Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @JillOfficer


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

6 days

Average age of authors' accounts

12 years


These tweets discuss an episode of the podcast "Way Inside!" featuring an interview with Olympic Gold Medalist Jill Officer, where they discuss her partnership with Jenn and controversies in the sport of curling. The interview receives positive feedback, with listeners enjoying Jill's insights and the humorous 'Storytime with John' segment. Additionally, there is a call to examine the dark underside of the sport in order for it to grow. There is also a lighthearted question about whether Jennifer Jones spells her name with one or two N's. Overall, the tweets express enthusiasm for the episode and Officer herself.

Topic Modeling

  1. Sport of curling and its controversies
  2. Interview with Olympic gold medalist Jill Officer
  3. Discussion about team decisions and contrasts with other teams
  4. Humorous anecdotes and storytelling
  5. Personal interactions with Jill Officer

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a range of positive emotions towards Jill Officer and her interview on Way Inside. Many listeners enjoyed the interview and complimented Officer's niceness and skills as a curler. There is also a call for the sport of curling to be examined critically in order to grow. There is some humor present in one tweet about the spelling of Jennifer Jones' name. Overall, the tweets reflect enthusiasm and admiration for Officer and the sport of curling.

Trend Analysis

  1. Interview with Jill Officer
  2. Curling as a sport
  3. Praise for the interview and podcast
  4. Discussion on Jennifer Jones and team decisions
  5. Personal reactions and opinions towards Jill Officer and the podcast

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 4
Twitter Web App 4
Twitter for iPad 2
Twitter for Android 1

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
cullenoncurling John Cullen Former lead and now lead commentator for | Host of "Way Inside" on @CurlingInside | Newsletter at the link | He/Him xoxo 5,814
ianmcc Ian McCausland Professional photographer since 1988.passionate Winnipegger. NOT a member of any political party. he/him 5,732
WesleyCoughlan Wesley Coughlan I'm a 37 year old actor/singer wannabe! For now, a YouTuber! I'm a brother, uncle, cousin, nephew to my aunts & uncles, Godson to my Godparents & animal lover! 1,676
Johnston__Keith Keith Johnston Springsteen fan, Red Sox fan, Vikings fan, Jets fan, curler and golfer. Enjoy sports, politics, reading, music, travel. 551
Bruins71 Devlin Hinchey (he/him/his) Green Party Manitoba. Favourite Teams are Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics, Dallas Cowboys and formerly Montreal Expos! 258
oursgrizzly Tony Snow Liberty and Golden rule. We have so much to be thankful for, why waste anything on politics. Husband, Father, Bowler, Beer Geek and Curling Fanatic! 98
jeremiahpierre Jere Pierre Two arms, two legs, all that stuff... 28

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
WesleyCoughlan Wesley Coughlan I'm a 37 year old actor/singer wannabe! For now, a YouTuber! I'm a brother, uncle, cousin, nephew to my aunts & uncles, Godson to my Godparents & animal lover! 5,002
ianmcc Ian McCausland Professional photographer since 1988.passionate Winnipegger. NOT a member of any political party. he/him 3,378
Johnston__Keith Keith Johnston Springsteen fan, Red Sox fan, Vikings fan, Jets fan, curler and golfer. Enjoy sports, politics, reading, music, travel. 1,957
cullenoncurling John Cullen Former lead and now lead commentator for | Host of "Way Inside" on @CurlingInside | Newsletter at the link | He/Him xoxo 838
oursgrizzly Tony Snow Liberty and Golden rule. We have so much to be thankful for, why waste anything on politics. Husband, Father, Bowler, Beer Geek and Curling Fanatic! 632
Bruins71 Devlin Hinchey (he/him/his) Green Party Manitoba. Favourite Teams are Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics, Dallas Cowboys and formerly Montreal Expos! 376
jeremiahpierre Jere Pierre Two arms, two legs, all that stuff... 173

