Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count






Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

9 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 2283
life 1598
music 1587
writer 1392
sheher 1277
hehim 1242
lover 1095
comedy 1015
things 987
follow 984

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#blm 264
#blacklivesmatter 242
#resist 164
#m4a 71
#theresistance 69
#covidisairborne 68
#1 64
#medicareforall 63
#freepalestine 63
#freeassange 59

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14103837 572028 7449
TheDailyShow 9441100 1199 30860
Sethrogen 9286528 1806 11577
AustinMahone 8853114 68558 42754
MarkRuffalo 8336590 2274 50340
YourAnonNews 7890965 921 192280
introvertsmemes 6193922 5529 42808
MMFlint 5862138 570 16068
hrw 5085970 21085 136201
nflnetwork 4943832 1948 174244

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
6BillionPeople 4025257 2035802 183298
SinghLions 1431833 1334754 33928
djkingassassin 1375052 474390 137837
StartupPro 979183 981777 17145
SleepSkee 782762 711057 42054
AlaattinCAGIL 774942 1399199 6379
WipeHomophobia 687877 697085 31671
ZachBoychuk 683943 829573 9250
TayeDiggs 657659 647616 39949
jilevin 611310 655808 912827

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
Raymond_Norman 1714724 52570 44204
jojokejohn 1678690 176471 180681
MattMurph24 1563066 31473 23734
bdnews24 1323196 223287 98841
InSpiteOfTrump 1244272 32346 18179
EvanKirstel 1131136 344315 310817
muzikscribe 1026005 6310 7724
jilevin 912827 655808 611310
morgfair 908549 176453 15448
LaydenRobinson 895130 86457 95092

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
TheDailyShow 34363 1199 9441100
Alyssa_Milano 32798 6997 3501550
JohnCena 31679 572028 14103837
MMFlint 28141 570 5862138
arstechnica 27446 1323 1163119
hrw 23306 21085 5085970
chrislhayes 21828 1534 2399489
CraigyFerg 20886 236 2568969
CoryBooker 19116 84657 4814692
nflnetwork 18491 1948 4943832

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

500 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1475603124375150593 Congrats to the Airline CEOs on being appointed head of @CDCgov 2650
1479147888810897424 Public health pundits going on TV remotely to say kids must go to school in-person and not remotely - is one of the easiest ways to know they're wrong. 1741
1497326475271458817 So, the @CDCgov just instantly changed it's definition transmission rate. USA instantly goes from mostly high transmission to mostly low & medium transmission. Sure looks like CDC is being negligent on public health. 1684
1497417370482139145 New CDC masking guidelines change from being based on the number of new cases to being based on corporate profit + worker exploitation + ignoring immunocompromised + flawed political polling strategies + gaslighting. 1142
1480765547562340352 CDC contemplates doing something that has been so fuckin obvious for 22 months. 934
1540362082683686914 At least everyone still has the freedom to get covid whenever they want. 570
1508287665149521931 Assault is terrifying. And just about everyone at that theater acting like nothing happened is terrifying. What a terrible show. 500
1578789016358780929 Thank you @bluestockings for not just being a great & important bookstore but also looking out for public health by being one of the few places in nyc that requires masks AND has very good ventilation. 417
1472274660159115270 the fact that #covidisairborne should not be a mystery. it should not be controversial. medical staff should all be wearing n95. it shouldnt be a mystery where to get n95. the govt should provide n95. anything indoors unmasked should not be going on right now. 408
1516482068343144452 no statement on twitter so far from @CDCgov @CDCDirector about the change in mask mandate. great leadership. 363

