Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Mansion House, Dawson St., D2



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

9 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
dublin 1498
ireland 1184
views 1015
irish 958
love 448
life 399
music 381
community 379
city 375
social 371

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#dublin 60
#andacyclist 57
#ireland 50
#mentalhealth 18
#repealedthe8th 18
#travel 16
#irish 15
#gaeilge 14
#ynwa 14
#freepalestine 14

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
GreatestQuotes 4237512 165263 36319
UNESCO 3682617 2343 36771
MayorofLondon 3217922 1566 27941
6BillionPeople 2038044 4028194 183308
Anne_Hidalgo 1555671 12829 117134
soledadobrien 1320031 422701 124681
TheCooksCook 1139692 590738 6067
TheScript_Danny 895848 5821 8152
rte 699613 23401 100546
hilal_kaplan 647691 4233 57028

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
6BillionPeople 4028194 2038044 183308
TheCooksCook 590738 1139692 6067
soledadobrien 422701 1320031 124681
Ranal55 362367 395136 142089
LonnyRapAllowed 242602 268087 159857
Pla_voluntario 184058 155139 36327
GreatestQuotes 165263 4237512 36319
rizzreed 142919 147271 34345
SimonCocking 116461 113708 95048
theskibeagle 91962 48904 287504

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
ChristineJameis 882444 17365 17043
SylviaZ1913 882388 6968 7546
drivingjustice 860875 690 4888
mdjacksondallas 737333 11593 12728
canisgallicus 636795 2914 4362
thepainterflynn 595124 33801 36186
yllekonadnerb 525005 8516 9397
angiebeeb 483495 6401 4049
Rowaenthe 479491 3616 3057
jevives 469277 2368 5001

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
GreatestQuotes 21377 165263 4237512
soledadobrien 10591 422701 1320031
UNESCO 10297 2343 3682617
MayorofLondon 9146 1566 3217922
AkwyZ 5508 32259 76983
Anne_Hidalgo 5071 12829 1555671
6BillionPeople 4056 4028194 2038044
TheCooksCook 3915 590738 1139692
LonnyRapAllowed 3445 242602 268087
SimonCocking 2792 116461 113708

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

322 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1536435067056279553 This evening our @DubCityCouncil meeting unanimously declared Dublin City an LGBTIQ+ Freedom Zone sending a strong message of allyship, respect and inclusion to our LGBTIQ+ community and supporting the EU Parliament declaration last March. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️#Pride22 159
1604851737873231873 I have opened an online Book of Condolence for the citizens of Dublin to extend their sympathies to the family of Private Seán Rooney. My sincere sympathies go to his family, army colleagues and all who knew him. Please follow this link to sign: 52
1541462894168113154 Thank You Dublin! It has been a privilege to represent this beautiful city and I thank everyone who has worked and volunteered in it over the past year to make our city a great place. #Dublin 32
1541489586102214659 Tonight @DubCityCouncil has elected Caroline Conroy as the 354th Lord Mayor of Dublin. #Dublin 31
1623282361512214529 I am delighted to be the first Lord Mayor to plant a vegetable garden in the @MansionHouseDub Garden! I have put the finishing touches to the garden with the help of Dublin City Council’s @DCCParksBiodiv Department! #Thread 28
1570763036448927745 To celebrate Capel Street being ranked one of the world's coolest streets @DubCityCouncil are hosting a FREE family fun day on Sunday 25th September between 1pm and 5pm. Come along & join us - I look forward to seeing you on the day! 25
1568187059944177664 I have opened an online Book of Condolence for the citizens of Dublin to extend their sympathies on the death of HRH Queen Elizabeth II. It is open from today until 19th Sept. All messages of sympathy will be printed & forwarded in a Book of Condolence to the British Royal Family 25
1618608850562854919 To celebrate St Brigids Day / Imbolc I invite you to join us @ The Mansion House next Wednesday 1st February @ 4pm for a special discussion event considering the role of ’Nature in the City’ in addressing the biodiversity crisis. Register to attend below: 24
1535680907750825986 We are nearly set for the Freedom of the City ceremony tonight where the honorary Freedom of the City of Dublin will be conferred on @ailbhes @maryCyPsy and @Kelly64kg #fotc 24
1537880952856203265 Huge thanks to @FinnClodagh, contributors, family members who gave us memories and photos, @DubCityCouncil and @dubcilib staff and everyone who had an input to this book #HerKeysToTheCity and remembered 80 amazing women who did so much for Dublin but weren't recognised previously 22

