Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @HussainSultania


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

4 years


Abhimanyu Punia is running for the post of Rajasthan Youth Congress President and his support gives him a high chance of winning. 51 year old Bhai Nasir and Bhai Junde have been killed by Bajrang Dal in a village of Kamap Pahadi, expressing sympathy to their family and a discussion on opposing the violence committed by Bajrang Dal. Youth Congress 2024 will be successful as commitment and spirit is there. CBI investigation is asked in the matter. Lastly, few light jokes have been shared.

Topic Modeling

  1. Youth Congress in Rajasthan
  2. BJP Fear
  3. Running away
  4. Support for Rahul Gandhi
  5. Till 2024

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets range from determination and enthusiasm to anger and frustration. There is a strong sense of unity among the people as they support and rally behind Abhimanyu Punia to become the President of Rajasthan. There is also a sense of indignation at the injustice of the 51-year-old child being forced to run away, and a strong desire to fight for their rights and freedoms. There is also a sense of optimism for the future, as the group looks forward to 2024 when they can make a difference. Finally, there is a sense of humor and lightheartedness, as the group makes jokes and enjoys the camaraderie.

Trend Analysis

  1. युवाअभिमन्यु संग
  2. आने वाले चुनाव से सम्बंधित
  3. राजस्थान प्रदेश के अध्यक्ष पद पर अमूल्य मत एवं समर्थन
  4. घाटमीका में बजरंग दल के गुंडे द्वारा हत्या
  5. चुनावी तैयारी और भाजपा का डर

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for Android 55
Twitter for iPhone 3
Twitter Web App 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Sugna_Tribal1 Er Sugna Meena #Social_Activist - @Fight4RightTeam. मानव धर्म प्रथम No Dm #Block अन्धभक्त, नारंगी खटमल, BJP, RSS, कट्टर बंदे दूर रहें। 9,039
Sangeet63791400 संगीता 💎🦋 जय हिन्द की सेना🇮🇳 6,836
SinghvInc vijaybhan singh official Twitter account of vijaybhan singh @RahulGandhi 6,295
SALAMMASS1 Salam Mass | State Chairman @NSUITAMILNADU @TNNSUIIT | 🩺 | Politician-Member Of Indian National Congress |Tweets are my personal views | 🕋🛕⛪ |  | 2,987
ArunM1964 ASM हिन्दु - हिन्दुत्व - हिन्दुस्थान 2,446
kamleshparakh i support caa_nrc_npr Pls join my page/group vote compulsory change india campaign/ to strengthen indian democracy.change has begun.. fb 1,818
Dr_aadill Aadil Mewati Doctor, social_worker Independent_Freelance_former_journalist. tweetsabout_politics_injustify_inhumanity@aimim_national 1,774
akfromindia Unapologetic The funny thing about getting older is that your eyesight starts getting weaker but your ability to see through people gets much better. 1,672
ShammiArora1 शम्मी अरोड़ा सनातनी - 1,671
HR_choudharyBJP Harendra choudhary 🇮🇳 राष्ट्रहित सर्वोपरि, I don't compare my self with other people I know I am the best in my own way ☺☺ 942

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
ArunM1964 ASM हिन्दु - हिन्दुत्व - हिन्दुस्थान 4,963
kamleshparakh i support caa_nrc_npr Pls join my page/group vote compulsory change india campaign/ to strengthen indian democracy.change has begun.. fb 4,564
SinghvInc vijaybhan singh official Twitter account of vijaybhan singh @RahulGandhi 4,530
Udailal02414003 Udailal Gurjar चितौड़गढ़ पायलट 2,820
Sangeet63791400 संगीता 💎🦋 जय हिन्द की सेना🇮🇳 2,457
akfromindia Unapologetic The funny thing about getting older is that your eyesight starts getting weaker but your ability to see through people gets much better. 2,285
draijada1 Dilip Raijada trader in cash segment 1,991
abhaya0930 Gyanendra Misra Views are my personal. Retweet are not endorsment. Open to discussion but any abusive or foul language will be blocked immediately. koo ID - abhay_koo 1,851
ShammiArora1 शम्मी अरोड़ा सनातनी - 1,465
SomnathPurohit Somnath RajPurohit हिन्दू🚩 1,301

