Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @hacks4pancakes


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

9 years


These tweets discuss incident response and cybersecurity topics, such as stories from the Ukraine Cyber Army, proof that Keanu Reeves understands the topic, and the FBI's CSAM operations. Other tweets discuss more light-hearted topics, such as Linux World Chicago in 2000, Swag, Nutella, and pancakes. There are also mentions of Twitter making security a paid feature and companies practicing capitalism.

Topic Modeling

  1. Incident Response and Cybersecurity
  2. Keynote Speakers
  3. Linux World Chicago
  4. Twitter Features and Security
  5. Pancake Day Celebrations

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a variety of emotions, ranging from excitement and enthusiasm to frustration and anger. There is an overall sense of appreciation for the hard work and dedication of others in the cybersecurity community, with mentions of people and organizations who are making a difference. People are also expressing nostalgia for the past and excitement for the future. The tweets also show a sense of humor, as evidenced by jokes about Keanu Reeves and Shrove Tuesday. Finally, there is a sense of concern over the lack of security measures and the implications of this for people's safety and well-being.

Trend Analysis

  1. Incident Response at #S4X23 and #Backdoors&Breaches
  2. Fake CO2 Sensor
  3. Keanu Reeves Understands
  4. Cyber Security Mentioning
  5. Microsoft Charging for Security
  6. Happy Pancake Day
  7. Ending of Quantitative Easing

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 11
Twitter Web App 8
Twitter for Android 3
TweetDeck Web App 1
Twitter for iPad 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
violetblue Violet Blue® @Engadget @PopSci @WithoutConsent @MHhorrordoc; five @ippyawardsHive: vblue like the hole in your heart. 75,671
sherrod_im Sherrod DeGrippo 📬 Weird security voyeur 22,541
ChrisHanlonCA Chris Hanlon Security Engineer & Information Security Consultant Google Security Hall of FameConference Presenter at #BSidesLV and #DEFCON 15,225
DavBatz David Batz 🌻🇺🇦 Energy/Security/Technology/ Voting rights /Democracy/ Humor ;RT/Fav ≠ endorsement ≠ Rep employer, YMMV, Never start a land war in Asia. him/he BLM 10,485
ChuckBaggett @ChuckBaggett Chuck Baggett - Get off T​witter! typo: extra g: @ChuckBagggett@mastodon.social Baggett #anarchist 4,187
zbraiterman Zoe Braiterman Technology / Data / Security, Innovation Intelligence Strategist (Machine and Human), @owasp @infosecgirls @hacknotcrime @GlobalWIC Advisor @snyksec Ambassador 4,182
lynn_dohm Lynn Dohm | #WiCyS2023 Executive Director of Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS). Together, we thrive! #WiCyS #InclusionMatters #SeeHerAsEqual #BetterTogether 🌸 Be Kind, always... 3,494
FilipiPires Filipi Pires Founder @BlackWhiteSec, @snyksec Ambassador, @hacknotcrime Advocate 2,870
_Shruthi_k Shruthi Podcast Host @InfosecJourneys| Senior Customer Success Manager @appseccouk| Co-founded @infosecgirls| Views expressed here are personal 1,550
DustinFinn Dustin (BusySignal) Security Engineer. WiFi WarDrive. Photographer. 1,436

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
ChrisHanlonCA Chris Hanlon Security Engineer & Information Security Consultant Google Security Hall of FameConference Presenter at #BSidesLV and #DEFCON 16,682
DavBatz David Batz 🌻🇺🇦 Energy/Security/Technology/ Voting rights /Democracy/ Humor ;RT/Fav ≠ endorsement ≠ Rep employer, YMMV, Never start a land war in Asia. him/he BLM 9,201
sherrod_im Sherrod DeGrippo 📬 Weird security voyeur 7,018
MikeDrewWhat Michael Drew 🍻🍻 Petroleum-powered leaf blower. Woke and anti- Woke. Trying to de-correlate political views linked by tribal influence. Blocked by Musk since 2015. Stay jaunty. 4,997
ChuckBaggett @ChuckBaggett Chuck Baggett - Get off T​witter! typo: extra g: @ChuckBagggett@mastodon.social Baggett #anarchist 4,988
DustinFinn Dustin (BusySignal) Security Engineer. WiFi WarDrive. Photographer. 2,764
zbraiterman Zoe Braiterman Technology / Data / Security, Innovation Intelligence Strategist (Machine and Human), @owasp @infosecgirls @hacknotcrime @GlobalWIC Advisor @snyksec Ambassador 1,919
FilipiPires Filipi Pires Founder @BlackWhiteSec, @snyksec Ambassador, @hacknotcrime Advocate 1,416
BethuneCourt Bethune Court @AnchorLaterLife Bethune Court care home in #Hastings. The team here tweeting & listening Mon-Fri 9-5ish. Tel: 0800 085 4234 opt 2 1,311
lynn_dohm Lynn Dohm | #WiCyS2023 Executive Director of Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS). Together, we thrive! #WiCyS #InclusionMatters #SeeHerAsEqual #BetterTogether 🌸 Be Kind, always... 1,101

