Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Braga, Portugal



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

8 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
chelsea 3001
football 2849
love 1984
fc 1758
sports 1493
life 1386
god 1093
music 1076
botafogo 1002
soccer 754

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#cfc 289
#ktbffh 219
#chelsea 132
#chelseafc 113
#ffc 88
#coyw 55
#football 42
#mufc 35
#1 33
#readingfc 32

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14103606 572001 7449
sportv 4078155 1842 308633
willianborges88 3683752 227 2432
benlandis 2849833 1517902 1125
sportbible 2083678 3226 88718
KameronBennett 1812729 1488726 96269
SoccerKingJP 1351656 464969 238153
soledadobrien 1318396 422492 124833
tribundergi 1296272 3589 398730
LILBTHEBASEDGOD 1248696 1242257 266195

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
benlandis 1517902 2849833 1125
KameronBennett 1488726 1812729 96269
LILBTHEBASEDGOD 1242257 1248696 266195
LeBronJames 968822 998906 3370
Warx2TheMovie 750724 230405 33653
jnob911 700873 433674 63045
JohnCena 572001 14103606 7449
SoccerKingJP 464969 1351656 238153
wefollowbackd 451792 457142 7395
BeefEnt 430860 145193 518048

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
nlopes952 1163274 19042 19385
Edilton09 1033301 1866 947
bech_normand 758962 1468 3399
hadarse 558298 14729 8434
MachoDeSungaxx 543017 51911 28096
BeefEnt 518048 145193 430860
jesus1912ozuna 500536 8490 2212
arilprinxce 484015 3 1944
OlumideIDOWU 473867 57673 34998
kris1179 470868 23685 10071

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31681 572001 14103606
PamMktgNut 11504 127295 281245
soledadobrien 10588 422492 1318396
SoccerKingJP 7257 464969 1351656
sportv 5917 1842 4078155
LILBTHEBASEDGOD 4924 1242257 1248696
MelissaJoanHart 4705 156377 631393
benlandis 4430 1517902 2849833
sportbible 4002 3226 2083678
xenfts 2668 48508 44275

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

3,982 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
333216740223893506 Congrats Lamps!!!!! What a player #cfc #legend 4062
556471880828215297 Omg how well @ChelseaFC is playing today... That is such a great football 2806
488037351864946689 #SorriaBrasil #BRA 💚💛 2681
330054934424854531 He did it AGAIN!!!!!! Oh my God @DavidLuiz_4 what a goal #chelsea #europaleague 2219
368707120562049025 Have to say Happy Birthday to this place that received us so well last month!! Happy Birthday Indonesia 2177
341551491582148608 The special one is back! Great news #CFC 1981
594869868291346432 Blue is the color. Congratulations, @ChelseaFC . Champion of the Premier League. #CFC 1934
572031930071457792 My heart is blue. Come on @ChelseaFC Good Luck friends. #CFC 1916
572092925368254465 Congratulations @ChelseaFC. 🔵⚪ 🏆👏👏👏 1828
359499356874870784 Thanks Malaysia for your love! Heading to Jakarta now.. God Bless #CFCAsiaTour 1621

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1502056195107995657 Feliz em estar de volta a casa depis de tanto tempo, pronto pra honrar essa camisa de tanta história e tradição. Obrigado pelas mensagens de carinho e que seja um ano de vitórias pra nós! Vamos com tudo 🔥 @Botafogo 716
1539031118246301707 Jogos e momentos como o de ontem só nos une ainda mais! Tamo juntasso família 🔥 @Botafogo 634
488037351864946689 #SorriaBrasil #BRA 💚💛 308
368707120562049025 Have to say Happy Birthday to this place that received us so well last month!! Happy Birthday Indonesia 256
291286759965351936 Just arrived at the hotel in Málaga , spent all day at the club and now is everything ready to start training! Tks everyone for the support 256
366906060163907585 First day at the new club @MijnVitesse ! #Vitesse 237
357813126474891264 Just arrived at the hotel in Kuala Lumpur! Good evening Malaysia! #CFCtourAsia2013 204
164005315380129792 Going to Wales now , I'm very happy to be in first team today ! Kisses , thanks all 202
282975160032694272 What a special night!!! 🎉😋👻😂 #penalty 196
556471880828215297 Omg how well @ChelseaFC is playing today... That is such a great football 193

