Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Kingston, Ontario, Canada



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

4 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
love 193
mom 152
life 147
lover 110
queens 109
kingston 105
sheher 101
student 100
canadian 99
university 88

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#ygk 14
#1 9
#leafsforever 4
#entrepreneur 3
#wethenorth 3
#nextlevel 3
#blm 3
#hockeymom 3
#photographer 3
#bitcoin 2

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
zammit_marc 384794 298516 64562
idclrWorldPeace 261419 261166 149696
gfrias 231372 8380 46132
MuseumWeek 230553 28843 27079
Transport_gc 171428 316 21764
JoshYohe_PGH 100040 5302 58740
MarkMwandosya 87529 48547 864
MattBarnaby3636 85851 1690 34801
CFRAOttawa 66853 510 140351
CTVOttMornLive 61155 326 100611

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
zammit_marc 298516 384794 64562
idclrWorldPeace 261166 261419 149696
MarkMwandosya 48547 87529 864
MuseumWeek 28843 230553 27079
dianemariereid 14055 15351 254352
AmyLong1140 11034 11138 5256
MariannMeedWard 9934 14702 32118
ruhininfo 9676 9208 483
gfrias 8380 231372 46132
RDPrice 8181 7956 61219

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
tosinadeda 407990 19609 963
sandi89701936 345332 1385 1533
dianemariereid 254352 15351 14055
PeebsY0 235807 3676 4999
PS752Crime 156743 2032 4760
idclrWorldPeace 149696 261419 261166
PKB_Canada 147186 777 1519
CFRAOttawa 140351 66853 510
gopherachers 134386 2393 4865
vesania_loba 121419 808 3425

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
gfrias 2141 8380 231372
JoshYohe_PGH 1740 5302 100040
MattBarnaby3636 1647 1690 85851
zammit_marc 1580 298516 384794
idclrWorldPeace 1169 261166 261419
MuseumWeek 1162 28843 230553
Transport_gc 1082 316 171428
CFRAOttawa 861 510 66853
CTVOttMornLive 612 326 61155
MariekeNOS 553 7838 25657

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

4,003 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Buffer 1177
Twitter Web App 450
Twitter for iPhone 446
TweetDeck 21
Twitter Web Client 10

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1487074460062699521 ⚠️ TRUCK CONVOY UPDATE ⚠️ As of 9:35 am all roads have reopened and all trucks and passenger vehicles have departed #ygk and are now EB on Hwy 401. Our count: ❄️17 full tractor trailers ❄️104 tractors w no trailers ❄️424 passenger vehicles ❄️6 RVs 1370
1222612449549082625 S/Sgt Jody Armstrong of the CORE Unit (Community-Oriented Response and Enforcement) provides a simple yet often forgotten message. #BellLetsTalk 76
1313245115205529604 Kingston Police mourn the passing of beloved Police Service Dog Zeus #ygk #Zeus 69
1539022797732716545 Impending Freedom Convoy event in Kingston not supported by Indigenous community #ygk 64
1639307502239006721 **Weapons Offence** 23-10954 Police are investigating a shooting in the area of Bath Rd and Centennial Dr. Suspect vehicle described as a grey Honda Civic and occupied by several armed black males last seen travelling N/B on Centennial Dr from Bath Rd. 59
1248087505095852032 From Canine Cst. Jeff Dickson re his long-time partner of 9 years: “Today Zeus endured surgery to remove a cancerous tumour in his shoulder . We are trying to keep him comfortable in recovery. We are hoping for good news moving forward.” Please send well-wishes for Zeus. 57
1668730128858267649 Police seeking assistance from the public in identifying individual suspected of causing mischief #ygk 53
1280973708241375232 Police requesting the public’s assistance in locating missing Kingston teenager #ygk 49
1244719593597403137 Kingston Police Response to Governmental Orders to Combat #COVID19Ontario Virus Pandemic Full information on provincial EMCPA, federal Quarantine Act, @cityofkingston State of Emergency and more: #COVID19 #COVID19ON #ygk 46
1606641977520492544 The Kingston Police are currently responding to several motor vehicle collisions. Please stay home and off the roadways, unless absolutely necessary. Road and weather conditions continue to be unsafe for recreational travel at this time. 44

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1487074460062699521 ⚠️ TRUCK CONVOY UPDATE ⚠️ As of 9:35 am all roads have reopened and all trucks and passenger vehicles have departed #ygk and are now EB on Hwy 401. Our count: ❄️17 full tractor trailers ❄️104 tractors w no trailers ❄️424 passenger vehicles ❄️6 RVs 3764
1248087505095852032 From Canine Cst. Jeff Dickson re his long-time partner of 9 years: “Today Zeus endured surgery to remove a cancerous tumour in his shoulder . We are trying to keep him comfortable in recovery. We are hoping for good news moving forward.” Please send well-wishes for Zeus. 1208
1313245115205529604 Kingston Police mourn the passing of beloved Police Service Dog Zeus #ygk #Zeus 714
1387081629047345158 While engaging with the public in Kingston's north end over the weekend Sarah & Murney were asked to come to the window of an individual who has been ill & is currently housebound. Seeing the Mounted Unit outside his window lifted this man's spirits & brought joy to his day. #ygk 456
1248701200184291329 We approve of this message. 👮🏻‍♂️🏃🏼👍🏻 363
1519007848381964288 An officer was conducting traffic control at a weekend race when she observed a runner who appeared to need assistance. She tended to the runner who wished to finish her race. The officer helped the runner accomplish this mission and helped her to cross the finish line. #ygk 229
1539022797732716545 Impending Freedom Convoy event in Kingston not supported by Indigenous community #ygk 221
1300513912069251077 Constable Fil Wisniak receiving the Police Hero of the Year Recognition Award from @PoliceAssocON. Police Chief @antjemcneely and other local political representatives were in attendance to recognize Fil for the valiant actions he took in September 2019. #PoliceHero #ygk 219
1248707817889886209 Cst. Jeff Dickson has given us an update on his partner. Zeus is up and recovering from his surgery like the real trooper he is. Now let’s hope for a positive test result that the cancer hasn’t spread outside of the removed tumour from his shoulder. 🤞 207
1267904540298412033 A message from Chief Antje McNeely (@antjemcneely), other members of our senior command, and Sgt. Cam Gough, President of the @KingstonPAca, to the #ygk community. 203

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#ygk 1257
#policecareer 54
#jobs 52
#policefoundations 46
#futurepoliceofficer 39
#heroesinlife 23
#community 22
#dontdrinkanddrive 19
#dontdrivehigh 19
#dontdriveimpaired 18

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@kingstonpolice 190
@soontario 32
@sooschoolchamps 31
@cdnchildprotect 31
@cityofkingston 25
@antjemcneely 22
@oacpofficial 16
@queensu 13
@cataraquicentre 12
@mpskingston 10

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
⚠️ 14 warning
❄️ 4 snowflake
☘️ 3 shamrock
👍🏻 3 thumbs_up_light_skin_tone
😁 3 beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes
💙 2 blue_heart
😉 2 winking_face
👮🏻‍♂️ 2 man_police_officer_light_skin_tone
🏃🏼 2 person_running_medium-light_skin_tone
🚨 2 police_car_light

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 16
Smileys & Emotion 9
People & Body 9
Travel & Places 7
Animals & Nature 3
Food & Drink 3
Flags 2