Account Summary
Hello 👋🏽! Welcome to our Twitter Page. JKIA Toll Free No: 0800221415
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
4 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
CapitalFMKenya | 1700166 | 938 | 519884 |
DonaldBKipkorir | 1376972 | 2691 | 18920 |
YvonneOkwara | 521608 | 2284 | 28157 |
ShaffieWeru | 460441 | 656 | 74745 |
omwambaKE | 436658 | 18768 | 52960 |
lifeofmshaba | 395714 | 2919 | 169164 |
ndmaindia | 391640 | 3152 | 78663 |
HonOscarSudi | 372538 | 550 | 705 |
Milele_FM | 369961 | 945 | 826245 |
WaihigaMwaura | 337676 | 6650 | 62777 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
tzDiscovery | 136469 | 187222 | 736252 |
Messiahanthem | 108018 | 127348 | 113637 |
Business254_ | 94998 | 97706 | 82826 |
Mankaeza | 85519 | 90404 | 96111 |
CarlosMaizOK | 66070 | 87206 | 6819 |
Ugaman01 | 56470 | 163282 | 133832 |
lemutuz_brand | 52853 | 103690 | 153834 |
MarkMwandosya | 46660 | 84852 | 819 |
johnnjenga | 46216 | 278859 | 41336 |
dahxeh | 43208 | 41270 | 42435 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
Tusk8rman | 924985 | 5015 | 2823 |
Milele_FM | 826245 | 369961 | 945 |
Hot_96Kenya | 790121 | 278345 | 376 |
tzDiscovery | 736252 | 187222 | 136469 |
CapitalFMKenya | 519884 | 1700166 | 938 |
mmnjug | 490268 | 66324 | 2073 |
YekoyadaUG | 456920 | 85886 | 21698 |
VinieO | 390568 | 61227 | 363 |
allanmzalendo | 389351 | 37796 | 31514 |
shecyclesnbi | 348679 | 7656 | 3437 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
CapitalFMKenya | 1343 | 938 | 1700166 |
FlyingMagazine | 956 | 1310 | 72458 |
unredd | 785 | 22770 | 46129 |
NYCSingleMom | 669 | 18205 | 29570 |
ndmaindia | 630 | 3152 | 391640 |
Ugaman01 | 617 | 56470 | 163282 |
akannampilly | 432 | 5050 | 16943 |
Business254_ | 417 | 94998 | 97706 |
CarlosMaizOK | 393 | 66070 | 87206 |
maxbearak | 342 | 1197 | 12913 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
2,343 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1574826006401146886 | …thank you 🙏🏽 for being patient with us, we are almost there 🤗. A sneak peak of JKIA’s Terminals 1B&C currently being refurbished. #NewLookT1BC #JKIAHubExperience | 822 |
1056871715463221248 | The Grand Arrival of the Historical @KenyaAirways flight no. KQ002 at JFK Airport! #JKIAConnectingTheWorld #KQNBONYC #KQDirectFlight | 781 |
1034705118086811648 | PRESS RELEASE: Following the announcement between President @UKenyatta and President @realDonaldTrump, JKIA has now achieved Last Point of Departure (LPD) status. This allows JKIA to facilitate direct flights between Kenya and the US. 1/3 | 690 |
1242455090952384512 | PRESS STATEMENT: Jambo! Following media reports that a German army shipment of 6 million masks meant for protection against COVID-19 virus vanished at JKIA last week, KAA has conducted an investigation into the matter. 1/3 | 556 |
1207740529280245767 | that we have your attention, here is our real Christmas tree ☺️. We take this chance to wish you a Merry Christmas and safe travels this holiday season. | 526 |
1647850551059652608 | Jambo! We would like to confirm that the runway at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) has been temporarily closed due to an aborted takeoff by Cargo plane that developed technical issues this morning. 1/3 | 384 |
1166326611333005312 | Water Salute as we welcome @UG_Airlines inaugural flight to JKIA. #FlyUgandaAirlines | 358 |
1056869549587529734 | She has Landed! Congratulations @KenyaAirways on your maiden nonstop direct flight to New York! #KQNBONYC #JKIAConnectingTheWorld | 333 |
875635131012206593 | Jambo & welcome to Isiolo Intl. Airport:-) Once opened the new airport will serve both Isiolo & Meru Counties 1/4 #GoKDELIVERS #MeruCounty | 319 |
