Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @Oikoumene


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

9 years


The tweets cover a range of topics related to the activities and initiatives of the World Council of Churches (@Oikoumene). The council has been involved in condemning violations of humanitarian law in Indonesia and advocating for justice and unity between different faith communities. They have also organized events and resources related to peace, water justice, and youth activism. The tweets also feature quotes and references from various members and partners of the council.

Topic Modeling

  1. Indonesian military violence and human rights violations
  2. Ecumenical conversations and collaboration with the World Council of Churches (@Oikoumene)
  3. Advocacy for peace and justice on various issues, including water rights, violence against women, and global Christianity
  4. Leadership and empowerment of women in religious communities
  5. Resources and discussions related to religion, youth, peace, and othering

Emotional Analysis

The emotions expressed in these tweets include anger and frustration regarding violations of human rights and international law committed by the Indonesian military in Papua. There is also a sense of hope, unity, and commitment to justice and peace through collaborative efforts between different religious organizations and communities, particularly the World Council of Churches (@Oikoumene). Additionally, there is an emphasis on the importance of combating violence and advocating for a world free from all forms of violence and oppression, particularly towards women and marginalized groups.

Trend Analysis

  1. Violations of human rights in Papua and advocacy for justice
  2. The role of the Orthodox Church and its leader in Ukraine's conflict
  3. Ecumenical conversations and actions towards justice, unity, and reconciliation
  4. Advocacy for peace, water justice, and ending all forms of violence
  5. Leadership and empowerment of women in religious communities

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 67
Twitter for Android 58
Twitter for iPhone 39
TweetDeck 3
Twitter for iPad 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
ChronicleZim The Chronicle The Chronicle is a leading daily published by Zimbabwe Newspapers Ltd (1980). DISCLAIMER: Retweets and likes are not an endorsement. 92,707
Oikoumene World Council of Churches (WCC) #WorldCouncilofChurches #WCC: A worldwide fellowship of churches seeking unity in common witness & Christian service. 34,199
katholisch_de Das Internetportal der katholischen Kirche in Deutschland. Impressum: 21,503
bread4theworld Bread for the World Bread for the World is a Christian advocacy organization urging U.S. decision makers to do all they can to pursue a world without hunger. 19,631
NicolaWatson13 Nicola Watson Bulawayo Central MP 18,456
Medhope_FCEI Mediterranean Hope Programma rifugiati e migranti della Federazione delle chiese evangeliche in Italia.📍#Lampedusa #Scicli #Libano #Bosnia #Rosarno #Roma #corridoiumanitari 15,582
evangelisch_de Hier twittert das ganze Team von | Unser Impressum: 13,840
judithnwana Judith Nwana Telecoms/Civil/Structural Engineering, Management, Finance. MBA London Bus School. @CoalitionFDN Chair. Human Rights advoc. Retweets/❤️/replies not endorsements 13,667
lutheranworld The Lutheran World Federation The Lutheran World Federation is a global communion of churches working for justice, peace and reconciliation. An @actalliance member. 10,770
cwwhiteNCR Christopher White Vatican correspondent for @NCRonline. Vatican analyst for @NBCNews & @MSNBC. Reported from all 7 continents 🌎 TIPS: / DMs open 10,426

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
Oikoumene World Council of Churches (WCC) #WorldCouncilofChurches #WCC: A worldwide fellowship of churches seeking unity in common witness & Christian service. 9,507
Mccrimmons McCrimmons Christian publisher #CelebrationHymnal #ParishMassBook and bookseller 📚💽🎼✝ we design+print indoor+outdoor display artwork 🎨📜😇 for schools and churches 🏫⛪ 6,000
JhonCooper John Cooper Charity Director, Dyspraxic, loves books,cycling,radio. Methodist,Political dreamer, 2 child+ love of co-ops, equality,peace&sustainability(All tweets personal) 5,002
Net2Ayurveda DeinAyurvedaNet2 - 5,002
sam_geo Sam George Jesus follower. Serves as a Catalyst of the Lausanne Movement and Director of Global Diaspora Institute at Wheaton College BGC. Teacher, Author and Encourager. 4,946
ecumenika ecumenika Jane Stranz, pasteure @epudf 50% à Courbevoie 50% ailleurs. Partage d'infos : œcuménisme, protestantismes, religion, migration, féminisme, spiritualité, brexit 4,924
MarianneEjder Marianne Ejdersten Director of #Communication World Council of Churches #WCC Ordförande, Svenska kyrkan i Schweiz President, Church of Sweden in Switzerland 🇨🇭 🇸🇪 4,303
HendroM Hendro Munsterman Journalist, Vatican- and Rome-correspondent for @ndnl, catholic theologian 🇳🇱🇫🇷🇩🇪🇬🇧🇮🇹 'Diurnarius qui saepe de me critico loquitur' 4,029
abbaguutuu Abba Guutuu Would like to see mankind live in mutual respect, peace, equality, justice and fairness. Stand against discrimination, corruption and oppression. 3,775
JAndersonRoland Jessica Roland Senior Inclusion Specialist @peacemakersnetw | @FletcherSchool | WPS & YPS Synergies | Views My Own 3,396

