Tweets Analysis - Keyword: @ramzpaul


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

9 days

Average age of authors' accounts

4 years


The tweets cover a range of topics including criticisms of a particular individual, discussions on gender ideology and feminism, opinions on political events and figures, speculation on various issues, and musings on the potential consequences of certain beliefs and actions. Some tweets express support for certain groups or individuals, while others are more critical or satirical in nature.

Topic Modeling

  1. Vindictive behavior and criticism towards individuals of certain groups
  2. Discussion on the negative impact of certain drugs and ideologies
  3. Criticism of media and societal narratives
  4. The possibility of government oppression and censorship
  5. Contemplation of controversial and extremist ideas

Emotional Analysis

There is a wide range of emotions expressed in these tweets, including anger, frustration, sarcasm, sadness, and even humor. Many of the tweets are critical of certain individuals or ideologies, with a strong sense of disapproval and disillusionment. There are also some cynical and pessimistic comments, reflecting a sense of hopelessness in the current state of affairs. Additionally, there are a few comments that are humorous or satirical, using irony and sarcasm to comment on social or political issues. Overall, these tweets reflect a mix of negative emotions and attitudes towards various aspects of society and culture.

Trend Analysis

  1. Controversial and inflammatory statements about individuals and groups
  2. Criticism of societal issues such as feminism and gender ideology
  3. Conspiracy theories and speculation about motives behind events
  4. Criticism of media bias and political double standards
  5. Shocking and provocative statements for attention and engagement

Disclaimer: The text analysis on, powered by OpenAI, does not represent the views of or its affiliates. The analysis is for informational purposes only and not an endorsement of any viewpoint.

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 5 devices used to tweet

Source Count
Twitter Web App 1233
Twitter for Android 765
Twitter for iPhone 671
Twitter for iPad 55
Zoot 9.0 2

What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 accounts with highest followers count

Username Name Bio Followers count
AnthonyCumia Anthony Cumia The Anthony Cumia Show™ 229,385
Styx666Official Styxhexenhammer666 Commander in the meme war (2016-present) 0% spike proteins. Youtube: Rumble: Bitchute: Wife: 126,615
0x49fa98 Zero HP Lovecraft 🦅🐍 jacob urowsky professor of skipping breakfast. Let no one reduce us to the status of ascetics. There is no pleasure more complex than that of thought 99,829
TheRalphRetort Ethan Ralph Infamous. Host of the Killstream. 65,082
BotTheFlag BotTheFlag 🤖🏴‍☠️ Mention me under or quoting a tweet with 'analyze this tweet' in your tweet to launch the analysis 5000 likes/tweet max 46,724
rreeves5 Richard Reeves 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 OH #1A #2A #4A #5A #MAGA #ULTRAMAGA #KAG #Trump #Patriot 🇺🇸 All Patriots Priority FB! 45,351
LucasGage584 Lucas Gage 🇮🇹 Immigrant • USMC War Veteran • Husband • Father • Philosopher • Author Host of Want to support my work? 34,009
OCanonist Orthodox Canonist Co-host of weekly show @WorldWarNow_ Anything that offends you is satire 32,473
BillyBo11983011 Billy Boyd - 28,057
counterfeitcboy GasLight Square ☕ NFL fan of: The Washington Stealers 👊 🤡🤓😫🥳🤬😰😱🤯☕ 🧐 Loves: @DLoesch @JoeTalkShow @thesphynxnft @MazeLove14 @Carolina_Bonita 25,765

Top 10 accounts with highest friends count

Username Name Bio Followers count
rreeves5 Richard Reeves 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 OH #1A #2A #4A #5A #MAGA #ULTRAMAGA #KAG #Trump #Patriot 🇺🇸 All Patriots Priority FB! 44,930
VintageArtCafe Vintage Art Cafe Vintage Art Cafe - #Antique and Vintage #Paintings and News! Visit my Etsy shop via the link below! 15,196
Noz_Trey Noz Trey Musician & Composer, Engineer, Liberal, and Aspiring Philosopher ∞ ☮️💙💛💚 14,331
five15design Paul Le Comte Caffeinated Hypermediated Leftist Designer/Photographer. Sad devotion to typefaces, Everton, & UK Indie music. 12,392
wuhokay 12Jabs McJabby Classical liberal, sort of, odd yearning for restorative violence. Anti-Islam. Anti-Judaism. Anti-All supremacist cults 👍 12,043
antonio_racca ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ Disabled U.S. Army Combat Veteran 🪖 America First! #MAGA 🏴‍☠️ #2ASupporter #2A 🔫 #NRA #IFB #IFBAP #TermLimits #VoteThemOut 10,192
ClarenceBeeks Clarence Beeks Just because not everything is funny doesn’t mean we shouldn’t laugh at it CROPREPORT #GSD Be the Ball. Wise up. 6,768
RonaldBruceBar3 Ronald Bruce Barton I TRUST IN GOD! RESEARCH THIS! on my comments! Hit the search button &! SEE! MEDICAL PAPERS before 2018! 6,452
gary_jaen JewishWonder🍊🍊🍊Ultra MAGA Solid Patriot, Tired of Dems, Time to Better OUR Country 🇮🇱 Sephardic Jew🇮🇱 IFBAP! Pure Blood 6,042
AdventureDr l0n0⚡👁 I explore the world. It is an addiction to curiosity and new ideas. Building Skynets body..... in need of brain⚡Chief Inquisitor of the Time-chain. 5,822