1496542175827533827 | Jambo! This is to confirm that the runway at JKIA is temporarily closed as crews respond to safely remove a disabled aircraft. Takeoffs and landings are on hold. Passengers are advised to check with their respective airline for flight status updates. | 256 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
1207740529280245767 | that we have your attention, here is our real Christmas tree ☺️. We take this chance to wish you a Merry Christmas and safe travels this holiday season. | 589 |
1242455090952384512 | PRESS STATEMENT: Jambo! Following media reports that a German army shipment of 6 million masks meant for protection against COVID-19 virus vanished at JKIA last week, KAA has conducted an investigation into the matter. 1/3 | 335 |
1574826006401146886 | …thank you 🙏🏽 for being patient with us, we are almost there 🤗. A sneak peak of JKIA’s Terminals 1B&C currently being refurbished. #NewLookT1BC #JKIAHubExperience | 210 |
1273842794583461889 | Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Well, it's really hard to tell! Help us spot which of our partner airlines the aeroplane belongs to by taking a screenshot of the perfect frame and sharing it with us. #InThisTogether #KAAFunChallenge #StaySafe | 198 |
1647850551059652608 | Jambo! We would like to confirm that the runway at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) has been temporarily closed due to an aborted takeoff by Cargo plane that developed technical issues this morning. 1/3 | 117 |
1056871715463221248 | The Grand Arrival of the Historical @KenyaAirways flight no. KQ002 at JFK Airport! #JKIAConnectingTheWorld #KQNBONYC #KQDirectFlight | 97 |
1496542175827533827 | Jambo! This is to confirm that the runway at JKIA is temporarily closed as crews respond to safely remove a disabled aircraft. Takeoffs and landings are on hold. Passengers are advised to check with their respective airline for flight status updates. | 89 |
1034705118086811648 | PRESS RELEASE: Following the announcement between President @UKenyatta and President @realDonaldTrump, JKIA has now achieved Last Point of Departure (LPD) status. This allows JKIA to facilitate direct flights between Kenya and the US. 1/3 | 76 |
986179058408017922 | Jambo, we would like to notify the general public that KAA has put on hold the proposed new car parking rates pending further consultations with our airport stakeholders. | 72 |
994250292051968000 | Jambo, we've got some GOOD NEWS for you this evening! JKIA is now a 24HR FREE WIFI ZONE! | 53 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
1207740529280245767 | that we have your attention, here is our real Christmas tree ☺️. We take this chance to wish you a Merry Christmas and safe travels this holiday season. | 213 |
1242455090952384512 | PRESS STATEMENT: Jambo! Following media reports that a German army shipment of 6 million masks meant for protection against COVID-19 virus vanished at JKIA last week, KAA has conducted an investigation into the matter. 1/3 | 180 |
1574826006401146886 | …thank you 🙏🏽 for being patient with us, we are almost there 🤗. A sneak peak of JKIA’s Terminals 1B&C currently being refurbished. #NewLookT1BC #JKIAHubExperience | 123 |
1056871715463221248 | The Grand Arrival of the Historical @KenyaAirways flight no. KQ002 at JFK Airport! #JKIAConnectingTheWorld #KQNBONYC #KQDirectFlight | 122 |
986179058408017922 | Jambo, we would like to notify the general public that KAA has put on hold the proposed new car parking rates pending further consultations with our airport stakeholders. | 68 |
994250292051968000 | Jambo, we've got some GOOD NEWS for you this evening! JKIA is now a 24HR FREE WIFI ZONE! | 61 |
1647850551059652608 | Jambo! We would like to confirm that the runway at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) has been temporarily closed due to an aborted takeoff by Cargo plane that developed technical issues this morning. 1/3 | 60 |