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
cullenoncurling Former lead and now lead commentator for | Host of "Way Inside" on @CurlingInside | Newsletter at the link | He/Him xoxo 3
Bruins71 Green Party Manitoba. Favourite Teams are Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics, Dallas Cowboys and formerly Montreal Expos! 2
WesleyCoughlan I'm a 37 year old actor/singer wannabe! For now, a YouTuber! I'm a brother, uncle, cousin, nephew to my aunts & uncles, Godson to my Godparents & animal lover! 2
Johnston__Keith Springsteen fan, Red Sox fan, Vikings fan, Jets fan, curler and golfer. Enjoy sports, politics, reading, music, travel. 1
ianmcc Professional photographer since 1988.passionate Winnipegger. NOT a member of any political party. he/him 1
jeremiahpierre Two arms, two legs, all that stuff... 1
oursgrizzly Liberty and Golden rule. We have so much to be thankful for, why waste anything on politics. Husband, Father, Bowler, Beer Geek and Curling Fanatic! 1

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1638972395448045568 Way Inside! 8 w/ Jill Officer (@JillOfficer). It’s another Olympic Gold Medalist with me this week, as I chat to Jill about her partnership with Jenn, the insane 1995 Juniors, the WCF, and what it’s like to play front end while controversy swirls. 7
1641488408383197184 @oursgrizzly @JillOfficer Thanks so much Tony! Jill’s the best! 0
1641477214284787714 @cullenoncurling John, I listened to your interview with @JillOfficer I then immediately re-watched that final shot. In the words of Russ...Brilliant! or WOW... I also enjoyed you placing in context their team decisions in contrast to Bottcher. Thanks! 0
1641456474957426694 A sport celebrated across the nation, has a dark underside. it’s time to look hard at this. It’s the only way the sport will grow. Cc @JillOfficer @DoubleEmMartin 0
1641214569195421701 @JillOfficer I guess I know what will be on our TVs for the next week! #ilikecurlingtoo 0
1639472364218990592 Just finished listening to Episode 8 of #WayInside! & "Storytime with John" kicks it off first as @cullenoncurling tells a story! Then he chats with the amazing, awesome & nicest person of all time @JillOfficer & it's all about the Patch as @Junglejerome tells about a favorite... 0
1639222561312497666 @JillOfficer 0
1638976439822483459 @Johnston__Keith @JillOfficer Thanks so much Keith!! Glad you enjoyed it 0
1638974570278580224 @cullenoncurling @JillOfficer Very good interview with John and @JillOfficer. 0
1638973992395751425 @cullenoncurling @JillOfficer Maybe this should be saved for the next mailbag, but could you answer a burning question? Is Jennifer Jones a one-N or two-N Jen/Jenn? 0

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1638972395448045568 Way Inside! 8 w/ Jill Officer (@JillOfficer). It’s another Olympic Gold Medalist with me this week, as I chat to Jill about her partnership with Jenn, the insane 1995 Juniors, the WCF, and what it’s like to play front end while controversy swirls. 33
1641477214284787714 @cullenoncurling John, I listened to your interview with @JillOfficer I then immediately re-watched that final shot. In the words of Russ...Brilliant! or WOW... I also enjoyed you placing in context their team decisions in contrast to Bottcher. Thanks! 3
1641456474957426694 A sport celebrated across the nation, has a dark underside. it’s time to look hard at this. It’s the only way the sport will grow. Cc @JillOfficer @DoubleEmMartin 3
1639472364218990592 Just finished listening to Episode 8 of #WayInside! & "Storytime with John" kicks it off first as @cullenoncurling tells a story! Then he chats with the amazing, awesome & nicest person of all time @JillOfficer & it's all about the Patch as @Junglejerome tells about a favorite... 2
1638974570278580224 @cullenoncurling @JillOfficer Very good interview with John and @JillOfficer. 2
1641488408383197184 @oursgrizzly @JillOfficer Thanks so much Tony! Jill’s the best! 1
1638976439822483459 @Johnston__Keith @JillOfficer Thanks so much Keith!! Glad you enjoyed it 1
1638973992395751425 @cullenoncurling @JillOfficer Maybe this should be saved for the next mailbag, but could you answer a burning question? Is Jennifer Jones a one-N or two-N Jen/Jenn? 1
1641214569195421701 @JillOfficer I guess I know what will be on our TVs for the next week! #ilikecurlingtoo 0
1639222561312497666 @JillOfficer 0

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#ilikecurlingtoo 1
#wayinside 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@jillofficer 12
@cullenoncurling 5
@oursgrizzly 1
@doubleemmartin 1
@junglejerome 1
@johnston__keith 1

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets