Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
hockey 3712
sports 3126
love 1973
father 1356
life 1348
husband 1327
dad 1036
music 889
football 874
proud 811

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#billsmafia 197
#nyr 107
#1 98
#blackhawks 76
#maga 71
#leafsforever 69
#lgrw 60
#nhl 58
#gohabsgo 56
#letsgobuffalo 55

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
TwitterSports 14745060 2145 20078
JohnCena 14105119 571126 7447
dbongino 4101808 1501 36094
LouDobbs 2390453 2711 41859
charliekirk11 2125455 191954 54577
JManziel2 1891720 1812 5329
SInow 1858922 3709 319337
SinghLions 1334992 1431978 33928
JDaIey 1228080 1016287 42996
leebrice 1009008 439 5221

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1431978 1334992 33928
JDaIey 1016287 1228080 42996
ZachBoychuk 684083 829849 9246
JohnCena 571126 14105119 7447
solalexasch 461590 678727 3516
DrAnthony 410934 449711 8342
scottisbell_ 273429 304633 81264
realDonaldTrFan 221463 326209 2135
Simonna 217256 503403 10949
JohnLukeNYC 205215 231717 154516

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
LibanYusuf1 956591 294 4874
RPMSports18 750908 2487 1981
MyDirtyCams 529115 405844 10619
searcher9090 507063 8817 4817
Chiefs_Kingdom_ 455532 1483 4649
digino69 451078 325 186
moshinMN 448946 2537 3032
Crazy4Skinner53 433393 3180 2176
KurtSchingoethe 407709 9367 8030
LaurieAnnBaker 404534 2137 1557

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31680 571126 14105119
SInow 14278 3709 1858922
TwitterSports 8862 2145 14745060
dbongino 8493 1501 4101808
jonmorosi 7932 7632 441710
charliekirk11 6518 191954 2125455
LouDobbs 5888 2711 2390453
GoodmanHoops 5219 5542 310633
Scaramucci 4225 3066 1007626
titoortiz 3417 5871 553400

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

3,556 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1247924353125105664 Staying active to cancel out my quarantine snacks! I challenge @PKSubban1 @TJOshie77 @JManziel2 @ericstonestreet to be a #AtHomeAllStar by @SInow.💪🏻 4762
824373928718123012 For every retweet of this tweet - Bell will donate 5 cents to Canadian Mental Health Programs.So Awesome #BellLetsTalk #MentalHealthMatters 3749
897108127128137728 Now this is a man I want on my team! Too bad bad we have to sit around and watch disrespectful athletes sit on coolers!! Disgraceful! 👎👎 2535
1068909536466022400 Who wants to sit out a season, rather than make close to $7 million bucks and play for a Cup contending team.... I’ll sign the contract if he doesn’t. #NylanderWatch 2156
559500533929893888 Best selfie ever!! 1843
932332075046256641 Relaxing Sunday morning! What happens when you live in Arizona. 1695
1184805205830823936 Retweet if you think Connor McDavid is the best player in the @NHL!! 17 points in 7 games, come on.... #McJesus 1547
1005607485393154048 The Stanley Cup hasn’t left Ovechkin’s hands since they won! This guy is on a full bender, absolutely loving it as he should! #RussianMachine 1539
1227672991766441985 What a Joke!! 1432
484446740213293056 Way to go islanders!!!! Making a 40pt guy a 5 million dollar player!!! Grabovski?? 5 million??? I'm going back to the gym!! Good god 1417

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1227672991766441985 What a Joke!! 2958
1239966330117214208 If you had to pick 1 NHL player, current or retired, to spend 2 weeks in quarantine with, who would it be? 2939
1264213089785798662 Do you think the NHL should come back to finish the season, or do you think they should restart a new season in September? #Discussion 1329
1247924353125105664 Staying active to cancel out my quarantine snacks! I challenge @PKSubban1 @TJOshie77 @JManziel2 @ericstonestreet to be a #AtHomeAllStar by @SInow.💪🏻 1289
1216083146602577920 1015
991716327239761921 I don’t think @Capitals forward Tom Wilson should be suspended for his hit on Reese. It was a good hockey play gone wrong. Unfortunate that his shoulder slipped to his head. Was not intentional. #WSHvsPIT 747
897108127128137728 Now this is a man I want on my team! Too bad bad we have to sit around and watch disrespectful athletes sit on coolers!! Disgraceful! 👎👎 735
1538670556345782272 In travel hell!!! Air Canada is the worst airline in this planet!! Bar none!! Iv never seen incompetence like this in airline service in my life. I feel sorry for all you awesome Canadian people that you have to fly this airline. God help you 👎👎 653
1510351719401607168 I never thought I’d be this disappointed in the @NHLFlyers, one of my favorite teams ever… Scratching Yandle is beyond disrespectful and sends the wrong message of loyalty to the players and fans of the NHL! 569
1174780759506214912 NHL contracts today just blow my mind.... I remember when you actually had to earn high salaries, now they are just given and hope they work out! Crazy. 554

