Account Summary
Followers Count
Friends Count
Tweets Count
List Count
London, England
Followers Analysis (based on followers sample)
Number of Verified accounts
Percentage of Verified accounts
Number of Protected accounts
Percentage of Protected accounts
Average Age of Twitter accounts
2 years
Number of users without a Bio
Number of users with a Bio
Percentage of users with a Bio
Percentage of users without a Bio
Worldcloud of Bios
Top 10 followers with the highest follower count
Username | Followers Count | Friends Count | Tweet Count |
yabaleftonline | 2092338 | 47 | 91410 |
Symply_Tacha | 1477973 | 266 | 14484 |
obyezeks | 1445482 | 7551 | 120365 |
NigeriainfoFM | 1202762 | 617 | 228435 |
1pcornwell | 1188648 | 22233 | 18376 |
Simonna | 503356 | 217257 | 10948 |
noelitoflow | 473058 | 239325 | 12493 |
y1025fm | 363469 | 182 | 357617 |
noveliciouss | 356065 | 255107 | 112845 |
conquerer1 | 237638 | 39652 | 27057 |
Top 10 followers with the highest following count
Username | Friends Count | Followers Count | Tweet Count |
noveliciouss | 255107 | 356065 | 112845 |
noelitoflow | 239325 | 473058 | 12493 |
Simonna | 217257 | 503356 | 10948 |
Visiongeo | 98474 | 89559 | 64088 |
CarlosMaizOK | 65684 | 87149 | 6764 |
ShettimaDogo | 53292 | 79835 | 6856 |
conquerer1 | 39652 | 237638 | 27057 |
petercbradbury | 32525 | 30443 | 200817 |
DonSunnyGlobal | 31993 | 29232 | 105751 |
RealDonaldDoo | 28227 | 61295 | 67473 |
Top 10 followers with the highest tweet count
Username | Tweets Count | Followers Count | Friends Count |
Hikay___ | 766895 | 4293 | 3623 |
Dappy_52 | 686656 | 2603 | 4016 |
Ayomiposi221 | 381791 | 6681 | 5299 |
Nigeriangod_ | 368655 | 15550 | 9702 |
tripdarlyn | 362176 | 869 | 4925 |
y1025fm | 357617 | 363469 | 182 |
_Harbeymoney | 340773 | 1603 | 1220 |
iamurbanaira | 338326 | 6011 | 5855 |
Banky__moon | 284858 | 211487 | 9009 |
mic563 | 241171 | 750 | 4085 |
Top 10 followers with the highest listed count
Username | Listed Count | Friends Count | Followers Count |
noveliciouss | 3515 | 255107 | 356065 |
1pcornwell | 1809 | 22233 | 1188648 |
obyezeks | 1223 | 7551 | 1445482 |
yabaleftonline | 987 | 47 | 2092338 |
NigeriainfoFM | 834 | 617 | 1202762 |
Simonna | 573 | 217257 | 503356 |
jordanified | 533 | 13477 | 17150 |
petercbradbury | 512 | 32525 | 30443 |
noelitoflow | 434 | 239325 | 473058 |
CarlosMaizOK | 392 | 65684 | 87149 |
Tweets Analysis
Total number of tweets analysed
Earliest tweet was on
Latest tweet was on
Tweets covering
708 days
Types of Tweets
Number of Retweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of Original tweets
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Mentions
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Replies
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that were Quotes
Percentage of total tweets
Number of tweets that contain Hashtags
Percentage of total tweets
Top 10 tweets with highest Retweet count
ID | Text | Retweet count |
1500491418581803011 | #BREAKINGNEWS Please rt | 23865 |
1562181979675697152 | I think every driver needs to see this. #DriverSolutions #Driver #car | 6475 |
1533547507678158848 | You met him crying and supported him. Now all Nigerians are crying. | 6103 |
1535229882380296194 | If @PeterObi gets only 1 vote, know that it is mine .... #GetYourPVC #VotePeterObiForPresident2023 | 4646 |
1532334656489771009 | #VotePeterObiForPresident2023 | 2930 |
1531977984571236365 | P.O | 2876 |
1533028445663404033 | #YouArePartOfNigeriasProblem if you are a student that has been affected by ASUU Strike and you have no Voters Card to vote out the people that put you in this condition. #GetYourPVC #VotePeterObiForPresident2023 | 2246 |
1546893373432283144 | I am Yusfully OBI-dient 🙌 #Obidatti2023 | 2236 |
1646282988856983554 | Wait. I just need clarification. Was this @inecnigeria press release fake? Because I am not understanding. | 2197 |
1536052002794373121 | Pls stop arguing with people who obviously hate the fact we now have a credible candidate to support. Y r dey on your page or comments section? PLS DONT INSULT ANYONE. Just #SpreadTheGospelOfPeterObi People with sense and conscience will know who to vote for. #PeterObi4President | 2187 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Reply count
ID | Text | Reply count |
1485977034182602760 | What do you need right now? | 1358 |
1572333589248806912 | #happybirthday to me. Now my wish is to get to 1m followers before the end of the year 😁 | 580 |
1535229882380296194 | If @PeterObi gets only 1 vote, know that it is mine .... #GetYourPVC #VotePeterObiForPresident2023 | 525 |
