Account Summary
90 min livestream stand-up shows every week. Pay what you want. Next show is Saturday November 11 3pm ET/12pm PT/8pm UK. Tickets
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
9 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14103837 | 572028 | 7449 |
TheDailyShow | 9441100 | 1199 | 30860 |
Sethrogen | 9286528 | 1806 | 11577 |
AustinMahone | 8853114 | 68558 | 42754 |
MarkRuffalo | 8336590 | 2274 | 50340 |
YourAnonNews | 7890965 | 921 | 192280 |
introvertsmemes | 6193922 | 5529 | 42808 |
MMFlint | 5862138 | 570 | 16068 |
hrw | 5085970 | 21085 | 136201 |
nflnetwork | 4943832 | 1948 | 174244 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
6BillionPeople | 4025257 | 2035802 | 183298 |
SinghLions | 1431833 | 1334754 | 33928 |
djkingassassin | 1375052 | 474390 | 137837 |
StartupPro | 979183 | 981777 | 17145 |
SleepSkee | 782762 | 711057 | 42054 |
AlaattinCAGIL | 774942 | 1399199 | 6379 |
WipeHomophobia | 687877 | 697085 | 31671 |
ZachBoychuk | 683943 | 829573 | 9250 |
TayeDiggs | 657659 | 647616 | 39949 |
jilevin | 611310 | 655808 | 912827 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
Raymond_Norman | 1714724 | 52570 | 44204 |
jojokejohn | 1678690 | 176471 | 180681 |
MattMurph24 | 1563066 | 31473 | 23734 |
bdnews24 | 1323196 | 223287 | 98841 |
InSpiteOfTrump | 1244272 | 32346 | 18179 |
EvanKirstel | 1131136 | 344315 | 310817 |
muzikscribe | 1026005 | 6310 | 7724 |
jilevin | 912827 | 655808 | 611310 |
morgfair | 908549 | 176453 | 15448 |
LaydenRobinson | 895130 | 86457 | 95092 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
TheDailyShow | 34363 | 1199 | 9441100 |
Alyssa_Milano | 32798 | 6997 | 3501550 |
JohnCena | 31679 | 572028 | 14103837 |
MMFlint | 28141 | 570 | 5862138 |
arstechnica | 27446 | 1323 | 1163119 |
hrw | 23306 | 21085 | 5085970 |
chrislhayes | 21828 | 1534 | 2399489 |
CraigyFerg | 20886 | 236 | 2568969 |
CoryBooker | 19116 | 84657 | 4814692 |
nflnetwork | 18491 | 1948 | 4943832 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
500 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1475603124375150593 | Congrats to the Airline CEOs on being appointed head of @CDCgov | 2650 |
1479147888810897424 | Public health pundits going on TV remotely to say kids must go to school in-person and not remotely - is one of the easiest ways to know they're wrong. | 1741 |
1497326475271458817 | So, the @CDCgov just instantly changed it's definition transmission rate. USA instantly goes from mostly high transmission to mostly low & medium transmission. Sure looks like CDC is being negligent on public health. | 1684 |
1497417370482139145 | New CDC masking guidelines change from being based on the number of new cases to being based on corporate profit + worker exploitation + ignoring immunocompromised + flawed political polling strategies + gaslighting. | 1142 |
1480765547562340352 | CDC contemplates doing something that has been so fuckin obvious for 22 months. | 934 |
1540362082683686914 | At least everyone still has the freedom to get covid whenever they want. | 570 |
1508287665149521931 | Assault is terrifying. And just about everyone at that theater acting like nothing happened is terrifying. What a terrible show. | 500 |
1578789016358780929 | Thank you @bluestockings for not just being a great & important bookstore but also looking out for public health by being one of the few places in nyc that requires masks AND has very good ventilation. | 417 |
1472274660159115270 | the fact that #covidisairborne should not be a mystery. it should not be controversial. medical staff should all be wearing n95. it shouldnt be a mystery where to get n95. the govt should provide n95. anything indoors unmasked should not be going on right now. | 408 |
1516482068343144452 | no statement on twitter so far from @CDCgov @CDCDirector about the change in mask mandate. great leadership. | 363 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
1497326475271458817 | So, the @CDCgov just instantly changed it's definition transmission rate. USA instantly goes from mostly high transmission to mostly low & medium transmission. Sure looks like CDC is being negligent on public health. | 195 |
1508287665149521931 | Assault is terrifying. And just about everyone at that theater acting like nothing happened is terrifying. What a terrible show. | 163 |
1516482068343144452 | no statement on twitter so far from @CDCgov @CDCDirector about the change in mask mandate. great leadership. | 119 |
1475603124375150593 | Congrats to the Airline CEOs on being appointed head of @CDCgov | 117 |
1479147888810897424 | Public health pundits going on TV remotely to say kids must go to school in-person and not remotely - is one of the easiest ways to know they're wrong. | 111 |