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
MawcDrums - 2
MikeDrewWhat Petroleum-powered leaf blower. Woke and anti- Woke. Trying to de-correlate political views linked by tribal influence. Blocked by Musk since 2015. Stay jaunty. 1
violetblue @Engadget @PopSci @WithoutConsent @MHhorrordoc; five @ippyawardsHive: vblue like the hole in your heart. 1
structuralecon Economic and electoral policy. Bachelor's in Public Policy, next goal Bachelor's in Economics and then Master's in Economic Policy Analysis. 1
sherrod_im Weird security voyeur 1
lynn_dohm Executive Director of Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS). Together, we thrive! #WiCyS #InclusionMatters #SeeHerAsEqual #BetterTogether 🌸 Be Kind, always... 1
emccoy_writer At the moment, I'm only here to better spy on my Tweeting friends, associates, & random cool people who don't know me at all. I'm an Old. (she/her works for me) 1
easybread420 don’t take my tweets seriously 1
debthedeb Community Co-Creator @BHInfoSecurity ~ lover of Jesus ~ wife of a mountain man ~ mom of 4 wiglets ~ friend of many ~ fan of humans & adventure 1
_Shruthi_k Podcast Host @InfosecJourneys| Senior Customer Success Manager @appseccouk| Co-founded @infosecgirls| Views expressed here are personal 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1628142449729372163 New Roundup!-Incredible tales from Ukraine’s Cyber Army-@hacks4pancakes, @EricIdle to keynote @RSAConference -FBI’s CSAM ops got hacked-The deadly disinformation-for-hire industry-Inside a fake CO2 sensor-Proof that Keanu Reeves understands me 5
1625545660098396189 Listening to the amazing ⁦@hacks4pancakes⁩ as they address a full room and talk about incident response #S4X23 #Backdoors&Breaches 3
1628155372912377857 @infosecart @medus4_cdc @4n6lady @seclilc @notshenetworks @corg_e In no particular order:@alisaesage @corg_e @chompie1337 @medus4_cdc @SchmiegSophie @hacks4pancakes @sherrod_im @k8em0 @runasand @seclilc 1
1626789625116098566 Now this asshat is making security a paid feature @DeanBaker13 @MawcDrums @hacks4pancakes the guy running Twitter is an absolute idiot. 1
1628166843327303681 @violetblue @hacks4pancakes @EricIdle @RSAConference Yes i know the FBI is a fake on keanu reeves 0
1626675191077036048 Remembering when Swag was great. Picked up this guy at Linux World Chicago in 2000. @amyengineer @BentleyAudrey @kfalconspb @hacks4pancakes @cybersecmeg @Erinfosec @forti_red @CybersecRobert @hacknow @how2cloud @cxi @piccolo_u23 @InfoSec_Review @shortxstack @zebpalmer 0
1624782010932928512 @AICardRender Best Project Ever. I am Very Happy To Be Participating In This Project. Hope This Project Will Gain More Popularity In The Future.@Zakirism @abdulkdir_selvi @hacks4pancakes 0
1625546807152459793 @DavBatz @hacks4pancakes We love Lesley! And that #backdoorsandbreaches is helping others learn and become more secure. 😊 Hopefully you get a chance to say hi to @BanjoCrashland and @EanMeyer while you are there! 0
1626448318640390145 @troyhunt There was a lot of comments from infosec and security folks about the dangers of smartlocks.'d hoped to find even more but this is the search string that worked best, which involves troubles @hacks4pancakes had re smartlocks. 0
1626590497719586818 #FF @cybergeekgirl @SecEvangelism @KavyaPearlman @JGottsleben @farleykarla @lynn_dohm @headinthebooth @phanaero @Po1Zon_P1x13 @manicode @vanderaj @pendo19 @BrkSchoenfield @freak_crypt @_Shruthi_k @jeffmcjunkin @hacks4pancakes @ChrisHanlonCA @edgeroute @gebl @FilipiPires 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625545660098396189 Listening to the amazing ⁦@hacks4pancakes⁩ as they address a full room and talk about incident response #S4X23 #Backdoors&Breaches 42
