Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Wherever You Podcast + YouTube



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 3755
lover 2769
retired 2519
life 2489
mom 2361
proud 2219
dms 2141
democrat 2027
blue 1953
husband 1841

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#blm 1062
#resist 995
#voteblue 647
#bluecrew 484
#fbr 290
#lgbtq 241
#blacklivesmatter 238
#prochoice 220
#resister 211
#bluewave 162

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
BBhuttoZardari 5083491 2697 18760
JuddApatow 2379865 1931 110847
johncusack 1762549 1308 171958
TaikaWaititi 1648102 789 5189
SteveSchmidtSES 1603171 206 11951
JamesOKeefeIII 1563686 1434 18996
MollyJongFast 1085144 6754 20498
CalltoActivism 1021341 2302 17654
Baddiel 881854 3374 75505
YasielPuig 877852 384 2240

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
IamMzilikazi 375776 544687 130320
NOH8Campaign 344811 801902 13997
StephenCaggiano 330927 342644 101086
brentnhunter 266703 294470 113862
andersonDrLJA 192354 197556 117525
Ryanintheus 190206 198684 26466
jorcervan 185318 237663 65997
GoogleExpertUK 184383 260813 763501
Havenlust 172910 292133 204585
DennisCardiff 160264 152367 431887

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
barntiques859 2190376 35964 21084
VonRosenchild 1162848 13767 10750
SupremeBeingNes 1029035 74003 67590
ElkeHollings 1015589 2437 5001
JoaniSparkles 954306 11469 12612
JMRamos1701D 926100 4025 3832
CnBsNana 885301 5885 6446
_Pehicc 800258 12801 10477
GoogleExpertUK 763501 260813 184383
jodotcom 716559 18554 14475

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
johncusack 13450 1308 1762549
jeffjarvis 11125 4717 175668
gruber 10705 1698 362205
JuddApatow 10530 1931 2379865
BorowitzReport 8700 1786 537408
SteveSchmidtSES 8429 206 1603171
atrupar 8388 2548 872035
MollyJongFast 7872 6754 1085144
NOH8Campaign 7564 344811 801902
GoogleExpertUK 6519 184383 260813

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

49 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1643678341172535305 She was elected last November as a Democrat, got contributions and endorsements as a Democrat, and switched parties in...April? Seems to me donors and the party need to sue her for financial fraud. 5431
1639014916114841600 Trump has today issued repeated stochastic terrorist calls for his cult to "remove" the "animal" Alvin Bragg - and use a baseball bat. @DHSgov and @TheJusticeDept need to arrest him, today. No perp walk, no bail. He's trying to get this man killed. Period. Enough. 3727
1634580629500174337 Have you considered a career in business, @elonmusk? 3726
1637938090592329731 Just back from fighting my way through the throng at the rush hour rally at Trump Tower. #Zero 3029
1630366621993713665 Imagine if in 2008 the Chairman of GE or president of NBC or NBC News, or I, had given Obama a sneak peek at McCain's campaign ads. @FoxNews would've demanded that its viewers burn 30 Rock to the ground. It is time to de-platform Fox and bankrupt its business. NOW. 3009
1640442201673965600 Once again @MarshaBlackburn helped kill those kids and adults today. 2902
1644761947181596680 Hey look! There's a guy who spends millions to buy Hitler and Nazi artifacts. So he also bought Clarence Thomas. 2286
1637283439119327232 Frontal lobe. What you're missing, @elonmusk, is called the frontal lobe. 2038
1642265409440063488 Richard Nixon committed treason and got American soldiers killed by getting North Vietnam to stall the peace talks so he could win the 1968 election and @MonicaCrowley later went to work for him. 2028
1636130485704204288 Just arrest this fucking idiot @RepMTG already. She either made up a story about border security or - if she's NOT lying - she just divulged actual border security. Just arrest her. I can't stand the stupidity any more. 1666

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1634580629500174337 Have you considered a career in business, @elonmusk? 15968
1630690053751205888 "We can have Democracy in this country or we can have @FoxNews. We cannot have both. "Murdoch showed Biden's ads to Kushner before they became public. It's utterly unethical. "Fox News exists because NBC cut a deal in '09 to save it." TUESDAY COUNTDOWN: 9397
1641349542988906498 TAKE. THEIR. GUNS. NOW. Thursday Countdown: 7157
1643678341172535305 She was elected last November as a Democrat, got contributions and endorsements as a Democrat, and switched parties in...April? Seems to me donors and the party need to sue her for financial fraud. 6935
1632999521553719300 "Did @TuckerCarlson just get himself fired by Rupert Murdoch? "As the $1.6B Dominion suit for lying about the 2020 Election hangs over Fox "News," Carlson promptly RE-ENACTS EVERY LIE as he gaslights the 1/6 Video. "Thanks, Tucker!" TUESDAY COUNTDOWN: 5764
1641232319544537089 Still doesn't have the word "own" in it, Motherfuckers 5182
1646582982621233167 Clarence Thomas has to resign. Today. Before dinner. Now. 5088
1636238990046003201 First Freddie Freeman, now Edwin Diaz. The WBC is a meaningless exhibition series designed to: get YOU to buy another uniform, to hell with the real season, and split up teammates based on where their grandmothers got laid. Call it off. Now. 4182
1631076798619320321 This isn't difficult. Move all the irreplaceable items out of the current DisneyWorld. Rebuild in the Carolinas or Puerto Rico. Then invite @RonDeSantisFL to Disney's Orlando facility and burn the place down while he watches. 3747
1644799776079380481 WHEN THE SOUTH RESISTED INTEGRATION two presidents enforced democracy with the National Guard. We need that in Tennessee where GOP fascists now plan retribution if @justinjpearson is reappointed. It's Liberty or Republicans. WEEKEND COUNTDOWN PODCAST: 3702

