Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @LtGovStratton


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

6 years


The tweets cover various topics surrounding Illinois Governor Pritzker and Lieutenant Governor Stratton, including their efforts to close the wage gap for women, investments in community colleges and education, women's history month, and wildlife conservation. Some tweets express skepticism or criticism of their actions, while others show appreciation and support for their leadership.

Topic Modeling

  1. Equal pay for women
  2. Government budget and investments
  3. Leadership and justice
  4. Education and upward mobility
  5. Wildlife protection and animal rights

Emotional Analysis

The tweets express a mix of positive and negative emotions. The majority of tweets express gratitude and support for @LtGovStratton's leadership in advocating for equal pay and investing in community colleges. However, there are also tweets that express anger and frustration towards certain policies or individuals. Additionally, there are tweets that contain sarcastic or confusing remarks. Overall, the tweets demonstrate a range of emotions towards political issues and leaders.

Trend Analysis

  1. Equal pay for women
  2. Budget proposals and investments in community colleges and higher education
  3. Leadership and advocacy for justice and women's history
  4. Controversial topics of wildlife killing contests and gender identity
  5. Meeting and collaboration with various individuals and groups

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter for iPhone 221
Twitter Web App 141
Twitter for Android 140
Twitter for iPad 36
Hootsuite Inc. 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
GovPritzker Governor JB Pritzker Husband and father. Proudly serving as Illinois’ 43rd governor. 249,397
LtGovFlanagan Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan Mom, wife, organizer, former State Rep, Anishinaabekwe. Lt. Governor of Minnesota. Working together across lines of difference to get things done. #OneMinnesota 45,893
LindaLeeKing Linda Lee King No one is safe from inhumanity, so be f!!king kind! #SticksAndStones 35,478
ISBEnews Illinois State Board of Education Equipping each and every child to make meaningful contributions to society and live life to its fullest potential. 24,888
ILAttyGeneral Illinois Attorney General The Office of the Illinois Attorney General is the state's chief legal office and responsible for protecting the public interest of the state and its people. 13,737
ChiFilmmakers Chicago Filmmakers Proudly Building Community: | @onioncityfilmfest / @reelingfilmfest / ...Like Clockwork Podcast / Queer Writers Club & more 13,059
ChiCityColleges City Colleges of Chicago Love It. Live It. @daleycollege, @hw_college, @kk_college, @mx_college, @oliveharvey_ccc, @trumancollege, and @wright_college. #SevenStrong 11,232
desynews DESY Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, one of the world's leading accelerator centres and a member of the Helmholtz Association. Also 11,008
Hunt_Institute The Hunt Institute Informing state & national policymakers on #EdEquity and #EdPolicy to drive improvement in education. Follow our President & CEO at @jsiddiqi7. 10,951
ShenandoahWrit1 Shenandoah Writer Writer, Legal Analyst, Educator. Former editor/reporter/columnist - Milw. Journal/Sentinel, WI Bus. Journal, WI Community Newspapers, Ripon Commonwealth-Press. 9,448

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
LindaLeeKing Linda Lee King No one is safe from inhumanity, so be f!!king kind! #SticksAndStones 25,998
davekarr1111 Dave 🇺🇸 #IfWeBuildItTheyWontCome #KAG #MAGA #AmericaFirst #catholic #cornhuskers blocked by @rosie #walkaway #buildthewallnow #keepamericagreat 8,980
AgitatorsNeeded Donna Miller life-long voice for ending poverty, injustice and environmental harm. Moms Demand Action Lead, member of UniteBlue & #DemsWork4USA #DemCast 8,499
Rosario_Strano Rosario Strano 🍊…… Husband Caregiver,IAdvocate4ACure #EndAlz #StopAlz #Pedalling4ACure #OpenScience #EndNeuroDegeneration 7,963
heather_hollaar Heather I love God, family, pantsuits and Leslie Dracarys that bitch Jones. 5,004
RoyalSaddler Ryan Saddler ☭🌹🇳🇱🐬 #TransRightsAreHumanRights Socialist Atheist - Art, Sports & K-Drama fan - Dutch American - #FreeAssange Workers of the World Unite! He/Him 🇨🇺🇨🇳🇻🇪🇧🇴🇦🇷🇵🇸🇸🇾🇳🇮🇻🇳 #ACAB 5,001
dickeyx2 Kath 💙🇺🇲💙 Like Dionne Warwick, I am not writing a bio. 5,000
RebelliousMag Rebellious Magazine #Chicago #feminist #media since 2012. Founder @ChiefRebelle Newsletter 10th! IG @Not_OK_Pod @feministerotic 4,990
wickedwalks T®️🅰️©️✌🏽🪶 my soul is not for sale.✍🏽 🙏🏽Dr David Martin had the receipts all along #facts #unbothered #blockparty #twititshlit ✌🏽 4,989

