Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Toronto, Ontario



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

8 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
marketing 11517
seo 10337
digital 9526
web 4103
business 3421
online 2665
media 2501
marketer 2343
social 2299
design 2274

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#seo 2786
#digitalmarketing 1305
#marketing 832
#socialmedia 618
#ppc 476
#digital 427
#sem 407
#wordpress 334
#smm 310
#webdesign 284

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14104974 572024 7448
sundarpichai 5198079 140 1849
benlandis 2850498 1518141 1125
6BillionPeople 2036437 4025794 183299
addthis 2005688 782 9670
zlj517 1994353 171082 72047
sama 1620564 804 6005
LeonKrauze 1584444 22226 156885
CybersmileHQ 1157664 19140 45630
funder 1106421 88364 311859

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
6BillionPeople 4025794 2036437 183299
benlandis 1518141 2850498 1125
djkingassassin 1375190 474436 137836
Warx2TheMovie 750857 230473 33653
ZachBoychuk 684048 829788 9245
JohnCena 572024 14104974 7448
larrykim 569074 729220 85778
luxurytravel 504858 720229 290352
2thank 364402 395221 60837
rowdytukgoon 341948 290912 40996

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
jornalistavitor 2913513 35814 36246
TransitoNaPonte 2060189 69815 6642
Raymond_Norman 1713418 52557 44196
bdnews24 1323057 223264 98795
EvanKirstel 1130909 344145 310844
nutralift2 990143 12994 45256
SherBah46958042 888954 2373 4993
perfectdomain1 847500 1678 2615
birdwriter7 843715 73795 76195
Asher_Wolf 803897 75592 55675

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31681 572024 14104974
addthis 13581 782 2005688
sama 13000 804 1620564
EvanKirstel 12978 310844 344145
reidhoffman 10451 623 676487
ginatrapani 10138 598 306948
paul_steele 9878 157434 647483
larrykim 9740 569074 729220
ericries 9685 1756 317315
Kissmetrics 9678 38734 220995

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,965 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
991001598456487936 Hey folks, Simone Giertz is amazing--the kind of person we need more of. She's facing a serious medical issue: If @SimoneGiertz inspires you like she inspires so many folks, consider supporting her on Patreon: 284
821957769293103104 I recently left Google to continue to serve at the US Digital Service. More details: Or: 278
895491533243285504 Your rap name is MC + your mother's maiden name. Also the last four of your SSN. Go. Oh, and your first pet's name. 201
1099901408965525504 Do any other Gmail users get the "add attachment" button and the "add link" button confused all the time? 173
1023763309839962115 Life is too short to iron clothes. 170
1241726032236941312 This site helps match suppliers of masks and personal protective equipment (PPE) with people who need it: Great to see this work by the civic tech community. 146
1014872420287762432 When I was at Google I called this the "evil unicorn problem" (because there's not much content for evil unicorns, but you can still search for that), but "keyword voids" is much more evocative. An important piece by @noUpside 128
987471519583473667 This is a blog post about how we helped the VA save $100 million dollars. I've been waiting to tell this story. Please read it at and then consider coming to help the US Digital Service: 124
1049467744415088640 Now that Google+ is going away, can someone reclaim the + operator for web search to require that term in the results? 121
971541876313608192 I lost my wife and best friend this week: 113

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
971541876313608192 I lost my wife and best friend this week: 1179
1132300785243574272 I dislike the word "users" because it doesn't capture the fullness of how people interact with a product or service. What word or description do you prefer? 434
1099901408965525504 Do any other Gmail users get the "add attachment" button and the "add link" button confused all the time? 408
1037114026289967104 I need your advice. What power song gets you inspired and/or running faster? I'm running a marathon soon and need more + better music. 359
1151942641090740224 What's something small you've purchased or made that has given you a lot of happiness? 260
1158748670306803712 One of these tuna sandwiches is only a day old. The other one has been in the fridge for a long, long time and may kill me with food poisoning. I don't know which one is which. What would you do? 213
971542304065548289 New blog post: Some terrible personal news 187
1382434791249821700 At the end of April, I'm stepping down as Administrator of the U.S. Digital Service. It's such an incredible group of people, and I'm grateful for my time working alongside them. More info: 177
821957769293103104 I recently left Google to continue to serve at the US Digital Service. More details: Or: 141
1216714015679877126 In 2019 I met a new partner, and she's taught me so much about listening to my inner voice, being healthy, and getting offline to move my body. Thank you, @aranoff. I wish everyone a 2020 where you find people who make you happier, laugh more, and push you to be a better person. 118