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1636238990046003201 First Freddie Freeman, now Edwin Diaz. The WBC is a meaningless exhibition series designed to: get YOU to buy another uniform, to hell with the real season, and split up teammates based on where their grandmothers got laid. Call it off. Now. 2905
1634580629500174337 Have you considered a career in business, @elonmusk? 1432
1631076798619320321 This isn't difficult. Move all the irreplaceable items out of the current DisneyWorld. Rebuild in the Carolinas or Puerto Rico. Then invite @RonDeSantisFL to Disney's Orlando facility and burn the place down while he watches. 645
1641232319544537089 Still doesn't have the word "own" in it, Motherfuckers 587
1643678341172535305 She was elected last November as a Democrat, got contributions and endorsements as a Democrat, and switched parties in...April? Seems to me donors and the party need to sue her for financial fraud. 566
1641349542988906498 TAKE. THEIR. GUNS. NOW. Thursday Countdown: 505
1630690053751205888 "We can have Democracy in this country or we can have @FoxNews. We cannot have both. "Murdoch showed Biden's ads to Kushner before they became public. It's utterly unethical. "Fox News exists because NBC cut a deal in '09 to save it." TUESDAY COUNTDOWN: 407
1637938090592329731 Just back from fighting my way through the throng at the rush hour rally at Trump Tower. #Zero 343
1646582982621233167 Clarence Thomas has to resign. Today. Before dinner. Now. 329
1639014916114841600 Trump has today issued repeated stochastic terrorist calls for his cult to "remove" the "animal" Alvin Bragg - and use a baseball bat. @DHSgov and @TheJusticeDept need to arrest him, today. No perp walk, no bail. He's trying to get this man killed. Period. Enough. 272

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1634580629500174337 Have you considered a career in business, @elonmusk? 38521
1637938090592329731 Just back from fighting my way through the throng at the rush hour rally at Trump Tower. #Zero 31169
1643678341172535305 She was elected last November as a Democrat, got contributions and endorsements as a Democrat, and switched parties in...April? Seems to me donors and the party need to sue her for financial fraud. 22618
1637283439119327232 Frontal lobe. What you're missing, @elonmusk, is called the frontal lobe. 18947
1642665106063470600 The @60Minutes piece on Marjorie Barney Rubble gets off to a bad staff by calling her "famous" and describing her "celebrity; some say notoriety..." "Smart and fearless" Really bad look for Lesley Stahl. 11114
1630366621993713665 Imagine if in 2008 the Chairman of GE or president of NBC or NBC News, or I, had given Obama a sneak peek at McCain's campaign ads. @FoxNews would've demanded that its viewers burn 30 Rock to the ground. It is time to de-platform Fox and bankrupt its business. NOW. 10808
1639014916114841600 Trump has today issued repeated stochastic terrorist calls for his cult to "remove" the "animal" Alvin Bragg - and use a baseball bat. @DHSgov and @TheJusticeDept need to arrest him, today. No perp walk, no bail. He's trying to get this man killed. Period. Enough. 9637
1646582982621233167 Clarence Thomas has to resign. Today. Before dinner. Now. 9527
1632588243093934080 Jesus Christ @elonmusk have some self-respect and just stay home and masturbate or something 9453
1642265409440063488 Richard Nixon committed treason and got American soldiers killed by getting North Vietnam to stall the peace talks so he could win the 1968 election and @MonicaCrowley later went to work for him. 9109

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#trump 25
#689 8
#rip 2
#byefelicia 2
#presidentfraud 2
#departmentofjustins 1
#doesntnot 1
#nyc 1
#metssofttissue 1
#lfgm 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@foxnews 73
@tuckercarlson 65
@repmtg 33
@speakermccarthy 30
@michaeljknowles 15
@elonmusk 14
@jim_jordan 14
@mtgreenee 13
@msnbc 13
@justinjpearson 10

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ 17 man_facepalming_medium-light_skin_tone
๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ 10 United_States
๐Ÿ–• 4 middle_finger
โœ… 3 check_mark_button
๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ 2 man_shrugging_medium-light_skin_tone
๐Ÿ‘ฟ 1 angry_face_with_horns
๐ŸŽฅ 1 movie_camera
๐Ÿ“ธ 1 camera_with_flash
โŒ 1 cross_mark
๐Ÿ™„ 1 face_with_rolling_eyes

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 23
Flags 10
Symbols 4
Smileys & Emotion 2
Objects 2