Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

4 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 3079
life 2116
music 1392
views 1300
lover 1275
mum 1271
family 989
proud 907
time 835
football 834

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#fbpe 224
#gtto 199
#ynwa 88
#lfc 64
#toriesout 60
#blm 60
#doctorwho 56
#jft97 42
#rejoineu 40
#mufc 38

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14106013 569135 7443
IanMcKellen 4028923 842 3016
Rylan 1764907 2802 23637
BearGrylls 1521480 957 19894
SinghLions 1335471 1432354 33927
susie_dent 1134794 717 9200
caitlinmoran 871849 2937 15833
NHSMillion 793188 12743 31099
NoraEstia 781424 90508 74564
MayaJama 698507 1465 17436

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
SinghLions 1432354 1335471 33927
JohnCena 569135 14106013 7443
robtswthrayguns 285574 259635 86114
MarkWOfficial 169934 162099 10753
1drcole 166613 180208 237553
SydesJokes 143221 190878 539107
CarlBovisNature 118832 164109 75519
ChrisMattCook 114764 115157 1650
AmyTaylorNYC 112155 117872 31640
sallyeaves 111742 136734 86650

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
JoePranaitis 1292407 37345 41071
crewislife 1266228 7450 7864
catherinemginn 730475 7500 7706
metamesaloud 605708 16355 18015
SydesJokes 539107 190878 143221
mrs_coyle 530347 5876 6129
forumeditor 510575 5727 6063
blondiesa 482421 9502 10444
Tamrinthian 480759 3300 4997
Iloveautumn2 470287 34965 28458

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31686 569135 14106013
IanMcKellen 11011 842 4028923
BearGrylls 6451 957 1521480
caitlinmoran 5681 2937 871849
sallyeaves 3396 111742 136734
laurenlaverne 3258 5287 508503
susanslusser 3219 1470 76868
SinghLions 2541 1432354 1335471
tarastrong 2139 19643 449396
SydesJokes 2121 143221 190878

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

2,176 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1513935804158119936 At first I thought its a shame my tour has ended as there is a lot to say about @BorisJohnson and @RishiSunak but then I realised its not a time for jokes. As a nation we deserve at the very least to be led by people who do not break their own laws and then lie to us about it. 8540
1202628921520467968 I went to the GP . Nothing serious, a check up and a repeat prescription.The pharmacy dispensed the meds and charged me a small fee. It was easy. When something is so easy you may not notice how precious it is. If we loose it we will never get it back. Vote well #preciousNHS 6986
1051503497978503170 Love this. Well done Roy - if the interview isn’t going well always best to start again πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 3910
1205061020345085952 I know we are all sick of politics but don’t let that stop you from voting. It is a hard fought for right to determine the future of our country which I believe needs a change away from the Tories . Labour or Lib Dem - just not 5 more years of Tory lies, cruelty and incompetence 3578
984319628234158080 The police suggesting that the family of Henry Vincent should be allowed to place floral tributes opposite the house he tried to rob is a disgrace. He was a sum bag who preyed on pensioners. Tributes condone his actions and imagine how it makes Mr Osborn-Brooks feel. Disgusting! 3460
1580956711422025728 Liz Truss has to go and as the Tories selected her as PM they have lost the right to be the only people who get to decide. If we do not have a general election soon we will have a general strike because people can't keep having no say in their own future 3071
1545123915168620544 We must never forget Johnson is a product of the Conservative Party. They created him and he was their poster boy. Lets not be deceived into believing they suddenly saw the light. Now he sits doing nothing till old Etonians pick a new leader ...ffs when are we going to change !! 2919
1469015076967493635 One day we will look back and wonder how the hell did someone as inept, and untrustworthy as Boris Johnson get the keys to number 10. The most important job in the country given to a man who is the epitome of what is wrong where entitlement and privilege replace talent. 2903
1344291662542082050 This came through on Christmas Day This is the worst illness I have ever had, debilitating headaches, muscle joint and even skin pain, dizziness, nausea, no appetite, incredibly chronic fatigue . My wife and I are fit non smokers and it's flattened us. I don't wish this on anyone 2779
1208541057929162762 2591

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1205061020345085952 I know we are all sick of politics but don’t let that stop you from voting. It is a hard fought for right to determine the future of our country which I believe needs a change away from the Tories . Labour or Lib Dem - just not 5 more years of Tory lies, cruelty and incompetence 2263
1344291662542082050 This came through on Christmas Day This is the worst illness I have ever had, debilitating headaches, muscle joint and even skin pain, dizziness, nausea, no appetite, incredibly chronic fatigue . My wife and I are fit non smokers and it's flattened us. I don't wish this on anyone 1991
1404740813016473603 We were lucky enough to have Bilko with us for almost 14 years . A beautiful soul and I will miss him massively. He saw our children grow from boys to men and was ready to give us all love. Take a chance on a rescue dog and you could be lucky enough to find a best friend too ❀️ 1406
1166820383770710018 How can an unelected prime minister suspend parliament? If people did not believe politics is broken this proves it 1099
1108006142632972289 There is no place bad enough for cowards like this . 1072
1303955369945899010 Can anyone ever remember a time when we all felt the government knew what they were doing? 837
1530623939030003715 At the gate in Paris - been here for 25 minutes and nobody has been allowed in - disgraceful treatment of fans who are displaying an unbelievable level of patience 812
1583074941448032257 WTF !!! And they think they can just get another Tory in !!! Unacceptable 766
1359272513864359941 I have retweeted a few tweets of support for @KenLoachSixteen. My position is clear- Ken Loach does not have prejudiced bone in his body. He is one of the most honourable men I know and I would stand with him till I could stand no more - then I would kneel. #IStandWithKenLoach 763
1316128103618539520 Thank you for all the amazing feedback from the whale documentary on @ITV over the last two nights. Please follow @BelugaSanctuary and @SeaLifeTrust for updates and to support Little White and Little Grey . It has been the experience of a lifetime and I have to thank all involved 754

