Account Summary

Followers Count


Friends Count


Tweets Count


List Count



Great Milton, Oxfordshire



Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)


Number of Verified accounts


Percentage of Verified accounts



Number of Protected accounts


Percentage of Protected accounts



Average Age of Twitter accounts

7 years


Number of users without a Bio


Number of users with a Bio


Percentage of users with a Bio


Percentage of users without a Bio


Worldcloud of Bios

List of top 10 keywords used in bios

Word Frequency
food 3939
love 3655
life 2421
chef 1820
views 1743
music 1641
lover 1562
family 1310
mum 989
travel 914

List of top 10 hashtags used in bios

Hashtag Frequency
#food 86
#fbpe 67
#travel 53
#mufc 44
#ynwa 40
#chef 36
#foodie 36
#gtto 35
#cooking 35
#lfc 32

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count

Username Followers Count Friends Count Tweet Count
JohnCena 14104496 572006 7448
GaryLineker 8928402 1388 47336
jackwhitehall 6059504 1372 11086
6BillionPeople 2036164 4025640 183299
britishlibrary 1857692 1092 19711
saatchi_gallery 1852796 37467 6503
itvcorrie 1735882 10826 43406
SinghLions 1334853 1431915 33928
soledadobrien 1318638 422542 124825
RealMattLucas 1258947 12929 48997

Top 10 followers with the highest following count

Username Friends Count Followers Count Tweet Count
6BillionPeople 4025640 2036164 183299
SinghLions 1431915 1334853 33928
Warx2TheMovie 750831 230445 33653
rogerhamilton 652403 928879 22736
JohnCena 572006 14104496 7448
DennisKoutoudis 526202 543690 3260
luxurytravel 504849 720227 290365
SoundHub 491707 447049 4296
CSuiteConfess 451335 1004810 731581
soledadobrien 422542 1318638 124825

Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count

Username Tweets Count Followers Count Friends Count
Car01am 1573575 178892 133488
May_Roma 1267874 152628 10049
boxticker 785286 14990 52401
CSuiteConfess 731581 1004810 451335
MattAndCO 630852 82391 81242
KaceyKells 556314 32932 24955
VarshaThacker 516820 2184 2302
kris1179 470868 23685 10067
SARA2001NOOR 453575 58384 60632
Bryan700 432022 31893 64599

Top 10 followers with the highest listed count

Username Listed Count Friends Count Followers Count
JohnCena 31680 572006 14104496
GaryLineker 14462 1388 8928402
soledadobrien 10589 422542 1318638
britishlibrary 9074 1092 1857692
luxurytravel 8898 504849 720227
RealMattLucas 4917 12929 1258947
May_Roma 4370 10049 152628
krishgm 4072 6570 695950
6BillionPeople 4065 4025640 2036164
rogerhamilton 4020 652403 928879

Tweets Analysis


Total number of tweets analysed


Earliest tweet was on


Latest tweet was on


Tweets covering

1,597 days

Types of Tweets

Number of Retweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of Original tweets


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Mentions


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Replies


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that were Quotes


Percentage of total tweets


Number of tweets that contain Hashtags


Percentage of total tweets


Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count

ID Text Retweet count
1299645474094358528 This morning I shopped in a supermarket -a great British institution . I was chocked at what I saw . There was a display of 10 or 12 different varieties of apples &1 pear. Not one of them came from our British orchards ! They were all imported from thousand of miles Away ☹️ 546
1264854707966808064 Most countries in Europe have 1metre distancing, In England 2metres- How can you run a restaurant with 2 metre distancing ? If so, the level of unemployment and businesses going under will be so high & the misery going with it unbearable . Still time to change @Caterertweets 301
1246384267950796801 The damage is done.I strongly believe globalisation will change -discale ; the single cheap big factory system cannot go on .We need to rebuild our local skills, our past crafts , grow our own food , instead of importing everyting from across the world.Rebuild Envirement+job 220
1516043019035852803 Mr Tony blair is saying that seven out of 10 teenagers should go to university ; i say that as many would do better to sign for an apprentiship .Never so many crafts,industries have been so short of staff …definately true to our industry @UKHofficial 212
1144602962767089664 Wishing @stormzy all the best for his headline performance @GlastoFest tonight ! 203
1251856170253520896 I am cooking a a free range British pork cutlets "a la maman Blanc" -This mean simple .creating the best juices ....with water .a 3 star @michelin family dish -Not only it will help our farmers but give you a simple delicious meal ,may be for next Sunday ? Bon appétit 😋 163
1087036155454017536 The Hospitality industry #UK employs 2.9 million people .An estimated 450.000 come from #EU, the government gave “settle status” to all EU citizens who have worked in uk for 5 years- What about the others Eu people who have only be here 1-2 years Who will serve you ? 134
1237772086279618560 After this #coronavirus , Globalisation may have to rethink itself - #China is the world factory for about everything . Globalisation is gone too far -each country should rethink itself, reconnect,reinvent our former crafts,cloth ...etc grow our food, @FranceintheUK #UK 130
1087414534288093184 Brexit -what a mess 😨 I have lived 46 years in this wonderful country and having to experience the drama of Brexit, my French side is very emotional and feels a great sadness- while my “ British side “ tells me- “Be calm and carry on !!!“ .....but where ? 127
1367570986959327239 i am all for the NHS much bigger pay increase , yet the governement offers a 1% pay increase ,to people who have done so much .for the health of the nation- the love and professional care they give..i can speak about it, i was in the HUD for a month ..They are simply amazing 120

Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count

ID Text Reply count
1275688794344361986 These last 2 weeks ,I kept myself to myself -I lost my 97 years old mum” know as "maman Blanc” She was all Love.& spread it around all of her life ,great cook & gardener She gave me the strongest fondations of my ethics ,cooking and the creation of @lemanoir @brasserieblanc 1039
1111384915432476672 Hello Friends .How was Masterchef tonight ??? Was it ok .good .great or amazing ? 649
1301891441963261954 What is your favourite apple?? I'd love to know ! 407
1299645474094358528 This morning I shopped in a supermarket -a great British institution . I was chocked at what I saw . There was a display of 10 or 12 different varieties of apples &1 pear. Not one of them came from our British orchards ! They were all imported from thousand of miles Away ☹️ 405
1196723995250479104 Today I celebrate my 70th birthday... I know I don't look old enough!! I am so grateful for all of your kind messages. This evening I will enjoy a feast with my loved ones @lemanoir which is also celebrating it's 35th year... half of my life spent at this wonderful house 🎉🍾 336
1275890225567408128 Dear friends guests & fans .i was so touched to feel this level of care.ampathy & kindness towards the loss of my super mum .Both my sons @BlancMonsieur (Sebastien) and @HENRILEWORM ( olivier)named her with great affection "Mother Theresa on speed !" an amazing beautiful woman 196
1411407619328253957 Having lived 46 years in #England, and very much enjoyed this green and pleasant country; Today, #France having lost ,I will switch my allegiences from #France 🇫🇷 to #England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿for this Europeen cup . “ Allez England!!!” 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Can one do that?! 166
1516043019035852803 Mr Tony blair is saying that seven out of 10 teenagers should go to university ; i say that as many would do better to sign for an apprentiship .Never so many crafts,industries have been so short of staff …definately true to our industry @UKHofficial 141
1193837487858302976 Today, we celebrate the formidable Maman Blanc! 97 years young and still the very best cook I have ever met. Happy Birthday Maman! ♥️🎂🎁🍾♥️ 118
1264854707966808064 Most countries in Europe have 1metre distancing, In England 2metres- How can you run a restaurant with 2 metre distancing ? If so, the level of unemployment and businesses going under will be so high & the misery going with it unbearable . Still time to change @Caterertweets 112

Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count

ID Text Quote count
1299645474094358528 This morning I shopped in a supermarket -a great British institution . I was chocked at what I saw . There was a display of 10 or 12 different varieties of apples &1 pear. Not one of them came from our British orchards ! They were all imported from thousand of miles Away ☹️ 87
1251856170253520896 I am cooking a a free range British pork cutlets "a la maman Blanc" -This mean simple .creating the best juices ....with water .a 3 star @michelin family dish -Not only it will help our farmers but give you a simple delicious meal ,may be for next Sunday ? Bon appétit 😋 69
1144602962767089664 Wishing @stormzy all the best for his headline performance @GlastoFest tonight ! 59
1275688794344361986 These last 2 weeks ,I kept myself to myself -I lost my 97 years old mum” know as "maman Blanc” She was all Love.& spread it around all of her life ,great cook & gardener She gave me the strongest fondations of my ethics ,cooking and the creation of @lemanoir @brasserieblanc 46
1196723995250479104 Today I celebrate my 70th birthday... I know I don't look old enough!! I am so grateful for all of your kind messages. This evening I will enjoy a feast with my loved ones @lemanoir which is also celebrating it's 35th year... half of my life spent at this wonderful house 🎉🍾 39
1264854707966808064 Most countries in Europe have 1metre distancing, In England 2metres- How can you run a restaurant with 2 metre distancing ? If so, the level of unemployment and businesses going under will be so high & the misery going with it unbearable . Still time to change @Caterertweets 38
1246384267950796801 The damage is done.I strongly believe globalisation will change -discale ; the single cheap big factory system cannot go on .We need to rebuild our local skills, our past crafts , grow our own food , instead of importing everyting from across the world.Rebuild Envirement+job 38
1111384915432476672 Hello Friends .How was Masterchef tonight ??? Was it ok .good .great or amazing ? 38
1322584996100640769 Why on earth universities reopened when they knew that students are the super spreaders ,not the restaurants/hotels- I must be all about money ( the universities take fees-rent from the students etc) . They must have know before .it is amoral .They should have never reopened 24
1261650545040855040 About to do a little baking ,but meanwhile ,i just received these lovely peonies ...So after washing up .cleaner ,Gardener , cook , patissier.i have now become flower arranger🌸🌸🌸🌷 23

