Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @RajaJuliAntoni
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
10 days
Average age of authors' accounts
5 years
Several tweets promote Ganjar Pranowo as a possible presidential candidate for the 2024 general election. The tweets discuss the efforts of the Menteri ATR/Kepala BPN @TjahjantoHadi and Wamen ATR/Waka BPN @RajaJuliAntoni as well as the support of other leaders like @grace_nat, @GunRomli, @Giring_Ganesha, @yennywahid, and @psi_id for Ganjar Pranowo's candidacy. The tweets also discuss issues relating to certificates of land, agrarian and land reform, land resources, and legal bribery. Finally, the tweets encourage all WNI to join and become bacaleg or legislators.
Topic Modeling
- Support for Ganjar Pranowo in 2024 Indonesian Presidential Election
- ATR/BPN Update
- PSI's 2024 Indonesian Presidential Election Campaign
- Land and Property Issues in Indonesia
- Parliamentary Candidate Registration Process
Emotional Analysis
The tweets express a range of emotions, from excitement and optimism to admiration and respect. There is a strong sense of solidarity and unity among the people mentioned, as they support each other and work together to achieve a common goal. There is also a sense of determination and hope, as people are determined to make their voices heard and to make a positive change in the world. Finally, there is a sense of humor, as people joke and make light of the situation.
Trend Analysis
- Supportive of Ganjar Pranowo to become Indonesian President in 2024
- Activities of Indonesia’s Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning and its Deputy
- Indonesia’s President Megawati Soekarnoputri and its democratic movement
- Registration processes for elected offices
- Social and economical issues surrounding land distribution
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for Android | 729 |
Twitter Web App | 52 |
Twitter for iPhone | 37 |
IFTTT | 1 |
What devices were used to tweet
Top 10 accounts with highest followers count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
sahaL_AS | akhmad sahal | University of Pennsylvania; Pengurus Cabang Istimewa NU (PCINU) Amerika | 275,696 |
atr_bpn | Kementerian ATR/BPN | Akun twitter resmi Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan Pertanahan Nasional | IG: Kementerian.ATRBPN | Pengaduan: #TanyaATRBPN | Hotline: 0811-1068-0000 | 162,995 |
RajaJuliAntoni | Raja Juli Antoni | Wakil Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Wakil Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional | 108,875 |
emerson_yuntho | Buya Eson | (Bakal Calon) Duta Besar Indonesia untuk Norwegia dan Islandia (2024-2029). Dilarang kutip tweet tanpa izin #YNWA | 67,609 |
wiwikherma | Wiwik Hermawati | #programfolback Unity in Diversity Jangan Lelah Mencintai Indonesia 🇮🇩 ((hanya akun receh, sedikit norak dan baperan)) | 63,043 |
AchsanulQosasi | Achsanul Qosasi | Member of Indonesian Parliament 2009-2014. Member of Supreme Audit Board of The Republic of Indonesia. 2014-2024. Semua tweet adalah Pendapat Pribadi | 36,499 |
benuaandin | °•πhanya seorang kuli📚 | terlahir dari simbok Jawa, bapak China tapi woles aja tuh😂 | 35,048 |
KaredokLeunca__ | JEPRET ! KARET NA 2,LADA !! 🔥🔥💨 | Selalu bahagia di setiap waktu, eaaaa..gkgkgk😂✊🇮🇩 | 29,858 |
AyaniMel | Mel ayani | negara khilafah terlarang | 23,878 |
Listy9021 | ⋆° 🎀 𝒯𝒾𝓎𝒶𝓃𝑔𝒥𝒶𝓌𝒾 🎀 °⋆ | ❤Natas,Nitis, Netes❤ #NoDM🙏 | 21,447 |
Top 10 accounts with highest friends count
Username | Name | Bio | Followers count |
wiwikherma | Wiwik Hermawati | #programfolback Unity in Diversity Jangan Lelah Mencintai Indonesia 🇮🇩 ((hanya akun receh, sedikit norak dan baperan)) | 34,065 |
Simbok_Dharmi | 🌏🇮🇩 Indonesia 🙏✊ | Akun suka suka | 18,030 |
TopToross | toro•SAG• | anak desa : • staf kantor #LBHPerisaiKebenaranPusat di #Purwokerto • MANUSIAKAN MANUSIA • TIDAK ANTI POLITIK & PARTAI POLITIK. #berburuGA | 14,744 |