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1051503497978503170 Love this. Well done Roy - if the interview isn’t going well always best to start again πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 592
1352920709111099393 This is the best thing I have seen for ages 549
1108006142632972289 There is no place bad enough for cowards like this . 454
1205061020345085952 I know we are all sick of politics but don’t let that stop you from voting. It is a hard fought for right to determine the future of our country which I believe needs a change away from the Tories . Labour or Lib Dem - just not 5 more years of Tory lies, cruelty and incompetence 377
1359272513864359941 I have retweeted a few tweets of support for @KenLoachSixteen. My position is clear- Ken Loach does not have prejudiced bone in his body. He is one of the most honourable men I know and I would stand with him till I could stand no more - then I would kneel. #IStandWithKenLoach 350
1208541057929162762 311
1601141326405193730 β€˜I think if we all did that, it would be a rather better place wouldn’t it?’ ❀️ National treasure @IanMcKellen joined me and Tony for Three Little Words this week, where he gave a surprising and moving answer as to why he chose the word love. 302
1344291662542082050 This came through on Christmas Day This is the worst illness I have ever had, debilitating headaches, muscle joint and even skin pain, dizziness, nausea, no appetite, incredibly chronic fatigue . My wife and I are fit non smokers and it's flattened us. I don't wish this on anyone 302
1530623939030003715 At the gate in Paris - been here for 25 minutes and nobody has been allowed in - disgraceful treatment of fans who are displaying an unbelievable level of patience 227
1202628921520467968 I went to the GP . Nothing serious, a check up and a repeat prescription.The pharmacy dispensed the meds and charged me a small fee. It was easy. When something is so easy you may not notice how precious it is. If we loose it we will never get it back. Vote well #preciousNHS 209

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1404740813016473603 We were lucky enough to have Bilko with us for almost 14 years . A beautiful soul and I will miss him massively. He saw our children grow from boys to men and was ready to give us all love. Take a chance on a rescue dog and you could be lucky enough to find a best friend too ❀️ 74960
1513935804158119936 At first I thought its a shame my tour has ended as there is a lot to say about @BorisJohnson and @RishiSunak but then I realised its not a time for jokes. As a nation we deserve at the very least to be led by people who do not break their own laws and then lie to us about it. 63403
1427939559858446347 I am shocked and saddened at the news of the loss of Sean Lock. He was a brilliant comedian but more importantly he was a great person on so many levels . He will be missed hugely. 36220
1202628921520467968 I went to the GP . Nothing serious, a check up and a repeat prescription.The pharmacy dispensed the meds and charged me a small fee. It was easy. When something is so easy you may not notice how precious it is. If we loose it we will never get it back. Vote well #preciousNHS 30347
1469015076967493635 One day we will look back and wonder how the hell did someone as inept, and untrustworthy as Boris Johnson get the keys to number 10. The most important job in the country given to a man who is the epitome of what is wrong where entitlement and privilege replace talent. 24275
1344291662542082050 This came through on Christmas Day This is the worst illness I have ever had, debilitating headaches, muscle joint and even skin pain, dizziness, nausea, no appetite, incredibly chronic fatigue . My wife and I are fit non smokers and it's flattened us. I don't wish this on anyone 23601
1583074941448032257 WTF !!! And they think they can just get another Tory in !!! Unacceptable 23583
1580956711422025728 Liz Truss has to go and as the Tories selected her as PM they have lost the right to be the only people who get to decide. If we do not have a general election soon we will have a general strike because people can't keep having no say in their own future 22841
1530623939030003715 At the gate in Paris - been here for 25 minutes and nobody has been allowed in - disgraceful treatment of fans who are displaying an unbelievable level of patience 22706
1634336427637874689 The fact that the BBC have suspended @GaryLineker for having an opinion illustrates what a scared institution it is. The word refugee has become an insult. The fact that a good goalscorer can't speak about it is and threatens the political structure shows how fragile it all is . 21612

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#inconversationwith 22
#righthererightnowtour 20
#wingingittour 9
#lfc 9
#botn 6
#prouddad 6
#u2 6
#lionesses 5
#ynwa 5
#righthererightnow 5

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@wchannel 27
@itv 25
@melbish1 25
@jasonmanford 14
@comedyray 10
@ianmckellen 9
@amazonmusicuk 9
@socceraid 9
@unicef_uk 9
@wearestv 9

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
😊 430 smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes
❀️ 87 red_heart
πŸ˜‚ 80 face_with_tears_of_joy
πŸ‘ 66 clapping_hands
😎 38 smiling_face_with_sunglasses
πŸ‘πŸ» 36 clapping_hands_light_skin_tone
πŸ™ 20 folded_hands
😳 14 flushed_face
😬 12 grimacing_face
😜 10 winking_face_with_tongue

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 723
People & Body 181
Animals & Nature 35
Objects 26
Flags 23
Activities 17
Travel & Places 12
Food & Drink 4
Symbols 1