1533547507678158848 | You met him crying and supported him. Now all Nigerians are crying. | 480 |
1494271657929842695 | You sent 500,000, 5mins later she blocks you Another 5mins later, bank reverted ur money. 2mins later she unblocks you and says "Hey boo"!!! What will be your reply? | 475 |
1531977984571236365 | P.O | 460 |
1620486689432170497 | I bought fuel at N297 per litre two days ago in Lekki Lagos. Do you have your pvc? Are you ready to vote in a man/woman of integrity and intellectual prowress? | 390 |
1562181979675697152 | I think every driver needs to see this. #DriverSolutions #Driver #car | 390 |
1500491418581803011 | #BREAKINGNEWS Please rt | 381 |
1620771015268896772 | I was smiling all through. God bless him 🙏 A philanthropist and owner of an orphanage after returning from a journey. 🥰🥰🥰. May the Almighty give us wealth that impacts life positively. | 368 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Quote count
ID | Text | Quote count |
1562181979675697152 | I think every driver needs to see this. #DriverSolutions #Driver #car | 334 |
1620771015268896772 | I was smiling all through. God bless him 🙏 A philanthropist and owner of an orphanage after returning from a journey. 🥰🥰🥰. May the Almighty give us wealth that impacts life positively. | 300 |
1500491418581803011 | #BREAKINGNEWS Please rt | 271 |
1533547507678158848 | You met him crying and supported him. Now all Nigerians are crying. | 254 |
1531977984571236365 | P.O | 214 |
1535229882380296194 | If @PeterObi gets only 1 vote, know that it is mine .... #GetYourPVC #VotePeterObiForPresident2023 | 167 |
1485977034182602760 | What do you need right now? | 93 |
1532334236585414657 | Even as they themselves struggle to eat, pay bills. They still come on social media platforms to support those causing their sufferings. No be curse be that? #HaveYouNotSufferedEnough #GetYourPvc #VoteForProgress #VoteRight #VotePeterObiForPresident2023 | 73 |
1532334656489771009 | #VotePeterObiForPresident2023 | 71 |
1629573485935710211 | They kept voters waiting, while INEC officials and Police were thumbprinting inside . The voters revolted - Tinubu's structure and money Att: @ineclagos @inecnigeria @HQNigerianArmy @PoliceNG @PoliceNG_CRU @NgLabour @OfficialAPCNg @OfficialPDPNig @ARISEtv #NigeriaDecides2023 | 70 |
Top 10 tweets with highest Like count
ID | Text | Like count |
1533547507678158848 | You met him crying and supported him. Now all Nigerians are crying. | 19895 |
1535229882380296194 | If @PeterObi gets only 1 vote, know that it is mine .... #GetYourPVC #VotePeterObiForPresident2023 | 15810 |
1562181979675697152 | I think every driver needs to see this. #DriverSolutions #Driver #car | 14103 |
1566713990935453696 | #15thheadiesaward @fireboydml my fav | 12638 |
1546893373432283144 | I am Yusfully OBI-dient 🙌 #Obidatti2023 | 12446 |
1500491418581803011 | #BREAKINGNEWS Please rt | 11702 |
1572333589248806912 | #happybirthday to me. Now my wish is to get to 1m followers before the end of the year 😁 | 9975 |
1531977984571236365 | P.O | 9660 |
1532334656489771009 | #VotePeterObiForPresident2023 | 7055 |
1548439215360204803 | Make 2023 an election for candidates and not political parties, religion or tribe. Vote a credible candidate that can do things positively different. #Obidatti2023 #OsunDecides2022 | 5373 |
Top 3 Languages Used In Tweets
Top 10 Hashtags used
Hashtag | Count |
#ruggedmansfoundationnight | 170 |
#rapsingandwinwithruggedman | 87 |
#wetindeywithruggedman | 86 |
#ruggedman | 77 |
#facetofacewithruggedman | 75 |
#getyourpvc | 68 |
#nigeriadecides2023 | 39 |
#votepeterobiforpresident2023 | 35 |
#aboutlastnight | 27 |
#np | 25 |
Top 10 Hashtags Used In Tweets
Top 10 mentions
Hashtag | Count |
@naija102fm | 136 |
@smileglobal1 | 101 |
@durellazanga | 73 |
@damiadenuga | 59 |
@ruggedybaba | 57 |
@policeng_cru | 42 |
@desaraslounge | 37 |
@real_mercyeke | 37 |
@policeng | 36 |
@princemoye1 | 36 |
Top 10 mentions
Wordcloud of Tweets
Emojis used in tweets
Emoji | Count | Emoji Text |
🤣 | 245 | rolling_on_the_floor_laughing |
🙏 | 35 | folded_hands |
😂 | 32 | face_with_tears_of_joy |
🕺 | 25 | man_dancing |
😁 | 21 | beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes |
👏 | 16 | clapping_hands |
🎥 | 7 | movie_camera |
👍 | 6 | thumbs_up |
🔥 | 5 | fire |
🤔 | 5 | thinking_face |
Emojis groups
Emoji Group | Count |
Smileys & Emotion | 355 |
People & Body | 96 |
Objects | 20 |
Travel & Places | 13 |
Symbols | 3 |
Animals & Nature | 2 |
Food & Drink | 1 |