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
897108127128137728 Now this is a man I want on my team! Too bad bad we have to sit around and watch disrespectful athletes sit on coolers!! Disgraceful! 👎👎 1315
1247924353125105664 Staying active to cancel out my quarantine snacks! I challenge @PKSubban1 @TJOshie77 @JManziel2 @ericstonestreet to be a #AtHomeAllStar by @SInow.💪🏻 1302
1227672991766441985 What a Joke!! 1170
1136790386557382656 Zdeno Chara is playing game 5 of the Stanley Cup Final with a broken jaw... @NBA players, take notes. #BecauseItsTheCup 918
897113514199977984 Marshawn you should have stayed retired. 796
1239966330117214208 If you had to pick 1 NHL player, current or retired, to spend 2 weeks in quarantine with, who would it be? 590
932332075046256641 Relaxing Sunday morning! What happens when you live in Arizona. 541
991716327239761921 I don’t think @Capitals forward Tom Wilson should be suspended for his hit on Reese. It was a good hockey play gone wrong. Unfortunate that his shoulder slipped to his head. Was not intentional. #WSHvsPIT 312
1174780759506214912 NHL contracts today just blow my mind.... I remember when you actually had to earn high salaries, now they are just given and hope they work out! Crazy. 264
1216083146602577920 253

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1247924353125105664 Staying active to cancel out my quarantine snacks! I challenge @PKSubban1 @TJOshie77 @JManziel2 @ericstonestreet to be a #AtHomeAllStar by @SInow.💪🏻 35448
1227672991766441985 What a Joke!! 18209
1295797677771243521 Heaven received a Hall of Famer today.Dale Hawerchuck was one of the best both on & off the ice! He called me yesterday to thank me for our friendship & to say goodbye! He said he was at peace-holding back my tears I was truly honored to be a part of his final hours-RIP Dale🙏🏻💔 13960
1117971432175104000 Mitch Marner just showed the whole @NHL what type of player he is. Not only can he score, but he can block shots in the most important time of the game. Respect to him!💰 13789
1216083146602577920 11905
1068909536466022400 Who wants to sit out a season, rather than make close to $7 million bucks and play for a Cup contending team.... I’ll sign the contract if he doesn’t. #NylanderWatch 11605
1005607485393154048 The Stanley Cup hasn’t left Ovechkin’s hands since they won! This guy is on a full bender, absolutely loving it as he should! #RussianMachine 10390
1209844452963033089 This Holiday season, may you surround yourself with the people who love you and have faith in you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. From the Roenick’s. 9825
1510351719401607168 I never thought I’d be this disappointed in the @NHLFlyers, one of my favorite teams ever… Scratching Yandle is beyond disrespectful and sends the wrong message of loyalty to the players and fans of the NHL! 8579
1096505279133503488 Wow it’s been cold in the Midwest people need help 🥶! Met Shawn today on Michigan Ave, a 17yr old kid wearing No shoes or jacket, so a quick trip to @Macys fixed his situation! I hope if you see someone that needs help you can help make a difference.🙏🏻#Payitforward #BeTheChange 8466

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#coorslight 79
#nhl 57
#ad 39
#powerplay 37
#hawks 22
#coldline 22
#stanleycup 19
#stadiumseries 17
#worldsmostrefreshingbeer 15
#shootfirstpasslater 15

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@roenicklifepod 162
@nhl 119
@bjaffe 54
@coorslight 33
@nhlblackhawks 31
@nbcsn 31
@arizonacoyotes 25
@goldenknights 25
@jrhockeyschool 25
@nofilternet 22

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
👍 30 thumbs_up
🇺🇸 28 United_States
🙏🏻 21 folded_hands_light_skin_tone
🔥 13 fire
❤️ 11 red_heart
😂 10 face_with_tears_of_joy
9 flag_in_hole
🤔 8 thinking_face
🏒 7 ice_hockey
🙏🏼 7 folded_hands_medium-light_skin_tone

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 105
Smileys & Emotion 57
Activities 37
Flags 33
Travel & Places 22
Animals & Nature 10
Food & Drink 9
Symbols 9
Objects 8