Account Summary
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
9 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
MartinGarrix | 8371085 | 1067 | 17052 |
THEBEAT999FM | 2395952 | 8719 | 641670 |
BeatsByAssassin | 2261086 | 2692775 | 260944 |
6BillionPeople | 2032991 | 4022087 | 183293 |
KameronBennett | 1823207 | 1489215 | 96260 |
SpinninRecords | 1725240 | 702 | 42859 |
ScottGShore | 1430954 | 12353 | 23195 |
fabiocannavaro | 1373960 | 416 | 3640 |
MTVMusicUK | 1272330 | 5945 | 48301 |
vernonkay | 1148330 | 3407 | 23362 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
6BillionPeople | 4022087 | 2032991 | 183293 |
BeatsByAssassin | 2692775 | 2261086 | 260944 |
KameronBennett | 1489215 | 1823207 | 96260 |
djkingassassin | 1374088 | 472044 | 137839 |
Warx2TheMovie | 750195 | 230041 | 33649 |
jnob911 | 700617 | 433478 | 63051 |
solalexasch | 468379 | 679863 | 3505 |
IamMzilikazi | 377507 | 547709 | 130849 |
KingDivine315 | 307622 | 324016 | 299105 |
Sadenss | 293052 | 269419 | 13502 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
tietenpaleis_nl | 1898257 | 65469 | 21138 |
RSIradio | 1227304 | 5122 | 5503 |
HouseCracka | 1058505 | 41172 | 30682 |
SalomnM | 929213 | 5227 | 5747 |
007Dufour007 | 890067 | 3354 | 5001 |
beats2dance2016 | 798238 | 2498 | 3255 |
boxticker | 787552 | 14955 | 52369 |
jayoung3092 | 737586 | 22683 | 24954 |
Moritzbhg | 698797 | 2239 | 5007 |
THEBEAT999FM | 641670 | 2395952 | 8719 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
DEADLINE | 7295 | 119970 | 1113875 |
margaretcho | 7035 | 87279 | 449746 |
beatport | 4330 | 2633 | 618115 |
AudienseCo | 4106 | 71244 | 183621 |
6BillionPeople | 4048 | 4022087 | 2032991 |
BeatsByAssassin | 4045 | 2692775 | 2261086 |
DOMMUNE | 3906 | 24655 | 85376 |
MartinGarrix | 3847 | 1067 | 8371085 |
Mixmag | 3395 | 1405 | 333901 |
petetong | 3132 | 1848 | 396559 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
2,589 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1198357435259465728 | Fuerza Colombia 🇨🇴💪 | 1580 |
1346467983804100611 | I need a rave soon. | 1123 |
965853264490110976 | Techno is love, love is Techno. | 669 |
896437683442135040 | I love Techno with all my heart! | 552 |
1275395823791230977 | Techno is the door 🚪 | 532 |
721531478509821954 | Mi corazon esta en Argentina, con las familias de las victimas. Una terrible desgracia que nos toco a todos. La musica es vida, no muerte! | 455 |
1593347303653376008 | Music saves my life everyday. | 435 |
932560230273179648 | Well Miami, I came with the intention of a marathon set at Heart club last night, but I never expected to end playing for 25 HOURS and 30 minuets! That’s the longest set ever of my life, and would be difficult to repeat it as you can’t plan that, it just happens. Thank you ❤️ | 432 |
925129772308496389 | Enjoy life as much as you can, do whatever you want but without hurting others, put music in it and it will be even better. Life is one, short and amazing! | 377 |
1395065007839367168 | I love Techno music with all my heart! | 319 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
1198357435259465728 | Fuerza Colombia 🇨🇴💪 | 159 |
1358128959314092032 | Back to life, and to Music. For ever grateful! See you soon 🙏💖 | 142 |
1322262004099371014 | Anyone can advice me for some amazing and inspiring dj sets to listen? :) | 124 |
1131992501936709632 | I’m very sorry to announce that I’m not able to play today at Dalt Villa in Ibiza and tomorrow in Munich for Dyinamic festival. I have just lost my beloved grandma. It’s devasting. | 113 |
865292701423501313 | I have just asked to my girlfriend to marry me, and she says Yes! We are happy ❤ | 94 |
1008840679060131840 | Extraño mucho a Argentina! | 89 |
965947371908575232 | I need to play a proper Techno marathon somewhere soon. After this month of holidays I feel I could play no stop for ever! | 81 |
1346467983804100611 | I need a rave soon. | 66 |