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
enrikmartin32 Ball is life. ✝️ They Think were stupid. 25
brianhock35 Riddle me this: Who is retired, enjoys coffee, fishing, cigars, and bitching about politics. Remembering things that matter like Honor, Loyalty, God, and Sheep 17
IllinoisExposed Illinois citizen unabashedly speaking out against the corrupt political, corporate and academic elites in the #IllinoisDemocratMafia. #twill 13
RickySpar1981 Husband and girl dad. I am me. I’m a dinosaur. There are a lot more just like me. Pronouns: I/We Adjectives: Handsome/Sexy 13
23Trem03 He/Him Account I use when @trem2303 has been a bad boy 11
markburgerenerg Solar consultant, 21st Century 100% renewable electricity&energy, enviro justice&equity LEAF #EV owner jazz microbrew distilleries RT's not necessarily support. 8
wannabeelawyer1 reader, writer, worker, pro-reparations for Black Americans 7
Kinkyfuckery2 I like to build motors and fast cars. 7
ironworkerjay - 5
BellaDonaModels LA based model management-Music Video And Film Casting Director Travel-Music-Surf-Skate-plants-animals-Art and Life now Is Building A Better World! 5

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1635799982459752448 Women deserve equal pay for equal work. Period. I'm proud to stand with @LtGovStratton as we fight to close the wage gap and make that a reality for all women in our nation. 36
1638632801716285453 .@IllinoisDNR @JBPritzker @LtGovStratton PLEASE BAN WILDLIFE KILLING CONTESTS IN IL! At least 405 coyotes were shot to death & hung in the presence of children in Feb. in Mendon according to an investigation by the @HumaneSociety. It's not protection! It's a blood 'sport'! 15
1636738342195986434 @GovPritzker and @LtGovStratton visited JJC yesterday to announce proposed investments in community colleges and higher education included in the Fiscal Year 2024 state budget. Read more at #BelongAtJJC 6
1638209360227647489 Grateful to @LtGovStratton for hosting a powerful Women’s History Month Power Hour! #WomensHistoryMonth 5
1636769998642335744 Affordable, quality education changes lives. It was a privilege to welcome @GovPritzker & @LtGovStratton to @MX_College today to hear the plan to increase funds for comm. colleges & MAP grants. These investments help put @ChiCityColleges students on the path to upward mobility. 5
1636436110284034048 Honored to host Governor Pritzker ⁦@GovPritzker⁩ & Lt. Governor Stratton ⁦@LtGovStratton⁩ @JolietJrCollege⁩ to celebrate the Gov’s budget proposal representing historic investments in IL community colleges 🙌🏽👏🏽👍🏽 ⁦@ILcctrustees⁩ ⁦@Comm_College⁩ 4
1638729964877934592 Congratulations everyone @GovPritzker @JBPritzker @ToniPreckwinkle @SenatorDurbin @TammyDuckworth @LoriLightfoot @LtGovStratton @ChrisWelch_JD It takes a special kind of stupid to think you're doing good 4
1635844618599145473 @GovPritzker @LtGovStratton It’s already the law. Name names. What company deliberately pays less to women for the exact same work We need specific examples of companies and salaries and job descriptions 2
1638109663899033602 Weitere Bilder von der Veranstaltung. Die Unterzeichnung fand sowohl in Hamburg als auch in Chicago statt, und bei der US-amerikanischen Unterzeichnung sagte die Vizegouverneurin von US-Bundesstaat Illinois @LtGovStratton: "Diese Partnerschaft ist eine Win-Win-Lösung." 2
1638699316020756481 .@GovPritzker @LtGovStratton our neighbor to the north of us is getting it right!! I KNOW ILLINOIS can too! #ILNeedsParole #SecondChances 1

