Account Summary
Find all breaking news stories here. #GetTheWholeStory
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
2 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
ntvkenya | 4316449 | 367 | 617059 |
javerias | 1332144 | 5121 | 209074 |
M_455K | 455771 | 399582 | 21525 |
peterndoro | 358559 | 271383 | 12842 |
SabitiJoseph | 276039 | 2313 | 14627 |
AnthoniaOrji | 258798 | 103532 | 121453 |
Mukulaa | 252894 | 12203 | 29157 |
AzimioTv | 186657 | 731 | 15092 |
M_Chidzuga | 152946 | 1058 | 14706 |
TManthola | 140061 | 62416 | 27404 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
M_455K | 399582 | 455771 | 21525 |
peterndoro | 271383 | 358559 | 12842 |
AnthoniaOrji | 103532 | 258798 | 121453 |
Ahmed_Saber_Gad | 88123 | 89870 | 41734 |
TManthola | 62416 | 140061 | 27404 |
Moseax | 59342 | 118659 | 176165 |
smoothsale | 53064 | 56402 | 351783 |
JoshOkello | 50739 | 133664 | 5936 |
ImJohnEli | 49280 | 50882 | 62196 |
Adamitv | 46620 | 89634 | 158103 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
ntvkenya | 617059 | 4316449 | 367 |
smoothsale | 351783 | 56402 | 53064 |
fillagainb | 236595 | 3436 | 4994 |
javerias | 209074 | 1332144 | 5121 |
bonniemusambi | 206278 | 60753 | 125 |
MrMuinde | 204873 | 4273 | 2128 |
PhilEtale | 201638 | 15323 | 1013 |
bennetowuonda | 187254 | 25268 | 15983 |
Moseax | 176165 | 118659 | 59342 |
EdwinKM9 | 167120 | 2291 | 1744 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
smoothsale | 4121 | 53064 | 56402 |
ntvkenya | 2139 | 367 | 4316449 |
M_455K | 1286 | 399582 | 455771 |
Adamitv | 932 | 46620 | 89634 |
avrohomg | 910 | 14440 | 27293 |
JoshOkello | 767 | 50739 | 133664 |
javerias | 575 | 5121 | 1332144 |
AnthoniaOrji | 498 | 103532 | 258798 |
AugustusConsult | 428 | 5000 | 1881 |
Moadow | 374 | 2434 | 66893 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
46 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1638116709763522560 | Maandamano reactions - Nyeri Ruto goes to church Sundays & uses it as a platform to tell us that the cost of living will come down, nothing has happened to the point where Raila has decided to call for protests. Infact Maandamano should be on Mondays & Tuesdays. ~ Denzel Ngala | 749 |
1635715779734667283 | It appears that opposition parties in several other African countries have lined up 20th March 2023 to launch anti-government protests. At least four countries, Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria and Tunisia. #NewsHub | 557 |
1642080654098669568 | Former U.S President Obama to Relocate to Kenya in June | 430 |
1645333329992876034 | “When you pay dowry, a woman instantly becomes a property. I did not pay dowry; it is a sin. It is the greatest sin to buy a person. Why are men not bought?” | 422 |
1641424717717336066 | William Ruto’s presidential portrait fell off at the Ole Sereni Hotel in Nairobi on Thursday, March 30, shortly after he arrived to preside over the American Chamber of Commerce Summit. | 286 |
1637367050107604992 | “I am retired, but not tired. I might be out of office but I am fully behind Raila. If he tells me we go this way, we will. I supported him in 2022, and I will back him because he is an honest man out to unite Kenya." ~ Uhuru Kenyatta | 285 |
1645330814857510914 | A security unit made up of rogue police officers who are assigned to carry out State-sanctioned operations has piqued other uniformed officers in Nairobi. | 253 |
1631646489570078721 | Naftali Kinuthia says he regrets hacking to death Ivy Wangeci using an axe in April 2019; tells court there were better ways to address the rejection he felt. | 226 |
1640699444101259264 | NORTHLANDS FARM RAID_ Peter Mwaura: When anarchy prevails, there is no rule of law. These people were ferried from Ruai. They had been promised that they were going to be allocated land. #KTNNewsDesk | 196 |
1643697029397241878 | William Kabogo: You cannot ignore Raila, the difference in votes was two hundred thousand #Newshour | 188 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
1641424717717336066 | William Ruto’s presidential portrait fell off at the Ole Sereni Hotel in Nairobi on Thursday, March 30, shortly after he arrived to preside over the American Chamber of Commerce Summit. | 552 |
1642080654098669568 | Former U.S President Obama to Relocate to Kenya in June | 442 |
1645333329992876034 | “When you pay dowry, a woman instantly becomes a property. I did not pay dowry; it is a sin. It is the greatest sin to buy a person. Why are men not bought?” | 288 |
1631646489570078721 | Naftali Kinuthia says he regrets hacking to death Ivy Wangeci using an axe in April 2019; tells court there were better ways to address the rejection he felt. | 196 |
1638198422716006400 | Kenya Union of Journalists faults Azimio leader Raila Odinga for asking followers to boycott The Star newspaper; says it puts the lives of journalists working for the paper at risk. | 171 |
1643697029397241878 | William Kabogo: You cannot ignore Raila, the difference in votes was two hundred thousand #Newshour | 161 |
1639447057147789316 | UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala has cautioned Azimio Raila Odinga against leading the planned mass action, saying the government will deal with him ruthlessly. | 160 |
