Account Summary
Twitter ID
Created on
new Instagram Nicolexmorris12 ❤️
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
10 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
Variety | 2911210 | 226474 | 419172 |
benlandis | 2847838 | 1517123 | 1125 |
THEBEAT999FM | 2396059 | 8722 | 641242 |
BeatsByAssassin | 2261966 | 2693520 | 260946 |
Tyson_Fury | 2249691 | 8383 | 21252 |
VickyPattison | 1808528 | 3394 | 54576 |
professorgreen | 1666289 | 2321 | 68251 |
RealJamesArgent | 1381681 | 1232 | 12751 |
SinghLions | 1334104 | 1431304 | 33936 |
CybersmileHQ | 1156317 | 19127 | 45656 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
BeatsByAssassin | 2693520 | 2261966 | 260946 |
benlandis | 1517123 | 2847838 | 1125 |
SinghLions | 1431304 | 1334104 | 33936 |
LeBronJames | 970250 | 1004502 | 3445 |
PleasureEllis | 408291 | 685376 | 184195 |
Daminous_Purity | 384730 | 353741 | 815902 |
Ohmygossip | 376871 | 255713 | 21389 |
EnergyDrinkRen | 291385 | 171172 | 188286 |
pure_market | 270984 | 94726 | 974 |
karljcompton | 236165 | 215446 | 3219 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
superpidge | 1626131 | 36782 | 30523 |
EE | 1575119 | 366617 | 132904 |
ProSyria1 | 828066 | 2598 | 4473 |
Daminous_Purity | 815902 | 353741 | 384730 |
ProSyria2 | 663278 | 739 | 2740 |
THEBEAT999FM | 641242 | 2396059 | 8722 |
boohoo_cshelp | 620066 | 122313 | 54991 |
Soulcentralmag | 451785 | 38841 | 92831 |
Variety | 419172 | 2911210 | 226474 |
ultimatyong | 403342 | 67677 | 39249 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
Variety | 18954 | 226474 | 2911210 |
PleasureEllis | 13399 | 408291 | 685376 |
MelissaJoanHart | 4703 | 156292 | 630956 |
benlandis | 4428 | 1517123 | 2847838 |
MaxGeorge | 4118 | 48463 | 977337 |
BeatsByAssassin | 4043 | 2693520 | 2261966 |
BoyGeorge | 3728 | 47662 | 504910 |
SinghLions | 2540 | 1431304 | 1334104 |
IOTNQDfilm | 2452 | 164128 | 160353 |
F1abraham | 2211 | 174563 | 1043088 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
2,204 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
665639554091716608 | I bloody love @4thImpactMusic ❤️❤️ | 162 |
679053075202613250 | | 109 |
690664469513551873 | Aww I'm gutted! Steph should of gone not Megan 😡😡😡 | 90 |
740282758270963712 | Here she is!! The WINNER @LateyshaGrace 😬😬😬😬😬 | 67 |
551330569943273475 | Why do eyebrows grow back so quick 😡 | 55 |
641713066460192769 | Never trust anyone because they will always fuck your over! | 50 |
661807798196543488 | She is just wow 😍 | 49 |
695742755541291008 | What am I guna do without cbb 😩😩 | 47 |
529007172081160192 | does my headin that she always mimes!! | 46 |
782669430341963776 | How can she not put Christian through! Shit factor 😡 | 43 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
770687034080067586 | Anyone Suggest a new series to start on Netflix other than power ? | 29 |
744554220104388608 | Anyone know a diet I can do for 9 days and loose 5 pounds? | 26 |
684111623439708162 | Who's Stacey's baby's father?? | 16 |
719852764680101889 | Anyone know a good sound cloud mix to run to pleaseeee!??? | 15 |
688466328718561280 | Is cbb not on tonight?? | 15 |
539723935437586432 | Anyone recommend a good cream that's good for scars?? | 14 |
556338677526560768 | My backs in agony 😪 what can I take for a bad back? | 14 |
696750425702297600 | Girls can you help me out with nice eyelashes!? I usually use 145 eyelure but I want something a bit more natural... But not to natural ? | 13 |
731977680317501444 | Anyone recommend something for my scalp? It's so sore and I can't stop pickin it 😩 | 13 |
586294258900082688 | Can I go to the hospital if a cyst is causing so much pain?? | 11 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
744554220104388608 | Anyone know a diet I can do for 9 days and loose 5 pounds? | 3 |
864940952930201601 | Need to stop eatin and get back to the gym 😩 | 2 |
758583759205728256 | Can't stop eating crap and its pissin me off now 😡 | 2 |
746232449621889024 | Because we have left the eu has the euro rate changed and what isit X | 2 |
690279697146630144 | If they were expensive hair extensions they wouldn't frazzle 😂😂 | 2 |
770687034080067586 | Anyone Suggest a new series to start on Netflix other than power ? | 2 |
1114527745680318471 | 6 years ago 🙈😂 🏴🏴 #thevalleys #AintreeRaces | 2 |
790276843781890048 | John ledgend 😍😍 | 2 |
1103770630636400646 | There parents are to blame!! #LeavingNeverland | 1 |
903508868843614208 | September only means 1 thing.... birthday month 😏😏🎉🎉🎁🎁 | 1 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
665639554091716608 | I bloody love @4thImpactMusic ❤️❤️ | 561 |
740282758270963712 | Here she is!! The WINNER @LateyshaGrace 😬😬😬😬😬 | 223 |
690664469513551873 | Aww I'm gutted! Steph should of gone not Megan 😡😡😡 | 189 |
1114527745680318471 | 6 years ago 🙈😂 🏴🏴 #thevalleys #AintreeRaces | 185 |
1143617238894829569 | Danny has done nothing wrong! Leave the boy alone it’s love island mun 😫🙈 | 182 |
741739785627291649 | Why would you want to be in a relationship with someone who thinks its ok to have a hall pass 😳 yea it is wrong Laura!! | 144 |
758050344458944512 | How the fuck did he win !! | 140 |
1146159767666221063 | I guess belle isn’t doing that girls prom make up 2Moro 😫😫🙈 | 130 |
570708317603028993 | 😂😂😂 did Madonna just fall?? | 126 |
679053075202613250 | | 126 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#depop | 73 |
#dancingonice | 2 |
#motion | 2 |
#themummydiaries | 2 |
#newprofilepic | 2 |
#whiteteeth | 2 |
#magaluf | 2 |
#lovelsland | 1 |
#thevalleys | 1 |
#aintreeraces | 1 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@spow_spow | 120 |
@depopmarket | 118 |
@krisbrown16 | 31 |
@depop | 27 |
@tiffas007 | 24 |
@carlyhowz | 22 |
@carley_morris | 17 |
@lateyshagrace | 16 |
@sophiesmith_18 | 15 |
@jordanleatham | 12 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
❤️ | 230 | red_heart |
😂 | 187 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
😍 | 167 | smiling_face_with_heart-eyes |
😘 | 136 | face_blowing_a_kiss |
😩 | 133 | weary_face |
🍷 | 99 | wine_glass |
😁 | 92 | beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes |
😋 | 91 | face_savoring_food |
😀 | 82 | grinning_face |
😡 | 81 | enraged_face |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 1909 |
People & Body | 314 |
Food & Drink | 193 |
Activities | 164 |
Objects | 118 |
Travel & Places | 111 |
Animals & Nature | 20 |
Flags | 2 |