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1099901408965525504 Do any other Gmail users get the "add attachment" button and the "add link" button confused all the time? 100
971541876313608192 I lost my wife and best friend this week: 97
821957769293103104 I recently left Google to continue to serve at the US Digital Service. More details: Or: 80
1382434791249821700 At the end of April, I'm stepping down as Administrator of the U.S. Digital Service. It's such an incredible group of people, and I'm grateful for my time working alongside them. More info: 60
1132300785243574272 I dislike the word "users" because it doesn't capture the fullness of how people interact with a product or service. What word or description do you prefer? 52
1023763309839962115 Life is too short to iron clothes. 43
821927055977680896 New blog post: Staying with the US Digital Service 34
895491533243285504 Your rap name is MC + your mother's maiden name. Also the last four of your SSN. Go. Oh, and your first pet's name. 34
1014872420287762432 When I was at Google I called this the "evil unicorn problem" (because there's not much content for evil unicorns, but you can still search for that), but "keyword voids" is much more evocative. An important piece by @noUpside 30
806862638051430400 Power tip: do you type on your mobile phone's keyboard? Try tapping in the middle of text, then moving your cursor by swiping the space bar. 26

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1099901408965525504 Do any other Gmail users get the "add attachment" button and the "add link" button confused all the time? 2479
971541876313608192 I lost my wife and best friend this week: 1585
1382434791249821700 At the end of April, I'm stepping down as Administrator of the U.S. Digital Service. It's such an incredible group of people, and I'm grateful for my time working alongside them. More info: 1398
1216714015679877126 In 2019 I met a new partner, and she's taught me so much about listening to my inner voice, being healthy, and getting offline to move my body. Thank you, @aranoff. I wish everyone a 2020 where you find people who make you happier, laugh more, and push you to be a better person. 1298
979186521608728576 I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has been sending good thoughts and support my way. I won't be able to say "thank you" to every person, but the good wishes have meant so much to me during a difficult time. Thank you. 1285
1023763309839962115 Life is too short to iron clothes. 1026
821957769293103104 I recently left Google to continue to serve at the US Digital Service. More details: Or: 974
1127678538293837824 All my phones and computers were misbehaving. I turned them all off and back on, and that fixed everything. As a computer scientist, I somehow find that *more* irritating. 786
1078420596919357440 My holiday gift to myself: doing the search label:inbox "unsubscribe" in Gmail and going to town. 777
895491533243285504 Your rap name is MC + your mother's maiden name. Also the last four of your SSN. Go. Oh, and your first pet's name. 725

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#ordcamp 5
#newsgeist 3
#werewolf 2
#sxsl 2
#chromebookpixel2015forlife 1
#dctech 1
#cdf19 1
#srecon 1
#sxsw 1
#wedc 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@usds 33
@therealfitz 14
@aranoff 6
@mrmoneymustache 6
@barkimedes 5
@leolaporte 5
@agoldmund 4
@simonegiertz 4
@pahlkadot 3
@18f 3

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
❤️ 2 red_heart
2 red_heart
♥️ 1 heart_suit
🫀 1 anatomical_heart
🇨🇦 1 Canada
❄️ 1 snowflake
🇺🇸 1 United_States
🔥 1 fire
🍪 1 cookie

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 4
Flags 2
Travel & Places 2
Activities 1
People & Body 1
Food & Drink 1