Account Summary
π³οΈββ§οΈTrans Activist / Actress / Recording Artist. No, I'm not paying for a blue checkmark when I was legacy verified for years. TikTok & IG @plasticmartyr
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Los Angeles, CA
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
6 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
zoebritton | 489874 | 798 | 49432 |
MarioNawfal | 470827 | 11713 | 11617 |
johnpavlovitz | 401068 | 30808 | 149026 |
MrJonCryer | 381301 | 2284 | 225424 |
PhilosophyTube | 330819 | 961 | 909 |
kimpetras | 267268 | 24933 | 13379 |
TrueFactsStated | 217430 | 4044 | 283071 |
NevilleSouthall | 190753 | 4110 | 171563 |
SholaMos1 | 186759 | 2846 | 14558 |
thomaskaine5 | 174868 | 92830 | 281702 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
PaulDereume | 130558 | 122947 | 173043 |
AZ_Brittney | 105987 | 171624 | 69773 |
LaydenRobinson | 95233 | 86587 | 900224 |
thomaskaine5 | 92830 | 174868 | 281702 |
Lesism | 92382 | 108264 | 357702 |
Cruellaisdevine | 87817 | 79631 | 304977 |
PadraigBelton | 83423 | 87234 | 32777 |
AndyHearn09 | 71405 | 71354 | 51499 |
davematt88 | 62557 | 60920 | 404582 |
SouhanStrib | 57843 | 52594 | 68612 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
lizditz | 1343387 | 10329 | 10992 |
VonRosenchild | 1177017 | 13796 | 9077 |
LaydenRobinson | 900224 | 86587 | 95233 |
rowast | 738893 | 1964 | 3960 |
TallyAnnaE | 732393 | 5534 | 6074 |
NCTrueBlue | 599764 | 8768 | 8225 |
Ancientbob | 598169 | 9866 | 10851 |
DebbieSVA | 575509 | 17891 | 9757 |
pameladubsky49 | 550858 | 27168 | 29878 |
Alanlsg | 528193 | 27303 | 30030 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
AlbertoCairo | 3454 | 4784 | 67873 |
BriannaWu | 2817 | 7833 | 145235 |
johnpavlovitz | 2506 | 30808 | 401068 |
VonRosenchild | 2320 | 9077 | 13796 |
Sandmonkey | 2318 | 2518 | 174287 |
MarioNawfal | 2072 | 11713 | 470827 |
TrueFactsStated | 2068 | 4044 | 217430 |
MorganSpurlock | 2035 | 6021 | 129055 |
DFisman | 1716 | 13887 | 129013 |
emilystjams | 1711 | 4392 | 83508 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
202 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 3227 |
What devices were used to tweet
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1643657681671176192 | Trans kids DO exist. I was one of them. I was lucky enough to have a supportive family who protected me & didn't force me to be anyone other than who I wanted to be. That is why I'm still alive today. Support your Trans kids, it's a matter of life & death. #ProtectTransKids | 3712 |
1622982627941826560 | Trans kids are NOT getting surgery on their genitals....that would be cis kids...It's called circumcision. You can't get gender affirming surgeries until you're 18 & in some rare instances 16. Stop projecting your bizarre obsession with children's genitals onto us. You're sick. | 3658 |
1590009629106655233 | Absolutely shocked at some of my fellow entertainment industry peeps who are voting for Republicans. You'll use the LGBTQ community to gain fans but then turn your back on them by voting for people who want to destroy us. π€¦π»ββοΈ #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy did you not get the memo? | 2239 |
1594848823884775424 | I fear for my life every single day as a Trans woman in America. I suffer from horrible anxiety & agoraphobia because of the amount of hate & violence that is directed towards my community. I'm tired of this world, this life & this country. I just want the hate to stop #LGBTQ | 1272 |
1629142512068857856 | Tennessee is a disgusting disgrace of a state.π This horrific bill will lead to the s*icide of so many innocent souls. How is nobody talking about this? You can try to erase us all you want, we exist & we aren't going anywhere you fascist f**ks! π³οΈββ§οΈ #TransRightsAreHumanRights | 1022 |
1631718862659133440 | Trans women ARE women. There's not a damn thing you can say or do to take that away from us. Our existence doesn't take away anything from you. We exist, we have always existed & we always will. π³οΈββ§οΈ #TransWomenAreWomen | 785 |
1644775845758918656 | Dear @Caitlyn_Jenner ... If you see trans women as "biological boys" & continuously misgender other trans women, what do you truly see yourself as? What pronouns should we use when referring to you? Because clearly you don't identify as a woman. | 771 |
1643054052195069953 | Keep religion away from children... Religion is the ultimate form of "grooming'. Children are too young to understand the Bible & to figure what it is they believe in. Churches & religious content should all be 21+ **Waits for triggered right wing lunatics** π | 660 |
1650968929635028998 | Okay, well I order you to stop dressing like Yosemite Sam. #TransRightsAreHumanRights | 608 |
1645482511924068352 | Supporting Trans kids doesn't mean supporting them getting surgeries.... Support Trans Kids & allow them to have autonomy over their own identity. Love them unconditionally for who they are as an individual. #ProtectTransKids | 429 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1643657681671176192 | Trans kids DO exist. I was one of them. I was lucky enough to have a supportive family who protected me & didn't force me to be anyone other than who I wanted to be. That is why I'm still alive today. Support your Trans kids, it's a matter of life & death. #ProtectTransKids | 24943 |
1622982627941826560 | Trans kids are NOT getting surgery on their genitals....that would be cis kids...It's called circumcision. You can't get gender affirming surgeries until you're 18 & in some rare instances 16. Stop projecting your bizarre obsession with children's genitals onto us. You're sick. | 23345 |
1590009629106655233 | Absolutely shocked at some of my fellow entertainment industry peeps who are voting for Republicans. You'll use the LGBTQ community to gain fans but then turn your back on them by voting for people who want to destroy us. π€¦π»ββοΈ #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy did you not get the memo? | 11880 |
1631718862659133440 | Trans women ARE women. There's not a damn thing you can say or do to take that away from us. Our existence doesn't take away anything from you. We exist, we have always existed & we always will. π³οΈββ§οΈ #TransWomenAreWomen | 9653 |
1594848823884775424 | I fear for my life every single day as a Trans woman in America. I suffer from horrible anxiety & agoraphobia because of the amount of hate & violence that is directed towards my community. I'm tired of this world, this life & this country. I just want the hate to stop #LGBTQ | 9532 |
1617337312668708866 | @jk_rowling Growing up (as a young trans girl) your books were my escape from my harsh reality. When I would escape into the pages of your stories the bullies & transphobes in my real life couldn't hurt me anymore. It breaks my heart to see how you've turned into a transphobic bigot. π | 7048 |
1644231838779731969 | @Caitlyn_Jenner You π competed π in π WOMENS π golf π tournaments!!! You're nothing but a backstabbing, mumbling, uncoordinated, ineloquent, tone-deaf bottom feeder. | 5839 |
1644775845758918656 | Dear @Caitlyn_Jenner ... If you see trans women as "biological boys" & continuously misgender other trans women, what do you truly see yourself as? What pronouns should we use when referring to you? Because clearly you don't identify as a woman. | 5301 |
1628441027110658048 | Normalize Cis/Trans relationships. Today is my 4 year anniversary with the love of my life. There should be no shame or stigma for openly loving a Trans person. If you're attracted to a Trans person that's amazing & nothing to feel ashamed of. #TransWomenAreWomen | 4521 |
1650968929635028998 | Okay, well I order you to stop dressing like Yosemite Sam. #TransRightsAreHumanRights | 4030 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#transwomenarewomen | 32 |
#transrightsarehumanrights | 31 |
#protecttranskids | 7 |
#guncontrolnow | 4 |
#getvaccinatednow | 3 |
#wearamask | 3 |
#transawarenessweek | 3 |
#covidisnotover | 2 |
#bluecheckmark | 2 |
#transdayofvisibility | 2 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@jk_rowling | 58 |
@caitlyn_jenner | 53 |
@coclarified | 36 |
@julieelzaca | 34 |
@lisbetterthen | 34 |
@sonofsam966 | 33 |
@papi_b_dubs | 33 |
@nicoleeo12 | 32 |
@tozzie00659967 | 32 |
@nymamaincognito | 30 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
π | 350 | blue_heart |
π« | 281 | people_hugging |
π | 245 | clapping_hands |
π | 240 | face_blowing_a_kiss |
π€£ | 221 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
π | 220 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
π | 144 | two_hearts |
π€¦π»ββοΈ | 76 | woman_facepalming_light_skin_tone |
π | 72 | revolving_hearts |
β€οΈ | 70 | red_heart |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 1763 |
People & Body | 731 |
Flags | 54 |
Food & Drink | 36 |
Animals & Nature | 17 |
Objects | 10 |
Activities | 10 |
Travel & Places | 9 |
Symbols | 6 |