Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @HBLPak


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

10 days

Average age of authors' accounts

7 years

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 468
Twitter Web App 233
Twitter for iPhone 94
TweetDeck 3
Twitter for iPad 3

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
BOLNewsEnglish BOL News English Official Account - BOL News is Pakistan's #1 News Channel (BOL News, BOL Entertainment, BOL Sports). @BOLNetwork @BOLNarratives @BOLEntOfficial 263,608
WajSKhan Wajahat S. Khan Hunt Kill Eat Repeat | Non-Resident Senior Fellow @AtlanticCouncil | Adjunct Professor @NYUCGA | Views expressed here are solely my personal opinion 216,116
HBLPak HBL Disclaimer: HBL will never ask for customer's personal data on public platforms. Please avoid sharing any such data via social media. 130,140
JahanZaibb_ JahanZaib - 80,612
champagne_lassi Ayeshay Someone's Fate, Someone's Faith, Someone's Long Awaited Hero! 71,345
anihachaudhry Aniha Anam Chaudhary Democratic, Columinist, Freelancer #Libra Scales Of Justice, Equality ⚖️ #LiveAndLetLive #AnuJesiKoiNahi 70,591
iamnomantoor Noman Toor ||Engineer ||Cricketer || Never give up! 65,699
oye_hoyeMK M a r i a k h a n 🦋 Aspire to Inspire before you Expire ....💥 ||| Blogger || Activist || Influencer || Content Creator || insta: oye_hoyemk ||| 62,532
AdnanAlams Adnan Alam 🇵🇰 Full fledge Lawyer - DM is always open for Advice! Live like Muhammadؐ, Fight like Aliؑ, be loyal as Abbasؑ & Die like Hussainؑ 🙌🏻 FromAliؑHaider ♥️ #NFAK 59,598
ViRgoGirL_T T U B A ☄ Memer || Blogger || Social Media Influencer Instagram page: Facebook page: 43,131

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
AdnanAlams Adnan Alam 🇵🇰 Full fledge Lawyer - DM is always open for Advice! Live like Muhammadؐ, Fight like Aliؑ, be loyal as Abbasؑ & Die like Hussainؑ 🙌🏻 FromAliؑHaider ♥️ #NFAK 59,048
ImraanGill Imran Gill Social Media Addict | Foodie | Music | Travelling | loves animals | Tweets are personal ≠ endorsement 45,640
iamnomantoor Noman Toor ||Engineer ||Cricketer || Never give up! 36,560
AqMkw ARIF QAMAR I am not here on earth for strife, Love is the mission of my life. Hearts are the home of the loved one; I came here to build each true heart. Younas Emre 32,144
Unum4 U N U M Content creator, digital marketer, lecturer and a mom and definitely a feminist. And a believer of His Raza.. NO DMs 31,699
Tayyaba_live Tayyyabaaa Digital Campaigner 24,625
67_mrb Romaan. 🔪 Beyond Comparable. 💅🏻 Writer | Social Media Influencer | Digital Marketer. So why not meri jaan? 🙊 19,064
Rooh_a_Ishq Rabi Butt (Rooh_a_Ishq) Blogger | DigitalMedia |Influencer DM for PR 15,247
sagarsamy Sagar Samy MPhil | Digital Marketer | Media Blogger | Vlogger | Solo Traveller | Influencer | Pakistan Zindabad 💚🇵🇰 11,684
imadcasmi Imad Kazmi Kya baqwaas hai yaar? 11,026

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
NutshellGroup Nutshell Group, an amalgamation of three distinct, yet inter-twined initiatives; Nutshell Communications, Nutshell Conferences and Nutshell Solutions. 105
KhiIsbLitFests One of our objectives is to create a forum for intellectual dialogue & inter-cultural harmony through celebration of writing, publications, and performing arts. 43
DadaInstitut The Official Twitter Feed of "DADA Institut" depicting all the real scenario of educational news, updates & commitment to changing the world through education! 14
KhurramZiaKhan A publicist. Contributor for @etribuneblogs , @dawn_com, @thenews_intl,@etribune @dailytimespak & @Dawn_News A Passionate @ManCity fan Part of @NutshellGroup 13
shahid7022 - 10
saryal_says | A Bleak Introvert | nyctophile | Unorthodox human | 10
ssj_edu Nobody cares about your story until you win, So win. 9
hsnm555 ڇا لکان اھو سوچي رھيو ھان 9
mehfoozalii digital mazdoor. Snapchat / Instagram : mehfooz_ali 8
FaisalJafri1 Tweets are my own 7