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1536435067056279553 This evening our @DubCityCouncil meeting unanimously declared Dublin City an LGBTIQ+ Freedom Zone sending a strong message of allyship, respect and inclusion to our LGBTIQ+ community and supporting the EU Parliament declaration last March. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️#Pride22 95
1540265096038998016 I met with Chief Executive @DubCityCouncil and we agreed that immediate action will be taken to increase the street power washing schedule in our city including intensive power washing of our core city centre streets and a more frequent follow-up rota. Statement ⬇️ 44
1623282361512214529 I am delighted to be the first Lord Mayor to plant a vegetable garden in the @MansionHouseDub Garden! I have put the finishing touches to the garden with the help of Dublin City Council’s @DCCParksBiodiv Department! #Thread 38
1541462894168113154 Thank You Dublin! It has been a privilege to represent this beautiful city and I thank everyone who has worked and volunteered in it over the past year to make our city a great place. #Dublin 34
1564260340774436866 Thrilled to see Capel Street named on Time Out's list of the world's coolest streets. We still have work to do to make it feel like the special place Im sure it will become but we've made a start and todays announcment is proof we're moving in the right direction @DubCityCouncil 28
1593264029799256064 Delighted to support @DubCityCouncil + @dublincycling ‘Light Up Your Bike’ initiative. Reminder that free bike lights will be handed out: 5pm, 17th Nov - Rathfarnham Rd Bridge 5pm, 22nd Nov - Rathmines Bridge/La Touche Bridge 5pm, 24th Nov - 5 Lamps, Fairview @caroline1conroy 15
1541489586102214659 Tonight @DubCityCouncil has elected Caroline Conroy as the 354th Lord Mayor of Dublin. #Dublin 14
1541489969503559683 #NewProfilePic 13
1540053200228720641 Our last recipient is Dr Austin O'Carroll for his contribution to heath and medical services including advocacy for the most vulnerable and marginalised members of our city. #LMAwards 2022 13
1539692163994423297 Delighted to help launch this year’s #DublinPride @DublinPride with these two amazing women!!! A fun packed week featuring Saturdays parade. Check the details out at 13

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1536435067056279553 This evening our @DubCityCouncil meeting unanimously declared Dublin City an LGBTIQ+ Freedom Zone sending a strong message of allyship, respect and inclusion to our LGBTIQ+ community and supporting the EU Parliament declaration last March. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️#Pride22 36
1568187059944177664 I have opened an online Book of Condolence for the citizens of Dublin to extend their sympathies on the death of HRH Queen Elizabeth II. It is open from today until 19th Sept. All messages of sympathy will be printed & forwarded in a Book of Condolence to the British Royal Family 15
1541489586102214659 Tonight @DubCityCouncil has elected Caroline Conroy as the 354th Lord Mayor of Dublin. #Dublin 14
1540265096038998016 I met with Chief Executive @DubCityCouncil and we agreed that immediate action will be taken to increase the street power washing schedule in our city including intensive power washing of our core city centre streets and a more frequent follow-up rota. Statement ⬇️ 11
1564260340774436866 Thrilled to see Capel Street named on Time Out's list of the world's coolest streets. We still have work to do to make it feel like the special place Im sure it will become but we've made a start and todays announcment is proof we're moving in the right direction @DubCityCouncil 11
1541462894168113154 Thank You Dublin! It has been a privilege to represent this beautiful city and I thank everyone who has worked and volunteered in it over the past year to make our city a great place. #Dublin 11
1535680907750825986 We are nearly set for the Freedom of the City ceremony tonight where the honorary Freedom of the City of Dublin will be conferred on @ailbhes @maryCyPsy and @Kelly64kg #fotc 9
1540053200228720641 Our last recipient is Dr Austin O'Carroll for his contribution to heath and medical services including advocacy for the most vulnerable and marginalised members of our city. #LMAwards 2022 7
1537880952856203265 Huge thanks to @FinnClodagh, contributors, family members who gave us memories and photos, @DubCityCouncil and @dubcilib staff and everyone who had an input to this book #HerKeysToTheCity and remembered 80 amazing women who did so much for Dublin but weren't recognised previously 6
1570763036448927745 To celebrate Capel Street being ranked one of the world's coolest streets @DubCityCouncil are hosting a FREE family fun day on Sunday 25th September between 1pm and 5pm. Come along & join us - I look forward to seeing you on the day! 6