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1502056195107995657 Feliz em estar de volta a casa depis de tanto tempo, pronto pra honrar essa camisa de tanta história e tradição. Obrigado pelas mensagens de carinho e que seja um ano de vitórias pra nós! Vamos com tudo 🔥 @Botafogo 89
885911368397991937 YES I am back! Couldn't be happier to join this club again! Can't wait to start, to see the boys again and to get the job done this season! 52
1539031118246301707 Jogos e momentos como o de ontem só nos une ainda mais! Tamo juntasso família 🔥 @Botafogo 50
983811234008100865 well it should have been more but the 1-0 gave us what we needed! Great night at the cottage lovely support from our fans and gotta give a shoutout to the reading fans that sang my name all game! Aprecciate it guys #COYW 💪🏼♥️ 50
835635363515363328 Thanks God the operation was fine! Will be out for a while but I am coming back, can't finish my season for the whites like that 45
865638415978577922 39
821369166489862144 #COYW #MakeHistory 37
821338337713782784 Now it is for real. Just signed all the paperwork so I can stay till the end of the season! 😁 #COYW 32
820323408718209028 Loan spell ending tomorrow but monday I should be signing the extension! 😁 28
771446381059907585 It feels great to be wearing this uniform, it is a big honor for me to join @FulhamFC. 27

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1539031118246301707 Jogos e momentos como o de ontem só nos une ainda mais! Tamo juntasso família 🔥 @Botafogo 12068
1502056195107995657 Feliz em estar de volta a casa depis de tanto tempo, pronto pra honrar essa camisa de tanta história e tradição. Obrigado pelas mensagens de carinho e que seja um ano de vitórias pra nós! Vamos com tudo 🔥 @Botafogo 11263
1174049221441462273 2587
488037351864946689 #SorriaBrasil #BRA 💚💛 2576
1000472586277539840 WHAT A MOMENT!!! THANK YOU BOYS, FANS, STAFF, THANK YOU @fulhamfc YOU ALL DESERVE IT ♥️ #COYW 2120
898191933843152896 It wasn't a broken jaw and it won't be a broken fibula that will stop me I will be back as soon as I can. Thank FFC fans and CFC fans 2078
556471880828215297 Omg how well @ChelseaFC is playing today... That is such a great football 2076
885911368397991937 YES I am back! Couldn't be happier to join this club again! Can't wait to start, to see the boys again and to get the job done this season! 1692
954777059125071872 Back in august I heard I would be back playing just in February. It is January it is my birthday and I had the best gift I could ask.. Thank you Lord for so many blessings ❤️🙌🏼 1513
572031930071457792 My heart is blue. Come on @ChelseaFC Good Luck friends. #CFC 1299

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#coyw 97
#cfc 34
#ffc 32
#teampiazon 20
#sge 13
#cfctour 12
#bra 11
#brasil 9
#sorriabrasil 7
#blues 7

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@fulhamfc 52
@lucaspiazon 43
@chelseafc 38
@davidluiz_4 28
@lpiazon 24
@fabianodesouza 21
@readingfc 21
@jornalismofc 18
@_mamontoro 18
@lidi__ 14

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
59 soccer_ball
😎 27 smiling_face_with_sunglasses
👊 25 oncoming_fist
❤️ 24 red_heart
😂 23 face_with_tears_of_joy
19 red_heart
😁 19 beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes
🎉 14 party_popper
14 white_circle
🇧🇷 9 Brazil

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 194
Activities 108
People & Body 98
Flags 44
Travel & Places 40
Symbols 37
Objects 16
Animals & Nature 15
Food & Drink 12