Account Summary
Labour MP for Barking and the heart of Dagenham. @taxinparliament Chair. If you are a constituent please get in touch - details on the website below.
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
6 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
JohnCena | 14090325 | 605062 | 7502 |
SinghLions | 1325995 | 1426131 | 33999 |
carolvorders | 810420 | 2165 | 60402 |
iownjd | 761819 | 437119 | 228240 |
paulmasonnews | 619587 | 6802 | 55896 |
PeterStefanovi2 | 540947 | 13161 | 71978 |
elbegdorj | 264825 | 7601 | 4991 |
conquerer1 | 235174 | 43495 | 27577 |
arusbridger | 219051 | 4840 | 16774 |
kiraincongress | 188875 | 656 | 4308 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
SinghLions | 1426131 | 1325995 | 33999 |
JohnCena | 605062 | 14090325 | 7502 |
iownjd | 437119 | 761819 | 228240 |
rizzreed | 142643 | 145577 | 34738 |
agalleryartists | 69150 | 173225 | 30308 |
SimonBaumMusic | 58410 | 56715 | 28628 |
Mel_BrooksSA | 54471 | 49509 | 243517 |
MarkMwandosya | 48527 | 87648 | 865 |
conquerer1 | 43495 | 235174 | 27577 |
Shambles151 | 42300 | 38449 | 511962 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
PrincessBibiRF_ | 849818 | 10253 | 11593 |
Shambles151 | 511962 | 38449 | 42300 |
MtlSeb | 484765 | 623 | 4987 |
Fog_0f_War | 484280 | 2271 | 2922 |
JohnWest_JAWS | 405434 | 23993 | 17951 |
PaoliMichele | 383865 | 7723 | 8032 |
Chiclanagirl | 370461 | 8461 | 9081 |
Andrew_S_Hatton | 321618 | 4782 | 5201 |
MarsPioneer | 321596 | 1383 | 672 |
Marieisabelles5 | 318777 | 4816 | 5300 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
JohnCena | 31419 | 605062 | 14090325 |
paulmasonnews | 5783 | 6802 | 619587 |
arusbridger | 4788 | 4840 | 219051 |
agalleryartists | 2969 | 69150 | 173225 |
SinghLions | 2577 | 1426131 | 1325995 |
Dr_Black | 1903 | 39764 | 65498 |
FinancialNews | 1842 | 824 | 81888 |
kiraincongress | 1836 | 656 | 188875 |
PeterStefanovi2 | 1634 | 13161 | 540947 |
iownjd | 1561 | 437119 | 761819 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
1,820 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter Web App | 2460 |
Twitter for iPhone | 393 |
Twitter Web Client | 244 |
Twitter for Android | 131 |
TweetDeck | 21 |
What devices were used to tweet
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1267459620399984641 | Tomorrow the Govt wants 650 MPs to stand in a giant queue to vote on how the Commons makes decisions from now on. As somebody in the 'vulnerable' category, I am unable to join them. I am furious that for the first time in my 25 years as an MP I am being denied the right to vote! | 6527 |
1268903008420724736 | So now I'm told I can't take part virtually in the emergency debate on Monday about virtual access to Parliament. I'm being disenfranchised from my right to debate my own disenfranchisement! Utter madness. | 5989 |
1513902291165843465 | When P&O was found to have broken the law, Boris Johnson called on the CEO to resign. Now that the PM has himself broken the law, will he still believe this principle applies to him? | 5521 |
1545429563043418113 | As the former Chancellor launches his bid to be PM, I have written to the new one in the wake of reports that the National Crime Agency investigated his business affairs. These revelations & others raise legitimate question marks over his suitability to take on the role. | 4459 |
1628737437265694720 | At least when Liz Truss was Prime Minister there were fresh vegetables to measure her time in office. | 4015 |
1205336222404677642 | Corbyn talking about a period of ‘reflection’. I’ve reflected. You failed. Please stand down. | 3789 |
1392129764916404224 | In the run up to the local elections, Boris Johnson used a private jet to hop around the country. The private jet he used is registered in the Isle of Man. The super-rich have long used this tax haven to deliberately avoid paying any VAT on their jets. | 3418 |
1550048009643245569 | Alan Sugar is reported to have recently changed his tax status to be non-resident and paid himself a huge £390m dividend. As a non-resident he could avoid up to £160m in tax. If this is true, it is disgusting behaviour from a business icon, a role model & a lawmaker. | 3194 |