1628142449729372163 New Roundup!-Incredible tales from Ukraine’s Cyber Army-@hacks4pancakes, @EricIdle to keynote @RSAConference -FBI’s CSAM ops got hacked-The deadly disinformation-for-hire industry-Inside a fake CO2 sensor-Proof that Keanu Reeves understands me 13
1626675191077036048 Remembering when Swag was great. Picked up this guy at Linux World Chicago in 2000. @amyengineer @BentleyAudrey @kfalconspb @hacks4pancakes @cybersecmeg @Erinfosec @forti_red @CybersecRobert @hacknow @how2cloud @cxi @piccolo_u23 @InfoSec_Review @shortxstack @zebpalmer 7
1626590497719586818 #FF @cybergeekgirl @SecEvangelism @KavyaPearlman @JGottsleben @farleykarla @lynn_dohm @headinthebooth @phanaero @Po1Zon_P1x13 @manicode @vanderaj @pendo19 @BrkSchoenfield @freak_crypt @_Shruthi_k @jeffmcjunkin @hacks4pancakes @ChrisHanlonCA @edgeroute @gebl @FilipiPires 6
1624508741151510528 @zbraiterman @the_hoch @GeraldCrescione @MalwareHuntress @phanaero @headinthebooth @Po1Zon_P1x13 @GYanulis @FilipiPires @jeff_foley @jeffmcjunkin @MattAlhonte @coles_matthewj @AlyssaM_InfoSec @WhiskeyOrWhat @securestep9 @zeroXten @hacks4pancakes @SecEvangelism @edgeroute Thank you @zbraiterman. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! 4
1627036185041457155 @zbraiterman @cybergeekgirl @SecEvangelism @KavyaPearlman @JGottsleben @farleykarla @lynn_dohm @headinthebooth @phanaero @Po1Zon_P1x13 @manicode @vanderaj @pendo19 @BrkSchoenfield @freak_crypt @jeffmcjunkin @hacks4pancakes @ChrisHanlonCA @edgeroute @gebl @FilipiPires Thanks for the mention ❤️Been a while since I heard from you 😬 3
1625546807152459793 @DavBatz @hacks4pancakes We love Lesley! And that #backdoorsandbreaches is helping others learn and become more secure. 😊 Hopefully you get a chance to say hi to @BanjoCrashland and @EanMeyer while you are there! 3
1626592361395650560 @zbraiterman @cybergeekgirl @SecEvangelism @KavyaPearlman @JGottsleben @farleykarla @headinthebooth @phanaero @Po1Zon_P1x13 @manicode @vanderaj @pendo19 @BrkSchoenfield @freak_crypt @_Shruthi_k @jeffmcjunkin @hacks4pancakes @ChrisHanlonCA @edgeroute @gebl @FilipiPires Cheers to you, my friend 💕 3
1628067204905283585 @zbraiterman @cybergeekgirl @SecEvangelism @KavyaPearlman @JGottsleben @farleykarla @lynn_dohm @headinthebooth @phanaero @Po1Zon_P1x13 @manicode @vanderaj @pendo19 @BrkSchoenfield @freak_crypt @_Shruthi_k @jeffmcjunkin @hacks4pancakes @ChrisHanlonCA @edgeroute @gebl 😍😍😍😍 2
1628155372912377857 @infosecart @medus4_cdc @4n6lady @seclilc @notshenetworks @corg_e In no particular order:@alisaesage @corg_e @chompie1337 @medus4_cdc @SchmiegSophie @hacks4pancakes @sherrod_im @k8em0 @runasand @seclilc 2

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#s4x23 2
#backdoors 2
#shrovetuesday 1
#tuesdayfun 1
#pancakeday 1
#ff 1
#backdoorsandbreaches 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@hacks4pancakes 23
@deanbaker13 6
@zbraiterman 5
@secevangelism 5
@headinthebooth 5
@phanaero 5
@po1zon_p1x13 5
@jeffmcjunkin 5
@edgeroute 5
@structuralecon 5

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😍 4 smiling_face_with_heart-eyes
❤️ 1 red_heart
😬 1 grimacing_face
🎙 1 studio_microphone
1 sparkles
👇 1 backhand_index_pointing_down
💕 1 two_hearts
😊 1 smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 8
Objects 1
Activities 1
People & Body 1