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1625742104533032961 In the strongest performance of the morning so far at #TheFutureSummit, Mohammad Aurungzeb of @HBLPak says it like it is about governance vs business innovation: “We have to stop looking towards Islamabad, as they might be giving us things they can’t afford.” 23
1625730177476042753 "In the food sector, we are already in the hyper inflation state," Auri -@HBLPak President #NutshellConferences 10
1625438650770268160 Pl share this video at maximum level! This video teaches beneficiaries of Benazir Income Support Programmes's Beneficiaries belonging to Islamabad; Punjab; Sindh & Balochistan areas, "how to withdraw funds from Biometric enabled ATM's of @HBLPak @bisp_pakistan @ShaziaAttaMarri 7
1625747381445705729 The Climate & Development Country report states: To survive the risks posed by climate impact by the year 2030, requires 378 billion dollars." Senator @sherryrehman, Federal Minister for #ClimateChange #TheFutureSummit #PrepareforDisruption #TFS @EngroCorp @HBLPak 6
1626265220808056836 Oxford University Press Pakistan invites you to the inauguration ceremony of the 14th Karachi Literature Festival. 📅 Friday, 17 February 2023 🕟 4.30 p.m. Beach Luxury Hotel, Karachi @HBLPak #KarachiLiteratureFestival #KarachiLiteratureFestival2023 #KhiLF #KLF2023 6
1625744625532125185 "The Climate & Development Country report states: To survive the risks posed by climate impact by the year 2030, requires 378 billion dollars." Senator @sherryrehman, Federal Minister for #ClimateChange #TheFutureSummit #PrepareforDisruption #TFS @EngroCorp @HBLPak 6
1625731858083315713 "Financial access to the farmers of Pakistan should be made available through banks." Muhammad Aurangzeb, President & CEO, @HBLPak & Chairman @ThePBC_Official & Pakistan Banks' Association. #TheFutureSummit #PrepareforDisruption #TFS 5
1627938447150424064 HBL is so awesome. You file a complaint and they'll mark it resolved without contacting you or even trying to resolve it. ♥ @HBLPak 5
1625733511293423618 .@JimmyWinSV, Chief Executive Officer, Blockchain for All is with us to share his insights on how technology is creating disruption globally. #TheFutureSummit #PrepareforDisruption #TFS @EngroCorp @oicci_pakistan @HBLPak 5
1625731085156995072 "More than 2 million freelancers of different trades are living in Pakistan. #HBL is working to facilitate them." Muhammad Aurangzeb, President & CEO, @HBLPak & Chairman @ThePBC_Official & Pakistan Banks' Association. #TheFutureSummit #PrepareforDisruption #TFS 5

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1625742104533032961 In the strongest performance of the morning so far at #TheFutureSummit, Mohammad Aurungzeb of @HBLPak says it like it is about governance vs business innovation: “We have to stop looking towards Islamabad, as they might be giving us things they can’t afford.” 183
1625730177476042753 "In the food sector, we are already in the hyper inflation state," Auri -@HBLPak President #NutshellConferences 42
1625438650770268160 Pl share this video at maximum level! This video teaches beneficiaries of Benazir Income Support Programmes's Beneficiaries belonging to Islamabad; Punjab; Sindh & Balochistan areas, "how to withdraw funds from Biometric enabled ATM's of @HBLPak @bisp_pakistan @ShaziaAttaMarri 26
1625744625532125185 "The Climate & Development Country report states: To survive the risks posed by climate impact by the year 2030, requires 378 billion dollars." Senator @sherryrehman, Federal Minister for #ClimateChange #TheFutureSummit #PrepareforDisruption #TFS @EngroCorp @HBLPak 22
1625736712918818819 The grand 6th #TheFutureSummit conference has kicked off organized by @NutshellGroup and @EngroCorp in partnership with @oicci and @HBLPak. 18
1625733511293423618 .@JimmyWinSV, Chief Executive Officer, Blockchain for All is with us to share his insights on how technology is creating disruption globally. #TheFutureSummit #PrepareforDisruption #TFS @EngroCorp @oicci_pakistan @HBLPak 18
1625731858083315713 "Financial access to the farmers of Pakistan should be made available through banks." Muhammad Aurangzeb, President & CEO, @HBLPak & Chairman @ThePBC_Official & Pakistan Banks' Association. #TheFutureSummit #PrepareforDisruption #TFS 14
1625442227848900608 Join an interesting session on 'Sufi Saints and Shrines' to understand the mystical landscape of Sindh. @HBLPak @sindhariGR @Kalhorozulfiqar @ReemaAbbasi 14
1626216073363329028 Engage in an exciting session on Balochi language. @HBLPak #KarachiLiteratureFestival #KarachiLiteratureFestival2023 #klf20 13
1625727876480761856 Muhammad Aurangzeb, President & CEO, @HBLPak & Chairman @ThePBC_Official and Pakistan Banks' Association has joined us to talk about Disruption in the banking sector. #TheFutureSummit #PrepareforDisruption #TFS @EngroCorp @oicci_pakistan 13

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#thefuturesummit 275
#preparefordisruption 157
#tfs 156
#karachiliteraturefestival 62
#karachiliteraturefestival2023 57
#klf2023 52
#khilf 44
#hbl 42
#nutshellgroup 22
#nutshellconferences 21

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@hblpak 815
@engrocorp 189
@nutshellgroup 143
@oicci_pakistan 142
@therealpcb 74
@statebank_pak 67
@khiisblitfests 54
@oicci 33
@thepbc_official 24
@sherryrehman 23

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😭 21 loudly_crying_face
🇵🇰 12 Pakistan
😂 9 face_with_tears_of_joy
😡 6 enraged_face
6 red_heart
3️⃣ 4 keycap_3
😬 4 grimacing_face
👇 4 backhand_index_pointing_down
4 cross_mark
❤️ 3 red_heart

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 88
Symbols 19
People & Body 13
Flags 12
Objects 9
Travel & Places 4
Activities 3
Animals & Nature 2