1641415423999500288 | "I want to tell you, without fear of contradiction, that nothing will happen to Kenya if Odinga is arrested,” Ichung’wah told The Standard. | 155 |
1646866842626019328 | Azimio writes to ICC seeking investigations into the political situation in Kenya, advocate Paul Mwangi cites 9 issues including targeted attacks on protesters. | 152 |
1638116709763522560 | Maandamano reactions - Nyeri Ruto goes to church Sundays & uses it as a platform to tell us that the cost of living will come down, nothing has happened to the point where Raila has decided to call for protests. Infact Maandamano should be on Mondays & Tuesdays. ~ Denzel Ngala | 142 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
1641424717717336066 | William Ruto’s presidential portrait fell off at the Ole Sereni Hotel in Nairobi on Thursday, March 30, shortly after he arrived to preside over the American Chamber of Commerce Summit. | 132 |
1642080654098669568 | Former U.S President Obama to Relocate to Kenya in June | 124 |
1631646489570078721 | Naftali Kinuthia says he regrets hacking to death Ivy Wangeci using an axe in April 2019; tells court there were better ways to address the rejection he felt. | 111 |
1645333329992876034 | “When you pay dowry, a woman instantly becomes a property. I did not pay dowry; it is a sin. It is the greatest sin to buy a person. Why are men not bought?” | 86 |
1638116709763522560 | Maandamano reactions - Nyeri Ruto goes to church Sundays & uses it as a platform to tell us that the cost of living will come down, nothing has happened to the point where Raila has decided to call for protests. Infact Maandamano should be on Mondays & Tuesdays. ~ Denzel Ngala | 75 |
1643697029397241878 | William Kabogo: You cannot ignore Raila, the difference in votes was two hundred thousand #Newshour | 68 |
1635715779734667283 | It appears that opposition parties in several other African countries have lined up 20th March 2023 to launch anti-government protests. At least four countries, Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria and Tunisia. #NewsHub | 51 |
1644709219608739840 | Hundreds of machete-wielding youths invaded part of the Vipingo Sisal farm in Kilifi County. | 43 |
1642569850101825541 | BREAKING: Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga calls off Monday protests; says demonstrations will resume after a week if President Ruto will not agree to opposition’s counter offer. | 41 |
1634849209437364225 | Former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo has been implicated in a multi-million shillings land grabbing scheme that saw KRA lose Sh358 million. | 31 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1642080654098669568 | Former U.S President Obama to Relocate to Kenya in June | 3596 |
1638116709763522560 | Maandamano reactions - Nyeri Ruto goes to church Sundays & uses it as a platform to tell us that the cost of living will come down, nothing has happened to the point where Raila has decided to call for protests. Infact Maandamano should be on Mondays & Tuesdays. ~ Denzel Ngala | 2093 |
1637367050107604992 | “I am retired, but not tired. I might be out of office but I am fully behind Raila. If he tells me we go this way, we will. I supported him in 2022, and I will back him because he is an honest man out to unite Kenya." ~ Uhuru Kenyatta | 1975 |
1631646489570078721 | Naftali Kinuthia says he regrets hacking to death Ivy Wangeci using an axe in April 2019; tells court there were better ways to address the rejection he felt. | 1945 |
1641424717717336066 | William Ruto’s presidential portrait fell off at the Ole Sereni Hotel in Nairobi on Thursday, March 30, shortly after he arrived to preside over the American Chamber of Commerce Summit. | 1772 |
1645333329992876034 | “When you pay dowry, a woman instantly becomes a property. I did not pay dowry; it is a sin. It is the greatest sin to buy a person. Why are men not bought?” | 1571 |
1646429031821197313 | Azimio appoints Prof Makau Mutua and Jeremiah Kioni as assisting counsels in bipartisan talks, Advocate Paul Mwangi to act as joint secretary. | 1192 |
1635715779734667283 | It appears that opposition parties in several other African countries have lined up 20th March 2023 to launch anti-government protests. At least four countries, Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria and Tunisia. #NewsHub | 1147 |
1645288034873622529 | The church is located adjacent to one of the Kenyatta family flagship hotels - Voyager beach resort and other properties - within the upmarket Nyali area. | 1014 |
1643697029397241878 | William Kabogo: You cannot ignore Raila, the difference in votes was two hundred thousand #Newshour | 1013 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#morningprime | 212 |
#newsdesk | 85 |
#massactionke | 63 |
#factsfirst | 45 |
#checkpoint | 44 |
#ktnnewsdesk | 44 |
#ktnprime | 40 |
#ktnleo | 33 |
#newshour | 30 |
#weekendatone | 25 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@debarlinea | 202 |
@thejesserogers | 64 |
@georgemaringa_ | 21 |
@purity_museo | 15 |
@zubeidahkananu | 12 |
@chegemaina | 11 |
@nurfathiyaa | 11 |
@persiltelewa | 10 |
@ktnnewske | 9 |
@thetradingbell | 9 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
‼️ | 3 | double_exclamation_mark |
❗ | 2 | red_exclamation_mark |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Symbols | 5 |