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1497326475271458817 So, the @CDCgov just instantly changed it's definition transmission rate. USA instantly goes from mostly high transmission to mostly low & medium transmission. Sure looks like CDC is being negligent on public health. 195
1508287665149521931 Assault is terrifying. And just about everyone at that theater acting like nothing happened is terrifying. What a terrible show. 163
1516482068343144452 no statement on twitter so far from @CDCgov @CDCDirector about the change in mask mandate. great leadership. 119
1475603124375150593 Congrats to the Airline CEOs on being appointed head of @CDCgov 117
1479147888810897424 Public health pundits going on TV remotely to say kids must go to school in-person and not remotely - is one of the easiest ways to know they're wrong. 111
1578789016358780929 Thank you @bluestockings for not just being a great & important bookstore but also looking out for public health by being one of the few places in nyc that requires masks AND has very good ventilation. 110
1480765547562340352 CDC contemplates doing something that has been so fuckin obvious for 22 months. 89
1497417370482139145 New CDC masking guidelines change from being based on the number of new cases to being based on corporate profit + worker exploitation + ignoring immunocompromised + flawed political polling strategies + gaslighting. 84
1472297708119638030 Are any public health officials talking about slowing the spread? Or is it just get vaccinated? 74
1582846787458863104 Did fax machines sign a 90 year exclusivity contract with hospitals? 67

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1497326475271458817 So, the @CDCgov just instantly changed it's definition transmission rate. USA instantly goes from mostly high transmission to mostly low & medium transmission. Sure looks like CDC is being negligent on public health. 223
1475603124375150593 Congrats to the Airline CEOs on being appointed head of @CDCgov 124
1480765547562340352 CDC contemplates doing something that has been so fuckin obvious for 22 months. 71
1497417370482139145 New CDC masking guidelines change from being based on the number of new cases to being based on corporate profit + worker exploitation + ignoring immunocompromised + flawed political polling strategies + gaslighting. 67
1479147888810897424 Public health pundits going on TV remotely to say kids must go to school in-person and not remotely - is one of the easiest ways to know they're wrong. 61
1508287665149521931 Assault is terrifying. And just about everyone at that theater acting like nothing happened is terrifying. What a terrible show. 59
1578789016358780929 Thank you @bluestockings for not just being a great & important bookstore but also looking out for public health by being one of the few places in nyc that requires masks AND has very good ventilation. 47
1516482068343144452 no statement on twitter so far from @CDCgov @CDCDirector about the change in mask mandate. great leadership. 30
1540362082683686914 At least everyone still has the freedom to get covid whenever they want. 29
1493025297943384064 The @CDCgov twitter has two posts about food temperature safety for Super Bowl but zero about the pandemic. 21

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1475603124375150593 Congrats to the Airline CEOs on being appointed head of @CDCgov 15086
1479147888810897424 Public health pundits going on TV remotely to say kids must go to school in-person and not remotely - is one of the easiest ways to know they're wrong. 11075
1480765547562340352 CDC contemplates doing something that has been so fuckin obvious for 22 months. 6808
1497326475271458817 So, the @CDCgov just instantly changed it's definition transmission rate. USA instantly goes from mostly high transmission to mostly low & medium transmission. Sure looks like CDC is being negligent on public health. 5938
1508287665149521931 Assault is terrifying. And just about everyone at that theater acting like nothing happened is terrifying. What a terrible show. 5932
1497417370482139145 New CDC masking guidelines change from being based on the number of new cases to being based on corporate profit + worker exploitation + ignoring immunocompromised + flawed political polling strategies + gaslighting. 5157
1578789016358780929 Thank you @bluestockings for not just being a great & important bookstore but also looking out for public health by being one of the few places in nyc that requires masks AND has very good ventilation. 3969
1540362082683686914 At least everyone still has the freedom to get covid whenever they want. 3687
1516482068343144452 no statement on twitter so far from @CDCgov @CDCDirector about the change in mask mandate. great leadership. 2903
1472274660159115270 the fact that #covidisairborne should not be a mystery. it should not be controversial. medical staff should all be wearing n95. it shouldnt be a mystery where to get n95. the govt should provide n95. anything indoors unmasked should not be going on right now. 2188

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#covidisairborne 17
#worldcup 14
#oshahearing 6
#usmnt 6
#worldcup2022 3
#usavned 2
#croatiacanada 2
#usaveng 2
#usavmex 2
#stopthespread 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@nattowsen 43
@shelleykim__ 35
@francescalyn 26
@cdcgov 23
@marcela_ajua 22
@rabidpixie 19
@doogiehorner 15
@blazemancillas 15
@subhah 13
@jill_lives 10

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets