Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



New York, NY



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

6 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
health 649
medical 575
research 520
medicine 510
student 422
md 332
fellow 316
phd 300
resident 296
pgy 273

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#medtwitter 111
#meded 65
#longcovid 41
#match2024 36
#firstgen 28
#blm 22
#match2023 21
#healthcare 21
#mecfs 20
#healthequity 19

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14095239 586978 7473
DrOz 3849525 853 21219
zittokabwe 1664500 4619 145160
PalmerReport 517751 109794 211809
CentralParkNYC 214538 1035 23901
bigrain 207853 207223 14543
EvanCarmichael 200827 882 104813
1drcole 188169 175013 242369
kthalps 159517 9908 78727
jufemun 140650 2131 11801

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 586978 14095239 7473
bigrain 207223 207853 14543
1drcole 175013 188169 242369
PalmerReport 109794 517751 211809
EricXWest 106800 111215 11734
Chicago_History 96445 122238 47177
bannerite 78161 96106 1215014
BenjaminCGeorge 60806 58481 632
DidiRemez 54940 69375 111
kristinresistin 48084 47664 71962

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
bannerite 1215014 96106 78161
JChapman1729 641263 15200 16184
bbkenn92 609612 4200 2510
mig30m6 551747 1906 4445
aibexint 440282 480 4134
SAlertUSA 395345 644 690
ana_grimbaum 376283 5860 1835
twf_pw 326102 210 1201
ncMannas 322940 1613 4847
slavetrade 322640 1443 2785

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31627 586978 14095239
DrOz 18596 853 3849525
SpirosMargaris 5876 21621 129349
PalmerReport 3900 109794 517751
CentralParkNYC 2257 1035 214538
EvanCarmichael 1883 882 200827
jennablan 1765 7494 70281
DPLennon 1697 853 37023
kthalps 1687 9908 159517
NYCCouncil 1667 521 111233

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

452 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Sprout Social 2376
Brandwatch 354
Twitter for iPhone 223
Twitter Web App 200
Periscope 51

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1542237814472966146 David Putrino, PhD, discusses three important things to know about #LongCOVID at #AspenIdeasHealth. "Every single person when you think about ‘Is this a safe activity’ think about ‘Is this a safe activity that I think it is worth getting long COVID for?’” @PutrinoLab #AspenIdeas 251
1552663952689078272 Mount Sinai West celebrated the presentation of a DAISY Award, honoring skill and compassion in nursing, to Masami Glass one of the hospital’s amazing Labor & Delivery nurses. #MountSinaiNurse 158
1522707568061157376 .@MSMorningside kicked off #NursesWeek with a red carpet for our nurses! We thank our #MountSinaiNurses for their dedication and compassionate expert care. #BedsideIsTheBestside #MountSinaiNurse #NationalNursesWeek #NursesMonth 92
1524846890575175680 Jacqueline Zeigler RN, MSN, showcased her nursing profession to her son Carter Zeigler during Career Day. "I love nursing so much so I wanted to show and explain to his classmates the field and also show that there is diversity in the field," she says. #NursesWeek 82
1518720761556525056 #Concussions are different than other head or brain injuries because there isn’t just one injured spot—the injury damages the whole brain: 80
1518297975713320962 Poor sleep over time has been linked to high blood pressure, #diabetes, and certain types of #cancer. It can also have an immediate impact on your life. One of the symptoms of not getting enough sleep is the inability to recognize our own deficits: 79
1522992172324188165 For nurses who make our team better every day, we appreciate you. Thank you for your dedication, unwavering strength, and compassionate expert care. Happy #NursesWeek. #MountSinaiNurse #BedsideIsTheBestSide #WeFindAWay 74
1501671686302621696 .@MountSinaiRehab's Dr. David Putrino discusses what you need to know about Long COVID. @PutrinoLab #MountSinaiLive #COVID19 72
1522598296463753216 Today kicks off #NursesWeek. We take the time to celebrate the professionalism, innovation, and resilience of our #MountSinaiNurses. Thank you for your dedication, unwavering strength, and compassionate expert care. We honor you today, and every day. #BedsideIsTheBestSide 70
1522683005965258753 Juliana Guiney, PICU and Critical Care Transport Nurse Manager, received this year’s Nurse Excellence Award for Nursing Leadership at @MountSinaiPeds. Congratulations, Juliana! #MountSinaiNurse #ChildrensHealth #NursesWeek #NursesMonth #NationalNursesWeek 68