932560230273179648 | Well Miami, I came with the intention of a marathon set at Heart club last night, but I never expected to end playing for 25 HOURS and 30 minuets! That’s the longest set ever of my life, and would be difficult to repeat it as you can’t plan that, it just happens. Thank you ❤️ | 61 |
1573691595433472002 | Small clubs are the past, present and future real essence of our scene. | 53 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
932560230273179648 | Well Miami, I came with the intention of a marathon set at Heart club last night, but I never expected to end playing for 25 HOURS and 30 minuets! That’s the longest set ever of my life, and would be difficult to repeat it as you can’t plan that, it just happens. Thank you ❤️ | 204 |
1198357435259465728 | Fuerza Colombia 🇨🇴💪 | 172 |
1346467983804100611 | I need a rave soon. | 148 |
1358128959314092032 | Back to life, and to Music. For ever grateful! See you soon 🙏💖 | 76 |
1008840679060131840 | Extraño mucho a Argentina! | 72 |
1128429243266789376 | Hace 10 años en Mayo 2009 fue por primera vez a tocar en Argentina. Nunca me olvidare de todas las emociones que vivimos juntos en estos años. Nos vemos al final de este año para celebrar el aniversario juntos! 🇦🇷 ❤️ | 70 |
884462995379761152 | Chiudere il Kappa Festival nel mio paese, con la mia gente e la loro immensa energia non ha prezzo. Per me è questa l'Italia che conta! ❤ | 69 |
1073610725627695104 | As Lufthansa did more than 1 hour delay from Napoli to Munich and I have lost all connections to get in Manchester tonight... we have found the only last solution and I have rent a jet. I could never miss my all night long dj set tonight at Warehouse Project! See you tonight :) | 67 |
829405565096951809 | Time Warp 2017!!!! | 55 |
1036755345388064768 | When Carl Cox and I went back to back at Robot Heart during @burningman 2018... | 52 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1198357435259465728 | Fuerza Colombia 🇨🇴💪 | 8480 |
1358128959314092032 | Back to life, and to Music. For ever grateful! See you soon 🙏💖 | 6170 |
1346467983804100611 | I need a rave soon. | 4334 |
932560230273179648 | Well Miami, I came with the intention of a marathon set at Heart club last night, but I never expected to end playing for 25 HOURS and 30 minuets! That’s the longest set ever of my life, and would be difficult to repeat it as you can’t plan that, it just happens. Thank you ❤️ | 2326 |
1275395823791230977 | Techno is the door 🚪 | 2225 |
1619824042571341824 | Techno & Groove & House | 2013 |
896437683442135040 | I love Techno with all my heart! | 1932 |
865292701423501313 | I have just asked to my girlfriend to marry me, and she says Yes! We are happy ❤ | 1854 |
1052294249868333061 | I remember when I was an unknown producer back in 2005 and I sent some demos to the big artists trying to get a possible feedback or advice. Nobody answered as expected, but only one person did and took a minute for me and I will never ever forget that. His name is @dubfire . | 1712 |
965853264490110976 | Techno is love, love is Techno. | 1707 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#redimension | 4 |
#ade2016 | 4 |
#ibiza | 2 |
#techno | 2 |
#moscow | 2 |
#ibiza2016 | 2 |
#carlcox | 1 |
#bigmood | 1 |
#theresidency | 1 |
#josephcapriati | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@awakenings | 17 |
@carl_cox | 10 |
@realadambeyer | 9 |
@time_warp | 8 |
@jamiejonesmusic | 8 |
@fabriclondon | 8 |
@whp_mcr | 7 |
@bbcr1 | 7 |
@parklifefest | 6 |
@redimensionrec | 5 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🙏🏻 | 74 | folded_hands_light_skin_tone |
❤️ | 70 | red_heart |
🙏 | 55 | folded_hands |
✈️ | 55 | airplane |
🚀 | 31 | rocket |
🇬🇧 | 16 | United_Kingdom |
🇮🇹 | 13 | Italy |
🇦🇷 | 12 | Argentina |
❤ | 8 | red_heart |
🇲🇽 | 7 | Mexico |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
People & Body | 137 |
Flags | 114 |
Smileys & Emotion | 106 |
Travel & Places | 100 |
Activities | 8 |
Objects | 7 |
Animals & Nature | 5 |
Food & Drink | 4 |
Symbols | 2 |