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
SajidMu33030381 फिर एक नया दिन आया हैहमने कदमों से कदम मिलाया है।चल रहे हैं भारत जोड़ने,देश में एकता लाने का बीड़ा उठाया है। 2
BhusanSingh7 Social worker, membership of Congress party 2
abhaya0930 Views are my personal. Retweet are not endorsment. Open to discussion but any abusive or foul language will be blocked immediately. koo ID - abhay_koo 1
Sangeet63791400 जय हिन्द की सेना🇮🇳 1
Sevak80869690 - 1
Shailendrakotra #कांग्रेस_का_सिपाही_संगठन_सर्वोपरी #एक_अति_साधारण_सा_कार्यकर्ता #वर्तमान_निवास_उरई_जनपद_जालौन_यूपी #मेरे_ट्वीट_मेरे_विचार 1
ShammiArora1 - 1
Singh_Rohit78 “क्या हार में क्या जीत में, किंचित नहीं भयभीत मैं, संघर्ष पथ पर जो मिले, यह भी सही वह भी सही” 😎 1
SinghvInc official Twitter account of vijaybhan singh @RahulGandhi 1
SivanandaManga1 - 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1627532668790542338 अभिमन्यु संग युवाअभिमन्यु संग राजस्थान"राजस्थान युवा कांग्रेस प्रदेश अध्यक्ष पद पर अपना अमूल्य मत एवं समर्थन देकर अभिमन्यु पूनिया को भारी मतों से विजयी बनाएं। बैलेट न. 10@AbhimanyuP00NIA @Kartikinc_ @AnilChopra_ @HussainSultania @Jitendransui @gurjar_meharam 2
1626113782694158338 @HussainSultania क्यो रोके 51 साल का बच्चा भागना सीख रहा है, और आप बोल रहे हो... रोक सको तो रोक लो। गजब है भाई। 2
1627387139393736706 @moond_sudhindra @SudhindarINC @sudhindar1 @Suniljhajharia_ @HussainSultania @1stIndiaNews @ 1
1627739193500905473 हमेशा जरूरतमंद की खिदमत करते रहे आपGood work@HussainSultania 0
1625920862179426304 @HussainSultania 0
1625960404945088512 @HussainSultania चोर चोर पकड़ो पकड़ो 0
1625940751631929347 @HussainSultania 0
1625938456680742914 @HussainSultania Jai Rahul Gandhi ji 🌹🙏🌹 0
1625923473469231104 @HussainSultania मुसलमानों मसीहा लालू, मुलायम, ममता बनर्जी, सीपीएम, कोंग्रेस ने आज तक कोई पीएम, सीएम मुसलमान नही बनाया, आखिर क्यों नही बनाया, क्योंकि हम खुद बेवकूफ है, जब जाति देखकर सीएम, पीएम बनते है हमारी कोम तो 25% है, अब एकजुट होना होगा, हिंदू पार्टियों को वोट देना बंद करना होगा, जय श्री राम 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1627532668790542338 अभिमन्यु संग युवाअभिमन्यु संग राजस्थान"राजस्थान युवा कांग्रेस प्रदेश अध्यक्ष पद पर अपना अमूल्य मत एवं समर्थन देकर अभिमन्यु पूनिया को भारी मतों से विजयी बनाएं। बैलेट न. 10@AbhimanyuP00NIA @Kartikinc_ @AnilChopra_ @HussainSultania @Jitendransui @gurjar_meharam 38
1626113782694158338 @HussainSultania क्यो रोके 51 साल का बच्चा भागना सीख रहा है, और आप बोल रहे हो... रोक सको तो रोक लो। गजब है भाई। 15
1626125920024285184 @HussainSultania Pakka...2024 me rok denge...Dont worry.. 3
1625909199355121665 @HussainSultania इसको कौन रोकना चाहेगा भाई.... मैं तो कहता हूं दौड़ते -2 कहीं दूर निकल जाना चाहिए 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 2
1627387139393736706 @moond_sudhindra @SudhindarINC @sudhindar1 @Suniljhajharia_ @HussainSultania @1stIndiaNews @ 2
1624269894585024512 भाजपा किस सरनेम से ज्यादा डरती है @INCIndia @INCUttarPradesh @aradhanam7000 @rajpalbhakher @_DrMonikaSingh @hsgmla @HussainSultania @JaysiPremchand @Lakhan_JBP @INCNageshJi @OfficeofUT @SurjeetBaghel19 @abbas_inc @DainikBhaskar @VaishaliPanditT @ShashankINCVDS @bharatjodo @INCMP 1
1626111015875399680 @HussainSultania हम क्यों रोके उल्टा कुत्ता पीछे छोड़ेगे ताकि भागता हुआ सीमा पार निकल जाए 1
1625920862179426304 @HussainSultania 1
1626124725893361664 @ArunM1964 @HussainSultania ऐसा लग रहा हैं जैसे पेंट खोलते ही जुलाब हो गया 😂 1
1625940751631929347 @HussainSultania 1

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#क 2
#र 2
#justice_for_nasir_junaid 2
#justicefordefencestudents 2
#इस 2
#newstemple 1
#bharatpur 1
#rajasthannews 1
#kamana 1
#dailynews 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@hussainsultania 58
@neerajkundan 7
@rahulgandhi 6
@ashokgehlot51 6
@sukhjinder_inc 5
@govinddotasra 5
@srinivasiyc 5
@neuroayush 3
@nidhitanejaa 3
@pandeypoonam20 3

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
👍 7 thumbs_up
🤣 7 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😂 5 face_with_tears_of_joy
👌 2 OK_hand
🌹 2 rose
🤡 2 clown_face
🙏 1 folded_hands

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 14
People & Body 10
Animals & Nature 2