1578789016358780929 | Thank you @bluestockings for not just being a great & important bookstore but also looking out for public health by being one of the few places in nyc that requires masks AND has very good ventilation. | 110 |
1480765547562340352 | CDC contemplates doing something that has been so fuckin obvious for 22 months. | 89 |
1497417370482139145 | New CDC masking guidelines change from being based on the number of new cases to being based on corporate profit + worker exploitation + ignoring immunocompromised + flawed political polling strategies + gaslighting. | 84 |
1472297708119638030 | Are any public health officials talking about slowing the spread? Or is it just get vaccinated? | 74 |
1582846787458863104 | Did fax machines sign a 90 year exclusivity contract with hospitals? | 67 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
1497326475271458817 | So, the @CDCgov just instantly changed it's definition transmission rate. USA instantly goes from mostly high transmission to mostly low & medium transmission. Sure looks like CDC is being negligent on public health. | 223 |
1475603124375150593 | Congrats to the Airline CEOs on being appointed head of @CDCgov | 124 |
1480765547562340352 | CDC contemplates doing something that has been so fuckin obvious for 22 months. | 71 |
1497417370482139145 | New CDC masking guidelines change from being based on the number of new cases to being based on corporate profit + worker exploitation + ignoring immunocompromised + flawed political polling strategies + gaslighting. | 67 |
1479147888810897424 | Public health pundits going on TV remotely to say kids must go to school in-person and not remotely - is one of the easiest ways to know they're wrong. | 61 |
1508287665149521931 | Assault is terrifying. And just about everyone at that theater acting like nothing happened is terrifying. What a terrible show. | 59 |
1578789016358780929 | Thank you @bluestockings for not just being a great & important bookstore but also looking out for public health by being one of the few places in nyc that requires masks AND has very good ventilation. | 47 |
1516482068343144452 | no statement on twitter so far from @CDCgov @CDCDirector about the change in mask mandate. great leadership. | 30 |
1540362082683686914 | At least everyone still has the freedom to get covid whenever they want. | 29 |
1493025297943384064 | The @CDCgov twitter has two posts about food temperature safety for Super Bowl but zero about the pandemic. | 21 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1475603124375150593 | Congrats to the Airline CEOs on being appointed head of @CDCgov | 15086 |
1479147888810897424 | Public health pundits going on TV remotely to say kids must go to school in-person and not remotely - is one of the easiest ways to know they're wrong. | 11075 |
1480765547562340352 | CDC contemplates doing something that has been so fuckin obvious for 22 months. | 6808 |
1497326475271458817 | So, the @CDCgov just instantly changed it's definition transmission rate. USA instantly goes from mostly high transmission to mostly low & medium transmission. Sure looks like CDC is being negligent on public health. | 5938 |
1508287665149521931 | Assault is terrifying. And just about everyone at that theater acting like nothing happened is terrifying. What a terrible show. | 5932 |
1497417370482139145 | New CDC masking guidelines change from being based on the number of new cases to being based on corporate profit + worker exploitation + ignoring immunocompromised + flawed political polling strategies + gaslighting. | 5157 |
1578789016358780929 | Thank you @bluestockings for not just being a great & important bookstore but also looking out for public health by being one of the few places in nyc that requires masks AND has very good ventilation. | 3969 |
1540362082683686914 | At least everyone still has the freedom to get covid whenever they want. | 3687 |
1516482068343144452 | no statement on twitter so far from @CDCgov @CDCDirector about the change in mask mandate. great leadership. | 2903 |
1472274660159115270 | the fact that #covidisairborne should not be a mystery. it should not be controversial. medical staff should all be wearing n95. it shouldnt be a mystery where to get n95. the govt should provide n95. anything indoors unmasked should not be going on right now. | 2188 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#covidisairborne | 17 |
#worldcup | 14 |
#oshahearing | 6 |
#usmnt | 6 |
#worldcup2022 | 3 |
#usavned | 2 |
#croatiacanada | 2 |
#usaveng | 2 |
#usavmex | 2 |
#stopthespread | 2 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@nattowsen | 43 |
@shelleykim__ | 35 |
@francescalyn | 26 |
@cdcgov | 23 |
@marcela_ajua | 22 |
@rabidpixie | 19 |
@doogiehorner | 15 |
@blazemancillas | 15 |
@subhah | 13 |
@jill_lives | 10 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets