Account Summary

President of the @AFLCIO. Proud husband, dad, grandpa, and @MineWorkers member. Fighting to give everyone a voice on the job. #1u | he/him
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
Followers Analysis
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
9.7 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios

Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
BernieSanders | 15649455 | 1473 | 20805 |
SenSanders | 12577007 | 2325 | 23316 |
IvankaTrump | 10263394 | 1558 | 18151 |
Wale | 6354736 | 2606 | 27207 |
ewarren | 6024515 | 565 | 12740 |
CoryBooker | 4937210 | 87145 | 67384 |
LulaOficial | 4018606 | 2797 | 26410 |
PeteButtigieg | 3713132 | 2817 | 12942 |
SenSchumer | 3456973 | 24021 | 23110 |
Variety | 2825120 | 239643 | 387334 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
6BillionPeople | 4113734 | 2069632 | 183440 |
BeatsByAssassin | 2740778 | 2292455 | 261201 |
SinghLions | 1434811 | 1359512 | 33337 |
sherylunderwood | 1291387 | 1262923 | 124951 |
TayIorJordan | 1032599 | 274868 | 996860 |
Warx2TheMovie | 764334 | 233409 | 33834 |
CMRTODAY | 624386 | 91794 | 422844 |
panachetalent | 559730 | 245639 | 9690 |
BraveLad | 521800 | 476729 | 92615 |
Bottom2thatop | 455574 | 232978 | 37489 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
missb62 | 3105244 | 10500 | 10533 |
rjber15 | 1308809 | 3557 | 1142 |
marcylauren | 1278986 | 28412 | 31359 |
Britpoptarts | 1263393 | 7892 | 8586 |
iwd12 | 1240149 | 3129 | 3674 |
debilu2 | 1199344 | 7015 | 2635 |
phillip92321 | 1194446 | 467 | 708 |
ManMet80 | 1140048 | 33381 | 36058 |
sexysleepwear | 1129051 | 9827 | 17715 |
GottaLaff | 1127419 | 58224 | 24505 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
SenSanders | 27866 | 2325 | 12577007 |
BernieSanders | 24083 | 1473 | 15649455 |
IvankaTrump | 23688 | 1558 | 10263394 |
NickKristof | 21446 | 3306 | 1992722 |
CoryBooker | 19445 | 87145 | 4937210 |
Variety | 18669 | 239643 | 2825120 |
ewarren | 18314 | 565 | 6024515 |
democracynow | 16395 | 6536 | 807571 |
SenSchumer | 14727 | 24021 | 3456973 |
Salon | 14516 | 5871 | 959996 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
1,853 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 5 devices used to tweet
Source | Count |
Twitter for iPhone | 1228 |
Hootsuite | 789 |
TweetDeck | 641 |
Twitter Web App | 381 |
Twitter Web Client | 126 |
What devices were used to tweet

Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
897575417430896645 | I cannot sit on a council for a President that tolerates bigotry and domestic terrorism; I resign, effective immediately. | 28791 |
867105855820496896 | President Trump’s budget is the most significant betrayal yet of the working people he claims to support #TrumpBudget | 3694 |
879435349486964742 | Saying the Senate health care bill is less mean than the House bill is like saying you prefer small pox over the bubonic plague #CBOSCORE | 3562 |
1241871730664255492 | We commend the 47 Democratic senators under the leadership of @SenSchumer (N.Y.) who voted to reject legislation that would have left workers behind while further entrenching money and power in the hands of corporations. | 1393 |
1313583161608220676 | To every single working person out there: Your president has given up on you. America’s labor movement never will. | 906 |
1061426643745546240 | .@NancyPelosi has always been an effective advocate for working families as a leader of her party and I’m confident she will continue as such in the new Congress. | 729 |
867480359486853121 | The #CBO score gives us frightening proof to what we’ve all known, that the #AHCA takes away #Healthcare for millions of Americans | 620 |
1121493926349766661 | The Trump administration is on track to be the first in history not to introduce a single new safety or health standard while 275 workers die every day. | 599 |
1265372286632198152 | The path to the presidency runs through the labor movement, and with the full force and unmatched reach of our political program, we are ready to pave that road for our friend @JoeBiden. | 574 |
788920099222740992 | .@HillaryClinton looked me in the eye and told me she's against #TPP. I've known her for 30 years and I believe her. #debatenight | 543 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
897575417430896645 | I cannot sit on a council for a President that tolerates bigotry and domestic terrorism; I resign, effective immediately. | 94515 |
879435349486964742 | Saying the Senate health care bill is less mean than the House bill is like saying you prefer small pox over the bubonic plague #CBOSCORE | 7248 |
867105855820496896 | President Trump’s budget is the most significant betrayal yet of the working people he claims to support #TrumpBudget | 6255 |
1241871730664255492 | We commend the 47 Democratic senators under the leadership of @SenSchumer (N.Y.) who voted to reject legislation that would have left workers behind while further entrenching money and power in the hands of corporations. | 5411 |
1313583161608220676 | To every single working person out there: Your president has given up on you. America’s labor movement never will. | 3539 |
1061426643745546240 | .@NancyPelosi has always been an effective advocate for working families as a leader of her party and I’m confident she will continue as such in the new Congress. | 2626 |
1369373107606200321 | After years of delay and damage to democracy in Brazil and beyond, @LulaOficial has been declared innocent at last and the judge who persecuted him is now being questioned. Solidarity! | 2056 |
1060074385879523328 | Scott Walker was a national disgrace. | 1645 |
1265372286632198152 | The path to the presidency runs through the labor movement, and with the full force and unmatched reach of our political program, we are ready to pave that road for our friend @JoeBiden. | 1609 |
788920099222740992 | .@HillaryClinton looked me in the eye and told me she's against #TPP. I've known her for 30 years and I believe her. #debatenight | 1604 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets

Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#1u | 267 |
#1uvote | 93 |
#nafta | 54 |
#proact | 52 |
#demsinphilly | 26 |
#covid19 | 22 |
#laborday | 19 |
#tpp | 14 |
#aflcio17 | 13 |
#healthcarebill | 13 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets

Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@realdonaldtrump | 141 |
@aflcio | 69 |
@hillaryclinton | 51 |
@joebiden | 40 |
@lizshuler | 26 |
@potus | 23 |
@osha_dol | 18 |
@uaw | 17 |
@afgenational | 14 |
@tefere_gebre | 14 |
Top 10 mentions

Wordcloud of Tweets

Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
✅ | 10 | check_mark_button |
❌ | 4 | cross_mark |
✊ | 4 | raised_fist |
❗ | 4 | red_exclamation_mark |
📱 | 3 | mobile_phone |
☎️ | 3 | telephone |
✔️ | 3 | check_mark |
👊 | 3 | oncoming_fist |
🔥 | 3 | fire |
⤵️ | 2 | right_arrow_curving_down |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Symbols | 31 |
People & Body | 13 |
Objects | 12 |
Travel & Places | 6 |
Smileys & Emotion | 3 |
Flags | 2 |