reports. 8
1639059514899963907 SEX ACT GONE WRONG: Jaaron Thomas, 27, was charged with Manslaughter after he said he choked his girlfriend during sex and she became unresponsive. 6
1645985175388446721 The FBI has issued a warning to the public about the potential risks of charging electronic devices, particularly phones, in public places like airports and hotels. 6
1639630741947523078 Parents of transgender youth tell FOX 5 some pharmacies are already refusing to fill hormone therapy prescriptions after Gov. Brian Kemp signed Senate Bill 140 into law. 6
1643949265134182400 Sherrard Brooks is accused of a brutal and prolonged attack which caused extensive brain injuries to his 11-month-old girl. 5
1638878271583449088 Three people have died from the outbreak, eight patients have suffered vision loss, and four others have had to have their eyeballs removed, according to the CDC. 5
1641666762654588993 Scientists have been studying Venus to discover how a planet similar to Earth became inhospitable to life. 5
1639756597760065538 Parents of transgender youth tell FOX 5 some pharmacies are already refusing to fill hormone therapy prescriptions after Gov. Brian Kemp signed Senate Bill 140 into law. 5
1641120588239454212 The strawberry biscuits are available nationwide at participating locations starting at $1.79 each. 4

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1639630741947523078 Parents of transgender youth tell FOX 5 some pharmacies are already refusing to fill hormone therapy prescriptions after Gov. Brian Kemp signed Senate Bill 140 into law. 642
1638986585269043200 Under the measure, most gender-affirming surgeries and hormone replacement therapies for transgender people under 18 would be banned in the state. 357
1639756597760065538 Parents of transgender youth tell FOX 5 some pharmacies are already refusing to fill hormone therapy prescriptions after Gov. Brian Kemp signed Senate Bill 140 into law. 318
1640549134909206528 JUST IN: Nashville Police release this security camera video showing Monday's assailant entering a private school before killing three students and three adults. MORE: 203
1644689133208498178 Please join FOX 5 in wishing Mrs. Willie B. Rosser, of Stockbridge, a very happy 105th birthday! 194
1645985175388446721 The FBI has issued a warning to the public about the potential risks of charging electronic devices, particularly phones, in public places like airports and hotels. 164
1642997936626839558 UPDATE: Clayton County Police confirm to FOX 5 that Prinston and Jayden Samples have been found safe. They both were located 3.1 miles away in a vacant home. 126
1642489614895050756 A large crowd gathered in downtown Atlanta on Saturday for the unveiling of a new statue honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 120
1643569236730626049 It's been a long time coming, but it will now be required that Georgia students take financial literacy classes in order to graduate. 109
1644825063995191298 Please join FOX 5 in wishing Mrs. Willie B. Rosser, of Stockbridge, a very happy 105th birthday! 98

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#portiatvshow 96
#goodluck 68
#sherrishowtv 68
#tmzlive 65
#gooddayatlanta 62
#fox5news 56
#judgejudy 49
#fox5atl 47
#gawx 33
#tmz 30

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@portiatvshow 100
@portiafox5 55
@judgejudy 49
@sherrieshepherd 44
@tmzlive 33
@tmz 30
@dishnation 28
@neonflag 10
@gooddayatlanta 7
@ellenectorfit 7

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
๐Ÿ’ฒ 63 heavy_dollar_sign
๐Ÿ’ณ 63 credit_card
๐Ÿ•“ 56 four_oโ€™clock
โš– 49 balance_scale
๐Ÿ‘ 28 clapping_hands
โ˜˜๏ธ 24 shamrock
๐ŸŽ 20 wrapped_gift
๐ŸŽฉ 17 top_hat
๐ŸŒˆ 17 rainbow
๐Ÿ’ฐ 17 money_bag

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Objects 165
Travel & Places 83
Symbols 69
People & Body 47
Activities 27
Smileys & Emotion 26
Animals & Nature 24
Food & Drink 15