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1536435067056279553 This evening our @DubCityCouncil meeting unanimously declared Dublin City an LGBTIQ+ Freedom Zone sending a strong message of allyship, respect and inclusion to our LGBTIQ+ community and supporting the EU Parliament declaration last March. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️#Pride22 855
1564260340774436866 Thrilled to see Capel Street named on Time Out's list of the world's coolest streets. We still have work to do to make it feel like the special place Im sure it will become but we've made a start and todays announcment is proof we're moving in the right direction @DubCityCouncil 401
1541462894168113154 Thank You Dublin! It has been a privilege to represent this beautiful city and I thank everyone who has worked and volunteered in it over the past year to make our city a great place. #Dublin 346
1535711501163560962 The 86th Freeperson of Dublin @Kelly64kg receives an scroll by calligrapher Tom McConville and receives the Honorary Freedom of the City of Dublin. #FOTC 305
1541489586102214659 Tonight @DubCityCouncil has elected Caroline Conroy as the 354th Lord Mayor of Dublin. #Dublin 250
1535680907750825986 We are nearly set for the Freedom of the City ceremony tonight where the honorary Freedom of the City of Dublin will be conferred on @ailbhes @maryCyPsy and @Kelly64kg #fotc 246
1540053200228720641 Our last recipient is Dr Austin O'Carroll for his contribution to heath and medical services including advocacy for the most vulnerable and marginalised members of our city. #LMAwards 2022 216
1540265096038998016 I met with Chief Executive @DubCityCouncil and we agreed that immediate action will be taken to increase the street power washing schedule in our city including intensive power washing of our core city centre streets and a more frequent follow-up rota. Statement ⬇️ 199
1604851737873231873 I have opened an online Book of Condolence for the citizens of Dublin to extend their sympathies to the family of Private Seán Rooney. My sincere sympathies go to his family, army colleagues and all who knew him. Please follow this link to sign: 196
1623282361512214529 I am delighted to be the first Lord Mayor to plant a vegetable garden in the @MansionHouseDub Garden! I have put the finishing touches to the garden with the help of Dublin City Council’s @DCCParksBiodiv Department! #Thread 196

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#lmawards 9
#dublin 6
#fotc 6
#herkeystothecity 4
#nvw2022 4
#celebratevolunteers 4
#thread 3
#ballymun 2
#dublinpride 2
#throughhereyes 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@dubcitycouncil 34
@caroline1conroy 19
@mansionhousedub 17
@alisongilliland 5
@finnclodagh 5
@kelly64kg 4
@marycypsy 4
@ailbhes 4
@mayoroffingal 3
@seanaorodaigh 3

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
👏🏼 9 clapping_hands_medium-light_skin_tone
🏳️‍🌈 3 rainbow_flag
🏳️‍⚧️ 3 transgender_flag
⬇️ 3 down_arrow
👇🏼 3 backhand_index_pointing_down_medium-light_skin_tone
🙌🏼 3 raising_hands_medium-light_skin_tone
👏 2 clapping_hands
🏃🏻‍♀️ 2 woman_running_light_skin_tone
🎅 1 Santa_Claus
1 snowflake

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
People & Body 21
Flags 9
Symbols 3
Activities 2
Smileys & Emotion 2
Animals & Nature 2
Travel & Places 1
Objects 1