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1552663952689078272 Mount Sinai West celebrated the presentation of a DAISY Award, honoring skill and compassion in nursing, to Masami Glass one of the hospital’s amazing Labor & Delivery nurses. #MountSinaiNurse 1185
1522683005965258753 Juliana Guiney, PICU and Critical Care Transport Nurse Manager, received this year’s Nurse Excellence Award for Nursing Leadership at @MountSinaiPeds. Congratulations, Juliana! #MountSinaiNurse #ChildrensHealth #NursesWeek #NursesMonth #NationalNursesWeek 902
1524846890575175680 Jacqueline Zeigler RN, MSN, showcased her nursing profession to her son Carter Zeigler during Career Day. "I love nursing so much so I wanted to show and explain to his classmates the field and also show that there is diversity in the field," she says. #NursesWeek 893
1522598296463753216 Today kicks off #NursesWeek. We take the time to celebrate the professionalism, innovation, and resilience of our #MountSinaiNurses. Thank you for your dedication, unwavering strength, and compassionate expert care. We honor you today, and every day. #BedsideIsTheBestSide 575
1522638602278105088 For nurses who make our team better every day, we appreciate you. Happy Nurses Week. @MSMorningside #NursesWeek #MountSinaiNurse #NationalNursesWeek #BedsideIsTheBestside 542
1542237814472966146 David Putrino, PhD, discusses three important things to know about #LongCOVID at #AspenIdeasHealth. "Every single person when you think about ‘Is this a safe activity’ think about ‘Is this a safe activity that I think it is worth getting long COVID for?’” @PutrinoLab #AspenIdeas 526
1524409965535920128 A ice cream truck stopped by the Mount Sinai Health System locations in celebration of Nurses Week! #NursesWeek #NationalNursesWeek #MountSinaiNurse 521
1508504198752739336 .@Drroxmehran and @drbirgitvogel discuss the launch of @TheLancet and Women and #CVD Commission Educational Series at #ACC22 and the learning objectives of the first symposium. Register now at: @MountSinaiHeart #WeFindAWay #Cardiology #CardioTwitter 491
1522707568061157376 .@MSMorningside kicked off #NursesWeek with a red carpet for our nurses! We thank our #MountSinaiNurses for their dedication and compassionate expert care. #BedsideIsTheBestside #MountSinaiNurse #NationalNursesWeek #NursesMonth 462
1522979346247389184 As a kick-off to #NursesWeek, @MtSinaiQueens celebrated the 1st DAISY Team Awards to honor collaboration by two or more people, led by a nurse, who identify and meet patient and/or patient family needs by going above and beyond the traditional role of nursing. 433

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#mountsinaitoday 200
#aspenideas 160
#wefindaway 141
#aspenideashealth 113
#covid19 80
#mountsinailive 79
#cardiotwitter 76
#usopen 72
#health 70
#raiseyourgame 64

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@mountsinaiheart 115
@mountsinainyc 113
@icahnmountsinai 73
@tischcancer 66
@mountsinaipeds 66
@mshsderm 52
@mountsinaiortho 51
@psonatmsbi 41
@msmorningside 39
@mountsinaiuro 31

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
® 33 registered
🧵 11 thread
📷 2 camera
🐾 2 paw_prints
🦮 2 guide_dog
🚑 1 ambulance
💙 1 blue_heart
💃 1 woman_dancing
🕺 1 man_dancing
❣️ 1 heart_exclamation

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Symbols 33
Activities 12
Animals & Nature 4
Objects 2
Travel & Places 2
Smileys & Emotion 2
People & Body 2