Most active users

Username Bio Number of tweets
brentryang044 None 25
C0rellianrogue_ I love Star Wars, videogames & Michael Jackson/Jacksons. Worked at videogames company Probe (now defunct) until Oct 1996. Had illness called M.E. since 1997. :( 13
TheDOT98957019 - 12
amel_jsvc Husband, Father, Son, Freethinker, Mechanical Engineer. 12
jose1_paul Interested in the world. Waiting for the reckoning. 12
DavidShanahan42 - 11
paleochristcon Paleocon. Bloodsports Debater. Christian. Husband. Father. Host of The Crucible. 11
gay_red_shoes Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me - however, they will hurt you! 11
whissendine33 - 10
Grelod5G if you’re here, you’re probably butt hurt. Or, one of those violent trans creatures. suck it up, sweetheart. You’re nothing special. 10

Tweets per day

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1641186236382556161 @@Bigteabelly's account is temporarily unavailable because it violates the Twitter Media Policy. Learn more. 86
1640794726738849792 @ramzpaul If only you knew how bad things really are. 31
1640799396286570496 @ramzpaul You can see she was normal there. A normal, happy child. And then she was corrupted and slowly poisoned until she became a twisted, contorted gargoyle boiling with resentment, perversion and malice. Utterly destroyed by a modernity no one asked for. 7
1638710458235650051 @ramzpaul Here’s an archive of videos I come across of black on white. I’ve yet to see comparable white on black. 6
1640738449031397376 @ramzpaul 6
1641251899419635713 I always enjoyed and respected @ramzpaul before I was banned from Twitter. I highly recommend you follow him. 5
1640795335869218816 @ramzpaul And then they gave her steroids and she had roid rage without knowing how to control it 5
1638709425165975552 @ramzpaul The best they can do is a white guy pushing an empty wheel chair down the stairs 4
1641141864806981633 @ramzpaul Yeah, he basically turned into a bitter old man living alone and beating off in his one room stone hut while drinking the green boob drippings of mutated sea cows. 4
1641212086645673984 @ramzpaul If the Right planned a Patriot Day of Vengeance against the govt every news outlet would be all over, every alphabet agency would be working overtime and the Left would be having nonstop speeches and committees about it. But it's the actual proven psychos so silence. 4

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1640794726738849792 @ramzpaul If only you knew how bad things really are. 242
1640172127381749766 @ramzpaul Why are you taking a vindictive jewish pedo who isn't on the Ye24 campaign at face value? 165
1641141864806981633 @ramzpaul Yeah, he basically turned into a bitter old man living alone and beating off in his one room stone hut while drinking the green boob drippings of mutated sea cows. 141
1640867781221515265 @Hntaigana @CovfefeAnon @TinTinEnjoyer @thealthype @FamedCelebrity @bronzeagemantis @illtakemystand1 @lonemapleleaf @extradeadjcb @MillennialWoes @eugyppius @ramzpaul @KeenanPeachy I don’t understand the question, these are all the same problem 123
1640795335869218816 @ramzpaul And then they gave her steroids and she had roid rage without knowing how to control it 121
1640796063992004608 @ramzpaul the testosterone probably had some part in it too. A mind-altering drug that make you highly aggressive. 90
1640799396286570496 @ramzpaul You can see she was normal there. A normal, happy child. And then she was corrupted and slowly poisoned until she became a twisted, contorted gargoyle boiling with resentment, perversion and malice. Utterly destroyed by a modernity no one asked for. 86
1640803163371610112 @ramzpaul It was a combination of feminism and gender ideology. 78
1640805288801456133 @ramzpaul 77
1640698264054898688 @ramzpaul @baronitaigas 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 74

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#antiwhite 4
#antiwhiteism 3
#1 3
#askyedadffs 2
#westernkind 2
#stoptransviolence 2
#nationaldivorce 2
#blacks 2
#bantrans 1
#nwo 1

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Mention Count
@ramzpaul 2728
@covfefeanon 42
@extradeadjcb 42
@millennialwoes 42
@tintinenjoyer 41
@thealthype 41
@famedcelebrity 41
@bronzeagemantis 41
@illtakemystand1 41
@lonemapleleaf 41

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets


Average number of emojis used per tweet


Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🤣 33 rolling_on_the_floor_laughing
😂 27 face_with_tears_of_joy
🤡 15 clown_face
🤔 14 thinking_face
🇺🇸 14 United_States
✡️ 9 star_of_David
🍉 5 watermelon
🧑🏿‍🦱 5 person_dark_skin_tone_curly_hair
🤦‍♂️ 4 man_facepalming
😆 4 grinning_squinting_face

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 137
Flags 51
People & Body 31
Symbols 11
Activities 11
Food & Drink 9
Objects 5
Travel & Places 1
Animals & Nature 1