TeweL0101 | TeWeL | *Be my friend and you will know about me...*Single Fighter #noDM #noBAPER #justsaying 💖NKRI #KulinerNusantara @momi_ezar #𝓓𝖊𝓫𝓸𝓸𝓶𝕭𝖊𝖗𝖘 | 14,157 |
benuaandin | °•πhanya seorang kuli📚 | terlahir dari simbok Jawa, bapak China tapi woles aja tuh😂 | 13,353 |
AyamSegar3 | AnakAyam | Buang pikiran negatif, lakukan yang terbaik. Karena bahagia itu sederhana 👌 I am double and verry happy | 11,280 |
MudasirRomini | Kesugihan . Cilacap . Jawa Tengah | Cilacap. | 9,745 |
AyaniMel | Mel ayani | negara khilafah terlarang | 9,409 |
MusaRudy_Stpl | Musa Rudy S | Berusaha utk ber Manfaat bagi org Banyak | 9,405 |
GustiMberkahi | M O R 🤠 🇮🇩 | 👉Jangan gampang memvonis IG: jokowitetapdihati | 9,130 |
Most active users
Username | Bio | Number of tweets |
FarhanHmwn | - | 13 |
retno_subagio | - | 13 |
PeristiwaAyu | - | 12 |
luluivanka1 | - | 12 |
BangKibo20 | Tukang comment | 11 |
mr_frengkiJ | Pemuda jompo | 11 |
satriakos | - | 11 |
CahyoChdy | - | 11 |
HaikalU9 | - | 11 |
dagupenyu | kodomo kodomo teman baikku | 10 |
Tweets per day
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1624947610359328773 | Halo #SobATRBPN, yuk kita simak kegiatan Menteri ATR/Kepala BPN @TjahjantoHadi dan Wamen ATR/Waka BPN @RajaJuliAntoni selama sepekan kemarin melalui video ATR/BPN Update ini. Check this out! #TuntasdanBangkit #ATRBPNUpdate #MelayaniProfesionalTerpercaya #ATRBPNMajudanModern | 139 |
1625901019409559555 | Ini isi Otak Capres ku...Mana isi Otak Capres mu @Dennysiregar7 @_ekokuntadhi @03__nakula @kurawa @emerson_yuntho @TeddGus @GunRomli @sigitwid @RajaJuliAntoni @Giring_Ganesha @yusuf_dumdum @Uki23 @abirekso @MurtadhaOne1 @YRadianto1 @Belok_dong @Miduk17 | 19 |
1625210418561163264 | Mari Rawat Persatuan dan menjaga Persaudaraan.. Dukung @ganjarpranowo menuju Presiden Ke-8 Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia 🇮🇩✊.. Di pemilu 2024.. @psi_id pengusung pertama Ganjar Pranowo - @yennywahid .. Yth @grace_nat @GunRomli @RajaJuliAntoni @Giring_Ganesha | 11 |
1624001696816046086 | Menerima Kunjungan Menteri ATR-BPN Bp @TjahjantoHadi dan Wamen @RajaJuliAntoni. Sbg mantan Panglima, beliau paham mslh Pertanahan kita, terutama membenahi & mengoptimalkan tanah TNI. Indonesia sdh punya Bank Tanah guna mepermudah kebutuhan tanah utk negara. | 7 |
1623804164555034624 | Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. Di Jum'at Mubarak ini, Semoga @psi_id masuk Senayan di 2024.. Insya Allah, masuk 5 besar.. Dari saya Kader Banteng mendoakan dan memohon dukungannya Indonesia 🇮🇩🙏. Barokalloh.. Yth @grace_nat @RajaJuliAntoni @GunRomli @Giring_Ganesha MERDEKA ✊. | 7 |
1626982157490204680 | Haloo..Haloo...ini Capres ku..Mana Capres mu..@Dennysiregar7 @_ekokuntadhi @03__nakula @kurawa @emerson_yuntho @TeddGus @GunRomli @sigitwid @RajaJuliAntoni @Giring_Ganesha @yusuf_dumdum @Uki23 @abirekso @MurtadhaOne1 @YRadianto1 @Belok_dong @Miduk17 @CarolinSiagian | 3 |
1626497133703737346 | @psi_id @RajaJuliAntoni | 2 |
1626404850220007425 | Komitmen pres @jokowi mlkkn upy penghormtn & tdk mengulngi pelanggarn HAM bagai "punuk merindukan bulan", faktanya pengusuran di Kota Tegal trs dilkkn oleh PT. KAI pd rumah2 warga di obyek eigindom berdiri 60 an tahun. cc @atr_bpn @RajaJuliAntoni @mohmahfudmd @ganjarpranowo | 1 |
1625726211849871361 | Anda siap bekerja untuk rakyat, siap diawasi, ayo bergabung bersama, bergerak bersama untuk Indonesia... #tungguakudisenayan #PSI15timewa @psi_id @Giring_Ganesha @RajaJuliAntoni @deatunggaesti @grace_nat | 1 |
1626480119094341632 | Jangan lupa besok ikut Senam bersama Anies, ada Door Prize nya loh 🤣. @datuakrajoangek @yunartowijaya @BurhanMuhtadi @Uki23 @zoelfick @ferdinand_mpu @kurawa @kangdede78 @RajaJuliAntoni @Syarman59 @ruhutsitompul @AliNgabalinNew @HusinShihab @muannas_alaidid @hasyimmah | 1 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1625210418561163264 | Mari Rawat Persatuan dan menjaga Persaudaraan.. Dukung @ganjarpranowo menuju Presiden Ke-8 Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia 🇮🇩✊.. Di pemilu 2024.. @psi_id pengusung pertama Ganjar Pranowo - @yennywahid .. Yth @grace_nat @GunRomli @RajaJuliAntoni @Giring_Ganesha | 42 |
