Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 5726
life 4526
god 2669
mother 2641
mom 1880
wife 1814
loving 1476
living 1466
live 1465
family 1321

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#blm 183
#blacklivesmatter 164
#rhoa 145
#rhop 116
#rhobh 106
#1 84
#rhony 79
#rhonj 78
#bravo 67
#rhoslc 65

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14103142 571950 7450
PhaedraParks 963021 528 33185
tamrajudgeOC 861826 138 1203
MilesSTEREOS 861331 687358 8517
NOH8Campaign 801557 345679 13962
iownjd 778254 439191 204472
TrinaBraxton 682898 5083 62390
RealDeniseWelch 556015 6247 53329
TaylorArmstrong 536917 124 12832
THE_THEO_FORD 469327 162237 25097

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
MilesSTEREOS 687358 861331 8517
JohnCena 571950 14103142 7450
iownjd 439191 778254 204472
NOH8Campaign 345679 801557 13962
zammit_marc 300211 387794 64620
robtswthrayguns 285326 259362 86316
THE_THEO_FORD 162237 469327 25097
iamprincekash 148974 409809 33222
HarryGoaz 142039 236202 1716
InTheWordsOf_CM 127726 195560 16323

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
firefire100 834563 7802 5602
greeeneyedwhwom 779124 4330 3996
DeyBeOnANigga_ 673970 9432 7318
Mihrimah_FS 567709 3450 4995
cinimodyeslah 515591 4120 4989
VernellGordon 506206 873 1176
TheRoSho 422386 11668 5017
WkndGirl 417155 3052 2518
ETCanada 408229 385058 12169
dreamingeorge_ 372564 8700 1994

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31676 571950 14103142
NOH8Campaign 7557 345679 801557
xoBetseyJohnson 3068 51747 400748
tamrajudgeOC 2555 138 861826
ETCanada 2094 12169 385058
PhaedraParks 2068 528 963021
fusetv 2035 3567 148754
lovebscott 1663 862 238210
TaylorArmstrong 1647 124 536917
zammit_marc 1586 300211 387794

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

2,290 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1561527778822029314 🙏🏾❤️ @kfc @Kandi 287
1523455450838044672 All dressed up in knock-off Ralph & Russo from le ebay 😆but go off sis @ralphandrusso 🤔#rhoa 268
1226674846614114307 So agressive, the finger pointing isn’t called for ... #rhoa @itsTanyaSam it’s crazy how people react when they are jealous of your happy, successful and comfy lifestyle. 253
821115497571708930 #RELATIONSHIPGOALS 😂😂 225
1335757132487159808 RIP to Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and so many others who loss their lives to senseless and unjust murders by the hands of the police. #BlackLivesMatter #rhoa 204
926505184817287170 Stop trying to ChAnge people ! Work on you ! 184
1641812326025232392 Even the content is leveling up this season of #RHOA! @BravoTV 180
949491277636210688 Growth is having your name ON shit... not IN shit! 179
985675102825205763 Remember this shoot? 🤔You should because I styled it. Even pulled the YSL bracelet out my closet for the finishing touch! Still waiting on my check, make it out to Simply Marlo LLC when your bootleg hair care line finally makes a sale. #rhoa 166
923128415208837120 Sometime I wish we could go back to when social media didn’t Exist💯 164

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1102375099129384960 Thank you to all my family, friends and #theHamptons for all your love and prayers. Yesterday at 6:04 am God decided he wanted my lil brother home with him. Curtis I ❤️ you… 486
1523455450838044672 All dressed up in knock-off Ralph & Russo from le ebay 😆but go off sis @ralphandrusso 🤔#rhoa 456
1006753627590021120 Finally Got my 🍑😜 332
985702021859872768 And I’m the one pressed for a rich white man? I date who I’m attracted to, white, black, brown, doesn’t matter. I dated 1 white billionaire for 5 years, I was in a full blown relationship & that makes me a prostitute? You see here who was really was chasing after white men! #rhoa 283
1239630159105400832 Rest in Peace Granny Arrie, I love you so much 💔You lived a full complete life, at 103 you saw it all, I wasn’t ready for you to go, but God was ready for you to come home to him. It hurts so much. I’m so happy I was able to be by your side for your last breath. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 265
1226008423789158401 Reflecting ... my life changed so much this year, I take nothing for granted, I thank God for allowing me to see another year, Happy Birthday to me ❤️🎂.Thanks to those who took time to show me some birthday love, I appreciate the texts, posts & calls, I know who truly loves me. 257
1381357666459602950 I’ve been quiet and let this play out all season. She’s been speaking on me in the press for weeks now ... I do a few interviews this week and that’s a problem ... 246
1378863979859152902 Then, as soon as we get to the kitchen. Kandi and Kenya start interrogating me about my convo at the dance class with P. So yes - I felt in the middle. 232
967937703772938240 WTF just happen? The day started with us bonding and Porsha doing my makeup... but my personal space was invaded #RHOA 227
1262191653714100232 #RHOA Reunion Round 2 soooooo what y’all thinking about tonight’s episode ? 218