Top 10 tweets with highest Like count

ID Text Like count
1275688794344361986 These last 2 weeks ,I kept myself to myself -I lost my 97 years old mum” know as "maman Blanc” She was all Love.& spread it around all of her life ,great cook & gardener She gave me the strongest fondations of my ethics ,cooking and the creation of @lemanoir @brasserieblanc 6889
1299645474094358528 This morning I shopped in a supermarket -a great British institution . I was chocked at what I saw . There was a display of 10 or 12 different varieties of apples &1 pear. Not one of them came from our British orchards ! They were all imported from thousand of miles Away ☹️ 3385
1144602962767089664 Wishing @stormzy all the best for his headline performance @GlastoFest tonight ! 3311
1275890225567408128 Dear friends guests & fans .i was so touched to feel this level of care.ampathy & kindness towards the loss of my super mum .Both my sons @BlancMonsieur (Sebastien) and @HENRILEWORM ( olivier)named her with great affection "Mother Theresa on speed !" an amazing beautiful woman 3147
1196723995250479104 Today I celebrate my 70th birthday... I know I don't look old enough!! I am so grateful for all of your kind messages. This evening I will enjoy a feast with my loved ones @lemanoir which is also celebrating it's 35th year... half of my life spent at this wonderful house 🎉🍾 2932
1516043019035852803 Mr Tony blair is saying that seven out of 10 teenagers should go to university ; i say that as many would do better to sign for an apprentiship .Never so many crafts,industries have been so short of staff …definately true to our industry @UKHofficial 2925
1193837487858302976 Today, we celebrate the formidable Maman Blanc! 97 years young and still the very best cook I have ever met. Happy Birthday Maman! ♥️🎂🎁🍾♥️ 2782
1111384915432476672 Hello Friends .How was Masterchef tonight ??? Was it ok .good .great or amazing ? 2283
1494010860011986946 My team and I are truly honoured to have retained our Two Michelin Stars for the 38th year, along with the Green Michelin Star for a 2nd year running. I still remember the day I received my 1 Michelin Star; that incredibly proud feeling never fades. @MichelinGuideUK @lemanoir 2189
1411407619328253957 Having lived 46 years in #England, and very much enjoyed this green and pleasant country; Today, #France having lost ,I will switch my allegiences from #France 🇫🇷 to #England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿for this Europeen cup . “ Allez England!!!” 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Can one do that?! 2060

Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used

Hashtag Count
#simplyraymondblanc 62
#simplyraymond 37
#jardinblanc 34
#thelostorchard 26
#france 13
#uk 11
#england 8
#afflink 8
#christmas 8
#kenwood 8

Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions

Hashtag Count
@lemanoir 313
@itv 82
@brasserieblanc 77
@arsenal 65
@ascot 45
@michelinguideuk 41
@manoir 37
@the_sra 28
@francerugby 27
@belmond 25

Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets

Emoji Count Emoji Text
🇫🇷 124 France
❤️ 51 red_heart
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 46 England
😂 44 face_with_tears_of_joy
🙏 40 folded_hands
🙂 30 slightly_smiling_face
🇬🇧 28 United_Kingdom
👍 24 thumbs_up
🍎 21 red_apple
😅 18 grinning_face_with_sweat

Emojis groups

Emoji Group Count
Smileys & Emotion 309
Flags 215
People & Body 97
Food & Drink 81
Travel & Places 44
Animals & Nature 39
Activities 36
Objects 20
Symbols 2