1624947610359328773 | Halo #SobATRBPN, yuk kita simak kegiatan Menteri ATR/Kepala BPN @TjahjantoHadi dan Wamen ATR/Waka BPN @RajaJuliAntoni selama sepekan kemarin melalui video ATR/BPN Update ini. Check this out! #TuntasdanBangkit #ATRBPNUpdate #MelayaniProfesionalTerpercaya #ATRBPNMajudanModern | 37 |
1625901019409559555 | Ini isi Otak Capres ku...Mana isi Otak Capres mu @Dennysiregar7 @_ekokuntadhi @03__nakula @kurawa @emerson_yuntho @TeddGus @GunRomli @sigitwid @RajaJuliAntoni @Giring_Ganesha @yusuf_dumdum @Uki23 @abirekso @MurtadhaOne1 @YRadianto1 @Belok_dong @Miduk17 | 35 |
1623804164555034624 | Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. Di Jum'at Mubarak ini, Semoga @psi_id masuk Senayan di 2024.. Insya Allah, masuk 5 besar.. Dari saya Kader Banteng mendoakan dan memohon dukungannya Indonesia 🇮🇩🙏. Barokalloh.. Yth @grace_nat @RajaJuliAntoni @GunRomli @Giring_Ganesha MERDEKA ✊. | 35 |
1624001696816046086 | Menerima Kunjungan Menteri ATR-BPN Bp @TjahjantoHadi dan Wamen @RajaJuliAntoni. Sbg mantan Panglima, beliau paham mslh Pertanahan kita, terutama membenahi & mengoptimalkan tanah TNI. Indonesia sdh punya Bank Tanah guna mepermudah kebutuhan tanah utk negara. | 34 |
1623802337738510336 | Setelah Ibu Hj Megawati Soekarnoputri dari Nasionalis @PDI_Perjuangan memulai duduk sebagai Wapres dan menjadi Presiden ke-5 NKRI, Peluk Hangat bagi @psi_id yang mengusung @ganjarpranowo - @yennywahid . Terimakasih @RajaJuliAntoni @GunRomli @grace_nat @Giring_Ganesha dan Semuanya | 14 |
1624430607559434244 | @SATIRE83274202 @CNNIndonesia Bro @Giring_Ganesha mungkin bisa deklarasi @psi_id di India, sekalian bisa deklarasi capres disana, karena apa yg kamu injak disana biasanya berakhir bagus.. gmna menurut kak @grace_nat dan bro @RajaJuliAntoni ?? | 8 |
1625132606089207808 | @RajaJuliAntoni @YahyaCStaquf Mas raja Juli masih ingatkah kita sarapan bareng d rumah pak Ahok d saat Pilgub salam dr Gus Anam Redjo Pekalongan | 7 |
1626982157490204680 | Haloo..Haloo...ini Capres ku..Mana Capres mu..@Dennysiregar7 @_ekokuntadhi @03__nakula @kurawa @emerson_yuntho @TeddGus @GunRomli @sigitwid @RajaJuliAntoni @Giring_Ganesha @yusuf_dumdum @Uki23 @abirekso @MurtadhaOne1 @YRadianto1 @Belok_dong @Miduk17 @CarolinSiagian | 7 |
1626466878607757312 | @DadangRusian Partainya si 👉 @Uki23 ; @GunRomli dan @RajaJuliAntoni ya ?? 🤔 | 6 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#sobatrbpn | 19 |
#tuntasdanbangkit | 17 |
#atrbpnupdate | 10 |
#melayaniprofesionalterpercaya | 10 |
#atrbpnmajudanmodern | 8 |
#giveaway | 3 |
#psi | 2 |
#surabaya | 2 |
#indonesia | 2 |
#toleransi | 2 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Mention | Count |
@rajajuliantoni | 825 |
@tjahjantohadi | 434 |
@ganjarpranowo | 300 |
@mohmahfudmd | 61 |
@psi_id | 39 |
@gunromli | 34 |
@giring_ganesha | 29 |
@grace_nat | 24 |
@jokowi | 22 |
@atr_bpn | 21 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Average number of emojis used per tweet
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
😁 | 38 | beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes |
🤣 | 37 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
😂 | 34 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
🙏 | 32 | folded_hands |
🇮🇩 | 17 | Indonesia |
😄 | 16 | grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes |
👍 | 15 | thumbs_up |
✊ | 13 | raised_fist |
👏 | 12 | clapping_hands |
😊 | 11 | smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 208 |
People & Body | 115 |
Flags | 20 |
Travel & Places | 7 |
Animals & Nature | 7 |
Symbols | 5 |
Objects | 3 |
Activities | 1 |
Food & Drink | 1 |