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1523455450838044672 All dressed up in knock-off Ralph & Russo from le ebay 😆but go off sis @ralphandrusso 🤔#rhoa 338
1006753627590021120 Finally Got my 🍑😜 168
983139299083341824 I'm not one to read, I just come with receipts. Here's #KenyaWhore Hoe Fax from 1992 advertising for married men, rappers, movie producers & Fake Husbands. What were you using back then to collect payments, a credit card manual imprint? A square reader... really child ? 115
1561527778822029314 🙏🏾❤️ @kfc @Kandi 106
985702021859872768 And I’m the one pressed for a rich white man? I date who I’m attracted to, white, black, brown, doesn’t matter. I dated 1 white billionaire for 5 years, I was in a full blown relationship & that makes me a prostitute? You see here who was really was chasing after white men! #rhoa 105
985675102825205763 Remember this shoot? 🤔You should because I styled it. Even pulled the YSL bracelet out my closet for the finishing touch! Still waiting on my check, make it out to Simply Marlo LLC when your bootleg hair care line finally makes a sale. #rhoa 67
821115497571708930 #RELATIONSHIPGOALS 😂😂 67
1536157393586999296 Keep watching because the lady with the heavy tongue is keeping everybody storyline juicy and paychecks coming in! #rhoa 61
1528558690340683776 @BravoWWHL just like the 2.5% royalties you get from the hits you wrote 200 years ago, with 20 other writers on the song sis #rhoa 🤣😘 53
1641812326025232392 Even the content is leveling up this season of #RHOA! @BravoTV 52

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1561527778822029314 🙏🏾❤️ @kfc @Kandi 4437
1523455450838044672 All dressed up in knock-off Ralph & Russo from le ebay 😆but go off sis @ralphandrusso 🤔#rhoa 2978
1226674846614114307 So agressive, the finger pointing isn’t called for ... #rhoa @itsTanyaSam it’s crazy how people react when they are jealous of your happy, successful and comfy lifestyle. 2592
1226008423789158401 Reflecting ... my life changed so much this year, I take nothing for granted, I thank God for allowing me to see another year, Happy Birthday to me ❤️🎂.Thanks to those who took time to show me some birthday love, I appreciate the texts, posts & calls, I know who truly loves me. 1826
1523475970237530112 I’m super blessed to have the opportunity to parent these young men 💙💙and teach them how to start and run a business like #learchive it’s not easy, but it’s so worth it!! #happymothersday 1761
1239630159105400832 Rest in Peace Granny Arrie, I love you so much 💔You lived a full complete life, at 103 you saw it all, I wasn’t ready for you to go, but God was ready for you to come home to him. It hurts so much. I’m so happy I was able to be by your side for your last breath. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 1757
1102375099129384960 Thank you to all my family, friends and #theHamptons for all your love and prayers. Yesterday at 6:04 am God decided he wanted my lil brother home with him. Curtis I ❤️ you… 1713
1006753627590021120 Finally Got my 🍑😜 1691
1335757132487159808 RIP to Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and so many others who loss their lives to senseless and unjust murders by the hands of the police. #BlackLivesMatter #rhoa 1667
1246979522886602758 Over the year's I've struggled with letting my guard down & sharing more of my life on television. Judgment is real. I've been through so much, so many ups & downs. On tonight's #RHOA episode at Porsha’s March of Dimes 😘event I chose to share my fertility issues with the ladies. 1655

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#rhoa 216
#askmarlo 17
#iamher 12
#wwhl 9
#auntiemarlo 9
#whenlovekills 8
#styledbymarlo 7
#tbt 6
#rhoatlreunion 6
#oscars2017 6

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@bravowwhl 36
@bravotv 33
@kandi 31
@neneleakes 25
@cynthiabailey10 22
@andy 18
@porsha4real 14
@tamelalemieux 14
@wendywilliams 8
@tyeisha_perry 8

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
❤️ 142 red_heart
🙏🏾 140 folded_hands_medium-dark_skin_tone
😘 111 face_blowing_a_kiss
😂 64 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤔 60 thinking_face
🔥 58 fire
💰 51 money_bag
🤣 43 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🎉 31 party_popper
🖤 29 black_heart

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 740
People & Body 371
Objects 149
Activities 99
Travel & Places 92
Food & Drink 69
Animals & Nature 52
Flags 42
Symbols 25