1263170314802024448 | A big step back tonight. MPs got to pick from a list of just one for who should chair the committee to scrutinise the PM. And the one name on the list was picked by none other than @BorisJohnson. A stitch up to create a toothless Parliament! Disappointing but not surprising. | 3039 |
1463868571965181959 | Another shambolic own goal from the Govt. They are moving HMRC tax officials to a new HQ owned offshore. Businesses use offshore structures like this to dodge taxes. And to top it off, the owner that will benefit & receive public money is a Tory donor! You could not make it up. | 2872 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1513902291165843465 | When P&O was found to have broken the law, Boris Johnson called on the CEO to resign. Now that the PM has himself broken the law, will he still believe this principle applies to him? | 29471 |
1628737437265694720 | At least when Liz Truss was Prime Minister there were fresh vegetables to measure her time in office. | 28283 |
1205336222404677642 | Corbyn talking about a period of ‘reflection’. I’ve reflected. You failed. Please stand down. | 23683 |
1267459620399984641 | Tomorrow the Govt wants 650 MPs to stand in a giant queue to vote on how the Commons makes decisions from now on. As somebody in the 'vulnerable' category, I am unable to join them. I am furious that for the first time in my 25 years as an MP I am being denied the right to vote! | 21870 |
1268903008420724736 | So now I'm told I can't take part virtually in the emergency debate on Monday about virtual access to Parliament. I'm being disenfranchised from my right to debate my own disenfranchisement! Utter madness. | 20755 |
1519697354319970310 | 50 years of fighting, 50 years of trying to create change, 50 years of demanding a more equal culture in public life, and this is where we are. Demoralised doesn't even begin to cover how I feel. | 16010 |
1550048009643245569 | Alan Sugar is reported to have recently changed his tax status to be non-resident and paid himself a huge £390m dividend. As a non-resident he could avoid up to £160m in tax. If this is true, it is disgusting behaviour from a business icon, a role model & a lawmaker. | 14714 |
1545429563043418113 | As the former Chancellor launches his bid to be PM, I have written to the new one in the wake of reports that the National Crime Agency investigated his business affairs. These revelations & others raise legitimate question marks over his suitability to take on the role. | 11263 |
1392129764916404224 | In the run up to the local elections, Boris Johnson used a private jet to hop around the country. The private jet he used is registered in the Isle of Man. The super-rich have long used this tax haven to deliberately avoid paying any VAT on their jets. | 9725 |
1133333062304043009 | 9 years ago I defeated fascist Nick Griffin at the ballot box. His racist party was investigated by the EHRC that same year. Now, after 4 years calling out Labour antisemitism, the EHRC will investigate Labour as well. For Corbyn to have led us down this path is unforgivable. | 9654 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#enoughisenough | 5 |
#holocaustmemorialday | 4 |
#saraconf18 | 4 |
#antisemitism | 4 |
#onlinesafetybill | 3 |
#valencepark | 3 |
#lovevalencepark | 3 |
#pandorapapers | 2 |
#murrayfordeputy | 2 |
#eidmubarak | 2 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@lbbdcouncil | 22 |
@jewishlabour | 17 |
@borisjohnson | 17 |
@matthancock | 12 |
@taxinparliament | 11 |
@wesstreeting | 10 |
@jessphillips | 9 |
@ruthsmeeth | 9 |
@louiseellman | 8 |
@keir_starmer | 8 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
👇 | 19 | backhand_index_pointing_down |
🗳 | 3 | ballot_box_with_ballot |
🌹 | 2 | rose |
🚨 | 2 | police_car_light |
🍀 | 2 | four_leaf_clover |
🤞 | 2 | crossed_fingers |
👉 | 1 | backhand_index_pointing_right |
📜 | 1 | scroll |
🖊️ | 1 | pen |
🕰 | 1 | mantelpiece_clock |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
People & Body | 22 |
Objects | 6 |
Animals & Nature | 4 |
Travel & Places | 4 |