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
perrylee1234 Associate Professor of Mathematicss 10
cmangale Educator, human rights advocate, women's rights advocate, person of faith. Views/tweets are personal. 6
UniteChretiens Revue trimestrielle. Documentation et informations œcuméniques. 4
christiansforf3 Wir sind eine Gemeinschaft aus verschiedenen Christ*innen aus Berlin & Umgebung, die den Klimakollaps anerkennen. Verschieden glauben, vereint handeln. 4
TuasTonang General Chairman of Supreme board of Free trade unions SETIAKAWAN of Indonesia Trainner for How to making industrial relations harmony 3
gembala_koteka Papua Indigenous Theolog... 3
MarianneEjder Director of #Communication World Council of Churches #WCC Ordförande, Svenska kyrkan i Schweiz President, Church of Sweden in Switzerland 🇨🇭 🇸🇪 3
2cnlkh68 Progressive 🇮🇩 Support Real Free World NOT fake free world of Western Lies || He who dares not offend cannot be honest (Thomas Paine) 3
waccglobal WACC Global has been advocating for full access to information and communication, and open and diverse media since 1968. 3
stephengbrown Interested in GDR politics, ecumenical theology, current affairs. All tweets in a personal capacity - retweets for info not necessarily approval. 3

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1639721527120744451 Merci à @guillaume_ancel d'attirer l'attention sur ce livre collectif dirigé par Hélène Blanc. J'y explique pour ma part la responsabilité immense du patriarche Kirill et la nécessité pour l'Eglise orthodoxe et pour le @Oikoumene de juger ses hérésies @trforrus #StandWithUkraine 20
1638890035528228864 📍Rome, During a visit with Pope Francis on 🗓 23 March, a World Council of Churches delegation and the Roman Catholic Church committed to walking, praying and working together for justice, reconciliation, and unity 🇻🇦@Pontifex @Oikoumene 14
1638726615470587904 The Indonesian military violated international humanitarian law, Papuan civilians guarding their customary rights were massacred. They make videos, share them on social media, and show pride next to humans who are used as game animals. @CWSNZ @UN @Oikoumene @AfricanArchives 12
1639373008497197056 Faith Community is a Blue Community - Side event during #UNWaterConference #WaterAction #WaterIsAHumanRight @WEA_UN @WEAnews @SRWatSan @ELCA @PaRDSecretariat @Oikoumene @MaudeBarlow @WEASecGen @UNEPFaith4Earth @AaccCeta @EWNWCC @BluePlanetProj 6
1639543152527695872 Her impressive rise to leadership culminated in her appointment as leader of the West Nicholson Parish in Gwanda, where she has been in charge of seven congregations in the past five years. Rev Nangati is also... @thelcms @Oikoumene 5
1638882554194345984 World Council of Churches (@Oikoumene) and Roman Catholic Church underscore commitment to walking, praying, working together. “We agreed that it must be our common concern to set signs of unity and understanding in a divided world.” 4
1639189860128022530 Morning panel at #ISEO2023 with @odairpmateus former director of @Oikoumene Faith and Order and two newly elected central committee members Marc Boss and Julija Naett Vidovic - on new paths for ecumenical reception 3
1639024388912685057 El Consejo Mundial de Iglesias envió un mensaje al III Foro Mundial de los Derechos Humanos que se desarrolla en Argentina entre el 20 y el 24 de marzo. @Oikoumene 3
1638935938423312391 We are very pleased to be able to share with you the following free @Oikoumene resource on #religion, #youth, #peace, and #othering that we have been privileged to work on with @LaniAnaya @passyik @IssahTuaha @adecort and many other young peace activists. 3
1639030677835489280 Ecumenical conversations with @Oikoumene colleagues Dr. Ryan Smith, Programme Executive and Rev. Dr. Kenneth Mtata, Director of Public Witness & Diakonia @LWFAdvocacy @ELCAadvocacy #UNWaterConference 3