1496542175827533827 | Jambo! This is to confirm that the runway at JKIA is temporarily closed as crews respond to safely remove a disabled aircraft. Takeoffs and landings are on hold. Passengers are advised to check with their respective airline for flight status updates. | 42 |
1056869549587529734 | She has Landed! Congratulations @KenyaAirways on your maiden nonstop direct flight to New York! #KQNBONYC #JKIAConnectingTheWorld | 41 |
834797912366383104 | US Government grants Kenya CAT1 Status, allowing for direct flights between Kenya & the US. Cc: @CAA_Kenya @TransportKE | 40 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1574826006401146886 | …thank you 🙏🏽 for being patient with us, we are almost there 🤗. A sneak peak of JKIA’s Terminals 1B&C currently being refurbished. #NewLookT1BC #JKIAHubExperience | 3754 |
1207740529280245767 | that we have your attention, here is our real Christmas tree ☺️. We take this chance to wish you a Merry Christmas and safe travels this holiday season. | 2712 |
1056871715463221248 | The Grand Arrival of the Historical @KenyaAirways flight no. KQ002 at JFK Airport! #JKIAConnectingTheWorld #KQNBONYC #KQDirectFlight | 1636 |
1567048483546300416 | The Chairman, Board of Directors, Management & Staff of KAA take this opportunity to congratulate H.E. Dr. @WilliamsRuto on being elected as the 5th President of the Republic of Kenya We wish you God’s blessing as you steer this nation to greater heights of prosperity! | 1436 |
1166326611333005312 | Water Salute as we welcome @UG_Airlines inaugural flight to JKIA. #FlyUgandaAirlines | 1212 |
1242455090952384512 | PRESS STATEMENT: Jambo! Following media reports that a German army shipment of 6 million masks meant for protection against COVID-19 virus vanished at JKIA last week, KAA has conducted an investigation into the matter. 1/3 | 1020 |
1034705118086811648 | PRESS RELEASE: Following the announcement between President @UKenyatta and President @realDonaldTrump, JKIA has now achieved Last Point of Departure (LPD) status. This allows JKIA to facilitate direct flights between Kenya and the US. 1/3 | 972 |
1056869549587529734 | She has Landed! Congratulations @KenyaAirways on your maiden nonstop direct flight to New York! #KQNBONYC #JKIAConnectingTheWorld | 887 |
1071636341421674496 | Congratulations @qatarairways on your inaugural flight to Moi International Airport from Doha. | 879 |
1647850551059652608 | Jambo! We would like to confirm that the runway at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) has been temporarily closed due to an aborted takeoff by Cargo plane that developed technical issues this morning. 1/3 | 746 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#inthistogether | 213 |
#kaacares | 166 |
#staysafe | 139 |
#routesafrica | 74 |
#gokdelivers | 63 |
#routesafrica2019 | 63 |
#routesafricake | 62 |
#travelsafe | 57 |
#kaacsrmedicalcamp | 51 |
#abeaawards | 47 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@kenyaairways | 59 |
@materkenya | 34 |
@caa_kenya | 34 |
@transportke | 31 |
@aci_africa | 28 |
@magicalkenya | 20 |
@kisumucountyke | 17 |
@kenyaairports | 16 |
@min_tourismke | 16 |
@jamesmacharia_ | 15 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
✈️ | 63 | airplane |
👉 | 25 | backhand_index_pointing_right |
🥳 | 22 | partying_face |
👏🏼 | 21 | clapping_hands_medium-light_skin_tone |
👇 | 18 | backhand_index_pointing_down |
🎉 | 17 | party_popper |
👏 | 16 | clapping_hands |
👈 | 16 | backhand_index_pointing_left |
🏆 | 12 | trophy |
🇰🇪 | 12 | Kenya |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
People & Body | 162 |
Travel & Places | 115 |
Smileys & Emotion | 77 |
Objects | 55 |
Activities | 51 |
Flags | 25 |
Animals & Nature | 21 |
Symbols | 13 |
Food & Drink | 12 |