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1635799982459752448 Women deserve equal pay for equal work. Period. I'm proud to stand with @LtGovStratton as we fight to close the wage gap and make that a reality for all women in our nation. 226
1636546899623682052 Thank you @GovPritzker and @LtGovStratton for the birthday wishes. 30
1636436110284034048 Honored to host Governor Pritzker ⁦@GovPritzker⁩ & Lt. Governor Stratton ⁦@LtGovStratton⁩ @JolietJrCollege⁩ to celebrate the Gov’s budget proposal representing historic investments in IL community colleges 🙌🏽👏🏽👍🏽 ⁦@ILcctrustees⁩ ⁦@Comm_College⁩ 23
1635844618599145473 @GovPritzker @LtGovStratton It’s already the law. Name names. What company deliberately pays less to women for the exact same work We need specific examples of companies and salaries and job descriptions 22
1638949703017439249 Grateful for the leadership of @LtGovStratton as the chair of the National Lieutenant Governors Association and as a powerhouse for justice in the Midwest. #NLGA 20
1636738342195986434 @GovPritzker and @LtGovStratton visited JJC yesterday to announce proposed investments in community colleges and higher education included in the Fiscal Year 2024 state budget. Read more at #BelongAtJJC 18
1638729964877934592 Congratulations everyone @GovPritzker @JBPritzker @ToniPreckwinkle @SenatorDurbin @TammyDuckworth @LoriLightfoot @LtGovStratton @ChrisWelch_JD It takes a special kind of stupid to think you're doing good 16
1636769998642335744 Affordable, quality education changes lives. It was a privilege to welcome @GovPritzker & @LtGovStratton to @MX_College today to hear the plan to increase funds for comm. colleges & MAP grants. These investments help put @ChiCityColleges students on the path to upward mobility. 16
1638209360227647489 Grateful to @LtGovStratton for hosting a powerful Women’s History Month Power Hour! #WomensHistoryMonth 15
1638632801716285453 .@IllinoisDNR @JBPritzker @LtGovStratton PLEASE BAN WILDLIFE KILLING CONTESTS IN IL! At least 405 coyotes were shot to death & hung in the presence of children in Feb. in Mendon according to an investigation by the @HumaneSociety. It's not protection! It's a blood 'sport'! 15

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#womenshistorymonth 11
#knowyourrights 7
#agconnectsusall 4
#nlga 3
#supportsmallbusiness 3
#herstory 3
#ileducatordiversitysummit 3
#ilneedsparole 2
#illinoisfilmindustry 2
#indiefilm 2

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@ltgovstratton 543
@govpritzker 226
@senatordurbin 61
@repjgb 59
@llcoolk_4 58
@senduckworth 35
@rickyspar1981 15
@wannabeelawyer1 12
@cookcountybar 10
@ilattygeneral 10

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤣 22 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
🤡 22 clown_face
😂 13 face_with_tears_of_joy
🖕 7 middle_finger
🎉 5 party_popper
👍 5 thumbs_up
👏🏽 5 clapping_hands_medium_skin_tone
▫️ 5 white_small_square
🎂 4 birthday_cake
🥳 4 partying_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 81
People & Body 32
Symbols 11
Activities 11
Food & Drink 8
Flags 7
Animals & Nature 4
Objects 3
Travel & Places 2