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1638726615470587904 The Indonesian military violated international humanitarian law, Papuan civilians guarding their customary rights were massacred. They make videos, share them on social media, and show pride next to humans who are used as game animals. @CWSNZ @UN @Oikoumene @AfricanArchives 40
1639721527120744451 Merci à @guillaume_ancel d'attirer l'attention sur ce livre collectif dirigé par Hélène Blanc. J'y explique pour ma part la responsabilité immense du patriarche Kirill et la nécessité pour l'Eglise orthodoxe et pour le @Oikoumene de juger ses hérésies @trforrus #StandWithUkraine 33
1639030677835489280 Ecumenical conversations with @Oikoumene colleagues Dr. Ryan Smith, Programme Executive and Rev. Dr. Kenneth Mtata, Director of Public Witness & Diakonia @LWFAdvocacy @ELCAadvocacy #UNWaterConference 17
1638890035528228864 📍Rome, During a visit with Pope Francis on 🗓 23 March, a World Council of Churches delegation and the Roman Catholic Church committed to walking, praying and working together for justice, reconciliation, and unity 🇻🇦@Pontifex @Oikoumene 17
1640383369371418625 I was quoted in @nytimes yesterday about the changing face of Global Christianity. @WheatonCollege @lcwe @OMSCatPTS @fullerseminary @TEDS @LiverpoolHopeUK @CSWCEdinburgh @Oikoumene @edstetzer @Tish_H_Warren 17
1639189860128022530 Morning panel at #ISEO2023 with @odairpmateus former director of @Oikoumene Faith and Order and two newly elected central committee members Marc Boss and Julija Naett Vidovic - on new paths for ecumenical reception 13
1638152736238600193 Enjoyed doing the preparatory reading and watching the lectures for the first week of @Oikoumene online course in ecumenism. Look forward to the first seminar tomorrow and learning more over the next few months. 11
1638872274681106432 Idag sammanträder @SMRtwitt på ekumeniska centret i Alvik. Kampen mot våld och våldtäkt är alltid närvarande. #ThursdaysinBlack @Oikoumene @wccWoMen @SvKristnaRad @svenskakyrkan @equmeniakyrkan 10
1639373008497197056 Faith Community is a Blue Community - Side event during #UNWaterConference #WaterAction #WaterIsAHumanRight @WEA_UN @WEAnews @SRWatSan @ELCA @PaRDSecretariat @Oikoumene @MaudeBarlow @WEASecGen @UNEPFaith4Earth @AaccCeta @EWNWCC @BluePlanetProj 9
1638478408177811456 Former director of @Oikoumene Faith and Order @odairpmateus following the discussion in Paris. He speaks Friday on the ecumenical reception of the work on Faith and Order 9

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#wcc 21
#unwaterconference 10
#booklaunch 5
#kidsfirst 4
#humanity 4
#thursdaysinblack 4
#ukraine 4
#mission 3
#faith4earth 3
#worldwaterday 3

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@oikoumene 173
@pontifex 21
@stephengbrown 8
@lwfadvocacy 8
@elcaadvocacy 8
@amarc_ap 6
@mediagfmd 6
@nammediatrust 6
@zoetitus 6
@sumanbasnet 6

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🔗 8 link
👉🏾 6 backhand_index_pointing_right_medium-dark_skin_tone
🗓 6 spiral_calendar
🙏 5 folded_hands
🇻🇦 5 Vatican_City
📸 3 camera_with_flash
ℹ️ 3 information
🔴 3 red_circle
😭 3 loudly_crying_face
📍 2 round_pushpin

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Objects 25
People & Body 18
Symbols 13
Flags 5
Smileys & Emotion 4
Animals & Nature 2
Activities 1
Travel & Places 1